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What role could PAF have played in the Kargil war??

PAF stayed out because they knew that if PAF got involved the conflict would
simply escalate and NONE of the Pakistani armed forces ie Army ; Navy and AIr force
wanted an all out war

And more over the IAF 's superiority in BVR arena -- during the Kargil conflict is well known

IAF Mig 29s had locked on to F 16 s forcing them to turn away

No that wasn't the case; Nawaz Sharif did not even hear of this war or conflict - it was a secret stunt pulled by Musharraf. The Government prevented further reinforcements, Air support and sometimes even supplies.
General Musharaf was taking a GAMBLE

If he had succeded -- LOC would have changed and Siachen would have been LOST

But A similar previous plan by Pakistan Army was turned down by Benazir Bhutto

So may be General Musharraf DID NOT want any nay sayers to scuttle his plan

The rewards IF they would have materialised would have been entirely his
well Gambles cannot be perceived as master plan.. right??
Indian Army's soldiers took back the peaks with their bravery and sacrifice

General Musharraf's Plan was TACTICALLY Brilliant but STRATEGICALLY Very bad

As Sun Tzu said Tactics without strategy is just Noise before defeat

And if India could not have evicted them then First we would have attacked ACROSS
the LOC --- Not directly into Punjab

Our Strike Corps had NOT been mobilised at all during the Kargil war-- They are meant to cross the International Border
it was intelligence failure of epic proportion from our side ... IA was telling govt that some intruder have taken over peaks and need to be dislodged. only later the extent of intrusion was known. I tend to think the reason we did not cross LoC is because we did not know enough about whats going on.
It was a secret project and very few generals knew the plan infact PAF and PN were very much ill informed. Needless to talk about the Govt. If there would had been complete backing by the Govt with everything planned ,by all the 3 armed forces divisions i.e Army, PN and PF - India would had got serious spanking.
Nevertheless the bravado played by Musharaf and his supportive Generals brought India to its knees and their Army had to used IAF to save their a$$e$ in the end.
it was intelligence failure of epic proportion from our side ... IA was telling govt that some intruder have taken over peaks and need to be dislodged. only later the extent of intrusion was known. I tend to think the reason we did not cross LoC is because we did not know enough about whats going on.

Absolutely right

One Brigadier said to his Boys " Drag them DOWN from the Mountains by their Collars "

Then when we lost our soldiers ; Some other Brigadier said
"I will clear the Intrusion in TWO days "

Initially It was a Kick in the face for Indian Army

However the Recovery after the initial setbacks was absolutely Heroic
and unparalleled in the History of the world

Just imagine climbing peaks of 18000 to 20000 Feet and killing the enemy so
well entrenched
Nopes...it would not have...Pakistan would have found itself under severe diplomatic pressure because everyone including china considered you guys as the aggressor...secondly both sides hardly had few bombs and there was no way they could have severely damaged the capacity of opposite side to retaliate...

Are you sure about that? We know how many chaps we lost...do you even know how many from your side?? keep in mind once Bofors and IAF joined in your chaps were sitting ducks!!

Fair enough...
Pakistan was under Sanctions....The rest you are saying one can not continue on arguing what was first.

Nopes...it would not have...Pakistan would have found itself under severe diplomatic pressure because everyone including china considered you guys as the aggressor...secondly both sides hardly had few bombs and there was no way they could have severely damaged the capacity of opposite side to retaliate...
That point in time Pakistan always denied it was involved hence no one was taken in to consideration. The moment IAF started bombing Pakistani positions thinks went out of hand and then the Aircraft were shot down the war was considered eminent. If the LOC was violated things would have gone out of hand. Even China and USA would have taken India as an aggressor.

Don't you think both the bold lines are contradictory? Plan was the most horrible as it simply did not take geo-politics in account...If your all weather friend is not able to support you on some plan which is against one of your(read china) potential rival then that plan is ridiculous to start with...no?? I am not even talking about how PAF, PN had no clue...
The Plan was designed for rag tag units like freedon fighters and not for PA or PAF and PN. Hence one can see it was considered as a failour. How ever if some how the emunission and high velocity rounds were avaiable they would have reveresed the plan in the favour of Pakistan.
Pakistan was Hoping for a ceasefire --- Brought about by Nuclear SCARE mongering
which would have changed the LOC permanently

We said that NO -- we will take back our territory and then declare ceasefire

So since we fighting ONLY for taking back what was ours there was no question of escalation
or a nuclear war

However India made it clear that in case we could not evict them we will Open
another front

But that need never arose
You might have seen the capture of Kashmir.

Thats a theory propagated by military saying if we lose war again we will use nukes but let civilians suffer the consequences. Where will pakistanis go after nuking India? to afghanistan ? Threatening to commit suicide has its limits.

