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Whats Wrong with ISPR Press release emphasizing "BETTER GOVERNANCE" from Political Leadership

sharifs have nothing to offer in next elections... their main support base in northern punjab soo callled Gt road cities...there also they are mostly supported by kashmiri baradari because sharifs are kashmiris origin and also gullu butt, billu butt. goshi butt, many butts are their goons but dj butt was not :) ....they also appointed kashmiri baradari judges in lahore high court ... i mean they are just bring baradarism in Punjab politics which is really bad ..... on other hand PTI has a good prog. but their team is zero.... Yes!!! chaudhry Sarwar is a good team leader he can be second in command after Imran khan .. but lets c who will come next ...
I want to ask my dear friends on. that what is Wrong with Corp Commanders Statement that Political leadership needs to emphasize on "BETTER GOVERNANCE" ??
Why Mahmoud Khan Achakzai is going NUTS after this ??
Has ARMY Crossed the Line "AGAIN" ??

Is there room for improvement in governance? Sure there is but statements like these bring instability in system. These are the kind of suggestions ya wanna discuss privately. When ya come out in open, people speculate and speculate thoroughly even to the extent of a co'up hence destroying Foreign and Local investor's trust in the market.
Yes. But how does that translate into the chowkidar ordering around the owner of the house?
Uncle!!! kitni baar kha hai baachon ko tang na kia karein --- baaz nhn ana aap ne apni harkatoon se :pissed: :angry:

Since you are so fond of camparing 'Our' Land of the Pure' to 'Your' 'Land of Liberty & Freedom, i believe it will be just to make a comparison here too ----
so please enlighten us how Democracy was achieved in those Lands & how much of the time it took?? how many women were raped & how many men died at the hands of slavery ??
If you have trouble remembering them, let me quote the words from DoI 1776, the basis of US constitution ----

..........We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.........

& so it reads.....
In short they are saying Operation alone will not help restore peace, Civilian Gov's needs to step in take responsibility and start with restoration work so people go on with their life.
I fail to see the problem in this. As an institution of pakistan and a section of Pakistan they have every right to complain civilian ruling party's incompetence especially when those incompetences can recreate a terrorist situation. The ispr has a point. The areas that have went through operation and the people that have went through war deserve to be awarded with development and a better life style bcz if we are lazy and not proactive then we may win the battle but lose the war and the army knows this. They are angry at the amount of non cooperation the civilian sector has given them in this war to end terrorism all over pakistan ... Thus the govt becomes answerable.

If the govt cannot handle a cooperative unity then its best if they give the entire control to the military .... Give the army billions of dollars for idps and war affected areas and separate their military courts from the civilian ones. At least this way we can win the war otherwise if we leave it to the civilian governments laziness then we may lose it.

Raheel Sharif doesn't want martial law bcz if he did then he would do it tonight and all these politicians will be there bootlicking him. Raheel Sharif is the most popular man in Pakistan so people won't mind either but he won't and I don't want him to either....

I like this form of democracy where the civilian and army institution are at equal level both keeping checks on each other. The army handles security and the govt handles the people, development and other matters... Both run the state.

Geez its a simple and very right criticism and the civilian govt is losing its mind... Tells a lot about how much tjeybhate check and balance. They hatebbeing answerable to anybody.
I fail to see the problem in this. As an institution of pakistan and a section of Pakistan they have every right to complain civilian ruling party's incompetence especially when those incompetences can recreate a terrorist situation. The ispr has a point. The areas that have went through operation and the people that have went through war deserve to be awarded with development and a better life style bcz if we are lazy and not proactive then we may win the battle but lose the war and the army knows this. They are angry at the amount of non cooperation the civilian sector has given them in this war to end terrorism all over pakistan ... Thus the govt becomes answerable.

If the govt cannot handle a cooperative unity then its best if they give the entire control to the military .... Give the army billions of dollars for idps and war affected areas and separate their military courts from the civilian ones. At least this way we can win the war otherwise if we leave it to the civilian governments laziness then we may lose it.

Raheel Sharif doesn't want martial law bcz if he did then he would do it tonight and all these politicians will be there bootlicking him. Raheel Sharif is the most popular man in Pakistan so people won't mind either but he won't and I don't want him to either....

I like this form of democracy where the civilian and army institution are at equal level both keeping checks on each other. The army handles security and the govt handles the people, development and other matters... Both run the state.

Geez its a simple and very right criticism and the civilian govt is losing its mind... Tells a lot about how much tjeybhate check and balance. They hatebbeing answerable to anybody.
it is not about General Raheel Sharif - as he is the Man with Honor & fears his Creator only --- the actual nightmare for these Goons is the Successor of General sb, the way laws are being amended - if next coas says he have enough of bull crap from the Civlian leadership - in no time the likes of Achakzai will be in Jail ---
for Reference , read Today's healine about Amendment in Pakistan Army Act, as Passed by National Assembly yesterday ----
Mahmoud Khan Achakzai who ?

