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Its lonely at the top and every one can see your balls and try to pull you by your balls!!:coffee:
You are not anwsering my question. I was just curious about your statement on morality and Berlin Blockade.
The morality is that there were no material gains for the US in supporting West Berlin.

Today, there is only Berlin, but I toured East and West Berlins when they existed. The difference was like night and day. Simply put, East Berlin was the shitty half.

When Berlin itself was cordoned off, the US could have abandoned it. Instead, the US continued to politically and materially support 1/2 of the city at American expense.
The morality is that there were no material gains for the US in supporting West Berlin.

Today, there is only Berlin, but I toured East and West Berlins when they existed. The difference was like night and day. Simply put, East Berlin was the shitty half.

When Berlin itself was cordoned off, the US could have abandoned it. Instead, the US continued to politically and materially support 1/2 of the city at American expense.
What about strategic gain?
My impression of what will impact India as China as a Global Power. Again, it is a personal thought.

1- In spite of so much of -ve publicity in Indian media, i am a firm believer that China and India are not cultural enemy...If at any point of time, US and free world of West goes down, it is better to have a atheist/Budhist China rise to the top rather than that places is taken up any nut job orthodox religious nations.

2- China has its own limitations but for sure, China never sends its spies to blow up in other nations like West of other powers too...It is a known fact that West always directly interferes in other affairs...And in general India and West and have transnational relationship rather than really admiring each other.

3- The so called notion that West is a melting pot is true to some extent but it is also a fact that West is a melting pot because they require talents from other nation come and contribute to the nation of West or US...There is no free meal here...Neither West provides free meal not the immigrants should be grateful for ever for being part of the Western story...

4- And above all, the i have interacted with people of China in general..there is a difference in attitude of them vs the West...Whatever we can say, for West, expect Japan and Korea, rest of the nations are just seen as lower class nations.. ..Individuals gets better credit based on their merit, but that does not earn a sense of respect in front of West...So if China becomes a super power, one thing for sure, at least people of China will not treat other Asians are the people of unequals..

So i hope some day, any visionary leadership of Inidia will take some bold steps to sort our any outstanding issues with India and China so that we have a better relationship for the sake of mankind of both nations..
lol, whatever you say, you are the god of mathematics, and economic.

No intention to get into serious debate with troll.

And by the way, yes, by the end of 2045, the world would still have 108 trillion GDP. So while China gain almost 30 trillion GDP, some where in the world will lose 30 trillion GDP I supposed?

Kid you have zero mathematical ability and it shows here.

Who cares if total world GDP GROWS by 3-4 per cent a year if China does double that. We are looking
at a country that would have a GDP/capita double that of world average. So with one-sixth of world population
it would have one-third of total world GDP.

China will totally economically and militarily dominate the world one generation from now. Rest of world
better accept this or will face the consequences.
What about strategic gain?
West Berlin was of limited utility for NATO back then.

In just about every simulation, NATO had to cede West Berlin to the Warsaw Pact if the Kremlin ordered tanks and troops to take West Berlin. But war is an extreme scenario and the Kremlin knows that if the Warsaw Pact take West Berlin, it would be a pyrrhic victory for the Warsaw Pact in that little corner of the world. Hence, the continued existence of West Berlin until the day of the Great Collapse.

Bottom line is this...West Berlin was a moral cause that gave US very little material and strategic gains, but it was a great moral example of the evil that was the Soviet Empire.


Supposedly...That was in 1955 when a young woman managed to cross the border between the two Berlin halves. The West Berlin police faced down their East Berlin counterparts. This is one of the most emotionally powerful photos of the Cold War. We do not see the same for East Berlin.
If it makes you feel better, nothing will actually change. :D

We'll keep doing on what we are doing, and you'll keep on doing what you are doing. The power dynamics will be about the same as before.

Exactly...China is a superpower today because of its people and the basic nature of its citizen who are inherited from Budhism and Confusions principle....I am really a great admiror of the way China priotizes of nationalism above rest of the things...Keep it up dear friend...We have political difference with each other..But that does not discount the fact that that China and its people deserves credit for its achivement in last 25 years...

