And only a moron like you can come up with that as an excuse. Because it takes something called humanity and some light in the heart to think better.
It was your bloody assholes fault and every citizen of your nation to support your army to be present at a place where people don't want them.
Saying its the fault of people to stand up against an occupying force is only what a filthy brain can think and use as an excuse to convince himself and others.
Don't spread this bullshit around, keep it within your filthy brain...
More shameful are dead minds and hearts like yours who see injured children and refer to them as tools of propaganda.
God forbid if it was your bloody daughter or sister who became a victim of some mob, I would wonder whose fault that would be, if you saw her picture on the internet?
It's fucking funny when low lifers like you, with effed up mentality get to represent your nation on the internet. No doubt every one of you filthy creatures is a rapist dickhead.
I bet when your *** gets raped some day, it would be your fault for being there to get raped?
Tell the same to some one you love when they get effed up, that it's their fault or their parents fault for them to be in a place where shit happened.
Fix your effed up low lifer mentality, when half your country sees woman as nothing but tools to be raped, I know what kind of filth roams around in your head and comes out in this kind of times.
I'm fine tolerating criticism and opposing views.
But I'm not fine tolerating bullshit mentality that looks at a hurting child and tells her it was her fault and her parents to have been in a place where some asshole terrorist scum of an army would shoot her.
As if any parent would put their child in harms way on purpose.
IDK what special kind of assholeness has to be nurtured to make ones mind go this low, but these low lifers need to be cleansed from here.