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When I went to India, I said, this government should be sustained: Foreign Minister Momen


BAL could be tolerated as long as economic stability is there but not when the become an existential threat.

There has been fairly strong ProBD anti hundutva grouping withing BAL. Where are they? The parties original name was muslim awami league... it is a shame what it has become.

Very few things exercise me, I want stability so our economy grow and people prosper. But downright treason is hard to ignore.

BAL knows if the economy gets screwed they will be blamed regardless of it being mainly down to the Ukrainians.

It’s similar to the New Labour rule in U.K.

Very few bought into their diversity agenda. But tolerated it whilst the economy was motoring along.

Once the financial crisis hit - they were decimated.
The Mullahs shall be use for good work ! They are necessary evil to keep hindutva at bay!

Because Bangladeshi secularism isn't real secularism like west, rather It’s actually a hindutva tool!

Most of Bangladeshi secular are actually psedu hindutva!

So yes Mullahs are necessary to counter them!

I am on record regarding my hatred for secularism.

I grew up in white middle England - surrounded by small churches and solid middle class priests. Who shun the theological aspects of religion and only focus on the cultural aspects of Christianity.

The only branch of Islam that is analogous to the CofE - is Sufism.

I want the Bengali Muslims to go back to their Sufi roots. Only then will we regain our glory.
Lmao what a shit show!

Country which contain population more then the entire Western Europe asking neighbouring country which is not even global power…
Momen has a loose mouth, that's why. He lacks common sense about public speaking.

I also don't anticipate regime change in BD but nothing is impossible.

USA may just do it through the military, it won't take an all out economic war. Lets not underestimate the US. In any case, I am still interested to know what is causing the US irritation about Hasina. What is it they want that they are not getting?

As for China, it will become a very powerful economy and likely surpass the US, it will also close all the technological gaps with the US and EU. Whether it will behave like the US superpower and the European colonialists is a different matter and is doubtful. China can have all the economic, military, technological and industrial power but if it doesn't have the ability to create a sort of an alliance and has the will to go and provide cover and protection to allies, it will hardly be a power.

Plain simple the what u.s wants from bd/ hasina . Quad and an American base in Bangladesh. Then u.s will be very happy.

Also bdesh is joining the Chinese rcep
Plain simple the what u.s wants from bd/ hasina . Quad and an American base in Bangladesh. Then u.s will be very happy.

Also bdesh is joining the Chinese rcep

Yep! They will not be happy until they have secured the chicken neck for India.

They will goad China.

Start a war.

Our mullahs will be given weapons.

Country ducked up.

US blames it on Muslims.

Walks out.

Leaving India to annex BD on the pretext of Jihadism.

Mistri Bha, doesn’t get it!

For US, an independent Muslim country in the middle of India - is not acceptable.

First they wanted it enslaved to pak military.

Now they want it under Hinduvta control.

‘Government or party not responsible for anyone’s comments abroad’​

Special Correspondent
Published: 21 Aug 2022, 06: 10

Information and broadcasting minister Hasan Mahmud

Information and broadcasting minister Hasan MahmudBSS

Minister for information and broadcasting Hasan Mahmud, referring to the comments made by foreign minister AK Abdul Momen, has said that the government or the party is not responsible if anyone goes abroad, makes certain comments.

The information minister was speaking at a press briefing on current issues at the secretariat today, Sunday.

Hasan Mahmud said, their (Awami League’s) strength was the people. They believe in the power of the people. And, he added, the actual words of the foreign minister had been distorted

In reply to a question from the journalists, the information minister said, “He (the foreign minister) is no one in Awami League’s central committee. And so he is not given any responsibility to speak on behalf of Awami League overseas.”

Foreign minister AK Abdul Momen, speaking at a Janmashtami event in Chattogram on Thursday, had said he had been to India and had requested them to do anything that was required to keep the present government in power.

The next day, Friday, he explained his statement while in Tungipara, Gopalganj. He said, “I said that we wanted Sheikh Hasina’s stability to remain in place. We will be happy if you (India) help us in this regard.”

