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What keeps India united?

You don't need an international power, you only need an international media - BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera etc.. If there is real oppression going on as you say then surely its very sell-able for MSM.
You do realise I can be marked as "top insurgent leader" and "encountered" (just for posting my opinions on the internet) the next time some militant group goes trigger happy on Indian army?
The jingos on this forum will dance on such events and have danced before.

Hinduism is keeping India united Nothing else.
Nah,One has to give credit to INC and leftist ideology-the bastards sure knew how to keep an entire subcontinent united even when faced with overwhelming odds.
You do realise I can be marked as "top insurgent leader" and "encountered" (just for posting my opinions on the internet) the next time some militant group goes trigger happy on Indian army?
The jingos on this forum will dance on such events and have danced before.
Just contact BBC (or equivalents) your situation and see if they reply. Here you go
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You haven't been killed (so far), you probably won't with this.
We Indians don't realise what an accomplishment it is for this country to remain united even after 70 years of independence without many disturbances;for a third world country whose 70 percent of the population could afford hardly two meals a day when it got freedom this is remarkable.

However many internal conflicts there are,we never demanded/demand to get separated from India.There is no country in this entire planet which was as poor as India during independence and even half its size which did not have violent civil wars or people killing each other madly for money.

The crime rate in India is much less when you compare it with the ratio of its population.
So,my question is what keeps us united?I bet no country which was as diverse as India or as poor as it was could keep itself together this long.

Size, extremely fractured along horizontal and vertical lines or diversity. A proclivity on part of the major part of the population to sheepishly accept overlordship.

These factors were used to keep the same population "united" by the British for nearly 200 years. Prior to that the same factors were used by Moghuls to keep the same population "united". So there is a history and phenomenon behind this going 400 years back that was exploited by foreign invaders to keep such huge mass of population "united" under one rule.

As one colonial British official observed" There is so few of us ruling so many that if the Indian's all agreed to spit at one moment we ( British ) would be flushed into the sea".

In the last 70 years ruling India has gotten easy as the diversity that the British had to put up with is less. The rulers are now Indian, the two main groups who historically could pose threat are Sikhs and Marattas but after some problems both have been co opted by the ruling class.

Also the ruling class has been successful in creating a mythical "Indian" history and identity. So given history thee is nothing remarkable about 70 years being "united".

I suspect I man going read lots of fancy and elaborate reasons but like I said even the foreign invaders like British managed to clock 200 years.

There should have been far up antagonism against foreign imposed "unity" but despite that it lasted over two centuries.

If they could do that it should be a doddle for indigenous rulers or "brown sahibs".
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Just contact BBC (or equivalents) your situation and see if they reply. Here you go
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You haven't been killed (so far), you probably won't with this.
Nah,won't take the risks.Ever wondered why one doesn't see the 'free tibet' campaigns in western media these days contrary to the previous century?The "free media" doesn't really give a shit if it doesn't serve the interests of the powerful people and countries.
Back in the middle of the 20th century when India was in the soviet camp,the west did give some support to NE independence struggle.Fast forward 21st century and rise of China,India is the saintly sinner which cannot be questioned beyond a limit.Certainly not in anyway that might impact it's survival as a pawn against China.

Besides,these reputed "media org correspondents " will land in Delhi and if they feel particularly inquisitive stay a day or two in some swanky hotels in NE and talk to some Indian officials and token NE 'insurgents' and then file a report that suits the editors and media moguls.It is the same everywhere.
You do realise I can be marked as "top insurgent leader" and "encountered" (just for posting my opinions on the internet) the next time some militant group goes trigger happy on Indian army?
The jingos on this forum will dance on such events and have danced before.

NE has been mishandled by India itself and now it seems alien to them, looks like occupied land though they never wanted to be separated from India but only demanding their own rights

Nah,One has to give credit to INC and leftist ideology-the bastards sure knew how to keep an entire subcontinent united even when faced with overwhelming odds.

lol well yes you are also right but that too is related to religion
no doubt it's ENGLISH.without English, you cannot even have a same constitution
Nah,won't take the risks.Ever wondered why one doesn't see the 'free tibet' campaigns in western media these days contrary to the previous century?The "free media" doesn't really give a shit if it doesn't serve the interests of the powerful people and countries.
Back in the middle of the 20th century when India was in the soviet camp,the west did give some support to NE independence struggle.Fast forward 21st century and rise of China,India is the saintly sinner which cannot be questioned beyond a limit.Certainly not in anyway that might impact it's survival as a pawn against China.

