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What’s the India, China Doklam standoff about?

If we really want to hit Indians, we have many ways to do it. Cut off shiliguri is just one of them.
:smitten::smitten::smitten::-):-):-). These areas rightfully belonged to Greater Bengal, however during 1947 ,these strategic areas were handed over to India.
You may be right about Indian control of Bhutan, but the issue today is Doklam, where the PLA has assembled thousands of troops to bite away this patch of Bhutanese land to build military roads. But, India has the obligation to resist this Chinese design under a defense treaty with Bhutan. China talks about some non-existent documents to show its sovereignty over Doklam, but, has so far been unable to prove its claim conclusively.

I wonder how many more land a big China needs? Why it is such a land and sea hungry country? China has become a bullying menace to the Asia's small countries. It claims all the land around it which was or was not under its jurisdiction some time in the history. But, border always changed hands and in this modern age we must respect the already decided demarcation lines.
Doklang belongs to China in terms of Anglo-Chinese Convention Relating to Sikkim and Tibet signed in year 1890. Nehru had confirmed Doklang belongs to PRC in a letter he wrote to Premier Zhou En Lai back in 22th March year 1959 before China-India border conflict in year 1962, China foreign department still kept that letter.

@bluesky what's wrong build road in our backyard and you call China bullying menace? Why you try to defend. India's intrusion?

China has 9600000 SQ.KM, not a inch of them is dispensable.
. . .
If India wanted to engulf any of the smaller neighbours we could have done way back , we don't need your permission. In the future as well we would stand for them and fight for what we believe to be correct. China or US should respect this or we care little.
It is preposterous to assume you can gulp BD, Pakistan or any other country in your neighborhood. Do not just think a small BD is your little brother. Give us a few more years, we will just break your teeth if you try to make any adventure. Only Nepal and Bhutan are weak because they are landlocked. BD and China are trying to help them getting out from the Indian eclipse. No country wants Indian patronage because it itself is the sole enemy.
I am not sure about the geography, can China build the road bypassing the Doklam or they are too mountainous.
Please re-check the thread opener post to see the terrain. I was a little surprised to see China and Doklam are so near to BD border.

Yes we will retreat when and if it happens , till then it's empty noises from your end.
Happy now your paper tiger won a paper war on online forums. This is not Dota my friend.
The first condition of a peaceful settlement of the present issue is that India withdraws its troops from Bhutan and support that country in the diplomatic arena only. India is vulnerable in Doklam and is at fault when it sent troops to confront the Chinese building of roads there. A confrontation may cause bifurcation of India into two well-defined separate land and the map may change. Do not please gamble.


And south Tibet.
South Tibet means Arunachal of India. But, Tibet itself desists Chinese control over its land and the people there think that China is occupying it. So, how China can establish its jurisdiction on Arunachal on the negotiating table when the Dalailama himself is given shelter in India?

China has 9600000 SQ.KM, not a inch of them is dispensable.
But, China has occupied sea areas that belong to Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines, and has staked its claim by talking of some non-existent old time maps. When a country itself is an aggressor, it cannot probably establish its right on other lands that really belong to it. This is what is happening in Doklam. Please check the sea map to see that your south China Sea possessions are not equidistant from other stakeholders.
Imagine the Irony........

Two Giants of Asia are in a Tussle & We need the EXPERT opinion of almost a Non-Entity on Global affairs!!!

Someone should seriously see the MIRROR

I consider india as a gutter can not giant lol .
Please re-check the thread opener post to see the terrain. I was a little surprised to see China and Doklam are so near to BD border.

The first condition of a peaceful settlement of the present issue is that India withdraws its troops from Bhutan and support that country in the diplomatic arena only. India is vulnerable in Doklam and is at fault when it sent troops to confront the Chinese building of roads there. A confrontation may cause bifurcation of India into two well-defined separate land and the map may change. Do not please gamble.

South Tibet means Arunachal of India. But, Tibet itself desists Chinese control over its land and the people there think that China is occupying it. So, how China can establish its jurisdiction on Arunachal on the negotiating table when the Dalailama himself is given shelter in India?

But, China has occupied sea areas that belong to Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines, and has staked its claim by talking of some non-existent old time maps. When a country itself is an aggressor, it cannot probably establish its right on other lands that really belong to it. This is what is happening in Doklam. Please check the sea map to see that your south China Sea possessions are not equidistant from other stakeholders.

Thank you for the advice and I am sure we will consider all options , as of now we are staying put where we are. Lets see wha happens in the future.

