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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

So are you saying that the majority of Iranians in Iran in fact are in favor of secularism? If so, how do you know that since i'm sure the regime is not allowing surveys to be conducted... Observation?

Observations of course. My family, friends, people that have left Iran, people that are still in Iran, etc. Many people are sick and tired to hear all day about 'Ali this', 'Hussein that', 'imamzadeh this'. The regime is claiming a religious monopoly, so almost every decision is being linked to Islam, which has resulted in many Iranians blaming every negative aspect in their society to Islam. Its a natural reaction. Even many mullahs/scholars are saying this.
Observations of course. My family, friends, people that have left Iran, people that are still in Iran, etc. Many people are sick and tired to hear all day about 'Ali this', 'Hussein that', 'imamzadeh this'. The regime is claiming a religious monopoly, so almost every decision is being linked to Islam, which has resulted in many Iranians blaming every negative aspect in their society to Islam. Its a natural reaction. Even many mullahs/scholars are saying this.
A serious question,Do you know what secularism means in first place?
What you are saying defines as 'irreligious',not secular.These are 2 worlds apart.
Iran is a religious society, and a secular one.They don't contradict each other
Also, your family and friends don't represnt 77 million people.
A serious question,Do you know what secularism means in first place?
What you are saying defines as 'irreligious',not secular.These are 2 worlds apart.
Iran is a religious society, and a secular one.They don't contradict each other
Also, your family and friends don't represnt 77 million people.

Perhaps you could visit a optician. Atatwolf asked about the religious proportion of the Iranian society. I'm speaking about these issues.
Observations of course. My family, friends, people that have left Iran, people that are still in Iran, etc. Many people are sick and tired to hear all day about 'Ali this', 'Hussein that', 'imamzadeh this'. The regime is claiming a religious monopoly, so almost every decision is being linked to Islam, which has resulted in many Iranians blaming every negative aspect in their society to Islam. Its a natural reaction. Even many mullahs/scholars are saying this.

If it was true, i believe we would have seen some mobility among opposition, but depite the unbearable conditions in Iran, they have been silent so far. Why?
If it was true, i believe we would have seen some mobility among opposition, but depite the unbearable conditions in Iran, they have been silent so far. Why?

1) No unity. The reformists have been suppressed. And many anti-regime figures still see people like Khatami and Mousavi as all other politicians within the system.
2) Fear. Public hangings, amputations, jailing of political activists, torturing, raping, etc.
TurAr; go to Iran, talk to the people and tell me about your observations. Because its not only me; most people, mainly westerners, who have visited Iran were surprised by the amount of secularism/atheism/hatred among Iranians. Read this trip report:

Religion and government.

Both are undeniably connected to each other and both are miles away from the people of Iran. I always expected the Iranian population to be strict Islamic. I had never expected to meet so many people who don’t follow religion or only follow it vaguely. Iran has a relatively high educated population. Just as in many other places a good education creates a more critical perspective on life. And inevitably the question: “Why?”
I most religions the answer is: ”Because”
For many this answer is not enough and causes people to turn away from religion to a smaller or larger extent.

What stunned me even more were the people who told me Islam does not belong in Iran. That it is a religion which was forced on the Persian people by the Arabs.
‘We were so much more peaceful before the Arabs came. Our religion used to be so much better.’
‘Islam is an Arab religion, it doesn’t belong in Iran.’

Now, after having spent 1,5 months in the country I must admit hospitality in Iran is really beyond comprehension.

TurAr; go to Iran, talk to the people and tell me about your observations. Because its not only me; most people, mainly westerners, who have visited Iran were surprised by the amount of secularism/atheism/hatred among Iranians. Read this trip report

Iran Uncensored - Reisverslag uit Sjanghai, China van Roel Ruiter - WaarBenJij.nu

Many people say those Iranians are mainly based in Shiraz and Tehran? Majority of Iranians live in rural areas and are known to be conservative. Like any other nation, you're going to have pro-regime and anti-regime. There is nothing wrong in that as long as people act in a civil and respectful manner. Sadly, from my experience, it's the Iranians who are anti-regime that display a vile and distasteful attitude unlike those who are pro-regime.