Yes it was indeed intelligence failure but on strategic front no one expected such ridiculous incomplete idea. The very same thing failed in 1965. Why would some one shed so much blood for few extra miles of territory but at the same time not expect enemy to retaliate. Its childish at the best.
It is last ditch effort... Mutual destruction. Still the loss on the Indian side would be higher then on Pakistani side. Why? the reason is simple India is a Hindu majority State hence if Hindu's would be come endangered. Pakistan is a Muslim majority State even if they loose their population still the Muslims would remain in third spot in the world population.

So you see the theory can have some justification for the Muslim but non for the Hindu. Personally do not like this theory at all because suicide is prohibited in all religions on the world (except for a few cults).

The mujahids were sent in by the PA, he planning was done by PA. The masterminds were PA's generals, not the mujahideen. It was a gross miscalculation from the army command, that India couldn't mobilize and retaliate before the end of winter.
Unfortunately this is how it became to be known later on...At that time PA kept on denying it had any thing to do with this.
Pakistan was under Sanctions....The rest you are saying one can not continue on arguing what was first.

That point in time Pakistan always denied it was involved hence no one was taken in to consideration. The moment IAF started bombing Pakistani positions thinks went out of hand and then the Aircraft were shot down the war was considered eminent. If the LOC was violated things would have gone out of hand. Even China and USA would have taken India as an aggressor.

The Plan was designed for rag tag units like freedon fighters and not for PA or PAF and PN. Hence one can see it was considered as a failour. How ever if some how the emunission and high velocity rounds were avaiable they would have reveresed the plan in the favour of Pakistan.

You might have seen the capture of Kashmir.

It is last ditch effort... Mutual destruction. Still the loss on the Indian side would be higher then on Pakistani side. Why? the reason is simple India is a Hindu majority State hence if Hindu's would be come endangered. Pakistan is a Muslim majority State even if they loose their population still the Muslims would remain in third spot in the world population.

So you see the theory can have some justification for the Muslim but non for the Hindu. Personally do not like this theory at all because suicide is prohibited in all religions on the world (except for a few cults).
the bold bit is propagated by pakistani civilians(fanboys) not those who actually make decisions in pak army. Leadership in every country has sense of self-preservation, the idea that pakistan will live on indirectly via arabs and indonesians is quite silly even to PA generals.
Besides there is nepal, a hindu majority country. The hindu diaspora(living outside India) itself is massive, much bigger than israelis who took back their land after hundreds of year.
The nuclear threat is to stop India from invading pakistan, and it works in that sense. It wont work for example if pak suddenly attack and invades part of India. Even the most pacifist of our leadership will mobilize retaliation, irrespective of nukes.
The plan was Brilliant and USA STILL being a Pakistani ALLY was its strongest point

It happened after the Nuclear tests BUT ALSO after the Lahore Visit by Vajpayee

Lahore visit was India's INITIATIVE to cool down Global fears of an imminent Nuclear war

And just THREE months later we were fighting a war

So India became the GOOD Guy who had tried for peace but got betrayed

Now the question about India's Military response

It was VERY easy for Indian Army and IAF to cross the LOC But that would have meant
raising the Nuclear fears again in the world

So we had to fight with restraint but this is what changed the Global opinion
In FAVOUR of India

After May 1998 India was seen as rouge state

After Kargil -- India became a RESPONSIBLE Nuclear weapons state

That is what we achieved from Kargil -- ie in addition to beating Pakistan militarily once again

its funny how you are mentioning everything that was wrong with the plan and yet calling it Brilliant...:disagree:
its funny how you are mentioning everything that was wrong with the plan and yet calling it Brilliant...:disagree:

Brilliant because we did not FORESEE it

After capturing Siachen we should have anticipated this

Secondly had we not been able to evict them Militarily
and succumbed to International pressure
for Cease fire -- we would have LOST Siachen AND 1000 Sq Km of territory
If PAF had been involved in the planning phase, the result of Kargil war would have been very different.
the bold bit is propagated by pakistani civilians(fanboys) not those who actually make decisions in pak army. Leadership in every country has sense of self-preservation, the idea that pakistan will live on indirectly via arabs and indonesians is quite silly even to PA generals.
Besides there is nepal, a hindu majority country. The hindu diaspora(living outside India) itself is massive, much bigger than israelis who took back their land after hundreds of year.
The nuclear threat is to stop India from invading pakistan, and it works in that sense. It wont work for example if pak suddenly attack and invades part of India. Even the most pacifist of our leadership will mobilize retaliation, irrespective of nukes.
To a point you are correct. Indian and Pakistani's are different in terms of Two Nation Theory. The Reality is that the Hindu's started of their civilisation on the banks of River Indus and called themselves as Indus Civilisation, unfortunately they were unable to tame the River and then the Arian invasion made them leave and settle on the Ganges. Here the Indian Civilisation was born...Hence the Indians want to come and take this land...same as the Jews.

The issue with the the Jews is that land was promised to them by God. There is a big difference one is promised land and the other is abandoned land.

In an other thread I mentioned a nuclear war would not be an option because all the countries that poses a nuclear weapon are in this region and they have their capitals very close together. Moreover the mountains would also play a much more devastating effect of a nuclear explosion hence no country would survive this. The effects of monsoon and western disturbances would also play a major role so it is not advisable for a nuclear war.

