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What's Modi's First Destination?


Jun 26, 2009
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United States
I ask, what in your opinion should and would be Modi's first destination for an official visit to another country?

If I were him, China would be and should be my first destination, especially considering the two pronged effect it could generate...
For one, it would signal China, that this would be a new era of partnership in trade and commerce, leaving behind past differences in an effort to move towards peace...

The other being to light a fire under the Obama Administrations ***..The china move will let this government know that the US needs to work closely with India to address the recent cooling of relations (basically woo india more) and maybe a nice passive aggressive retaliation for previous snubs (visa issue and all)

I think a state visit will definitely be indicative of the bloc India will move closer to in the coming years of the modi administration..
Russia would make the most sense.

China for investment, but the thing is that China is going to invest regardless of politics, since we are moving away from an investment driven economic model. Therefore much of the domestic investment will have to find a place outside of China, and there are limited options for that.
Russia would make the most sense.

China for investment, but the thing is that China is going to invest regardless of politics, since we are moving away from an investment driven economic model. Therefore much of the domestic investment will have to find a place outside of China, and there are limited options for that.

I beg to differ.
See to me Russia is a known ally...and they arent going anywhere as we have a ton of integrations already.

Strategically, i think china makes sense..Not even from an investment standpoint as much as from a political standpoint.
A behemoth continuing to grow at an incredible pace, both economically and in clout, and with an outstanding dispute with India, which rolled out the red carpet for him...
When one gets the chance at peace and friendship, you embrace it with open arms. Especially when the said entity is one of your largest trading partners as well as opponents (purely from a land dispute standpoint)
The message it sends is quite strong

Not to forget the US angle as well..
IMO Israel, for a country having such a close relations with India its strange that no Indian head of state has visited the country so far even after more than 20 years have passed since the the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries.
My guess is Japan.

Newspapers seem to predict that, possibly because of the Japanese investments in Gujrat and the networks modi may have formed as a result of the business..

IMO Israel, for a country having such a close relations with India its strange that no Indian head of state has visited the country so far even after more than 20 years have passed since the the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries.

I dont think the Israelis care for photo-ops ....the Israelis know who they can trust and who they cant..state visits mean nothing to them..
On India's end, we have been an open supporter of the Palestinian cause and are trying to balance the Muslim world with Israel...cant make a move like that and not raise eyebrows...Maybe Modi can break away from that trend, time will tell..

Though you can be certain that contact between Israel and India start at the highest level, just not publicly
Japan or China. Or a neutral zone like Singapore, representing India's interest in S.E. Asia/ASEAN.
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Japan or Russia.
But i wont be surprised if he steps somewhere in his own backyard,one of SAARC countries.
Russia? hmmm...

China for example is offering a five year bundle worth up to $300 Billion in Infra projects. And Japan traditionally invested in many infra projects, including the big DMIC project.

China, for what they're offering is probably the right choice.
Japan most likely. China if he wants to make a statement.

Hopefully at somepoint he will make the journey to Israel, he would be very well received there and whilst the Israelis understand the complications for an indian PM to visit Israel they would very much appreciate it. Israel is a country I very much welcome India getting as close as possible with. Russia to an extent but right now they are a bit of a loose cannon and yes be friends with China but that relationship will always be an uneasy one.
Going to Japan will send a wrong signal to China.So he will avoid both China and Japan.It might be a SAARC or ASEAN country.
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