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Anypne of you have personal exp of those fingernail marks?

Happened to me.

It was like my back was completely scratched and one can see fresh and dried wound of the jungli billi and some old marks.
It was the durga puja day and I took a bath and was supposed to wear a kurta so went to fetch downstairs to fetch one, that time my sis saw and started shouting asking what happened to your back :D

Then mom joined and they both started askinga thousand questions, I made some stupid story like we went for a trekking and i fell on a thorney bush and all.

I dont think they bought the story :no:

I miss my Billi :D

same with me. back in college. i was in rented flat and my buddies always had a doubt about my billi. so next day when i took off my shirt there were obivious questions about marks on arms and back. and then my parents visited............:hitwall:
Anypne of you have personal exp of those fingernail marks?

Happened to me.

It was like my back was completely scratched and one can see fresh and dried wound of the jungli billi and some old marks.
It was the durga puja day and I took a bath and was supposed to wear a kurta so went to fetch downstairs to fetch one, that time my sis saw and started shouting asking what happened to your back :D

Then mom joined and they both started askinga thousand questions, I made some stupid story like we went for a trekking and i fell on a thorney bush and all.

I dont think they bought the story :no:

I miss my Billi :D

I was caught (by buddies) while marking was in progress :flame: :toast_sign:
Guys, the worst case is when you are questioned by your billi, if the nail marks are the work of some other cat!!!
Trust me!!!

Adwitya, who is this stupid fag?
Abhiras, what do you feel about the discussions on the Ram namvi thread? Just wanted your take, you seem to have a good knowledge on Hinduism.
Guys, the worst case is when you are questioned by your billi, if the nail marks are the work of some other cat!!!
Trust me!!!

He he he
Thats funny, thank god that never happened to me :)

I am an one woman man, i meant one woman at a time :P
Whats your Question?
I have some info on Hinduism too :)

There was a nice discussion on Ram Namvi thread, on how even Hinduism like the abrahamatic religions is a monotheistic religion ultimately, where finally everything is around one central power Om.
Check out the thread.
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