The Muslim Culture and Islam would still remain where are the Hinduism would have a greater loss. Even though the number of people are living all across the globe who are Hindu but that is no way as great as that of Muslims. Do you deny this?

Why the military only says what you have said is because they do not want to make the entire world worried.

If you remember after the Tsunami Fukashima Nuclear Leak radiation was recorded all across the world and it was found to be within limits in Europe and USA but high in Japan. China did not publish any figures. There was also an app developed for the cell phones to monitor radiation levels.

So if 5 nuclear explosions take place in the world the entire planet can be under serious radiation... There was a report a few years back regarding this.
Similarly you could take two different positions about IA - that they were the victims of treachery, or that they should have kept that possibility in mind. Again, it would depend on whom you ask.

It was "treachery" not just because of the violation of that unwritten "gentlemanly" agreement. It was a treachery of an even bigger order considering that the Pakistanis were essentially busy digging trenches in Kargil when Mr.Vajpayee was riding the bus to Lahore on a historic "picnic" day!

It was the sheer timing of the infiltration that stunned not just the civilian administration, but also caught the Indian Security Establishment essentially with their pants down!

I only hope they all have learnt their lessons and don't leave the security and territorial integrity of this country to Pakistani Goodwill - ever!
Simple answer. PAF was never supposed to get involved in the first place.
It would have gone Nuclear as soon as Actual line of Control was violated. Both India and Pakistan did not want that because it was too soon after the declaration of becoming Nuclear States.

The Indian lost more men because they did not want to open an all out war. The Indian Army was forced to send troops up knowing that they would encounter heavy resistance.

Pakistan always said that they did not have hand in this operation and the Kashmiri Freedom fighters were the ones that had attacked and taken control of the Indian check posts. The moment the munition ended that was the time the Indian took these check posts back. If PAF and Pakistan Army would have been involved directly then this would have been not the case and the war would have persisted over a longer period. One that was unacceptable to both parties because it brought them closer to a Nuclear conflict day by day.

I hope you don't think that was true. I hope you realise that it was the Pakistan Army involved, directly. In case you want any clarification, it is instantly available. Please seek this if required.


It was due to the failure of the paf to get the right aircraft that when the war started---they were a no show.

It is the same way now---if a conflict starts---paf has not much to show---.

Now if the paf was well equipped---that would have been a different story---.

This is incorrect.

The PAF was handicapped by a severe shortage of spares, and would not have been able to support the Army in its efforts. It is another thing that the Army did not seek its help in the first place, and effectively kept it in the dark until the operation had started.

Reality is very harsh my dear. This state (Pakistan) was never accepted by mentality of akhand bharat, and still they think Pakistan is their land. Captured Naval officer in Baluchistan, Kulbhushan Yadav is just one example.
You did criticize on Kashmir policy of Pakistan. I hope you know history of Kashmir and how is Kashmir part of India today.
Although it's not possible, but imagine if India succeeds in her ideology of akhand bhrat, then who will be the next ? ....
...... Afghanistan

I hope you do.

India had to use Air Force and heavy artillary because they had no choice. when one is on the top it is easy for him to shoot down. If you have to shoot to the top from bottom and at greater range then you have to use heavier equipment.

Air Force was brought in to stop the supplies from reaching these positions. It was assumed that Pakistan Army was supplying them and hence some aircraft entered Pakistan Air Space. After this they were warned that they should not do this again but the very next day they did it again and they also fired on the Pakistani positions hence they were shot down. After this the Airforce did not violate Pakistani Airspace. More over there were instances where PAF f-16 did look on M2K's of IAF but never shot them because they knew that the aircraft would fall on the Indian side of the border hence it would indicate PAF was the intruder.

The War was started because the Indians had a habit of abandoning their posts during winter. No military does that...

I notice that you have a habit of consistently talking rubbish. Uninformed rubbish.
  1. No Indian aircraft entered Pakistan air space except due to the kinks in the LOC, which caused technical violations.
  2. There was no warning given to the Indian aircraft, for the simple reason that there was no one to give the warnings.
  3. There were strikes at very low level before the three aircraft - two fixed wing and one rotary wing - came down.
  4. One fixed wing aircraft, a MiG21, and one rotary wing aircraft were brought down by Stinger missiles. One more fixed wing aircraft, a MiG27, crashed due to engine malfunction, caused by gunfire effluvium ingestion.
  5. The PAF did not fly CAP missions. There was no occasion when there was a radar lock-on by the PAF on IAF aircraft.
I suggest that you read Kaisar Tufail's magisterial account, rather than depending on urban legend or on a personal reconstruction.