It is preposterous to assume you can gulp BD, Pakistan or any other country in your neighborhood. Do not just think a small BD is your little brother. Give us a few more years, we will just break your teeth if you try to make any adventure. Only Nepal and Bhutan are weak because they are landlocked. BD and China are trying to help them getting out from the Indian eclipse. No country wants Indian patronage because it itself is the sole enemy.

The reply was in context of a CHINESE post claiming the same I hope you understand that context in which my post was made. Anyways we don't wish to break our teeth we are happy where we are let Bangladesh do well for itself.
Please re-check the thread opener post to see the terrain. I was a little surprised to see China and Doklam are so near to BD border.

The first condition of a peaceful settlement of the present issue is that India withdraws its troops from Bhutan and support that country in the diplomatic arena only. India is vulnerable in Doklam and is at fault when it sent troops to confront the Chinese building of roads there. A confrontation may cause bifurcation of India into two well-defined separate land and the map may change. Do not please gamble.

South Tibet means Arunachal of India. But, Tibet itself desists Chinese control over its land and the people there think that China is occupying it. So, how China can establish its jurisdiction on Arunachal on the negotiating table when the Dalailama himself is given shelter in India?

But, China has occupied sea areas that belong to Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines, and has staked its claim by talking of some non-existent old time maps. When a country itself is an aggressor, it cannot probably establish its right on other lands that really belong to it. This is what is happening in Doklam. Please check the sea map to see that your south China Sea possessions are not equidistant from other stakeholders.
India had officially acknowledged that Tibet is a part of China, so South Tibet should be. They annexed the south Tibet without China's agreement in 1950s, and named it as Arunachal since year 1987. As to Dalai Lama, Mao ze do had invited him to visit Beijing twice in 1950s , but he consistently refused to end up the brutal serf system in Tibet for liberation. He determined to leave Tibet as he failed the armed rebellions against the central government and escaped to India with the help of Nehru and American CIA at 17th March year 1959. Mao ze dong had the chance to terminate Dalai in the route he escaped, But Mao didn't do it for goodness. As to Taiwan, even USA officially admitted it is a inalienable part of China, it had no dispute.

Good news is yesterday China and Phillipine hold a press conference between China foreign minister and Phillipine minister, China and Phillipine will join venture to explore oils in the south sea. And both side won't accept third parry interference in our Island dispute anymore. We will solve the problem peacefully join hand by hand.

China recently gifted 20 thousand rifles to Phillipine police force and army to fight the ISIS terrorists.

Hope my points can help you my friend.

Even Dalai Lama is going back to China now, we will welcome him back as long as he admit Tibet is a part of China. Give up the thought of seperation and serfdom.

I'm a man born in the system of CPC. If you don't fear me, you don't have to fear the communists.

Thank you for the advice and I am sure we will consider all options , as of now we are staying put where we are. Lets see wha happens in the future.

The reply was in context of a CHINESE post claiming the same I hope you understand that context in which my post was made. Anyways we don't wish to break our teeth we are happy where we are let Bangladesh do well for itself.
If you don't shoot us, we won't shoot you either.
@UKBengali @bluesky @Philia @Doyalbaba @BANGLAR BIR
Please check this video links:

@Chinese-Dragon @Beast @cirr can any one find this video in www.thewire.in and post it up, thanks! All YouTube?

A interview with Manoj yoshi, a senior scholar at the India observer foundation. He admit that Doklang is nothing related to India, and advocate India shall pull back from Doklang. And let China and Bhutan solve the problem.

@Khan saheb @Nabil365

@BDforever very lucky there is also someone with clear mind in India side.
The India Doctrine

যুদ্ধের দিকে এগোচ্ছে ভারত-চীন পিছিয়ে আসতে রাজি নয় কেউই

Chickens Neckচিকেন’স নেক বা মুরগির গলা নামে পরিচিত Siliguri Corridor শিলিগুড়ি করিডোরের কিছু দূরে চীনা ও ভারতীয় সামরিক বাহিনী তাদের গোলযোগপূর্ণ সীমান্তের স্ব স্ব এলাকায় অবস্থান করছে। যুদ্ধ বাধার আশংকায় দু’ পারমাণবিক শক্তি পরিখা খনন করে সসুসজ্জিত করছে নিজেদের । এ থেকে মনে হচ্ছে দু’দেশই যুদ্ধের দিকে এগোচ্ছে এবং কেউই পিছাতে রাজি নয়।

বেইজিং ও নয়া দিল্লী উভয়েই এ বিরোধকে হিমালয়ে প্রাধান্য বিস্তারে ঠেলাঠেলির খেলা হিসেবেই দেখছে। দু’দেশের মধ্যে বহুকাল ধরেই গোলযোগ চলে আছে যার সর্বশেষ প্রকাশ ঘটে ১৯৬২ সালের যুদ্ধে যখন কোনো দেশই পারমাণবিক অস্ত্রের অধিকারী হয়নি।

