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What kept India united after the British left?

What's your point?...Any positive to add or just bla bla bla...

You have to give me time. Your posts make my brain numb, and it takes time to recover. I hope it will recover.

It is also not easy to comment on a thread where all the Pakistanis are already rolling around on the floor, laughing. You embarrass every Indian.
You have to give me time. Your posts make my brain numb, and it takes time to recover. I hope it will recover.

It is also not easy to comment on a thread where all the Pakistanis are already rolling around on the floor, laughing. You embarrass every Indian.
Ya..sleep tight..
You have to give me time. Your posts make my brain numb, and it takes time to recover. I hope it will recover.

It is also not easy to comment on a thread where all the Pakistanis are already rolling around on the floor, laughing. You embarrass every Indian.

Define this Indian identity?
@El Sidd
Well, today global variables are different than let's say 120 years ago. With UNO and international laws, passport system, clearly defined and internationally recognised borders, trade agreements are those external factors that try to keep the countries intact in their form and suppress the dissenting voices. Otherwise fault lines exist and it is amusing to say even in EU, Scotland is not very happy to be part of UK, but the modern international laws discourage them, Catalonia thinks Spain is sucking on its resources and wants to separate, same goes for Bavaria in Germany and California and few other states in USA, Quebec in Canada...but international variables support their federations. So there is less to credit for any internal variables and more to the external factors especially in India's case which is mumble jumble of overpopulated and underdeveloped urban centres and villages. Let the global variables change, you will see how ribbon untying and letting the content spread.
Well due to modern communication, a common language of Hindi well atleast in the North.

A mob masquerading as a nation.

That mob needs a slogan every time it gets angry and starts a war.

You need a war because you need it by design.

Now read my first post again and think about it.

You are un-necessarily trolling. I think I am not the right candidate for it. Or at least this hour of time. May be some other day.
@El Sidd
Well, today global variables are different than let's say 120 years ago. With UNO and international laws, passport system, clearly defined and internationally recognised borders, trade agreements are those external factors that try to keep the countries intact in their form and suppress the dissenting voices. Otherwise fault lines exist and it is amusing to say even in EU, Scotland is not very happy to be part of UK, but the modern international laws discourage them, Catalonia thinks Spain is sucking on its resources and wants to separate, same goes for Bavaria in Germany and California and few other states in USA, Quebec in Canada...but international variables support their federations. So there is less to credit for any internal variables and more to the external factors especially in India's case which is mumble jumble of overpopulated and underdeveloped urban centres and villages. Let the global variables change, you will see how ribbon untying and letting the content spread.

So more slogans for the mob?

Nationalism, a national identity, somewhat similar cultures and obv religion.

You are welcome to define on what basis is this nationalism based on?
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