IAF did suffer some losses BUT After IAF brought in MIG 29s and Mirage 2000
PAF became a Helpless spectator watching the proceedings

IAF jets -- Mirage 2000 and Mig 29s crossed into the LOC -- from 5 Miles to 13 Miles
But were Not challenged by PAF
Read this


Please do not make inaccurate statements. The reality is far more in favour of our effort. Read Kaisar Tufail.
  1. The type of aircraft used by the IAF had nothing to do with casualties. It was the initial policy of very low level strafing and bombing that caused those casualties. This phase was carried out with MiG 21s, MiG 27s and helicopters.
  2. The emphasis shifted to the Mirages once the missions changed to stand-off bombing with smart bombs.
  3. The PAF was a helpless spectator during both phases, because the IAF systematically operated within its own airspace. There was no possibility of the PAF crossing into Indian air space to attack the Indian aircraft.
  4. It is also true that the PAF was faced with a severe shortage of spares, that inhibited its responses severely.
  5. There was only accidental infiltration into Pakistani air space by the IAF, with one exception. The other violations were technical, on account of the kinks in the LOC; these kinks cannot be negotiated by jet aircraft flying on a mission. The PAF realised this and did not challenge the 'violations'.

Operational Planning in the PAF

Since an important portion of this write-up pertains to the PAF’s appreciation of the situation and the decision-making loop during the Kargil conflict, we will start with a brief primer on PAF’s hierarchy and how operational matters are handled at the Air Headquarters.

The policy-making elements at Air Headquarters consist of four-tiers of staff officers. The top-most tier is made up of the Deputy Chiefs of Air Staff (DCAS) who are the Principal Staff Officers (PSOs) of their respective branches and are nominally headed by the Vice Chief of Air Staff (VCAS). They (along with Air Officers Commanding, the senior representatives from field formations) are members of the Air Board, PAF’s ‘corporate’ decision-making body which is chaired by the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS). The next tier is made up of Assistant Chiefs of Air Staff (ACAS) who head various sub-branches and, along with the third-tier Directors, assist the PSOs in policy-making; they are not on the Air Board, but can be called for hearings and presentations in the Board meetings, as required. A fourth tier of Deputy Directors does most of the sundry staff work in this policy-making hierarchy.

The Operations & Plans branch is the key player in any war, conflict or contingency and is responsible for threat assessment and formulation of a suitable response. During peace-time, war plans are drawn up by the Plans sub-branch and are then war-gamed in operational exercises run by the sister Operations sub-branch. Operational training is accordingly restructured and administered by the latter, based on the lessons of various exercises. This essentially is the gist of PAF’s operational preparedness methodology, the efficiency of which is amply reflected in its readiness and telling response in various wars and skirmishes in the past.

In early 1999, Air Chief Marshal Parvaiz Mehdi Qureshi was at the helm of the PAF. An officer with an imposing personality, he had won the Sword of Honour at the Academy. During the 1971 Indo-Pak War, as a young Flight Lieutenant, he was on a close support mission in erstwhile East Pakistan when his Sabre was shot down and he was taken POW. He determinedly resumed his fighter pilot’s career after repatriation and rose to command PAF’s premier Sargodha Base. He was later appointed as the AOC, Southern Air Command, an appointment that affords considerable interaction amongst the three services, especially in operational exercises. He also held the vitally important post of DCAS (Ops) as well as the VCAS before taking over as CAS.

The post of DCAS (Ops) was held by the late Air Marshal Zahid Anis. A well-qualified fighter pilot, he had a distinguished career in the PAF, having held some of the most sought-after appointments. These included command of No 38 Tactical Wing (F-16s), the elite Combat Commanders’ School and PAF Base, Sargodha. He was the AOC, Southern Air Command before his appointment as the head of the Operations branch at the Air Headquarters. He had done his Air War Course at the PAF’s Air War College, another War Course at the French War College as well as the prestigious Defence Studies course at the Royal College of Defence Studies in UK.

The ACAS (Ops) was Air Cdre Abid Rao, who had recently completed command of PAF Base, Mianwali. He had earlier done his War Course from the French War College.

The ACAS (Plans) was the late Air Cdre Saleem Nawaz, a brilliant officer who had made his mark at the Staff College at Bracknell, UK and during the War Course at the National Defence College, Islamabad.

There is no gainsaying the fact that PAF’s hierarchy was highly qualified and that each one of the players in the Operations branch had the requisite command and staff experience. The two top men had also fought in the 1971 Indo-Pak War, albeit as junior officers.

First Rumblings

As Director of Operations (in the rank of Gp Capt), my first opportunity to interact with the Army’s Director of Military Operations (DMO) was over a phone call, some time in March 1999. Brig Nadeem Ahmed called with great courtesy and requested some information that he needed for a paper exercise, as he told me. He wanted to know when had the PAF last carried out a deployment at Skardu, how many aircraft were deployed, etc. Rather impressed with the Army’s interest in PAF matters, I passed on the requisite details. The next day, Brig Nadeem called again, but this time his questions were more probing and he wanted some classified information including fuel storage capacity at Skardu, fighter sortie-generation capacity, radar coverage, etc. He insisted that he was preparing a briefing and wanted to get his facts and figures right, in front of his bosses. We got on a secure line and I passed on the required information. Although he made it sound like routine contingency planning, I sensed that something unusual was brewing. In the event, I thought it prudent to inform the DCAS (Ops). Just to be sure, he checked up with his counterpart, the Director General Military Operations (DGMO), Maj Gen Tauqir Zia, who said the same thing as his DMO and, assured that it was just part of routine contingency planning

