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Whats pakistan problem? IK breaks it down for the people with low IQ


Apr 22, 2010
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United States
1- whats pakistan problem
current account deifict(in % of GDP)

2- Whats the fix?
Increase exports and remittences

3- what does IMF wants?
Like any banker it wants its money back
It asks pakistan to decrease it imports rather then interested in increasing our exports(thats not its job)

4- so why dont we just decrease our imports?
Because it leads to lower GDP growth and recession, mass unemployment

Fix your exports
We need nawaz sharif to do it like he did it in 2013 to 2018
Imran Khan shouldn't talk about economy. As his govt days were about to end, he laid down minefield of fixed petrol price, discounted electricity. Pakistan is still yet to recover from that disaster.

I'm sure N league will do something similar just before ending their govt. Its power politics and Imran Khan even justified money laundering for PTI few days ago.

And btw must of our exports goes to west, especially USA. His lies about USA regime change conspiracy will not help.
Imran Khan shouldn't talk about economy. As his govt days were about to end, he laid down minefield of fixed petrol price, discounted electricity. Pakistan is still yet to recover from that disaster.

I'm sure N league will do something similar just before ending their govt. Its power politics and Imran Khan even justified money laundering for PTI few days ago.

And btw must of our exports goes to west, especially USA. His lies about USA regime change conspiracy will not help.

IK had the plan to buy lower priced oil from Russia but you masters kicked him out on the orders of the USA. Now the crooks won't deal with Russia since their masters will be angry.
IK had the plan to buy lower priced oil from Russia but you masters kicked him out on the orders of the USA. Now the crooks won't deal with Russia since their masters will be angry.
After accounting for cost of transport and insurance, the discount on oil is speculated to be $10 per barrel for India. India uses oil tankers that belongs to state owned oil company for this purpose.

1) What was Imran's plan to arrange for transport of oil? Most private tankers don't deal with Russia.
2) Oil bought from Russia will replace oil from Saudi (who helps Pakistan with deferred payment often). Is it possible or prudent to completely switch this supplier?
3) Will the $10 per barrel discount be sufficient for the $600 million per month subsidy?
4) What if the US and EU removed Pakistan from GSP and GSP+ schemes to retaliate? Pakistan will loose its privileged access to textile export (that even India and Bangladesh do not have today).

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PDM waited 2 months before deciding to increase petrol price. By that time it was already too late. Like I said its all power politics. Its not possible to explain economic reality to layman and every opposition do politics on petrol price.
I propose PDM ko rent pr "paish" kr dain America ko.

Asking price $10 billion per month.
We can "paish" Fazlandu for an extra $2 billion.
How does he plan to “increase remittances”? Thats the fucking plan that dumbass has? Increase exports ? Lol yeah right

He has no plan….that much is obvious….maybe his supports can send him billions of dollars…..that must be the magic plan.
No plan to cut salaries of useless bunch of MNAs and Senators or judiciary or fatcats…..bas rely on remittances
After accounting for cost of transport and insurance, the discount on oil is speculated to be $10 per barrel for India. India uses oil tankers that belongs to state owned oil company for this purpose.

1) What was Imran's plan to arrange for transport of oil? Most private tankers don't deal with Russia.
2) Oil bought from Russia will replace oil from Saudi (who helps Pakistan with deferred payment often). Is it possible or prudent to completely switch this supplier?
3) Will the $10 per barrel discount be sufficient for the $600 million per month subsidy?
4) What if the US and EU removed Pakistan from GSP and GSP+ schemes to retaliate? Pakistan will loose its privileged access to textile export (that even India and Bangladesh do not have today).

There was also the avenue of cheaper Afghan coal which has gone out the window, several theories why but some do seem linked to how power structures changed in PA.

EU removing GSP status was unlikely, considering they are themselves the largest importer of Russian energy.