The foreign minister’s remarks created a stir in the country’s political arena. Various parties reacted strongly to the comments and expressed their anger. Many remarked that this had tarnished the country’s image.

The Indian foreign ministry did not officially react to Momen’s statement. However, sources in the ministry said that Momen’s comments were embarrassing and perturbing for India.

In reply to journalists questions about various statements made by certain ministers, the information minister said, “I feel responsible positions require one to speak in a responsible manner.”

At the press briefing, the information minister spoke about the horrific grenade attack in front of the Awami League central office in 2004. He said, the prime minister and the state machinery at the time had been involved in the incident. The grenade attack, he said had been carried out at the directives of the BNP acting chairperson Tarique Rahman and the former home minister Lutfuzzaman Babar.

Today, 21 August, is the anniversary of that brutal day of killing. On this day 18 years ago in 2004, a grenade attack was staged in front of the Awami League central office at a rally of Sheikh Hasina, who had been leader of the opposition at the time. A total of 24 people were killed in the attack, including Awami League’s women affairs secretary Ivy Rahman. A few thousand Awami League leaders and activists, including Sheikh Hasina, had been injured.

Leaving India to annex BD on the pretext of Jihadism.
India can't annex Bangladesh if govt become aggressive, because India doesn't have the power!

USA is in decline , that's why so called war on terror will no longer be very effective!

Mullahs only given weapon , if India try to attack us. As a part of valid jihad ( if India attack on us , for Muslim countries jihad become farz e ain ,so Mullahs won't be blame as Taliban Mullahs!

Mullahs were Mujahedeen according to USA till Soviet fall. The they became terrorist!

But Mullahs won't be ruling Bangladesh for sure , so we are not going to face the same problem!

Bangladesh is called defense heaven for a reason because of our land that is full of marsh and mud!

Even India defeat us , our goal will be holding Dhaka at any cost , and attack in guerrilla style.

Look how Dhaka is protected by rivers , and last thing is India want to advance to Dhaka.

In 1971 , indian army feared that Pakistani army will bog them down when they were trying to enter in kishorhanj ( can't remember exactly , as @Homo Sapiens posted a writings from indian General, but later he deleted the thread, I don't know why ) !

Now assume that , in 1971 Pakistan army was fighting India when all Bengali civilians were against them , still because of our geography , Indian army was afraid.

Now if we have to fight India , India have to face an army that is surrounded by friendly civilians!

So where India stand? Also invaders need 3 time military personnel and logistics to annex a country , does India have it?

Can they withdraw her troops from Chinese or Pakistan border?

You mistakenly accused people of overestimating India , but now you are grossly overestimating them!

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India can't annex Bangladesh if govt become aggressive, because India doesn't have the power!

Bro, “government become aggressive”?

It’s just a throw away remark.

Imran Khan’s government also became “aggressive”.

What happened?

There is no magical fairy land.

We have to carefully balance US and Chinese interests. Whilst not pissing off hinduvta.

That’s the current geopolitical cycle we are in. We just have to suck it up.
We have to carefully balance US and Chinese interests. Whilst not pissing off hinduvta.
Yes we have to balance no disagreement! Balance between China and west ! But don't have to give a fuk to India.

As long as USA treat us different ally than India , we will be balancing. If not ,we will be in Chinese bloc. USA is no longer such powerful , so they also can't treat us as indian pet!
Finally for Momen , BAL is in serious trouble ; losing it's credibility! BAL needs some more truthful person like him to get screwed!

But why Hasina isn't taking action? Does her silence justifying the statement of Momen? :undecided:

Expecting a statement from honorable Prime minister sheikh Hasina! ( Not sure if she said something or not!) .
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India can't annex Bangladesh if govt become aggressive, because India doesn't have the power!

USA is in decline , that's why so called war on terror will no longer be very effective!

Mullahs only given weapon , if India try to attack us. As a part of valid jihad ( if India attack on us , for Muslim countries jihad become farz e ain ,so Mullahs won't be blame as Taliban Mullahs!

Mullahs were Mujahedeen according to USA till Soviet fall. The they became terrorist!

