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When I went to India, I said, this government should be sustained: Foreign Minister Momen

I agree with this view about Alga Momen. Otherwise his high achievement in education, illustrious career don't add up with the way he speaks. You can't be a freaken donkey who speaks like that but on the other hand had such successful academic and professional career. It's likely the guy uses his pretense of being a moron to do things while keeping the option of plausible deniability open. Although his sh1t talk from time to time pisses me off.

The Islamic groups should be kept in check but never eliminated. We have nazi hindutva scum right next door, we don't know when sh1t will hit the fan. We need to keep the monster of jihad in slumber but must keep the option open to wake it up when it's required. Bengal must not be the victim of another genocide or lose it's independence again whether it's in the hands of the baper desher lok or the hindu nazis.


These jihadists don’t win wars. They actually end up demonising good causes.

You cannot control a herd of hyenas. They always turn on you.

Worthy causes from Palestine to Kashmir has been ruined by the acts of islamists.

In any war, If we come to rely on these jihadists - India will definitely win. Even China will not lend a hand.
How many threads you are creating on same topics? Already 2-3 threads are running on the topics. No need for spamming.
Please ask Hasina Bibi to expel Alga Momen from the Cabinet. Everything will be in its proper order.

I wonder if all bloody BAL brats are similar in intelligence as Alga Momen is.

These jihadists don’t win wars. They actually end up demonising good causes.

You cannot control a herd of hyenas. They always turn on you.

Worthy causes from Palestine to Kashmir has been ruined by the acts of islamists.

In any war, If we come to rely on these jihadists - India will definitely win. Even China will not lend a hand.

You misunderstood. I am not saying keep alive the jihadis. I am saying we need to keep the Islamists alive an well, in a serious crises they have they ability to incite the nation and can contribute significant human resource if conscription is required. Finally, we may be secular and peace loving but must not lose our identity which is obviously we are a Muslim nation. A healthy balance of secularism and religiosity is required.
You misunderstood. I am not saying keep alive the jihadis. I am saying we need to keep the Islamists alive an well, in a serious crises they have they ability to incite the nation and can contribute significant human resource if conscription is required. Finally, we may be secular and peace loving but must not lose our identity which is obviously we are a Muslim nation. A healthy balance of secularism and religiosity is required.

Bro, islamists and jihadists are two cheeks of the same arse!

The price for their help will be too great. E.g. backward practices that has kept Muslims back since the end of the Mughal empire.

Given a chance, they will indoctrinate the young - sending us back to Afghanistan!
Bro, islamists and jihadists are two cheeks of the same arse!

The price for their help will be too great. E.g. backward practices that has kept Muslims back since the end of the Mughal empire.

Given a chance, they will indoctrinate the young - sending us back to Afghanistan!

We should not remove the Islamists completely, we should manage them. Removing them completely is like losing half of your identity. The chetona bastards will take over the whole country.
We should not remove the Islamists completely, we should manage them. Removing them completely is like losing half of your identity. The chetona bastards will take over the whole country.

Young generation is not being indoctrinated by Chetona.

Chetona brigade mainly lives in Dhaka. They will die a natural death.

Young generation is extremely hostile towards chetona due to the excess of Hinduvta.

But still vulnerable to the indoctrination of jihadists.
Yes USA is still powerful enough to overthrow Hasina but there would be a cost to it.
As usual, you are fussing about America staging a revolt against the great leader Hasina Bibi.

Just ask Hasina to play fair in the next election and the people will decide which party to vote for.

But, BAL brats are too worried about a non-midnight election and cry foul because American sanctions have forced Hasina Bibi to stop bullying the country's people. They now sleep well without the fear of being taken into RAB custody.

It is time that the BAL brats truly understand the might of the general population and should not cry for Indian help.

It is too shameful!!!!!


Momen has said the ‘right thing’​

There is no way that the foreign minister’s words are his own. The responsibility of his opinions are of the whole cabinet, that is, the incumbent government
Asif Nazrul
Published: 20 Aug 2022, 12: 44

Asif Nazrul

Asif Nazrul

“Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has requested the US to bring BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party) to power. He also requested the US government to do everything it needs to do to achieve that. He himself disclosed (to media) that while visiting the US he told them to bring BNP to power.”

The paragraph written above is imaginary. But what would have the reaction been if it were true? How many sedition cases would have been filed against Mirza Fakhrul? We can only imagine.

The actual situation is – foreign minister AK Abdul Momen said this. While visiting India, he requested its government to do “whatever is required” to keep the incumbent government (of Bangladesh) in power. He revealed this to everyone at a programme of Janmashtami in Chattogram on Thursday. Still, I would thank foreign minister Abdul Momen. The government is dependent on India to stay in power - he said this in a candid speech.

