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Where did Jinnah’s Pakistan go?

Recently you have seen the light, what do you have to say about Qadianis? I think constituion should be changed.
well , its not right to declare them non-muslims.
i believe that they are wrong and that they are not muslims.. but its not the business of our government to say who is a muslim and who isn't…
@Pakistani Exile are you ahmedi right? The **** is wrong with grown up muslims? I would rather be atheist then someone who hate qadianis. Growing up i was pretty big fan of Zakir Naik and Dr Nisrar, because my nanka is wahabi. But they both turned out to be complete nutter, one advocated genocide of ahmedis, the other justified killing of converted muslim.

So that was it for me. So no i am not qadiani. Ok lets get dipper, for me ismalis (aga khanis i think?) are bigger sinners and should be declared non muslims. What do you say?

Actually growing up i hated shias more then anything. Especially when i used to hear they insult Umar which is part of their praying. Or that they have changed quran to suite their version. So i used to hate shias also more then anyone.

my apologies i realized it none of my business to ask you even. i've got nothing against qadianis but they cannot be called muslims. they are as Pakistani as you and me, and i denounce those kharjis who kill them but i can't overlook their beliefs and call them muslim. only way is to do tabligh and invite them back to path of Islam. until then, they are entitled to live like all other minorities as separate religion, with all protection and benefits as citizens of Pakistan.

as for aga khanis i'm not as certain brother, as many deny or tone down their beliefs in public. though u can search sunni forums for better info on this. personal opinion from what i've read is their beliefs are bidaati and have elements of shirk esp. views regarding their aga khan and method of offering salat. however, i need to read more about them. ofcourse, Allah knows best. most we can do is peacefully engage people and invite.
my apologies i realized it none of my business to ask you even. i've got nothing against qadianis but they cannot be called muslims. they are as Pakistani as you and me, and i denounce those kharjis who kill them but i can't overlook their beliefs and call them muslim. only way is to do tabligh and invite them back to path of Islam. until then, they are entitled to live like all other minorities as separate religion, with all protection and benefits as citizens of Pakistan.

as for aga khanis i'm not as certain brother, as many deny or tone down their beliefs in public. though u can search sunni forums for better info on this. personal opinion from what i've read is their beliefs are bidaati and have elements of shirk esp. views regarding their aga khan and method of offering salat. however, i need to read more about them. ofcourse, Allah knows best. most we can do is peacefully engage people and invite.

Aga Khanis should be declared non-muslims. The ex-wahabi in me is saying anyone who is not sunni should be declared non-muslim in Pakistan, why stop at Qadianis? And why after 47? I think these people had right to know before hand and not couple of decades later.
Islam is perfect, dont misunderstand islam due to some sinners in muslims. The counter response to TTP militants is not irreligous-ness, but correct version of islam, free from both alqaida influences as well as from shirk/bid'aa/tabarra. Read saleem shehzad's book how alqaida corrupted taliban for their own agenda. On other extreme we have fraud pir faqeers who fool people for money and impregnate women for lust, in the name of islam. Founder of bidaati sect, ahmad raza khan bareilwi, was british agent who declared jihad haram against british and promoted bid'aa and shirk, more successful agent than mirza qadiani

He was never an awami leader like gandhi. He couldnt even speak urdu, which he enforced as national langauge on pakistan. All of his interactions were with nawabs, rajas of princely states, wealthy businessmen and british.

Bareilwis aka ahle-bid'aat and shias aka ahle-tabarra are not considered as ahle-sunnat wal jammat, hanafis. Both ahle-bid'aa and ahle-tabarra are also called ahle-shirk by hanafis.