But Mullahs won't be ruling Bangladesh for sure , so we are not going to face the same problem!


But India dosent have to annex BD. Because for the US, BD can sit perfectly as it is, just without the Chinese strategic partnership. Maybe even hostile to China. For all practical purpose it would mean BD being a vassal of India.

Sometimes it makes you think Americans have completeley lost their mind. Asking a 170 million strong country to be slave of a neighbor. Plus that with 220 million people in Pakistan, you get a situation where worlds largest muslim population in a single geostrategic region, is forced to be slaves of india.

The US wont succeed with its South Asia policy, plain and simple. It is as dumb as it gets. But not the first time a arrogant unipolar power beyond its zenith, has miscalculated its ability to change the world around it according to its own will.
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The US wont succeed with its South Asia policy, plain and simple. It is as dumb as it gets. But its not the first time a arrogant unipolar power beyond its zenith has miscalculated its ability to change the world around it according its own will.
Whatever policy US will take , it's noy going to work IMHO. As China won't let it happen. China works silently, so USA influence will decline in this region!

In order to keep India at bay , I support any necessary step , and j believe Bangladesh and China will find a way!
One bullet is all that is necessary and another for Hasina
No. If BB ( Bangobondhu) was alive , Bangladesh wouldn't be such pro India ( contrary to popular belief) , India killed BB and planning to remove Hasina!
So Hasina should stay, just she needs to arrest pro India guys as soon as possible!

Ps - if BB was pro India , then why India didn't send military to protect BB and why they greeted Khandakar Mushtak govt instantly?

Because the coupe against BB was plotted by India and done by indian assets! Contrary to popular belief indeed.

If you want to destroy someone , pretend to be one of them. The same case happened during the murder of BB !
Whatever policy US will take , it's noy going to work IMHO. As China won't let it happen. China works silently, so USA influence will decline in this region!

In order to keep India at bay , I support any necessary step , and j believe Bangladesh and China will find a way!


You want to scare off USA so it doesn’t go too far then cannot back out.

Telling USA that India has BD’s back - will do the trick.

Don’t be an Imran Khan!

BNP: Seeking India’s help to stay in power against Bangladesh's interests, dignity​

Rizvi says the government has been indulging in a plot against the country’s independence and sovereignty

Bnp Party Flag 1

File Photo Syed Zakir Hossain/Dhaka Tribune
August 21, 2022 11:59 AM

BNP on Sunday said Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen’s plea to India to keep the Awami League government in power is against the interests and dignity of an independent and sovereign country.

Speaking at a press conference at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said the foreign minister just created a ground for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to seek India’s favour during her visit to New Delhi next month to prop up her government again without voting.

He also said the government has been indulging in a plot against the country’s independence and sovereignty.

“Bangladesh is an independent sovereign state, not an organ of any other state. It depends on the desire of people whether or not the government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh remains in power,” the BNP leader said.

Earlier at a Janmashtami program in Chittagong on Thursday, FM Momen reportedly said that he urged the Indian government to back Hasina so she can stay in power.

Rizvi said the foreign minister’s remark has exposed the government’s knee-jerk foreign policy.

In the wake of the ministers’ different comments on his statement, the BNP leader said the foreign minister reaffirmed that he did not say anything wrong and he took the responsibility for what he said.

“Sheikh Hasina has entrusted him (Momen) with the responsibility for lobbying in this regard. Sheikh Hasina is going to India in September to curry its favour to remain in power. Abdul Momen has created the ground for it,” he observed.

Slamming the ruling party leaders for their comments that Momen is no one of the Awami League, Rizvi said the foreign minister became the MP from Sylhet city seat with the party ticket as he is the No-1 member of the Awami League’s Sylhet city unit. “He (Momen) did not give his statement personally as he did it using the position of the foreign minister.”

He said the foreign minister's statement has made it clear to the people that the current government is staying in power with the help of foreign governments. “The foreign minister has also made it clear that they want to remain in power without voting in the days to come. The government has become an enemy of the people because it has been in power by force at gunpoint for 13 years with the help of different countries.”

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