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Where are the blasphemy protectors?

You are just too quick in passing judgement. Chacha G give some break to your assumptions and discuss the topic not the people

I actually never claimed any moral superiority . I was speaking against this growing intolerance and extremism in our society which is taking the lives of innocent Pakistani. Its time to wake up. TTP is killing and butchering our children in the name of Jihad so you will say that we are criticising Islam if we criticise their misinterpretation of Jihad?

You have all the right , I am also against intolerance and extremism , All type "liberal or Religious" . Problem is when one side " for Example" just take liberal , attack the other and open mouth without thinking or realizing the consequences ,
that mistake by liberal side make the job for Original Moderate People (society) very hard, As I said before extremism is mindset or thinking have nothing to do with Islam , but they use the other (liberal Extrm) as excuse .
Now You agree that what TTP is doing , have nothing to do with Islam , Y not you accept that what happened in Mardan also have nothing to do with Islam.
How can one blame Blasphemy Law when there was no FIR or legal Activity of any Sort. So how come people bash Islam for that.
The Mardan incident was totally brutality , up to know there was no Blasphemy , even if there was any , The mob Justice is not allowed and no one can justify it. How can some one justify that Against Islam and Law of The Land ??? But you said I did and I really want to know where and when.
But you also know that happened in a dam Uni , not in any city bazar or kachi basti or in any madrasa ! All there have internet and modern tech available.
Now for the Law 295-c Its a complete Law , all the good and bad was discussed when it was become part of Constitution of Pakistan . Problem is with Implementation and System, Govt have to act and act fast we have to close all the mouths (both type of extremists ) , I say Pakistan need one more new department , institution etc just for Blasphemy Law , ,,,,,,,, A new system with in the system . some thing which work out well and can bring the faith of people back to system.

And as I asked some members before , I will ask again , What if Govt removes the Law (even after consensus) what good and bad it will bring to society and Islam?????
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Section 295-C was hastily decided. You can't use death penalties on people who aren't of that belief.
What will happened if govt abolish this law ? . What will be advantages and disadvantages ? ....
If the law is abolished a mob can be justifiably gunned down.
By whom? and How and Who will decide any Blasphemy in Future(after Law removal)? What are the guaranties that there will be no Blasphemy in Future?

Note: The boy was accused by few people and killed by many , It was accusation , no FIR or any thing so what Law have to do with it???? Do you think people will stop ????

Well, this case is in Supreme Court now ...

by whom? another mob?
Good the see Supreme Court taking action......
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By whom? and How and Who will decide any Blasphemy in Future(after Law removal)?

Good the see Supreme Court taking action......

It would have to be the job of Police to protect innocent civilians of Pakistan from brain dead fanatics. In future there would be no blasphemy law in Pakistan, there would however be few fossils of Mullahs in museums to teach our future generation of our past struggles.:lol:
It would have to be the job of Police to protect innocent civilians of Pakistan from brain dead fanatics. In future there would be no blasphemy law in Pakistan, there would however be few fossils of Mullahs in museums to teach our future generation of our past struggles.:lol:
come on you are talking about 200million people , culture , sensitivity , society ,,etc etc , Is that the best ? Now this answer did not help.........
And which police , the same who witnessed the killing of Mashal?????????????
Nothing works without proper implantation. People shouldn't take this law into their own hands. If the state was competent enough there would be no need for people to take action themselves.
I don't understand why their isn't something called an anti-hate speech law with a subsection of the blasphemy law pertaining to Islam. This law should cover all religions/race/ethnicities. But then of course if government could actually be competent and implement and enforce it there wouldn't be many problems.
Nothing works without proper implantation. People shouldn't take this law into their own hands. If the state was competent enough there would be no need for people to take action themselves.
I don't understand why their isn't something called an anti-hate speech law with a subsection of the blasphemy law pertaining to Islam. This law should cover all religions/race/ethnicities. But then of course if government could actually be competent and implement and enforce it there would be no problems.

On point.
Nothing works without proper implantation. People shouldn't take this law into their own hands. If the state was competent enough there would be no need for people to take action themselves.
I don't understand why their isn't something called an anti-hate speech law with a subsection of the blasphemy law pertaining to Islam. This law should cover all religions/race/ethnicities. But then of course if government could actually be competent and implement and enforce it there wouldn't be many problems.
that's good one, hate speech , But I Guess that will stop them using ethnicity card and also stop them from playing dirty Politics in The name of Islam and Not only that ,Y Govt Not punished wrong accurses , Law said they will face the same faith as accused (if proven guilty).
that's good one, hate speech , But I Guess that will stop them using ethnicity card and also stop them from playing dirty Politics in The name of Islam and Not only that ,Y Govt Not punished wrong accurses , Law said they will face the same faith as accused (if proven guilty).

Again it falls down to the common denominator of all problems for Pakistan. Lack of competence and corruption in our rulers.
It would have to be the job of Police to protect innocent civilians of Pakistan from brain dead fanatics. In future there would be no blasphemy law in Pakistan, there would however be few fossils of Mullahs in museums to teach our future generation of our past struggles.:lol:

There will be fossils of these co called fascists/desi liberals alongside as well ...
I donot belong to any political party
and also not play politics on the basis of my greatest religion.The misuse of law is due to failure of govt to implement it.There is no problem with law but problem lies in its implementation

So if there is failure of govt, you will start killing people?

There is no justification of taking someone's life. No mob justification whatsoever.

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