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What will the new PM of India do to improve relations with Italy?

P.S.:-I am actually quite sympathetic towards those 2 Italian marines as they are the soldiers of their country and were only doing their jobs and personally i feel that this incident is rather a case of some misunderstanding and hence the marines should be shown leniancy by the Indian judiciary.:coffee:
good,don't you show the same sympathy towards the pakistani soldiers,who beheaded an indian javan two or three months ago??
they are the soldiers of their country and were doing their jobs??
Recently, The vehicle which was carrying one of our Cabinet Ministers met with an accident while he was on his way to the airport in Delhi. The Cabinet Minister died. The driver of the other car which was involved in the accident was later released on a bail of 30,000 Indian Rupees (500 US Dollar) on the same day.

In short, if the Italian Marines are innocent they will be set free, if their crime is small they will be given a prison sentence by the court of law.

Please do not make the India-Italy relation hostage of this one issue.
Ok. Your countryman quite gleefully called the country a "joke". Do you agree with such sentiments? I'm interested to know what Italy can't produce that India can.

Almost entire software industry is depend on us.I mean software exporting.
I dont think Italy can develop such a massive software exporting industry..
good,don't you show the same sympathy towards the pakistani soldiers,who beheaded an indian javan two or three months ago??
they are the soldiers of their country and were doing their jobs??
You are simply comparing apples with oranges here.Accept it or not but the fact remains that Pakistan is our arch rival(i am carefully avoiding the word "enemy" here) for the last six and a half decade.Plus their soldiers were involved in a brutal assault on our Jawaans inside our border which is nothing short of an act of war.On the other hand,Italy has been a solid ally of our country since independence and it has never ever been involved in any anti-Indian activities in the past.Plus we shouldn't forget the fact that it's a G-8 economy and has got considerable influence within the E.U.,so any enmity with Italy at this moment will certainly cost us dearly.....
You are simply comparing apples with oranges here.Accept it or not but the fact remains that Pakistan is our arch rival(i am carefully avoiding the word "enemy" here) for the last six and a half decade.Plus their soldiers were involved in a brutal assault on our Jawaans inside our border which is nothing short of an act of war.On the other hand,Italy has been a solid ally of our country since independence and it has never ever been involved in any anti-Indian activities in the past.Plus we shouldn't forget the fact that it's a G-8 economy and has got considerable influence within the E.U.,so any enmity with Italy at this moment will certainly cost us dearly.....

good to have a conversation between a sane member here. I agree with this. Italy already pushed trade between EU and India forward. Italy always was friendly towards india and never showed bad bheavior towards it.

We too react too much on emoitions in this case. Pulling entire EU, UN and USA into it was a mistake. The free trade agreement is already halted because of this. It should never have been blown up like this.
good to have a conversation between a sane member here. I agree with this. Italy already pushed trade between EU and India forward. Italy always was friendly towards india and never showed bad bheavior towards it.

We too react too much on emoitions in this case. Pulling entire EU, UN and USA into it was a mistake. The free trade agreement is already halted because of this. It should never have been blown up like this.

You made a grave mistake when you guys cheat SC and your ambassodar renegade our Apex Court.And that is the main problem of all this case.
Your soldiers may be a hero for your country .But for us they are the killers of two innocent men.But we dont ask for harsh punishment because any man can happen a mistake.But the way your politicians treat this soldiers in Italy .
That made GoI in a complex situation that they couldnt even consider a small concessions in this case.A silent movement could be solution for this case long time ago.But like you said Italy emotional mentality seems back fired severely .India was your friend but your media and politicians act like they are dealing with some type of enemy country.
World is changed too much my friend .Italy can drag EU and US in this case.But how much you can sustain with that measures.BRICS group is not that bad.And
US cant ignore our market and also our strategic importance.
So nowadays any tom,dick or harry like you can call me a traitor!!May i ask about your patriotic contribution to this nation so far!I think i am way more patriotic than most of you loudmouths out here.You guys are literally ruining the image of our country in an international forum by abusing a foreign country because of the deeds of 2 individuals.Plus,some of you are insulting the Catholic religion which is an extremely unfortunate thing to do.We are the representatives of our nation in this international forum,so i would expect us to behave like one.Most of you are blabbering like a bunch of emotional retards.I,on the other hand knows the implication of this type of senseless blabbering.We simply can't jeopardize our relation with a G-8 country just because of this single incident.You people are the sole reason why we have got a dubious international reputation of being a country full of loud mouths.....
I dont care what internationals like you think i neves skipped any tax never given bribe and i live in INDIA
If international dont like india's way then dont do buisnes with india
And if a country willing to leave a killer for international pleasing indias courage will be seen as null
And what will your international figure like usa and eu do if some of their civilians are killed will they let the killes leave
And army is not for killing civilian
People like you are the diffrence between india and china india got plenty of people like you while china not

