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Heard that baritone a zillionth times already :agree:

Oh sorry. I thought you weren't a member when I recorded that poem. My bad.

My browsers ( Chrome and Firefox ) are out-of-date and I cannot upgrade them because the upgrades seem not to be available for my current Slax Linux installation. Because of this SoundCloud doesn't work for my browsers.

This leaves me with two possibilities to provide my readings :

1. Search for free data-upload sites like SoundCloud, RapidShare and Megaupload.

------------------------------- OR --------------------------------

2. Since PDF doesn't provide for audio attachments directly, I could try compressing them using ZIP and then uploading the file. ZIP files are allowed for attachment.

Give me some time.
I am banned frm the thread,,,citing tht my comments were racist
Well,hypocrisy does have a name :D
Stop telling lies. Urdo and Hindi are the same language. People who speak them easily understand and communicate with each other. I've seen it countless times for myself.

Here, even researchers who've studied and compared Urdu and Hindi say the same thing: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id...ce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

You're not fooling anyone.

Lol, no you're not. Who told you that? The White man who divided and ruled your race and country? Dude, you're such a mentally colonized sucker it's almost unbelievable, but sadly it's not.

Your Pakistan 'identity' is a fake product of British colonial era policy to divide and rule your race on the basis of their religion so that they could control you and exploit you as their slaves while they looted the resources from your country and used your people as cheap cannon fodder on the front-lines of Britain's imperialist wars around the World. Nothing more.

And finally the unintended consequences of that imperialist British divide and rule policy of your race came about after World War 2 when the British empire was bankrupted and they had no strength left to occupy their colonies. So they took what last things they could and then ditched you in the most irresponsible way after having filled your heads with petty nonsense leaving millions of your people to fend for themselves divided by an artificial border based on the flimsiest of data dividing up villages and towns on census statistics that, guess what, were taken by the British, lol.... Millions of your people became refugees and murdered each other because that's how badly the British screwed you idiots and had mentally colonized you into thinking you were somehow 'different' and 'unique'. And you still cling on desperately to what the master told you even though he's already long gone and left you behind in the gutter of history? What a joke.

Your country is only like 70 years old. I have relatives still living that are older than your nationality.

We're living in the era of decolonization. Learn about it and get over your mental colonization and slavery the British man put down on you.
What the hell r u talking abt???
Hindi and urdu r worlds apart,,,there is nothing similar about thm,,,apples and oranges.
N oh puhleez!
Thr is indus valley civilization,,,apparently pagan bhayyas made somekind of civilization(unbelievable,,i know),,somthng happened later,,ah yes they became pure n martial,,,,,,n ofcourse better.
Btw R u blind,,thr is nothng similar abt Indians n Pakistanis,,its like comparing white europian ppl with black african ppl,,seriously get ur eyes checked
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