Not withstanding the DGMO’s assurance, a cautious Air Marshal Zahid decided to check things for himself and despatched Gp Capt Tariq Ashraf, Officer Commanding of No 33 Wing at PAF Base, Kamra, to look things over at Skardu and make a report. Within a few days, Gp Capt Tariq (who was also the designated war-time commander of Skardu Base) had completed his visit, which included his own periodic war-readiness inspection. While he made a detailed report to the DCAS (Ops), he let me in on the Army’s mobilisation and other preparations that he had seen in Skardu. His analysis was that ‘something big is imminent.’ Helicopter flying activity was feverishly high as Army Aviation’s Mi-17s were busy moving artillery guns and ammunition to the mountain tops. Troops in battle gear were to be seen all over the city. Interestingly, Messes were abuzz with war chatter amongst young officers. In retrospect, one wonders how Indian intelligence agencies failed to read any such signs, many weeks before the operation unfolded.

After hearing Gp Capt Tariq’s report, Air Marshal Zahid again got in touch with Maj Gen Tauqir and, in a roundabout way, told him that if the Army’s ongoing ‘review of contingency plans’ required the PAF to be factored in, an Operations & Plans team would be available for discussion. Nothing was heard from the GHQ till 12 May, when Air Marshal Zahid was told to send a team for a briefing at HQ 10 Corps with regard to the ‘Kashmir Contingency’.

Air Cdre Abid Rao, Air Cdre Saleem Nawaz and myself were directed by the DCAS (Ops) to attend a briefing on the ‘latest situation in Kashmir’ at HQ 10 Corps. We were welcomed by the Chief of Staff (COS) of the Corps, who led us to the briefing room. Shortly thereafter, the Corps Commander, Lt Gen Mehmud Ahmad entered, cutting an impressive figure clad in a bush-coat and his trademark camouflage scarf. After exchanging pleasantries, the COS started with the map orientation briefing. Thereafter, Lt Gen Mehmud took over and broke the news that a limited operation had started two days earlier. It was nothing more than a ‘protective manoeuvre’, he explained, and was meant to foreclose any further mischief by the enemy, who had been a nuisance in the Neelum Valley, specially on the road on our side of the Line of Control (LOC). He then elaborated that a few vacant Indian posts had been occupied on peaks across the LOC, overlooking the Dras-Kargil Road. These would, in effect, serve the purpose of Airborne Observation Posts (AOP) meant for directing artillery fire with accuracy. Artillery firepower would be provided by a couple of field guns that had been heli-lifted to the heights, piecemeal, and re-assembled over the previous few months when the Indians had been off-guard during the winter extremes. The target was a vulnerable section of Dras-Kargil Road, whose blocking would virtually cut off the crucial life-line which carried the bulk of supplies needed for daily consumption as well as annual winter-stocking in Leh-Siachen Sector. He was very hopeful that this stratagem could choke off the Indians in the vital sector for up to a month, after which the monsoons would prevent vehicular movement (due to landslides) and, also suspend all airlift by the IAF. “Come October, we shall walk in to Siachen – to mop up the dead bodies of hundreds of Indians left hungry, out in the cold,” he succinctly summed up what appeared to be a new dimension to the Siachen dispute. It also seemed to serve, at least for the time being, the secondary aim of alleviating Indian military pressure on Pakistani lines of communications in the Neelum Valley that the Corps Commander had alluded to in his opening remarks. (The oft-heard strategic aim of ‘providing a fillip to the insurgency in Kashmir’ was never mentioned.)

When Lt Gen Mehmud asked for questions at the end of the rather crisp and to-the-point briefing, Air Cdre Saleem Nawaz opened up by inquiring about the type of air support that might be needed for the operation. Lt Gen Mehmud assured us that air support was not envisaged and that his forces could take care of enemy aircraft, if they intervened. “I have Stingers on every peak,” he announced. Air Cdre Saleem tried to point out the limited envelope of these types of missiles and said that nothing stopped the IAF from attacking the posts and artillery pieces from high altitude. To this, Lt Gen Mehmud’s reply was that his troops were well camouflaged and concealed and, that IAF pilots would not be able to pick out the posts from the air. As the discussion became more animated, I asked the Corps Commander if he was sure the Indians would not use their artillery to vacate our incursion, given the criticality of the situation from their standpoint. He replied that the Dras-Kargil stretch did not allow for positioning of the hundreds of guns that would be required, due to lack of depth; in any case, it would be suicidal for the Indians to denude artillery firepower from any other sector as defensive balance had to be maintained. He gave the example of the Kathua-Jammu Sector where the Indians had a compulsion to keep the bulk of their modern Bofors guns due to the vital road link’s vulnerability to our offensive elements.

