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What is your idea of an Islamic state?


Feb 21, 2012
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Speak your mind:

1. What is your idea of an Islamic state?

2. How, according to your understanding of Islam, is an Islamic state supposed to come into being?

3. What does Islam require from a government?

Feel free to reply to or skip any of the above.

Please note that the thread is not about investigating the validity of the concept of an Islamic state. Finally please maintain decency and keep your replies to the point.
The Kuran is the constitution of the nation. The country is ruled by Sharia law basically. There are many countries that identify themselves as muslims but they have nothing to do with Islam like Turkey for instance they are a disgrace country to the Muslim World.
Islamic state is one where quranic law and its interpretation is the law of the land...
Freedom of swagspression.

The Kuran is the constitution of the nation. The country is ruled by Sharia law basically. There are many countries that identify themselves as muslims but they have nothing to do with Islam like Turkey for instance they are a disgrace country to the Muslim World.

It's the other way around, Turkey imo is the pride for us
A religious state is a bad Idea. Because religious state runs on laws from god. And when god make laws the law itself become as mysterious as god is.

Freedom of swagspression.

It's the other way around, Turkey imo is the pride for us

Turkey is Secular state and thats the reason they are successful without OIL.
ï want to see a muslim state with proper islamic financial system.

A religious state is a bad Idea. Because religious state runs on laws from god. And when god make laws the law itself become as mysterious as god is.

Turkey is Secular state and thats the reason they are successful without OIL.

israel is not a secular state, it is still successful.
ï want to see a muslim state with proper islamic financial system.

israel is not a secular state, it is still successful.

Nope its not.... Such a small country get so much aid.... Its surviving on US AID and support. Just like Pakistan.
the state which has 100% Muslims... and all Muslims are real Muslims...so no infidels..:smart:

currently there are no Muslim states in the world.. :mamba:
@Skallagrim. what is your idea?

For now I'm more interested in hearing the opinions of others. This thread is intended to trigger an introspection in those people who happen to advocate for an Islamic state as well as in those who protest the idea/concept.
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For now I'm more interested in hearing the opinions of others. This thread is intended to trigger an introspection in those people who happen to advocate for an Islamic state as well as in those who protest the idea/concept.
pros and cons have been discussed many times...
ON A SUNDAY in early June Muhammad Qatta, a roadside coffee-seller in the Syrian city of Aleppo, refused to serve a would-be freeloader. Even the prophet himself would have to pay, he said. Some bearded rebel fighters overheard him. Crying blasphemy, they shot him dead. Muhammad was 15 years old.

Justice in an Islamic State.
A state with Sharia as the law of the land and where minorities face institutionalized discrimination. Not to mention shia sunni conflict.

P.S.-- Don't get all worked up, you wanted to know my idea, although this is actually a perception more than an idea.
Speak your mind:

1. What is your idea of an Islamic state?

2. How, according to your understanding of Islam, is an Islamic state supposed to come into being?

3. What does Islam require from a government?

Feel free to reply to or skip any of the above.

Please note that the thread is not about investigating the validity of the concept of an Islamic state. Finally please maintain decency and keep your replies to the point.

Islam is a code of conduct, which most of us term as religion. It defines right from wrong and provides a guideline to be better human being. Quran gives message to all mankind as evident through words like Ya Ayuhan Nas. It describes the qualities and qualification of Muslim and Momin and then addresses those individuals who fulfill the requirement. It discusses different believers of different religions. It clearly segregates between rights of Allah and rights of society, generally known as Human Rights. It also states that Rights of Allah is between the Creator and Creation, which he can pardon at will. The thing which will not be pardoned is violation of Human Rights or rights of the society. Therefore, Islamic state is the one which has a blend of people discussed in Quran i.e. Momin, Muslim, Mushrik, Kafir and in general mankind; yet live peacefully. They abide by the code of conduct to live in a society or community. Those who discharge their duties towards the creator as prescribed and described in their respective religion or belief. It is a state where Muslims are not by name only, rather they possess the qualities outlined for different categories of Muslims.

It gives a comprehensive financial system, which is neither capitalism nor socialism or communism. History has proved that all type of economic systems have failed. Yet no one has thoroughly research on Islamic economic system, which is not merely an interest free system. It is again a complete code where rights of employee and employer have been defined. It is a system which is a blend of all the economic systems, thus supporting the concept of balance (Adl).

An Islamic state is certainly not what Taliban or any of the present Islamic Republics/Kingdoms propose and impose. It is certainly something so magnanimous that superficial interpreters cannot comprehend and decipher. Only way an Islamic State can exist in true letter in spirit is by understanding the underlying philosophies and not superficial translations and commentaries.

An Islamic State is the one where there is no cheating, bribery, stealing, lying, hypocrisy, fraud, violation of human rights, profiteering, adulteration, and absence of the seven deadly sins. Abstinence not by force but by will of individuals. Where there is peace and manners of co-existence. In short an Islamic State is not declared but evolved through character of individuals living in that state. @batmannow @Hosseini @hinduguy @Skallagrim
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