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When Indian Army Took Only 2 Days To Destroy 165 Pakistani Tanks In Battle Of Asal Uttar

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I am looking to the war of future when there would be no chance for the fake historians.
Zero Chance of that PA Knows It has No chance Conventionally That's why Nuclear Bluff

It Least We have Historians to Compile Intellacual Data Unlike selling Mythical Stories to common Public
go through Video Below to Know How ISPR Bluffed you
India's rewriting of history continues. Ten years later it will be 16,000.
Zero Chance of that PA is Know It has No chance Conventionally That's why Nuclear Bluff

It Least We have Historians to Compile Intellacual Data Unlike selling Mythical Stories to common Public
go through Video Below to Know How ISPR Bluffed you
You are over confidence and keeping yourselves in fraud.
Zero Chance of that PA Knows It has No chance Conventionally That's why Nuclear Bluff

It Least We have Historians to Compile Intellacual Data Unlike selling Mythical Stories to common Public
go through Video Below to Know How ISPR Bluffed you

same thing a India knows it has no chance nuclearly so it wants conventional war only.
when you go to war you dont pick and choose
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