So nowadays any tom,dick or harry like you can call me a traitor!!May i ask about your patriotic contribution to this nation so far!I think i am way more patriotic than most of you loudmouths out here.You guys are literally ruining the image of our country in an international forum by abusing a foreign country because of the deeds of 2 individuals.Plus,some of you are insulting the Catholic religion which is an extremely unfortunate thing to do.We are the representatives of our nation in this international forum,so i would expect us to behave like one.Most of you are blabbering like a bunch of emotional retards.I,on the other hand knows the implication of this type of senseless blabbering.We simply can't jeopardize our relation with a G-8 country just because of this single incident.You people are the sole reason why we have got a dubious international reputation of being a country full of loud mouths.....
I dont care what internationals like you think i neves skipped any tax never given bribe and i live in INDIA
If international dont like india's way then dont do buisnes with india
And if a country willing to leave a killer for international pleasing indias courage will be seen as null
And what will your international figure like usa and eu do if some of their civilians are killed will they let the killes leave
And army is not for killing civilian
People like you are the diffrence between india and china india got plenty of people like you while china not
I dont care what internationals like you think i neves skipped any tax never given bribe and i live in INDIA
If international dont like india's way then dont do buisnes with india
And if a country willing to leave a killer for international pleasing indias courage will be seen as null
And what will your international figure like usa and eu do if some of their civilians are killed will they let the killes leave
And army is not for killing civilian
People like you are the diffrence between india and china india got plenty of people like you while china not

I dont care what internationals like you think i neves skipped any tax never given bribe and i live in INDIA
If international dont like india's way then dont do buisnes with india
And if a country willing to leave a killer for international pleasing indias courage will be seen as null
And what will your international figure like usa and eu do if some of their civilians are killed will they let the killes leave
And army is not for killing civilian
People like you are the diffrence between india and china india got plenty of people like you while china not
As if i care what an imbecile like you think of me!Its because of people like you that we have been lagging behind China in literally every field.Anyways its nice talking to an imbecile like you kiddo!!
Marines case: Italy rejects Indian jurisdiction

Rome, June 10 - Italian Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti Tuesday reiterated the country's stand rejecting India's jurisdiction in the case of two Italian marines accused of killing two Indian fishermen two years ago.

Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone were arrested for killing the fishermen off the coast of Kerala in February 2012, mistaking their fishing boat for a pirate vessel. The two are currently on bail.

"Our government confirms the rejection of Indian jurisdiction," ANSA quoted Pinotti as saying Tuesday.

The marines have been living and working at the Italian embassy in India pending charges in the case, that has stressed relations between India and Italy.

"They were on an anti-piracy mission and therefore covered by the immunity of being state officials and this certifies the international ambit of the case," Pinotti said.

The Italian government stressed that it will take the case to international arbitration if the pair are not allowed to come home soon.

Italy also expressed hope that the new Indian government led by Narendra Modi would be open to negotiations.

Italy's Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini last week spoke to Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj over phone to congratulate her and also discussed the issue of the two Italian marines.

"It is still possible to seek an agreement with the new Indian government, but if an agreement is not possible and we find ourselves faced with attempts at deferment or rejection, we will go ahead with the arbitration procedure and we hope to have them here as soon as possible," the defence minister said.

Last month, the Italian government announced it was opening a "new phase" in the saga, replacing its special envoy in the case and sending its ambassador back to New Delhi to help steer the case towards arbitration.

Italy has long attempted to win international support in the case.

The Indian Supreme Court had March 27 sought a response from the government on the petition filed by the two marines challenging the jurisdiction of NIA to probe and prosecute the case.

This came after the marines told the court that the Indian government had decided to withdraw their prosecution under the stringent anti-piracy law that attracts the death penalty as maximum punishment. IANS
You made a grave mistake when you guys cheat SC and your ambassodar renegade our Apex Court.And that is the main problem of all this case.
Your soldiers may be a hero for your country .But for us they are the killers of two innocent men.But we dont ask for harsh punishment because any man can happen a mistake.But the way your politicians treat this soldiers in Italy .
That made GoI in a complex situation that they couldnt even consider a small concessions in this case.A silent movement could be solution for this case long time ago.But like you said Italy emotional mentality seems back fired severely .India was your friend but your media and politicians act like they are dealing with some type of enemy country.
World is changed too much my friend .Italy can drag EU and US in this case.But how much you can sustain with that measures.BRICS group is not that bad.And
US cant ignore our market and also our strategic importance.

So what you suggest that both sides can go out of this without losing face?
So what you suggest that both sides can go out of this without losing face?

I suggest a NUKE STRIKE on the heart of Italy. It will end everything.