We found such indications in the past. When the Jatiya Party (JaPa) like most of the political parties announced a boycott of the parliamentary election in 2014 and uncertainties were created over the one-sided elections, Indian foreign secretary Sujatha Singh visited Bangladesh at the time. JaPa chairman HM Ershad that time revealed that India has forcefully made him agree to take part in the elections. Only India and Bhutan sent observers to monitor the election when observers from all other countries boycotted it. Once again, India certified the even more controversial 2018 parliament election as free and fair. India did all this openly. The country is assumed to do more behind the scenes if it extends such support so openly, and, as a large neighbour India has the capacity and scope to do so.

Is this acceptable for an independent country? Does the truth that the foreign minister has laid bare bring dignity for a country that achieved independence through sacrifice and suffering of innumerable lives? What is the nature of Bangladesh-India relations during the tenure of th incumbent government?
Requesting India to help the incumbent government to stay in power, the foreign minister, in his speech, reminded India about a few things. He said there is no need to spend extra (money) at the border in India. Apart from this, 2.8 million people from Bangladesh visit India every year. Several hundred thousand Indians work in Bangladesh. He and the government remain silent even if there is anti-Bangladesh propaganda (in India). Is it comfortable for Bangladesh if this is the deal to stay in power?

There are some other questions. Why does the government keep mum if there is anti-Bangladesh propaganda as the foreign minister said?

There are some other questions. Why does the government keep mum if there is anti-Bangladesh propaganda as the foreign minister said? What kind of complacency of a Bangladesh minister is this – that India doesn’t need to spend extra (money) at a border where the people of Bangladesh are being shot dead, where there is electrified barbed wire fencing? What message is he actually giving us? India will keep Awami League in power and in exchange Awami League will protect the interests of India? Is that it?
India supported Bangladesh unequivocally during the liberation war. But there was no condition of India’s mastery or guardianship over Bangladesh and providing monopoly benefits to the country for this. the government of Bangabandhu clarified this by making India withdraw its army, demanding equity-based share of water of common rivers and taking part in the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Countries) conference in Pakistan in 1974. The constitution that was passed under his leadership spoke about people’s votes to come and stay in power. He won the parliament elections in 1973 by the vote of the people, not through the support of India. He never sought help of other country this way. He even said at a discussion at the Bangladesh Gana Parishad that he would welcome the opposition with joy if he loses the election.

That’s why the foreign minister’s speech is anti-constitutional and goes against the spirit of the liberation war. He could have sought technical or technological help from India for election management. But he in no way can seek India’s intervention to stay in power. The speech of foreign minister Momen is also extremely disgraceful for the people of Bangladesh. This is an extreme level of disregard and not recognising the voting rights of the people of Bangladesh.

There are provisions on joint accountability of the ministers in our constitution. It is our bad luck that there is no longer the true people’s representative parliament in the country that could demand the accountability

The speech of the foreign minister is a matter of concern. But more concerning is whether this is his speech or personal views. Netizens reactions to the report shows many people believe in his speech the foreign minister reflected the incumbent government’s policies and views to stay in power.
Following the speech of Mr. Abdul Momen, Obaidul Quader said this was his personal view. Mr. Quader issued such defensive statements before too whenever any cabinet member said something unwarranted. But we could not understand how the request of the foreign minister to the government of India, where he went on a state visit, become personal? It is not the individual Momen made the requests there; rather the foreign minister said this – can we believe that Mr. Quader does not have the acumen to realise this?

Besides, such speeches are not new or sudden for the foreign minister. Earlier, he said something unimaginable - that Bangladesh-India relations are like that of husband and wife. The constitution of Bangladesh does not approve any such relations. It talks about friendship based on mutual respect. Earlier, while visiting the US, he requested the expatriate Indians there to play a role to withdraw sanctions the US imposed against Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). There is no scope of playing any role for the citizens of other countries in bilateral issues like that of Bangladesh and the US. Before saying something like that as the foreign minister of Bangladesh at a gathering of Indian expatriates he should have remembered that Bangladesh is a sovereign country.

There is no way that the foreign minister’s speeches are his own. The responsibility of the foreign minister’s opinions are of the whole cabinet, that is, the incumbent government. There are provisions on joint accountability of the ministers in our constitution. It is our bad luck that there is no longer the true people’s representative parliament in the country that could demand the accountability.

Even then the foreign minister and all of those who are in the government must remember that the ownership of the country is not of any government or the Jatiya Sangsad. The people are the owners of the country. Without paying respect to the voting and fundamental rights of the people of this land, seeking help from another country to stay in power and asking it to do “whatever is required” to stay in power is nothing but insolence.

The people of Bangladesh did not fight for its independence to give opportunity to any minister of any government to show this audacity and insolence. Our original constitution that was composed under the leadership of Bangabandhu did not allow anyone this.

* Asif Nazrul is a professor of law department at Dhaka University and a former bureau member of South Asians for Human Rights
** The analysis, originally published in the print and online edition of Prothom Alo, has been rewritten in English by Shameem Reza

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While visiting India I said this government has to be kept in power: Foreign minister

While visiting India I said this govt has to be kept in power: Momen

19 Aug 2022

Momen served legal notice to resign within 48 hrs​

Staff Correspondent
Published: 21 Aug 2022, 15: 14

Foreign minister AK Abdul Momen

Foreign minister AK Abdul MomenFile photo

A Supreme Court lawyer has served legal notice to foreign minister AK Abdul Momen seeking his resignation within 48 hours.

