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Keep up the good work @SpArK, let us know of any other old threads being dug up.

is replying to old thread against to the forum rules?if so why arnt they closed?doesnt being open means u can reply ? also what is the definition of old??because people still post in some threads which belong to even 2005.like joke thread and others
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is replying to old thread against to the forum rules?if so why arnt they closed?doesnt being open means u can reply ? also what is the definition of old??because people still post in some threads which belong to even 2005.like joke thread and others

Its the last post that matters...the joke threads or Naswaristan are not based upon a news, they are just general threads...while the threads on which you commented were based on some even or news, and in 2013, that event has gotten outdated.

SEcondly, it is not possible for us to go around closing all old threads.

Thirdly, your posts were of no value and pointless one liners.
apologies apologies
i accidentaly created the thread,he asked me to post that msg in this thread instead,but i committed the mistake...and the thread has been deleted upon his request
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Subject: Amazing - India's youngest CEO

India’s youngest CEO Shravan and Sanjay Kumaran two brothers from Chennai..

This is an incredible achievement by two brothers Shravan and Sanjay Kumaran as they have launched their own mobile applications firm. Aged only 12 and 10 respectively, Shravan is the Co-Founder and President of Go Dimensions while his brother is Co-Founder and CEO. The two brothers are the youngest chief executives of India and also youngest promoters of a company who are studying in Class VIII and Class VI at a Chennai school.

When most adults have trouble understanding Java code, these two kids have used the code to build mobile applications. The brothers have together developed four apps for the Apple Store, which have been downloaded more than 10,000 times from 20 countries...!!!

i do have the right to give my POV :cray:
although i have given u many reasons for the 38 mails, but i must say u allowed
3-4 per day 4x7=28per week still, and if i had know that you check ur mail weekly and not (daily as usual, i thought u were reading but not replying coz of work) I would never had sent you soo many mails! And most of them are one liners and hello HIs.... Sheesh. But thankgod i now have gtalk
Secondly i was banned, ub kahin to baat krni thi na!
i too want to escape from this virtual world, but fights and turbulances drag me back.i know u want me to live a real life but force and fear strategy wont work on me. Im getting more addicted.
Btw if u read the 1st few mails, i have acknowleged ur authority , i know my position!
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@MAAZ ZAFAR Ok i forgive u! But dont create multiple ids. They created a lot of problem for me!
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@Alpha1, sometimes its better to let go of things, rather than trying desperately to explain yourself. Take it easy.
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@hinduguy you are right! But it affected my real life a lot!
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@MAAZ ZAFAR u dont know the forum rules dont u?!
U dont know how to edit, not to create multiple ids!?
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