The fact is that Pak starting hemorrhaging reserves after the regime change. Before that, our cost of borrowing was much better than what it is now. SBP is not publishing RDA balances (only receipts), which points to the fact that there have been significant outflows.
After accounting for cost of transport and insurance, the discount on oil is speculated to be $10 per barrel for India. India uses oil tankers that belongs to state owned oil company for this purpose.

1) What was Imran's plan to arrange for transport of oil? Most private tankers don't deal with Russia.
2) Oil bought from Russia will replace oil from Saudi (who helps Pakistan with deferred payment often). Is it possible or prudent to completely switch this supplier?
3) Will the $10 per barrel discount be sufficient for the $600 million per month subsidy?
4) What if the US and EU removed Pakistan from GSP and GSP+ schemes to retaliate? Pakistan will loose its privileged access to textile export (that even India and Bangladesh do not have today).


Fact is last year 6% GDP growth was on back of huge increase in imports while we were under IMF program. But PTI fanboys will defend his every move. Tareen his 3rd or 4th finance minister left Pakistan bankrupt, he played the role of Dar.

Pakistan could have ended with $5b CAD and not $17b if Hafeez Sheikh economic policies continued. But that would have meant less growth but now inflation would be less, our rupee would be much stronger. Will have enough reserves etc

Its not all about GDP growth numbers, especially unsustainable ones. Again I don't think N league would have done anything different in place of PTI. Right now they don't have option left otherwise Dar was crying his gut out to come back.

But but energy prices increased. True... But then you kill the demand and not reduce taxes and even provide subsidy on petrol for political reasons. Take unpopular decisions to save the state from bigger disaster while sacrificing politically, Imran Khan did other way around.
How does he plan to “increase remittances”? Thats the fucking plan that dumbass has? Increase exports ? Lol yeah right

He has no plan….that much is obvious….maybe his supports can send him billions of dollars…..that must be the magic plan.
No plan to cut salaries of useless bunch of MNAs and Senators or judiciary or fatcats…..bas rely on remittances

He never came with hard reforms which will cost politically. To start of reduce federal govt expenditure and debt by hook or crook. Sell off SOE. Make provinces responsible for electricity bill collection, theft. Reduce defence budget by reducing number of useless army officers and soldiers. World is moving towards machine warfare while we are wasting money on sitting ducks.

Exports where? World is entering recession and export industry isn't developed overnight or even in 5 years. IK whole narrative is based on lies against our biggest export buyers, USA. Remittances again depend on Pakistan relations with rest of the world and how many of our people can get visas. Good luck getting western visas with anti-west rhetoric with ghairat delusions.
There was also the avenue of cheaper Afghan coal which has gone out the window, several theories why but some do seem linked to how power structures changed in PA.

EU removing GSP status was unlikely, considering they are themselves the largest importer of Russian energy.

The fact is that Pak starting hemorrhaging reserves after the regime change. Before that, our cost of borrowing was much better than what it is now. SBP is not publishing RDA balances (only receipts), which points to the fact that there have been significant outflows.
1) Pakistan has agreed to buy coal at $200 per ton while market rate is $386 per ton. Payment will be in PKR. The window is not closed at all.

2) EU can always give a different reason like minority rights to bump Pakistan from GDP+. Yes, EU can afford to be hypocritical when they feel like it.

3) The notion that remittance 'outflow' is the reason for devaluation is pure speculation and nothing more. What I do know for certain is that Imran violated terms of agreement with IMF and this has put the EFF in jeopardy. As a result, the upcoming debts cannot be deferred. This paints a bad economic outlook that has resulted in a downgrade of rating. Now speculators are having a field day on the currency. Hopefully, General Bajwa will be able to convince the US (IMF) that Pakistan will not do the same mistakes again.

Again I don't think N league would have done anything different in place of PTI.
I think Imran played brinkmanship with PLMN (over VoNC) by tying a noose around the economic fate of Pakistan. Unfortunately for Pakistan, Shahbaz took two months to blink first. Now General Bajwa is running from pillar to post to fix the situation. Ironically, PTI supporters troll him for trying to fix this mess.

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