Italy is a state where two gems were born - Mussolini & Sonia Gandhi, both proved to be burden on whole world. Italy doesn't deserve to EXIST.
So what you suggest that both sides can go out of this without losing face?

Dont spike this issue in medias both in Italy and India as far as possible.Otherwise things will again screwed up.Politicians must not make too much noise.Emotion is one thing ,diplomacy is the other thing.
Italy must obey SC ruling.If you present a good lawyer all these issues will solve with in months with much less noise.Once SC ordered in the favour of marines then Marines can go back to their home.
Otherwise I dont see a light in the end of the tunnel.
Using forceful method or political noise will backfire no matter what.Our former PM Manmohan Singh dont interested to spiral out these case.
But our present PM Narendra Modi is too stubborn and tough.He has corporates backing ,support strong of Indian lobby in US and others.He dont do anything that hurts India's reputation.
Dont spike this issue in medias both in Italy and India as far as possible.Otherwise things will again screwed up.Politicians must not make too much noise.Emotion is one thing ,diplomacy is the other thing.
Italy must obey SC ruling.If you present a good lawyer all these issues will solve with in months with much less noise.Once SC ordered in the favour of marines then Marines can go back to their home.
Otherwise I dont see a light in the end of the tunnel.
Using forceful method or political noise will backfire no matter what.Our former PM Manmohan Singh dont interested to spiral out these case.
But out present PM Narendra Modi is too stubborn and tough.He has corporates backing ,support strong Indian lobby in US and others.He dont do anything that hurts India's reputation.

I doubt Modi would risk peaceful relations with EU over this. The structure of the EU allows italy to basicly force it to anything italy wants. Because of that freetrade was already stopped and italy is famous for such emotional outbursts. Remember our PM Craxi even let our marines stop US marines who tried to capture pali terrorists...

When german president Gauck visited india few months ago he talked about this issue with india in very calm way. maybe it would be best if we let two friends deal with this. like germany and japan so we avoid temper outbursts from both sides. This entire thing is a diplomatic minefield and unfortunatelly it involves two normally friendly countries...but with easily boiling blood.

Good thing is, we italians can be very very angry with friends. One day we fight and punch each other...next day we are happy and dance. :D
I doubt Modi would risk peaceful relations with EU over this. The structure of the EU allows italy to basicly force it to anything italy wants. Because of that freetrade was already stopped and italy is famous for such emotional outbursts. Remember our PM Craxi even let our marines stop US marines who tried to capture pali terrorists...

When german president Gauck visited india few months ago he talked about this issue with india in very calm way. maybe it would be best if we let two friends deal with this. like germany and japan so we avoid temper outbursts from both sides. This entire thing is a diplomatic minefield and unfortunatelly it involves two normally friendly countries...but with easily boiling blood.

Good thing is, we italians can be very very angry with friends. One day we fight and punch each other...next day we are happy and dance. :D

Friend you dont know about Narendra Modi.He can make a move that others cant get.You already got that when he invite all SAARCS in his swearing ceremoney.But within all these good gestures he also has other method ,his own method(May he got that from the teachings of RSS):D.
.Because of so called independent policy it seems our govt dont involve third party in this.Because some other nations will exploit that chance for their own issues.You can force EU. But how long is the real basic problem.We are in talk with France for possibly 20 billion$ MMRCA deal.German car companies is in a fast track growth in India.
Due to our large market and growth it will remain in a forward path in coming years.Which company can ignore a fast growing 125 crore market.
EU may unanimously support you if your ambassador dont renegade his words.If that stupidity not happens two marines can be enjoy their life in Italy months ago .That move single handedly made bad impression about Italy not only in India but also whole world.After all two innocent mens are killed.It is not a heroic job.Marines themselves agree with this.That cheating performance gave us some excuses that can make in the front of EU and others.
If they force us we can simply explain all these facts.
Friend you dont know about Narendra Modi.He can make a move that others cant get.You already got that when he invite all SAARCS in his swearing ceremoney.But within all these good gestures he also has other method ,his own method(May he got that from the teachings of RSS):D.
.Because of so called independent policy it seems our govt dont involve third party in this.Because some other nations will exploit that chance for their own issues.You can force EU. But how long is the real basic problem.We are in talk with France for possibly 20 billion$ MMRCA deal.German car companies is in a fast track growth in India.
Due to our large market and growth it will remain in a forward path in coming years.Which company can ignore a fast growing 125 crore market.
EU may unanimously support you if your ambassador dont renegade his words.If that stupidity not happens two marines can be enjoy their life in Italy months ago .That move single handedly made bad impression about Italy not only in India but also whole world.After all two innocent mens are killed.It is not a heroic job.Marines themselves agree with this.That cheating performance gave us some excuses that can make in the front of EU and others.
If they force us we can simply explain all these facts.

i believe it is also in indias best interest to solve this in a good way as fast as possible.
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