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US's largest cigarette company executives are sworn in before a hearing on the contents of cigarettes in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1994. 7 top tobacco CEOs testified to the US Congress, they declared, under oath, that nicotine was NOT addictive.


Operation Berkshire - Wikipedia
Sorry i left without informing you guys . The reason is i do not have any emotions any relatons any feeling for anything of pakistan . You can say pakistan is dead for me and i am dead for pakistan .there is no meaning for post here anymore .best of luck guys .

Don't become black pilled. Try change of atmosphere and interact in other fora for a while in non-pakistan setting and non-Pakistan topics. Turks created one elsewhere for example (I am sure there are others), lot of ex-PDF'ers there talking about much more worthy things more leisurely. @Imran Khan

This place just attracts same old blah blah discussion and bad mojo. Can just observe and say hi to friends here now and then, thats all that is needed. Engaging in same old hopeless discussions and addicts to that here too much just wears you out and black pills bro.

You are 10/10 original fun character who means well deep down, so just find other stuff and other places to vent on things more useful....and forget about what you need to forget about for a while at same time.

Sorry I couldn't post on your profile page.
Dear western Europe, don't provoke Islam, or Muslims might side with Russia. That day no one will be there to save you. You can kill only the Muslims in your lands, and that will be starting point only.
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