এখন একটি চীনা নির্মাণ প্রকল্প একটি সড়ক নির্মাণ করতে চাইছে যা দিয়ে ৪০ টন মালবাহী যান চলাচল করতে পারবে। এ সড়কটি ভারতের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চলাচল পথের প্রতি হুমকি এবং ভারতকে তার মিত্র ভুটান থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন করার ঝুঁকি সৃষ্টি করবে।

সাউথ চায়না মর্নিং পোস্টের খবরে বলা হয়, এ নির্মাণ প্রকল্পের মাধ্যমে চীন যখন বিতর্কিত সীমান্ত অঞ্চলে তার সার্বভৌমত্ব প্রতিষ্ঠা করতে যাচ্ছে তখন ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা নিজেদের পরিখায় সজ্জিত করছে।
পোস্ট বলে, নতুন বাংকার নির্মাণ করা হচ্ছে, আগাম চীনা হামলা ঠেকাতে মাইন পাতা হচ্ছে, কৌশলগত স্থানে মেশিন গান বসানো হচ্ছে এবং সৈন্যরা দিনে কমপক্ষে দু’বার যুদ্ধ মহড়া দিচ্ছে।

ভারত ও ভুটান উভয়েই এশিয়া জুড়ে বিশাল অবকাঠামো প্রকল্প ভিত্তিক ওয়ান বেল্ট ওয়ান রোড কর্মসূচির বিরোধিতা করেছে এবং চীন এখন দু’ দেশের দৃঢ়তা পরীক্ষা করতে চায় বলে মনে হচ্ছে।

ভারতের প্রতিরক্ষা গোয়েন্দা সংস্থার উপপ্রধান হিসেবে অবসরে যাওয়ার আগে উত্তরপূর্বাঞ্চলে একটি ডিভিশনের কমান্ডার থাকা মেজর জেনারেল গগনজিৎ সিং সাউথ চায়না মর্নিং পোস্টকে বলেন, তারা ভুটানকে দেখানোর চেষ্টা করছে যে কে হিমালয়ে যুদ্ধ ডেকে আনে। সুতরাাং আমাদের নিশ্চিত করতে হবে যে আমরা ভুটানের আঞ্চলিক অখন্ডতা রক্ষা করতে সক্ষম। তিনি বলেন, আমাদের প্রমাণ করতে হবে যে আমরা ভুটানকে রক্ষা করতে পারি। আর সে কারণেই আমরা চৃুম্বি উপত্যকায় বর্তমান ভূখন্ড ও কৌশলগত সুবিধা না হারাতে দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ।
৯,৮০০ ফুট উচ্চতায় ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা অবস্থান নিয়ে বসে আছে এবং নিচে চীনাদের দিকে নজর রাখছে যারা রাস্তা তৈরি করার চেষ্টা করছে।

সিং বলেন, চীনাদেরকে থামানো আমদের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। কারণ, আমরা যদি ব্যর্থ হই তাহলে তারা শিলিগুড়ি করিডোরের দিকে এগোবে এবং আমাদের উত্তরপূর্ব অঞ্চলকে বিচ্ছিন্ন করে দেবে।
এদিকে সংখ্যাগত দিক দিয়ে শ্রেষ্ঠতর সেনাবাহিনীর অধিকারী চীন ঘোষণা করেছে যে তারা যে কোনো মূল্যে সীমান্ত রক্ষা করবে এবং তাদের দৃঢ়সংকল্পের ব্যাপারে ভারতের কোনো ভুল ধারণা করা উচিত নয়।
চীন যেখানে তার এ পদক্ষেপকে প্রাধান্য বিস্তার এবং প্রধান নির্মাণ প্রকল্পের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হিসেবে দেখছে তখন ভারত একে দেখছে তার জাতীয় অখন্ডতার প্রতি হুমকি হিসেবে। তবে কোনো পক্ষই মারাত্মক যুদ্ধ শুরুর ব্যাপারে আগ্রহী নয়।