WHatever Chaos the world is facing today due to terrorism and everything has all its roots lies with West or their failed foreign policy...It is high time Asian peaceful and powerful nations like China, Japan and other nations takes the lead and work against like minded nations to bring regional stability to Asia...Because at the end of the day, it is the people of Asia who are suffering where people of West are just using us as topic of discussion for our misery...
If it makes you feel better, nothing will actually change. :D

We'll keep doing on what we are doing, and you'll keep on doing what you are doing. The power dynamics will be about the same as before.

really i doubt it the evidence says otherwise
Exactly...China is a superpower today because of its people and the basic nature of its citizen who are inherited from Budhism and Confusions principle....I am really a great admiror of the way China priotizes of nationalism above rest of the things...Keep it up dear friend...We have political difference with each other..But that does not discount the fact that that China and its people deserves credit for its achivement in last 25 years...

WHatever Chaos the world is facing today due to terrorism and everything has all its roots lies with West or their failed foreign policy...It is high time Asian peaceful and powerful nations like China, Japan and other nations takes the lead and work against like minded nations to bring regional stability to Asia...Because at the end of the day, it is the people of Asia who are suffering where people of West are just using us as topic of discussion for our misery...

Thanks buddy, but we are not a superpower. We're still a developing country. :cheers:

really i doubt it the evidence says otherwise

Fair enough.
You are right, You are naïve.......

Do tell me, if Military Power and Independent Power are one and the same, do tell why Iran is not still under US Control? Or Bolivia? Or Venezuela? You have 0 knowledge how Military Works, and 0 Knowledge on how Economy works.

And I indeed laugh out real loud when you say China will be 1/3 of world GDP. Do you even know how much World GDP is? It's 108 Trillion dollars. Do you know how much Chinese GDP is? and How much it would take to reach 40 Trillions? Even if China stay 7% growth It would take China 50 years to get to 30 Trillions.

LOL. You make me laugh...

You are thinking about Holy Roman Empire, not the Ancient Roman Empire or Roman Republic.

Roman Republic (510 BC) rooted from Troy, modern day Anatolia, Turkey, which lies in Asia Minor.

Holy Roman Empire (962 AD) rooted from Modern Day Germany.

Roman is not native to Rome, Italy.....Maybe some book will help you with your history knowledge.

Roman Empire - All About Turkey

Anatolia back then was populated by Greeks who were purebred European hence the legend of Troy. these refugees were heavily mixed with native Italians too. no I am not thinking of holy roman empire, who were germanics.
Just listening to Donald Trump. He gave an interview on CNN, saying the US has great power over China and if America wants she can bring China to collapse in 2 minutes.
human standard about morality is evolving and different regarding the differences in cultures between countries,

By Roman standard, Crucifixion is more acceptable compared to impaling and boiling the enemies alive. The Japanese warrior regarding beheading enemies is morally acceptable compared to imprisoned enemies and torturing them like what the Chinese did. And by today standard, anything regarding to capital punishment is not acceptable anymore except in some countries.

In other words, this applies to social psychology and the concept of attribution theories and the concept of individual persona being totally dependent on local environment and strata. External variables such as religion, political governance model style, local rituals, ultimately, shape standard behavior or tradition. In regards to your example of the ancient Japanese ritual of seppuku, it lies in the central dogma of 'Oneness with Death', as that was the expectation of a Samurai. The concept of Honor was quite pertinent at such an ancient time, and soldiers when they lost in battle or were captured, would prefer their opponents to aid them in committing Seppuku. Besides, the form of decapitation is quite a clean and quick death. Perhaps one experiences a sharp pain for 1/thousandth of a second , but after wards, there is eternal silence and nothingness.

Of course there is the Samurai who would prefer to commit ritual suicide by plunging a dagger into one's abdomen and gut himself from lateral thorax (near the lateral wing of the rectus abdominis muscle to the oppisite lateral rectus abdominis muscle), thereby his entrails would be released outside of the body, with the aim of reaching and puncturing the abdominal aorta, so that death would be quick. If in case he does not puncture the abdominal aorta, he then would grunt to his assistant, who would easy his pain and passing, by severing his head from his neck with one quick clean stroke of the Nihonto (katana) that was ceremonially cleaned with water and rice paper.

And such is an example of local enviroment dictating tradition and concept of death and morality.

Just listening to Donald Trump. He gave an interview on CNN, saying the US has great power over China and if America wants she can bring China to collapse in 2 minutes.

Coming from a guy who doesn't even have a clue about America's nuclear triad.

Even the most hawkish US members in PDF despise the stupidity from this guy, and Trump's supporters mostly come of the lowest common denominator of the US population who probably can't even point out both China and Vietnam on the map.
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