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When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

Well, the end result was, we fought them out and killed 1 million Japanese soldiers. The result for you of course was not being able to kill a single British in revenge and going with a begging bowl to the whites to beg them to set your country free. Not insulting you or India, just stating facts.

This would also describe the way you handled the Hong Kong question , only that the begging period for you lasted uptill 1999 .
If diplomacy = begging in your book and your thinking is to jump up and down at the killings of one million japanese and look down upon others who don't kill "one million whites " to give you some competition in numbers , then no wonder Chinese with their inability to peacefully co-exist are cursed and hated in south east Asia.

Not insulting you or China , just stating facts . and btw how many British did you manage to kill for cutting up the Chinese melon , and the opium trade ?

Easy to jump on to U.S success and feel proud by association. :D
Yes of course, you must submit yourself to the great civilized high-technology Han Chinese. Otherwise, it is our heavenly mandate to crush barbarian tribes like Vietnam.

If you are like this in real life....you must have won the title of "the greatest douche bag in history".
If you are like this in real life....you must have won the title of "the greatest douche bag in history".

douchebad (from dictionary): Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and a$$hole, however not yet reached fuckker or motherfuckker.

Evidently, he does have scope for further progress ... still.
I just checked the East Turkestan movement...its the same like kasmir over there...is it true the muslims are being butchered there...can anybody tell me how big real china is after removing east turkestan tibet inner mongolia and chinese occupied kashmir??
You may ask Indonesia -a Muslim country also, they know very well about CHinese and know how to deal with Chinese Problem

Managing the "Chinese Problem" (1967–1998)
See also: Legislation on Chinese Indonesians

When the New Order government of General Suharto came into power in 1966–1967, it introduced a political system based only on the Pancasila (five principles) ideology. In order to prevent the ideological battles that occurred during Sukarno's presidency from resurfacing, Suharto's "Pancasila democracy" sought a depoliticized system where discussions of forming a cohesive ethnic Chinese identity was no longer allowed.[53] A government committee was formed in 1967 to examine various aspects of the "Chinese Problem" (Masalah Cina) and agreed that forced emigration of whole communities was not a solution: "The challenge was to take advantage of their economic aptitude whilst eliminating their perceived economic dominance

In a 1989 interview conducted by scholar Adam Schwarz for his book A Nation in Waiting: Indonesia's Search for Stability, an interviewee stated that, "to most Indonesians, the word 'Chinese' is synonymous with corruption"

Chinese Indonesians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
douchebad (from dictionary): Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and a$$hole, however not yet reached fuckker or motherfuckker.

Evidently, he does have scope for further progress ... still.
I s'pose thats true...oh well....
It never matters when SCS did become China's core interest. It is a fact that when China announced SCS became China's core interest, then it became China's core interest, historically, politically and truthfully. Anyone who disagrees, count your heads and our bullets.

It matters less how trolls and morons react to such fact. Blabber and sweat as you will, weaklings; things go where they would go, and you gonna see this happen as feeling of impotency consumes you.

China is able to solve SCS to her intended result without going to war, expected? disappointed? Whatsoever, how can you eradicate your insecurity complex with a mouth only?
Well, the end result was, we fought them out and killed 1 million Japanese soldiers. The result for you of course was not being able to kill a single British in revenge and going with a begging bowl to the whites to beg them to set your country free. Not insulting you or India, just stating facts.

Begging would be a word improper for India's dependence.

After WWII, Britain was unable to retain sovereignty over her colonies at the wake of national consciousness of independence, so they wisely retreated and bequeathed independence to colonies, among which India, thankful to the benevolence of former master, is still joyfully reminiscent of the glory and good old times of the commonwealth. So it would be better to say Indians owe their independence to their meekness and their master's benevolence.
The average IQ of India is a puny 86. If you take out the contributions from non-Indian Asian immigrants to the US, their average would probably drop from 99 (already below average) to probably 93 like Ireland where many Americans have their roots.

A pathetic fact is that whenever some VN morons, who are unable to read carefully to comprehend, to think clearly and to post intelligibly, cling like flies to any China related threads, these threads degrade into meaningless and obfuscating mess. More perplexing and ridiculous is that, whenever these VN morons, hailed as friends by some Indian morons, jump in, you can safely bet that Indian morons are ensuing.

So we have VN morons talking about SCS with brazen attitude toward their treacherousness and ingratfulness; and we have this thread contaminated with Indian morons, even under the name of PROFESSIONAL, talking about Chinese history.

