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When will China become a global superpower?


Mar 13, 2011
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When will China become a global superpower?
By Thair Shaikh, CNN
June 10, 2011 5:29 a.m. EDT
(CNN) -- China is now synonymous with the term "emerging" superpower -- almost every reference to the country makes some mention of its future global prowess, both economic and military.

But while few question China's rise and its existing might, when will we be able to drop the "emerging" tag and simply refer to the country as a superpower -- much like the U.S. is perceived today?

Already a significant regional power in Asia -- only India and Japan offer any kind of credible competition -- China is already increasing its global influence with its economic policies in Africa, Latin America and Europe, according to analysts.

But many experts believe that for a country to become a true global power, it needs both unrivalled economic and military dominance.

Lawrence Saez, senior lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies, in London, says: "When China decides to take over Taiwan, that is when it will be a superpower. Unquestionably that will be the day."

China regards Taiwan as part of its territory. It has vowed to use force against the island if it ever formally sought independence.

"The tipping point is military, to have the ability to threaten your neighbors, threaten military action without the threat of challenge. China knows it would lose a war with the U.S. today," adds Saez, who thinks China will overtake the U.S. as a military superpower within the next 20 years.

Alexander Neill, senior Asia research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a London-based thinktank, says: "When it can truly challenge the U.S. (militarily), that is the day it will become a global superpower... a military with global reach, the ability to deploy around the world and defend its interests."

China's top military leaders have denied their country is seeking to become a military superpower; in early May Gen. Chen Bingde said America's armed forces remained far more advanced than China's. China has no intention to match U.S. military power, he said.

Just this week the Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Liang Guanglie said: "To judge whether a country is a threat to world peace the key is not to look at how strong its economy or military is, but the policy it pursues."

However, many experts don't take such statements at face value, pointing to a rapidly growing defense budget and advanced defense projects.

China officially spent about $80 billion on its defense in 2010 -- but unofficially others put it much higher. The U.S. Defense Department estimates China's military spending at closer to $150 billion per annum and escalating. The U.S. spent $729 billion on defense in 2010.

This week the head of China's General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is reported by the Chinese-language Hong Kong Commercial Daily to have confirmed that China's first aircraft carrier is under construction.

The carrier is 300 meters (990 feet) in length and recent satellite photographs taken by Google Earth show it moored at the port of Dalian in northeast China.

And in December last year images and videos of China's latest generation fighter, dubbed the J-20, surfaced on the web.

Analysts believe the J-20 stealth fighter will have the radar-evading capability of fifth-generation fighters produced by the U.S., like the F-22 and F-35.

The jet is expected to be operational by 2017, although analysts believe China has the potential to deploy the fighter at an earlier date using a less-powerful engine than the one currently in development.

But military prowess is not the only -- or necessarily the most important -- component of superpower status.

Joseph S. Nye, a professor at Harvard, recently wrote for CNN, "In the 21st Century, military power will not have the same utility for states that it had in the 19th and 20th Centuries, but it will remain a crucial component of power in world politics."

Although it is emerging as a military power, China is already an economic superpower, say experts like Saez.

According to at least one estimate, China's economy will surpass that of the U.S. by 2021.

Yao Yang, Director of the China Center for Economic Reform at Peking University, recently told CNN: "Assuming that the Chinese and U.S. economies grow, respectively, by 8% and 3% in real terms, that China's inflation rate is 3.6% and America's is 2% (the averages of the last decade), and that the renminbi appreciates against the dollar by 3% per year (the average of the last six years), China would become the world's largest economy by 2021. By that time, both countries' GDP will be about $24 trillion.

In our rather short contemporary human history (give or take around around 5,000 years old); there has been a few "superpowers) emerged as we've known of (The Egypt, Greek, Rome, China...) and to modern day the Germany, the former USSR, and of course the USA. To become a modern superpower and to maintaing such position would require higher standard and responsibility with the rest of the world since we are becoming more interdependent with one another (ranging from economic, environmental, to just about every other arena). Before China's emerging as a potential superpower, there were other countries such as Brazil & India would have similar potentials as well.

China, indeed, does have the real potential economically; however environmentally, politically and socially, she still has many internal and international issues must be resolved yet. People from across the world do realize China's ambitions and she is must acting a whole lot more responsible with herself and other countries around the world. It's rather unfortunate when China's starting flexing her muscle and asserted her rediculous claim around 80% of the area from the South China Sea as her "exclusive economic zone". Well, the US, Japan, and the rest of other nations in the region would not just stand by to accept such claim though.