Besides,these reputed "media org correspondents " will land in Delhi and if they feel particularly inquisitive stay a day or two in some swanky hotels in NE and talk to some Indian officials and token NE 'insurgents' and then file a report that suits the editors and media moguls.It is the same everywhere.
In stead of bothering with conspiracy theories why don't you take some real action. You have written all this on this forum and survived for over a year now, have you not?
Media reports what people like to see, and oppressed peoples struggling for freedom against a tyrannical rule does sell well. Like all other things, it will come to an end of course which is why nobody bothers with Tibet - its a dead issue and everybody knows nothing will happen, but India is a democracy so there will be a lot more pressure on India and Indian Gov. has already got into a tiff with BBC anyway.
NE has been mishandled by India itself and now it seems alien to them, looks like occupied land though they never wanted to be separated from India but only demanding their own rights

lol well yes you are also right but that too is related to religion
Nope,that is how good Indian narrative has managed to outshout us.We were always opposed to both British and Indians,keep in mind when it was the British who colonised us,it was the Indian grunt doing the bidding and dirty work.For one "poren" person we saw,there were hundreds of Indians who fought for them.In our view we were fighting both the British and their servants.

2nd part-agree limitedly.Hinduism has been used,although very limitedly.It was the "nationalist" and left leaning ideology that did most of the work in keeping India together.If Hinduism even played a major part,India would have long broken down.NE knows very well that if instead of Congress hindu parties had ruled India we would have long been free.

In stead of bothering with conspiracy theories why don't you take some real action. You have written all this on this forum and survived for over a year now, have you not?
Media reports what people like to see, and oppressed peoples struggling for freedom against a tyrannical rule does sell well. Like all other things, it will come to an end of course which is why nobody bothers with Tibet - its a dead issue and everybody knows nothing will happen, but India is a democracy so there will be a lot more pressure on India and Indian Gov. has already got into a tiff with BBC anyway.
What conspiracy theories?Naga groups used to think like that and used to monitor BBC broadcasts like vultures back in the day.They were so welcoming of any "western" person who would cross into naga territory after being smuggled through Burma.Nothing ever came out.Of course,us non naga groups knew better than count on "media".
I don't think I've ever known of an Indian Muslim to do that, and I know quite a few.

Spot on...There may be some people who are above religion...But there are many Muslims in US....whom i interacted and their first introduction is that I am a Muslim from India....Let us do not derail the thread ignore those people and move on with quality discussion..I think this is a very good thread to discuss about shared ideas...
What conspiracy theories?Naga groups used to think like that and used to monitor BBC broadcasts like vultures back in the day.They were so welcoming of any "western" person who would cross into naga territory after being smuggled through Burma.Nothing ever came out.Of course,us non naga groups knew better than count on "media".
Well then, Good luck and Good day to you pal.
Some facts here guys. The ICS or the Indian Civil Service had about 1,000 English running all of India and that would include Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma ( Myanmar ) including enclaves in Yeman etc. Please refer to map below.


The only part of Raj that gave the British any real problems was the very same area giving Pakistan today the problems - the FATA.

Federally Administered Tribal Areas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British Indian Army and the component made of British would have been even smaller had that not been the case.

All we have had since 1947 is in both India and Pakistan "brown sahibs" taking the very seats occupied by "white sahibs" running both countries using exactly the same structures like Pakistan using British era Frontier or Punjab regiments to stabilze FATA exactly like the British were doing before 1947.

In India the same seats occupied by "brown sahibs" are using the same institutions including British era Sikh regiments to run the country. The only novelty is the "brown sahib" and something called "democracy".

For the sake of brevity "if 1,000 English could unite India" what is the big deal here if "brown sahib's just continue it"?

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