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What's Happening? Ridiculous surge in STREET CRIMES in Karachi


Dec 1, 2015
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From Actors to common man - Everyone is at mercy of these bloody goons

They violate our lives/dignity/money everyday and there's no stopping them.

Shouldn't we keep arms all the time while outside?

@Areesh @StormBreaker
From Actors to common man - Everyone is at mercy of these bloody goons

They violate our lives/dignity/money everyday and there's no stopping them.

Shouldn't we keep arms all the time while outside?

@Areesh @StormBreaker

this is the fate of karachiites as per state of "islamic" republic of Pakistan

Give taxes. And get looted at every corner and street
From Actors to common man - Everyone is at mercy of these bloody goons

They violate our lives/dignity/money everyday and there's no stopping them.

Shouldn't we keep arms all the time while outside?

@Areesh @StormBreaker
Is this your first holiday season in Karachi?

The crime rate has gone up across the country due to economic hardships brought upon by the pandemic.

Even small towns are facing a criminal streak. Hopefully tourism will help
From Actors to common man - Everyone is at mercy of these bloody goons

They violate our lives/dignity/money everyday and there's no stopping them.

Shouldn't we keep arms all the time while outside?

@Areesh @StormBreaker
Ayat ul kursi is enough and trust in Allah. Baqi, stay aware and take necessary precautions
And carry two cell phones. One to use, and one to hand over when held up. Also consider a smaller sacrificial wallet.
Yeah .. good luck with that. These cretin will beat you for showing that cellphone up and then shoot to get the other one.

The only solution is what was started by rangers a few years ago but ended after the mafia that is connected to these men in the MQM,ANP and PPP started whining.
The rangers and police set up fake targets as ambush - as soon as these robbers came in, cell phones picked they would be sprayed by backup cars with Mp5s or AKs. And the bodies picked up for disposal - no trial, nothing. Road based crime during this practice plummeted to nearly 5% of its levels.
Yeah .. good luck with that. These cretin will beat you for showing that cellphone up and then shoot to get the other one.

The only solution is what was started by rangers a few years ago but ended after the mafia that is connected to these men in the MQM,ANP and PPP started whining.
The rangers and police set up fake targets as ambush - as soon as these robbers came in, cell phones picked they would be sprayed by backup cars with Mp5s or AKs. And the bodies picked up for disposal - no trial, nothing. Road based crime during this practice plummeted to nearly 5% of its levels.

Well, that was the advice I was given the last time I planned to go to Karachi. The end result was that I did not go.

I still cannot accept such casual use of extra judicial murders in curbing crime, but then again I have the luxury of not being subject to it directly. It is, however, a huge problem for the good people of Karachi.
Well, that was the advice I was given the last time I planned to go to Karachi. The end result was that I did not go.

I still cannot accept such casual use of extra judicial murders in curbing crime, but then again I have the luxury of not being subject to it directly. It is, however, a huge problem for the good people of Karachi.
Unfortunately, the terms judical have meaning in places where law and order is properly established. There was much less “judicial” practice involved during the wild west - the same seems be applied here to keep criminals in line.
If Karachiets don't want crime they shouldn't commit crimes.
what an ignorant remarks ....

Its 'Ramzan Open for all Season'

If you have any person in your social gathering or relative living in Karachi just ask him how the areas of Karachi are allotted to the highest bidder for begging and Street crimes.
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what an ignorant remarks ....

Its 'Ramzan Open for all Season'

If you have any person living in Karachi just ask him how the areas of Karachi are allotted to the highest bidder for begging and Street crimes.
Mubarek Patel aka Yadev never got robbed in Karachi.
Unfortunately, the terms judical have meaning in places where law and order is properly established. There was much less “judicial” practice involved during the wild west - the same seems be applied here to keep criminals in line.

Sad to see that Pakistan continues to live a few centuries behind the rest of the civilized world despite being a nuclear power. It need not be this way. Justifying present failures by pointing out similarities from times gone by is probably counter-productive, in that it prevents looking and aspiring towards better things, at least in my view.
Any stats to back this claim?

In my understanding, the level of violence in Karachi has come down incredibly over the last few years.
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