I know what you did here same Like Maria Sharapova did to Sachin.

Anyhow this is why he is Speaking Against PAK ARMY because he will be out of business along with half of his Family if Military Kick out Corrupt Politicians

it is not about General Raheel Sharif - as he is the Man with Honor & fears his Creator only --- the actual nightmare for these Goons is the Successor of General sb, the way laws are being amended - if next coas says he have enough of bull crap from the Civlian leadership - in no time the likes of Achakzai will be in Jail ---
for Reference , read Today's healine about Amendment in Pakistan Army Act, as Passed by National Assembly yesterday ----

Raheel Sharif has been amazing and I doubt anybody will deny it... He has the people's full support in everything he will ever do as the public love him. In no point ever doesn't become that the public adore him when politicians use his face on their posters for campaigning... That's how much a hero he has become... If he doesn't want martial law then its not bcz he is afraid of nawaz or the courts but bvz he genuinely wants a system for a long term to run but for that to happen the civilian govts must support him. As I said I like the system where the army is an equal institution to the civilian govt.

I will read the amendment without a doubt and tbh considering that at this time we need unity and forward thinking the likes of achakzai whobare raising a fuss should shut up and allow the civilian govt and army to work together.... Politicians like him and media need to stop.making this controversial.
I want to ask my dear friends on :pdf: that what is Wrong with Corp Commanders Statement that Political leadership needs to emphasize on "BETTER GOVERNANCE" ??

Why Mahmoud Khan Achakzai is going NUTS after this ?? :hang3::hang3:

Has ARMY Crossed the Line "AGAIN" ??
In Short Dabhaaoo banaye rakho..
two wrongs dont make one right bro!! BUT at the same time,, it is also not right to just point on one and ignore the other. We all know here how these are interconnected and WHAT need to be fixed first to AVOID the second wrong!

Absolutely correct. And if you look at my posts, I do try to be consistent and fair in pointing out the interconnection and point out both sides without ignoring or hiding anything.

What is praise worthy of our Army is their dedication to their sworn duties to save the mother land from internal and external threats.. if someone works for the country, fine but if he/she/they don't and becomes a threat for the Pak dharty, then they shud be dealt.. ARMY is not bound to safeguard the interests of Government but the Nation... and thats exactly what they did....

You really should read the oath and the Constitution. There is no "internal" threat that is within the Army's role to protect against. It is a manufactured lie used as an excuse to meddle illegally in politics. And the Army is bound to obey the civilian government as ordered. That is it. It cannot take it upon itself to determine what national interests are. Its duty is to defend the borders and to aid civilian government as and when asked. Nothing more.

Since you are so fond of camparing 'Our' Land of the Pure' to 'Your' 'Land of Liberty & Freedom, i believe it will be just to make a comparison here too -

I have not tried to compare the two since there is no such comparison. If you follow the thread, others are trying to do so. You should address them, not me, as I have tried to answer them. Besides, never was Martial Law declared in US history, was it? Your quote is relevant only if the people declare independence against tyranny, not the Army usurping power for itself.

I like this form of democracy where the civilian and army institution are at equal level both keeping checks on each other. The army handles security and the govt handles the people, development and other matters... Both run the state.

It is a great solution, and I agree with it, except that "both run the State" is illegal until and unless the Constitution is amended by due process to make it legal.
You really should read the oath and the Constitution. There is no "internal" threat that is within the Army's role to protect against. It is a manufactured lie used as an excuse to meddle illegally in politics. And the Army is bound to obey the civilian government as ordered. That is it. It cannot take it upon itself to determine what national interest are. Its duty is to defend the borders and to aid civilian government as an when asked. Nothing more.

Factually incorrect. Constitution of Pakistan and oath of military explicitly ask military to defend internal threats as well. Please read up.
Factually incorrect. Constitution of Pakistan and oath of military explicitly ask military to defend internal threats as well. Please read up.

Please post up the exact quote and link that says that first.
What is praise worthy is their dedication to their sworn duties in accordance with the Law and the Constitution as directed by the civilian C-in-C. Truly admirable in that regards, yes, Sir. That is the real lesson for the Pakistani Army here.

and you know what of the constitution? sitting in america pointing fingers at Pakistan as if your adopted nation is holier than thou is a incredibly niche!
It is a great solution, and I agree with it, except that "both run the State" is illegal until and unless the Constitution is amended by due process to make it legal.

By the words both run the state I meant that civilian leadership handles the civilian matters of development, civilian issues and civilian workings while the army handles the security of the state, which is also part of the state, this both working equally in their own capacities handling their jobs while keeping a check on each other... If the army feels that due to govt incompetence the war will be lost then they have every right to criticize the govt and awake them to this issue that their neglect will make sure the war on terror won't end ... However the way these politicians have reacted it seems that it has fallen on deaf ears as they have suddenly bought talks of martial law when they should have been saying that civilian govts are with the army and will support them and will also support the rehabilitation process of idps...
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