Reply discretion is advised here: quit responding to such morons and feeding trolls.
Hey If South China Sea Belong to China.... Why Not Indian Ocean belong to India :woot:.... It will generate lots of Revenue :smokin:

The Indian Ocean provides major sea routes connecting the Middle East, Africa, and East Asia with Europe and the Americas. It carries a particularly heavy traffic of petroleum and petroleum products from the oilfields of the Persian Gulf and Indonesia. Its fish are of great and growing importance to the bordering countries for domestic consumption and export. Fishing fleets from Russia, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan also exploit the Indian Ocean, mainly for shrimp and tuna. Large reserves of hydrocarbons are being tapped in the offshore areas of Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, and western Australia. An estimated 40% of the world's offshore oil production comes from the Indian Ocean. Beach sands rich in heavy minerals and offshore placer deposits are actively exploited by bordering countries, particularly India, South Africa, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
It never matters when SCS did become China's core interest. It is a fact that when China announced SCS became China's core interest, then it became China's core interest, historically, politically and truthfully. Anyone who disagrees, count your heads and our bullets.

It matters less how trolls and morons react to such fact. Blabber and sweat as you will, weaklings; things go where they would go, and you gonna see this happen as feeling of impotency consumes you.

China is able to solve SCS to her intended result without going to war, expected? disappointed? Whatsoever, how can you eradicate your insecurity complex with a mouth only?

China's core interest in ASEAN sea teritories ??Oh, keep dreaming man, we VN have some guard points inside your 'core interest', so what can you do now ??don't send your warship to our EEZ, we will sink it immediately with Yakhont-Brahmos.

Russia-India plan to increase Brahmos's range at least to 600km now, so, it'd better to let your cheap-copied-crap warship stay tight on the dock instead being sunk by super missile Brahmos in SCS(east sea ):P
A pathetic fact is that whenever some VN morons, who are unable to read carefully to comprehend, to think clearly and to post intelligibly, cling like flies to any China related threads, these threads degrade into meaningless and obfuscating mess. More perplexing and ridiculous is that, whenever these VN morons, hailed as friends by some Indian morons, jump in, you can safely bet that Indian morons are ensuing.

So we have VN morons talking about SCS with brazen attitude toward their treacherousness and ingratfulness; and we have this thread contaminated with Indian morons, even under the name of PROFESSIONAL, talking about Chinese history.

Reply discretion is advised here: quit responding to such morons and feeding trolls.

Name calling is a clear sign of frustration.
Begging would be a word improper for India's dependence.

After WWII, Britain was unable to retain sovereignty over her colonies at the wake of national consciousness of independence, so they wisely retreated and bequeathed independence to colonies, among which India, thankful to the benevolence of former master, is still joyfully reminiscent of the glory and good old times of the commonwealth. So it would be better to say Indians owe their independence to their meekness and their master's benevolence.

And yet they hung on to Hong Kong and territories since China did not have the gonads that others had!
And yet they hung on to Hong Kong and territories since China did not have the gonads that others had!

Wow, PROFESSIONAL talking about gonads! How impressive. A question: who got the gonads to counter even the most formidable might led by the US face-to-face? But degenerating how independence was achieved to muscle measuring amounts to no more than chest thumping.

The Brits weighed and judged where to retreat or maintain sovereignty. China would treat territorial issues with patience, as exampled by Hongkong, Macau, and will be exampled by Taiwan and NEFA etc. The core difference lies on whether independence is actively fought for or passively given. And in this sense, India is really a gifted nation.

I've been expecting some professionals to be of more fun, but facts turn out to be kind of jejune.
Name calling is a clear sign of frustration.
Sorry. I failed to find words more proper for these creatures. Maybe you could come up with something more interesting for them?

---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

Hey If South China Sea Belong to China.... Why Not Indian Ocean belong to India :woot:.... It will generate lots of Revenue :smokin:

The Indian Ocean provides major sea routes connecting the Middle East, Africa, and East Asia with Europe and the Americas. It carries a particularly heavy traffic of petroleum and petroleum products from the oilfields of the Persian Gulf and Indonesia. Its fish are of great and growing importance to the bordering countries for domestic consumption and export. Fishing fleets from Russia, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan also exploit the Indian Ocean, mainly for shrimp and tuna. Large reserves of hydrocarbons are being tapped in the offshore areas of Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, and western Australia. An estimated 40% of the world's offshore oil production comes from the Indian Ocean. Beach sands rich in heavy minerals and offshore placer deposits are actively exploited by bordering countries, particularly India, South Africa, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
Too simplistic logic to be glanced at. My fingers crossed for you.
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