I believe that China does have real potential yet like the position she once had from the Han through the Sung's dynasties. In real lament tern, a World Superpower does not equate to become a Facist State which the recent Germany and Japan Empire had attempted to become in our very recent past.
In our rather short contemporary human history (give or take around around 5,000 years old); there has been a few "superpowers) emerged as we've known of (The Egypt, Greek, Rome, China...) and to modern day the Germany, the former USSR, and of course the USA. To become a modern superpower to maintaing such position would require higher standard and responsibility with the rest of the world since we are becoming more interpendent with one another (ranging from economic, environmental, to just about every other arena). Before China's emerging as a potential superpower, there were other countries such as Brazil & India would have similar potentials as well.

China, indeed, does have the real potential economically; however environmentally, politically and socially, she still has many internal and international issues must be resolved yet. People from across the world do realize China's ambitions and she is must acting a whole lot more responsible with herself and other countries around the world. It's rather unfortunate when China's starting flexing her muscle and asserted her rediculous claim around 80% of the area from the South China Sea as her "exclusive economic zone". Well, the US, Japan, and the rest of other nations in the region would not just stand by to accept such claim though.

I believe that China does have real potential yet like the position she once had from the Han through the Sung's dynasties. In real lament tern, a World Superpower does not equate to a Facist State which the recent Germany and Japan Empire had attempted to become in our very recent past.

Look, we will only defend our sovereignty at any cost, not acting like an imperalistic power like USA who have invaded 3 countries in less than a decade.

And there is no such word as "Superpower" in our dictionary.
Look, we will only defend our sovereignty at any cost, not acting like an imperalistic power like USA who have invaded 3 countries in less than a decade.

And there is no such word as "Superpower" in our dictionary.

Please, cold war rhetorics such as "the emperalistic USA, etc..." would not fare any favorable viewpoint in present time. Btw, the USA would not meet any definition as an emperialist country since the USA did not rule or require its neighbors to pay tributes, etc.
Please, cold war rhetorics such as "the emperalistic USA, etc..." would not fare any favorable viewpoint in present time. Btw, the USA would not meet any definition as an emperialist country since the USA did not rule or require its neighbors to pay tributes, etc.

Where do we ask you to pay tributes?

We lent you money back in 2008 in order to save your tanked economy from the crisis, meanwhile you keep stolen the oil from our oil fields.

We didn't do many things in the past, now you might think we are too weak right? Then you will see our strong determination when it comes to our sovereignty.
Please, cold war rhetorics such as "the emperalistic USA, etc..." would not fare any favorable viewpoint in present time. Btw, the USA would not meet any definition as an emperialist country since the USA did not rule or require its neighbors to pay tributes, etc.

You think USA is a saint compared to China now don't you?
Where do we ask you to pay tributes?

We lent you money back in 2008 in order to save your tanked economy from the crisis, meanwhile you keep stolen the oil from our oil fields.

We didn't do many things in the past, now you might think we are too weak right? Then you will see our strong determination when it comes to our sovereignty.

Stay relevant CT! I was merely point to your "rhetoric" regarding using the term "emperialist" or perhaps you could Google or Webster the term for better understanding before venturing or astraying away from the topic of discussion.
In our rather short contemporary human history (give or take around around 5,000 years old); there has been a few "superpowers) emerged as we've known of (The Egypt, Greek, Rome, China...) and to modern day the Germany, the former USSR, and of course the USA. To become a modern superpower and to maintaing such position would require higher standard and responsibility with the rest of the world since we are becoming more interdependent with one another (ranging from economic, environmental, to just about every other arena). Before China's emerging as a potential superpower, there were other countries such as Brazil & India would have similar potentials as well.

China, indeed, does have the real potential economically; however environmentally, politically and socially, she still has many internal and international issues must be resolved yet. People from across the world do realize China's ambitions and she is must acting a whole lot more responsible with herself and other countries around the world. It's rather unfortunate when China's starting flexing her muscle and asserted her rediculous claim around 80% of the area from the South China Sea as her "exclusive economic zone". Well, the US, Japan, and the rest of other nations in the region would not just stand by to accept such claim though.

I believe that China does have real potential yet like the position she once had from the Han through the Sung's dynasties. In real lament tern, a World Superpower does not equate to become a Facist State which the recent Germany and Japan Empire had attempted to become in our very recent past.

Vietnam or not, the rest of the world couldn't care less about it. Being provocative and unilateral in the contentious area, Vietnam will learn its lesson in a hard way. I know that the proud Vietnam has beaten several world major powers. It is also the fact that the Vietnamese soil served as the battleground and then turned into devastation. Intransigence is not the way of modern world. Playing between major powers is a dangerous game. Learn some geopolitics if you really care about Vietnam.

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