I hate those most who issue fatwa on iman of Muslims and make day of judgement here to judge Aqeedah, beliefs and intentions of other people so that they can give them label. Self righteous type Muslims who always ride themselves on high horses and are always hurry in giving fatwas as soon as someone show disagreement to their interpretation of Islam..These intolerant people are dangerous for our society
I wish for both Pakistan and Bangladesh to become JInnah's Pakistan, separately of course. I hope we all find our way.
For bid'aati and ahle-shirk like you,
“Beware of those who preceded you and used to take the graves of their prophets and righteous men as places of worship, but you must not take graves as mosques; I forbid you to do that.” (Sahih Muslim)
“May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of their Prophets.” (Sahih Bukhari)
“Do not sit on the graves and do not pray facing towards them.” (Sahih Bukhari)

What someone does on a grave in terms of dua or worship is a matter between him and Allah.

you or I do not need to interfere in that relationship.

Please brother

Try to be a kind and gentle human being and not some tang nazar TTP barbarian Mullah. Thank you.
when selfish people get power in their hand shit goes down, Jinnah had a vision, a plan of what pakistan would be. Now people want to fill their pockets
saley, you need to watch your mouth… same can be said about your gandhi… he had a son who was a ****-up.
kids live their own lives and make their own choices especially if they are half white..

i agree with you and why would i support gandhi?

I do not agree with him and his policies.

Secondly the freedom that you talk about,it didn't exist in 1947.

Thats why Jinnah was pissed when his daughter chose her maternal heritage over her paternal ones.

Even though both of them are gujrati speaking people.

when selfish people get power in their hand shit goes down, Jinnah had a vision, a plan of what pakistan would be. Now people want to fill their pockets

unfortunately he didn't live long enough to govern pakistan,so we ll never know.

Thats his personal life, if you are not mature enough to differentiate than its your prob, I can make such snide remark on bharoti leaders as well.

Go ahead please,some people are easy to manipulate and one can make them involved in a ego bashing contest.

But these factors are important as it talks of jinnah's character,Jinnah was a gujrati speaking muslim and a very recent convert,Not to forget that he was not a practicing muslim drinking whiskey and eating pork.

He is surrounded by people of all faiths, Hindus/Christians/Muslims/Parsis in South Bombay,none of these people are alien to him.

He married a parsi woman almost against the wishes of her father,who accepted it gracefully.

But when his daughter who has an exposure to both sides of the family muslim/parsi chooses a parsi guy who again is also gujrati speaking/elitist/a perfect fit in every way.

But he disowns her,this shows that all his idea of a secular pakistan is sheer bullcrap.

Just random idealistic statements to find some mentions in history,thats why this incident becomes relevant.
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Jinnah was not Nabi or Rasool, its strange that some people consider his words sacred as if they are hadith. Qaid ney yey farmaya , Qaid ney wo farmaya. Oh bhai your Qaid-e-azam is hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h. Follow Quran and hadith. According to jinnah Qadianis are muslims, kye uski yey baat follow karogay?. He was just a politician, not an intellectual like iqbal , abdul kalam azad and bacha khan.

Which madrassah did you graduate from, O enlightened one?

According to constitution of pakistan you must believe in aqeeda-e-khatm-nabuwat to be called as muslim. Neither you nor jinnah are muslims according to constitution of pakistan.
Ghenda bhai, ramadan hey, kufr ki batain na kar. Kalma dobara sey parrho, aur tauba astaghfar karo.

AHAHAHAHH, thanks for the laughs Maulv sahib.

my apologies i realized it none of my business to ask you even. i've got nothing against qadianis but they cannot be called muslims. they are as Pakistani as you and me, and i denounce those kharjis who kill them but i can't overlook their beliefs and call them muslim. only way is to do tabligh and invite them back to path of Islam. until then, they are entitled to live like all other minorities as separate religion, with all protection and benefits as citizens of Pakistan.

as for aga khanis i'm not as certain brother, as many deny or tone down their beliefs in public. though u can search sunni forums for better info on this. personal opinion from what i've read is their beliefs are bidaati and have elements of shirk esp. views regarding their aga khan and method of offering salat. however, i need to read more about them. ofcourse, Allah knows best. most we can do is peacefully engage people and invite.

Fat chance of that. You lost your chance for tabligh in 53, 73 and 84, all the way through to the continues killings of Ahmadis going on to this day. If you think any Ahmadi in their right mind would want to approach a religion which preaches the killings of another human being then you haven't been paying attention.
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