It seemed from the Corps Commander’s smug appreciation of the situation that the Indians had been tightly straitjacketed in Dras-Kargil Sector and had no option but to submit to our operational design. More significantly, an alternate action like a strategic riposte by the Indians in another sector had been rendered out of question, given the nuclear environment. Whether resort to an exterior manoeuvre (diplomatic offensive) by the beleaguered Indians had crossed the planners’ minds, it was not discernable in the Corps Commander’s elucidation.

Perhaps it was the incredulousness of the whole thing that led Air Cdre Abid Rao to famously quip, “After this operation, it’s going to be either a Court Martial or Martial Law!” as we walked out of the briefing room.

Back at the Air Headquarters, we briefed the DCAS(Ops) about what had transpired at the 10 Corps briefing. His surprise at the developments, as well as his concern about the possibility of events spiralling out of control, could not remain concealed behind his otherwise unflappable demeanour. We all were also piqued at being left out of the Army’s planning, though we were given to believe that it was a ‘limited tactical action’ in which the PAF would not be required – an issue that none of us agreed with. Presented with a fait accompli, we decided not to lose any more time and, while the DCAS (Ops) went to brief the CAS about the situation, we set about gearing up for a hectic routine. The operations room was quickly updated with the latest large-scale maps and air recce photos of the area; communications links with concerned agencies were also revamped in a short time. Deployment orders were issued and, within the next 48 hours, the bulk of combat elements were in-situ at their war locations.

IAF – By Fits & Starts

The IAF deployments in Kashmir, for what came to be known as ‘Operation Safedsagar’, commenced on 15 May with the bulk of operational assets positioned by 18 May. 150 combat aircraft were deployed as follows:

> Srinagar - 34 (MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-27)
> Awantipur - 28 (MiG-21, MiG-29, Jaguar)
> Udhampur - 12 (MiG-21)
> Pathankot - 30 (MiG-21, MiG-23)
> Adampur - 46 (Mir-2000, MiG-29, Jaguar)

One-third of the aircraft were modern, ‘high-threat’ fighters equipped with Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missiles. During the preparatory stage, air defence alert status (5 minutes to scramble from ground) was maintained while Mirage-2000s and Jaguars carried out photo-reconnaissance along the Line of Control (LOC) and aging Canberras carried out electronic intelligence (ELINT) to ferret out locations of PAF air defence sensors. Last minute honing of strafing and rocketing skills was carried out by pilots at an air-to-ground firing range near Leh.

Operations by IAF started in earnest on 26 May, a full 16 days after commencement of Pakistani infiltration across the LOC. The salient feature of this initial phase was strafing and rocketing of the intruders’ positions by MiG-21, MiG-23BN and MiG-27. All operations (except air defence) came to a sudden standstill on 28 May, after two IAF fighters and a helicopter were lost – a MiG-21 and a Mi-17 to Pak Army surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), while a MiG-27 went down due to engine trouble caused by gun gas ingestion during high altitude strafing. (Incidentally, the pilot of the MiG-27 Flt Lt Nachiketa, who ejected and was apprehended, had a tête-à-tête with this author during an interesting ‘interrogation’ session.)

The results achieved by the IAF in the first two days were dismal. Serious restraints seem to have been imposed on the freedom of action of IAF fighters in what was basically a search-and-destroy mission. Lt Gen Mehmud’s rant about a ‘Stinger on every peak’ seemed true. It was obvious that the IAF had under-estimated the SAM threat. The mood in Pak Army circles was that of undiluted elation, and the PAF was expected to sit it out while sharing the khakis’ glee.

The IAF immediately went into a reappraisal mode and came out with GPS-assisted high altitude bombing by MiG-21, MiG-23BN and MiG-27 as a makeshift solution. In the meantime, quick modification on the Mirage-2000 for day/night laser bombing kits (Litening pods) was initiated with the help of Israelis. Conventional bombing that started incessantly after a two-day operational hiatus, was aimed at harassment and denial of respite to the infiltrators, with consequent adverse effects on morale. The results of this part of the campaign were largely insignificant, mainly because the target coordinates were not known accurately; the nature of the terrain too, precluded precision. A few cases of fratricide by IAF led it to be even more cautious.

By 16 June, IAF was able to open up the laser-guided bombing campaign with the help of Jaguars and Mirage-2000. Daily photo-recce along the LOC by Jaguars escorted by Mirage-2000s, which had continued from the beginning of operations, proved crucial to both the aerial bombing campaign as well as the Indian artillery, helping the latter in accurately shelling Pakistani positions in the Dras-Kargil and Gultari Sectors. While the photo-recce missions typically did not involve deliberate border violations, there were a total of 37 ‘technical violations’ (which emanate as a consequence of kinks and bends in the geographical boundaries). Typically, these averaged to a depth of five nautical miles, except on one occasion when the IAF fighters apparently cocked-a-snoot at the PAF and came in 13 miles deep.