উইলসনস সেন্টারের এশিয়া প্রোগ্রামের পরিচালক মাইকো কুগেলম্যান এ যুদ্ধের ব্যাপারে দি সাইফার ব্রিফকে বলেন, চীন ও ভারতের মধ্যকার এক বড় যুদ্ধ ব্যাপক অর্থনৈতিক কূটনীতি থেকে অর্জিত তাদের সকল সাফল্য নস্যাৎ করে দিতে এবং তা দু’ দেশের স্বার্থের বিরাট ক্ষতি করতে পারে।
আশার কথা যে প্রায় তিনশ’ কোটি জনসংখ্যা ও পারমাণবিক অস্ত্রের অধিকারী দু’টি দেশ যুদ্ধে লিপ্ত হওয়ার আগে আসন্ন ব্রিকস ( ব্রাজিল, রাশিয়া, ভারত, চীন ও দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকা) সম্মেলনে মুখরক্ষার জন্য বিরোধ অবসানে উভয়েই একটি পথ খুঁজতে পারে।


Western powers instigating Sino-Indian confrontation!
SAM Report, July 26, 2017

More than five weeks into the border standoff between China and India, some countries other than the two directly involved are trying to step in, a China’s state-run newspaper hints at.

An article carried by the Washington Examiner on 24 July highlighted the China threat and extolled the US-Indian relationship. It suggested the US provide support for India’s efforts to deter and counter China, and rally the world against China.

The article reads: “America should offer clear support to India as it confronts China. India-US relations offer special value in our shared ability to deter and counter growing Chinese aggression. But with China now threatening US military personnel elsewhere, we should also recognize that the stakes are growing. When one considers the nuclear dimensions at play, the risks are great. Correspondingly, both India and the US are much stronger standing together. Only by doing so can we deter Chinese imperialism.”

The Chinese media also accuses other Western Powers of poking their nose into the bilateral affairs.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said during a recent visit to India that the China-India standoff incident is a long-term dispute and territorial disputes should be resolved peacefully, and Australia would not like to see an escalation.

On the contrary, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang noted on 24 July that what’s happening in Doklam is not a territorial dispute, since that part of the boundary has been long defined.

Consequently, question was raised by Chinese media over intention of the Australian Foreign Minister.

The Global Times said, “Apparently Bishop intends to blur the nature of the face-off and shows disguised support for India.”

Coming down heavily on the US hawks, the newspaper said, “The US seems to be everywhere when conflicts come up and it seldom takes an impartial posture to help address the problems. Yet partiality is likely to lead to war. There are certain forces in the West that are instigating a military clash between China and India, from which they can seek strategic benefits at no cost to themselves. Washington applied this scheme in the South China Sea disputes.”

The US magazine suggested that “the US should not sit idle here [in China-India border standoff]. We must support our ally and rally the world in diplomatic condemnation of China’s threats.”

But the China newspaper urges India to draw a lesson from the lingering hurt due to the border war between China and India, noting that there were the invisible hands of the US and the Soviet Union behind it.

“China, the world’s second-largest economy, is a close neighbor of India. Thus fighting a war with China will only cost India’s opportunities of economic domestic development and its beneficial external environment,” the newspaper said.

“In fact, neither China nor India wants a war. China has addressed most of its boundary issues with its neighbors through negotiations.

“So far, the Donald Trump administration has paid little attention to US-Indian ties, and their divergences over issues like trade and immigration remain.

The Global Times pointed out that the Americans may think they can copy their South China Sea trick. But the US gets nothing from the maritime disputes.

Likewise, Washington won’t get any benefits from the escalation of the Sino-Indian confrontation. China won’t give up safeguarding its territory because of US interference.
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@UKBengali @bluesky @Philia @Doyalbaba @BANGLAR BIR
Please check this video links:

@Chinese-Dragon @Beast @cirr can any one find this video in www.thewire.in and post it up, thanks! All YouTube?

A interview with Manoj yoshi, a senior scholar at the India observer foundation. He admit that Doklang is nothing related to India, and advocate India shall pull back from Doklang. And let China and Bhutan solve the problem.

@Khan saheb @Nabil365

@BDforever very lucky there is also someone with clear mind in India side.
is not it obvious that a so called sovereign country Bhutan do not have say in foreign policy, now occupied by India army under the name of friendship and treaty ?
Same thing would happened when India asked our National Father Bongobondhu to let India army stay in Bangladesh and do not participate in OIC meeting after liberation but he disagreed. He told India to move out Indian army and do not put nose in our foreign policy.
is not it obvious that a so called sovereign country Bhutan do not have say in foreign policy, now occupied by India army under the name of friendship and treaty ?
Same thing would happened when India asked our National Father Bongobondhu to let India army stay in Bangladesh and do not participate in OIC meeting after liberation but he disagreed. He told India to move out Indian army and do not put nose in our foreign policy.
Your national father is a great man!

It's very obvious that India want to manipulate every of its neighbours by hook or crook.
. .

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