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When Chinese were given a Bloody Nose


Why don't you try in Bollywood, your Conspiracy Thoery will be a instant hit here.

Are you working on any other book.
When Indians start losing an argument they begin name calling and being childish.

Oh by all means keep going. :cheers:

It's just a shame that you along with your fellow razakars couldn't be airlifted to lahore or karachi thus obligated to stay in dhaka and border hop your way through.
Yes and I am winning!

ITs as simple as this- Do not argue with an Idiot, Coz ultimately , he will drag you down to his level and will say."I am winning".
But what i mean to ask My Indian fellas, why replying, while this thread not even started by any Chinese, nor actively participating.. Please do not spare your positive energy on something which ultimately will make no use of it.
I remember visiting friends at the University of Lund in 1969. Lund is a lovely small university town with lots of space, fresh air and greenery in southern Sweden.

Anyhow, this school has, among other disciplines, a Faculty of Indian Studies and yet another, the Faculty of Chinese Studies.

Well, because of the 1962 Sino-Indian conflict, the teaching staff of these two faculties were still no longer on speaking terms in early 1970.
Congratulations for more trolling threads than those already created by you.
We are beholden to the poster for educating us.

62 . India got a bloody nose and it did us good. It shook the nation & politicians from their complacency. There were calls before the conflict to use the IA for farming !

65. This must be the first war a nation lost sitting on the outskirts of a high value city which led the enemy to recoil from J&K to defend itself resulting in the petering off of the thrust in the north .

71. Someone forgot to add India lost then too !

99 Kargil . This must be the 1st war where the 'victor' rushes uninvited to US on a national holiday ( 4th July) to seek intervention & ceasefire

01. Was there a war ?
I am have been reading your posts and I generally ignore them, If you do not have anything to contribute , why write at all?? your hatred hatred towards India makes your write these ridiculous posts, do you have any knowledge of history, or are you here just to speed up your rep counts,
What else to expect from a nation of acid-attackers?

Instead of discussing the topic people are bashing each other's countries and No one from china posted here.
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