The Mirage-2000s scored at least five successful laser-guided bomb hits on forward dumping sites and posts. During the last days of operations which ended on 12 July, it was clear that delivery accuracy had improved considerably. Even though night bombing accuracy was suspect, round-the-clock attacks had made retention of posts untenable for Pakistani infiltrators. Photo-recce of Pakistani artillery gun positions also made them vulnerable to Indian artillery.

The IAF flew a total of 550 strike missions against infiltrator positions including bunkers and supply depots. The coordinates of these locations were mostly picked up from about 150 reconnaissance and communications intelligence missions. In addition, 500 missions were flown for air defence and for escorting strike and recce missions.

While the Indians had been surprised by the infiltration in Kargil, the IAF mobilised and reacted rapidly as the Indian Army took time to position itself. Later, when the Indian Army had entrenched itself, the IAF supplemented and filled in where the artillery could not be positioned in force. Clearly, Army-Air joint operations had a synergistic effect in evicting the intruders.

PAF in a Bind

From the very beginning of Kargil operations, PAF was entrapped by a circumstantial absurdity: it was faced with the ludicrous predicament of having to provide air support to infiltrators already disowned by the Pakistan Army leadership! In any case, it took some effort to impress on the latter that crossing the LOC by fighters laden with bombs was not, by any stretch of imagination, akin to lobbing a few artillery shells to settle scores. There was no doubt in the minds of PAF Air Staff that the first cross-border attack (whether across LOC or the international border) would invite an immediate response from the IAF, possibly in the shape of a retaliatory strike against the home base of the intruding fighters, thus starting the first round. PAF’s intervention meant all-out war: this unmistakable conclusion was conveyed to the Prime Minister, Mr Nawaz Sharif, by the Air Chief in no equivocal terms.

Short of starting an all-out war, PAF looked at some saner options that could put some wind in the sails after doldrums had been hit. Air Marshal Najib Akhtar, the Air Officer Commanding of Air Defence Command was co-opted by the Air Staff to sift the possibilities. Audacious and innovative in equal parts, Air Marshal Najib had an excellent knowledge about our own and the enemy’s Air Defence Ground Environment (ADGE). He had conceived and overseen the unprecedented heli-lift of a low-looking radar to a 12,000-ft mountain top on the forbidding, snow-clad Deosai Plateau. The highly risky operation became possible with the help of some courageous flying by Army Aviation pilots. With good low level radar cover now available up to the LOC, Air Marshal Najib along with the Air Staff focused on fighter sweep (a mission flown to destroy patrolling enemy fighters) as a possible option.

To prevent the mission from being seen as an escalatory step in the already charged atmosphere, PAF had to lure Indian fighters into its own territory, ie Azad Kashmir or the Northern Areas. That done, a number of issues had to be tackled. What if the enemy aircraft were hit in our territory but fell across, providing a pretext to India as a doubly aggrieved party? What if one of our own aircraft fell, no matter if the exchange was one-to-one (or better)? Finally, even if we were able to pull off a surprise, would it not be a one-off incident, with the IAF becoming wiser in quick time? The over-arching consideration was the BVR missile capability of IAF fighters which impinged unfavourably on the mission success probability. The conclusion was that a replication of the famous four-Vampire rout of 1st September 1965 by two Sabres might not be possible. The idea of a fighter sweep thus fizzled out as quickly as it came up for discussion.

While the PAF looked at some offensive options, it had a more pressing defensive issue at hand. The IAF’s minor border violations during recce missions were not of grave consequence in so far as no bombing had taken place in our territory; however, the fact that these missions helped the enemy refine its air and artillery targeting, was, to say the least, disconcerting. There were constant reports of our troops on the LOC disturbed to see, or hear, IAF fighters operating with apparent impunity. The GHQ took the matter up with the AHQ and it was resolved that Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) would be flown by the F-16s operating out of Minhas (Kamra) and Sargodha. This arrangement resulted in less on-station time but was safer than operating out of vulnerable Skardu, which had inadequate early warning in the mountainous terrain; its status as a turn-around facility was, however, considered acceptable for its location. A flight of F-7s was, nonetheless, deployed primarily for point defence of the important garrison town of Skardu as well as the air base.

F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions. Random CAPs were resorted to, with a noticeable drop in border violations only as long as the F-16s were on station. There were a few cases of F-16s and Mirage-2000s locking their adversaries with the on-board radars but caution usually prevailed and no close encounters took place. After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether. That an impending war occupied the Air Staff’s minds was evident in the decision by the DCAS (Ops) for F-16 CAPs to be discontinued, unless IAF activity became unbearably provocative or threatening.

Those not aware of the gravity of the F-16 operability problem under sanctions have complained of the PAF’s lack of cooperation. Suffice it to say that if the PAF had been included in the initial planning, this anomaly (along with many others) would have emerged as a mitigating factor against the Kargil adventure. It is another matter that the Army high command did not envisage operations ever coming to such a pass. Now, it was almost as if the PAF was to blame for the Kargil venture spiralling out of control.