The foreign minister has been requested to resign within 48 hours of serving the notice. Legal action will be taken if Momen fails to resign, the notice states.

The legal notice has been served by Supreme Court lawyer Md Ershad Hossain. He sent the notice to the Ministry of Foreign affairs by mail on Sunda

It states that the person submitting the notice (Ershad Hossain) came to know through the media on the afternoon of 19 August that the foreign minister had urged the Indian government to keep the current prime minister in power by any means.
The notice further stated that during a Janmashtami programme at the JM Sen Hall in Chattogram, AK Abdul Momen said, ““I went to India and said that Sheikh Hasina has to be kept in power.” By saying this Abdul Momen has breached the oath he took. Apart from the violation of the constitution, his statement is an attack on the sovereignty of the country.

At the Janmashtami programme in Chattogram on Thursday foreign minister AK Abdul Momen said he went to India and requested them to do “whatever it needs” to keep the current government in power.

A day later, while explaining his statement at Tungipara in Gopalganj on 16 August, the foreign minister said, “I said, we seek stability (of the government) of Sheikh Hasina. It would be great if you (India) help us in this regard.”

Such a statement from the foreign minister has drawn huge controversy in the country’s politics. Different political parties have given harsh reactions and expressed their discontent over the foreign minister's statement. Many are saying it has tarnished the image of the country.

Road transport and bridges minister and Awami League’s general secretary Obaidul Qader said regarding the foreign minister’s comment that they had friends in foreign countries, not masters. People are the source of Awami League’s power.

Abdur Rahman, a presidium member of Awami League claimed Abdul Momen is not a member of Awami League.
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said the foreign minister had not withdrawn his statement, rather, he reaffirmed that. The people who rely on the power of others have no right to remain in power.

Jatiya Party chairman and deputy leader of the opposition at the Jatiya Sangsad (parliament) GM Quader said foreign minister’s request to India to keep the current government in power had questioned the country’s sovereignty. The government cannot avoid the responsibility of the remark made by the foreign minister.

However, the foreign ministry of India has not issued any official reaction over Momen’s comments. However, according to the sources of the ministry, Momen’s comment is “embarrassing and perturbing” for India.
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Asif Nazrul
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Bangladesh repor​

We should not remove the Islamists completely, we should manage them. Removing them completely is like losing half of your identity. The chetona bastards will take over the whole country.
Agree. Bangladesh as a state should retain some form of Islamic character in it's constitution and national identity. Otherwise Hinduwadi Bharatis will claim this country as a Rajya of their Akhand Bharat project.

Even highly secularized and liberal Denmark, Norway, Iceland retained Lutheran Christianity as their state religion. Most of the People there do not believe in Christian religious dogma nor religion play any role in their life, still they consider Christianity as their heritage and identity and kept state funded national Church and put Cross on their flags. No one in those countries irrespective of religion feel discriminated because of these things. Bangladesh also can be like that.
Last edited:
Agree. Bangladesh as a state should retain some form of Islamic character in it's constitution and national identity. Otherwise Hinduwadi Bharatis will claim this country as a Rajya of their Akhand Bharat project.

Even highly secularized and liberal Denmark, Norway, Iceland retained Lutheran Christianity as their state religion. Most of the People there do not believe in Christian religious dogma nor religion play any role in their life, still they consider Christianity as their heritage and identity and kept state funded national Church and put Cross on their flags. No one in those countries irrespective of religion feel discriminated because of these things. Bangladesh also can be like that.

Islamic character 100%. It’s our defence against return of caste system.

But we should never empower or be beholden to the Mullahs.
One bullet is all that is necessary and another for Hasina
One bullet is all that is necessary and another for Hasina

It starts with “one bullet”. Before you know it - 12 year old boy also gets butchered.

Then military strongman cowers to Uncle Sam - providing breathing space to extremists.

That’s how the west has kept the Muslim world cowered for 300 years.
It starts with “one bullet”. Before you know it - 12 year old boy also gets butchered.

Then military strongman cowers to Uncle Sam - providing breathing space to extremists.

That’s how the west has kept the Muslim world cowered for 300 years.

BAL could be tolerated as long as economic stability is there but not when the become an existential threat.

There has been fairly strong ProBD anti hundutva grouping withing BAL. Where are they? The parties original name was muslim awami league... it is a shame what it has become.

Very few things exercise me, I want stability so our economy grow and people prosper. But downright treason is hard to ignore.
Islamic character 100%. It’s our defence against return of caste system.

But we should never empower or be beholden to the Mullahs.
The Mullahs shall be use for good work ! They are necessary evil to keep hindutva at bay!

Because Bangladeshi secularism isn't real secularism like west, rather It’s actually a hindutva tool!

Most of Bangladeshi secular are actually psedu hindutva!

So yes Mullahs are necessary to counter them!
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