You just have to laugh at the Iranians who call 'Islam an Arabic religion'. Some Iranians are lost, forgive me if anyone takes offence to this, I've come across many Iranians who one minute will be cursing Islam and the next minute start praising Imam Ali(a.s) or will have recording of Helali nasheeds on their MP3.
You're correct about this. Its not really representative, but its a clear trend. Especially if you compare Iran and Turkey with other countries in the region; it confirms my former opinion of Turks and Iranians being quite moderate.

If your hope for Iran was based on these members here, I've bad (or good) news for you. These military fanboys and kids don't represent Iran. Actually, most Iranians see these guys as 'lowlife' figures, bragging online about Iran's (military) achievements, while having no clear perception of the world or even the intellect to engage in serious discussions. Don't pay too much attention to them. Go to Iran and you would meet completely the opposite people.

Plus, you'll be able to count people who are ready to talk against the regime in Iran in public (meaning online as well) with your figers. Of course all we're gonna get is people like Soheil and the other dude with the akhoond/mullah avatar. Normal people rather not fuu their **** up by speaking out, unless it's people like us who are living outside and won't encounter any problems by speaking out.
I stopped reading here. 67% of Iranians live in urban areas. You know jackshit.

Easy mate, it was a typo mistake, it was supposed to say 'Majority of religious Iranians live in rural areas and are known to be conservative with regards to their faith.' I had just made the post and didn't have an opportunity to check it as you had already replied.
Plus, you'll be able to count people who are ready to talk against the regime in Iran in public (meaning online as well) with your figers. Of course all we're gonna get is people like Soheil and the other dude with the akhoond/mullah avatar. Normal people rather not fuu their **** up by speaking out, unless it's people like us who are living outside and won't encounter any problems by speaking out.

Exactly. But still criticism about Iran's system and regime is quite open in Iran; in the sense that many people aren't frightened to tell tourists that they don't agree with their regime.
Many people say those Iranians are mainly based in Shiraz and Tehran? Majority of Iranians live in rural areas and are known to be conservative. Like any other nation, you're going to have pro-regime and anti-regime. There is nothing wrong in that as long as people act in a civil and respectful manner. Sadly, from my experience, it's the Iranians who are anti-regime that display a vile and distasteful attitude unlike those who are pro-regime.

You just have to laugh at the Iranians who call 'Islam an Arabic religion'. Some Iranians are lost, forgive me if anyone takes offence to this, I've come across many Iranians who one minute will be cursing Islam and the next minute start praising Imam Ali(a.s) or will have recording of Helali nasheeds on their MP3.

earth to the retarded pakistani dude living in England: stop pulling numbers out of your rectum.

Even according to the Iranian regime, 70% of Iranians live in urban settings. Half of the other 30 percent are living in small town settings which I personally consider "urban" as well. It might not be urban by Danish or Canadian standards, but by developing world standards it's very much urban.

I love how the least qualified people (like redneck americans or a pakistani born and raised in England) are always such Iran experts lol

dude back off b/c you clearly don't know wtf you're talking about
Easy mate, it was a typo mistake, it was supposed to say 'Majority of religious Iranians live in rural areas and are known to be conservative with regards to their faith.' I had just made the post and didn't have an opportunity to check it as you had already replied.

Iran is rapidly urbanizing; UN predicts that by 2030, 80% of Iranians will live in urban areas. But what's your problem exactly with non-Islamic Iranians? Just live your own life.
If it was true, i believe we would have seen some mobility among opposition, but depite the unbearable conditions in Iran, they have been silent so far. Why?


Highest per capita executions and maybe even highest absolute number of executions as the official figures are always short by 200-300. Lashes, prison sentences, amputations, torture, threat to family members... Want me to go on? Even speaking out in the street could get you in trouble.

You obviously missed my last post. I've never claimed to be an expert on Iran. I wouldn't be asking a question if I thought I was an expert, would I? :lol: For someone who's anti-regime you definitely display the well known characteristics of someone who's anti-regime, sensitive and uber-defensive. Don't worry, it's expected.
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