It also must be noted too that other than F-16s, the PAF did not have a capable enough fighter for patrolling, as the minimum requirement in this scenario was an on-board airborne intercept radar, exceptional agility and sufficient staying power. F-7s had reasonably good manoeuvrability but lacked an intercept radar as well as endurance, while the ground attack Mirage-III/5s and A-5s were sitting ducks for the air combat mission.

In sum, the PAF found it expedient not to worry too much about minor border violations and instead, conserve resources for the larger conflagration that was looming. All the same, it gave the enemy no pretext for retaliation in the face of any provocation, though this latter stance irked some quarters in the Army that were desperate to ‘equal the match’. Might it strike to some that PAF’s restraint in warding off a major conflagration may have been its paramount contribution to the Kargil conflict?


It has emerged that the principal protagonists of the Kargil adventure were General Pervez Musharraf: Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Mehmud Ahmed: Commander 10 Corps and, Maj Gen Javed Hasan: Commander Force Command Northern Areas. The trio, in previous ranks and appointments, had been associated with planning during paper exercises on how to wrest control of lost territory in Siachen. The plans were not acceptable to the then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to whom the options had been put up for review more than once. She was well-versed in international affairs and, all too intelligent to be taken in by the chicanery. It fell to the wisdom of her successor, Mr Nawaz Sharif, to approve the Army trio’s self-serving presentation.

In an effort to keep the plan secret, which was thought to be the key to its successful initiation, the Army trio took no one into confidence, neither its own operational commanders nor the heads of the other services. This, regrettably, resulted in a closed-loop thought process which engendered a string of oversights and failures:
Failure to grasp the wider military and diplomatic ramifications of a limited tactical operation that had the potential of creating major strategic effects.
Failure to correctly visualise the response of a powerful enemy to what was, in effect, a major blow in a disputed sector.
Failure to spell out the specific aim to field commanders, who acted on their own to needlessly capture territory and expand the scope of the operation to unmanageable levels.
Failure to appreciate the inability of the Army officers to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of an Air Force.
Failure to coordinate contingency plans at the tri-services level.
The flaws in the Kargil Plan that led to these failures were almost palpable and, could not have escaped even a layman’s attention during a cursory examination. The question arises as to why all the planners got blinded to the obvious? Could it be that some of the sub-ordinates had the sight but not the nerve in the face of a powerful superior? In hierarchical organisations, there is precious little room for dissent, but in autocratic ones like the military, it takes more than a spine to disagree, for there are very few commanders who are large enough to allow such liberties. It is out of fear of annoying the superior – which also carries with it manifold penalties and loss of promotion and perks – that the majority decide to go along with the wind.

In a country where democratic traditions have never been deep-rooted, it is no big exposé to point out that the military is steeped in an authoritarian, rather than a consensual approach. To my mind, there is an urgent need to inculcate a more liberal culture that accommodates different points of view – a more lateral approach, so to speak. Disagreement during planning should be systemically tolerated and, not taken as a personal affront. Unfortunately, many in higher ranks seem to think that rank alone confers wisdom and, anyone displaying signs of intelligence at an earlier stage is, somehow, an alien in their ‘star-spangled’ universe.

Kargil, I suspect, like the ‘65 and ‘71 Wars, was a case of not having enough dissenters (‘devil’s advocates’, if you will) during planning, because everyone wanted to agree with the boss. That single reason, I think, was the root cause of most of the failures that were apparent right from the beginning. If this point is understood well, remedial measures towards tolerance and liberalism can follow as a matter of course. Such an organisational milieu, based on honest appraisal and fearless appeal, would be conducive to sound and sensible planning. It would also go a long way in precluding Kargil-like disasters.


Come change-over time of the Chief of Air Staff in 2001, President Musharraf struck at PAF’s top leadership in what can only be described as implacable action: he passed over all five Air Marshals and appointed the sixth-in-line who was practically an Air Vice Marshal till a few weeks before. While disregarding of seniority in the appointment of service chiefs has historically been endemic in the country, the practice has been seen as breeding nepotism and partiality, besides leaving a trail of conjecture and gossip in the ranks. Given Air Chief Marshal Mehdi’s rather straight-faced and forthright dealings with General Musharraf, particularly during Kargil conflict, there is good reason to believe that the latter decided to appoint a not-very-senior Air Chief whom he could order around like one of his Corps Commanders. (As it turned out, Air Chief Marshal Mus’haf was as solid as his predecessor and gave no quarter when it came to PAF’s interests.) Whatever the reason of bypassing seniority, it was unfortunate that PAF’s precious corporate experience was thrown out so crassly and several careers destroyed. Lives and honour lost in Kargil is another matter.


This article was published in Air Forces Monthly (UK) - June 2009 issue, under the title 'Himalayan Showdown'. The article was also published in Defence Journal (Pak), May 2009 issue.

Hope that clears things up ,mate :)

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/ex-cia-o...munto-dhalo-depot.208907/page-6#ixzz4ASuut3Ce
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