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What is your favorite Turkic Muslim Empire?

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Idiot!!!Safavid was enemy of turkish,they fought turkish many times!were they hell ottaman turkish?!!
They were aezri,we have many azeri in our country.U are like afghanistan,Turkmenistan a separate piece of Iran in previous years,And it is clear Iran ever is not ruled by Afghans or turkmans because they are farsi!
Azeri is a relatively new term, those guys you calling Azeri are Turks by ethnicity(Or Tork or whatever you call), Turkic ethnicity doesn't solely belongs to Ottomans there is no such thing as "enemy of Turkish", Safavids in early phase was a group of Turkic tribes led by Safavid family of clerics, later they adopted classical, settled life adopted many Persian elements into their courts, therefore they ended up being a Turko-Persian state.

There is absolutely nothing Arabic about Safavid family(for the guy above).
Azeri is a relatively new term, those guys you calling Azeri are Turks by ethnicity(Or Tork or whatever you call), Turkic ethnicity doesn't solely belongs to Ottomans there is no such thing as "enemy of Turkish", Safavids in early phase was a group of Turkic tribes led by Safavid family of clerics, later they adopted classical, settled life adopted many Persian elements into their courts, therefore they ended up being a Turko-Persian state.

There is absolutely nothing Arabic about Safavid family(for the guy above).

Safavid king was one of grandsons of prophet.In Iran there are many Prophet[PBUH] grandsons,many of them parsi many azeri kurd arab balouch...
Let us not forget that ever since the Eel Khans region now called Iran was ruled by the Central Asian Dynasties. Just before the Safavids, main ruling dynasties of the region were Taimuri Turks based in Herat and Khurasan and the Aq Qoyanlu or White Sheep Turkmens in the Iraq, Azerbaijan & Armenia.

I have a book of history of Iran in Farsi called “Tareekh -e- Iran as zaman-e- bastan ta imrooz.” Published by Morvarid publishers Tehran that I purchased during one of my visits to Iran.

Under chapter 11 about “Hukumate-e- Safavian” it states that during the middle of the 15Th century there were important Safavi Sheikhs supported by Azerbaijani & Asia minor Turk nomadic tribes (ashaair kooch nasheen toork Azerbaijani wa Asiay Sagheer).

Without doubt Safavids were always fighting with the Ottomons but that is normal among the ruling houses. Even if we ignore the sectarian differences, Taimur fought Bayazit Ylidrim; White Sheep Turkmen fought Ottomans as well Safavids. Safavids eventually forming modern Iran after defeating Alawand of White Sheep at Nakhchivan in 1501 and his brother Sultan Murad near Baghdad the same year.

I would therefore concur that even though Safavids created the first genuine Iranian state since the Sassanians (a period of almost 600 years); Safavids were essentially a Turkmen dynasty. In fact I have met so many Iranians who speak Turkic/Azeri that I think almost 25% of Iranians are in fact of Turkic/Turkmen stock.

Acknowledging the fact that nearly all the Turkic Dynasties under discussion kept hold on power thru ruthlessly killing off all opposition, my personal favourite are Ottoman Turks.
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Safavid was a Turkic Empire ? :what:

I had always thought it was a Persian Empire ! :undecided:
Safavids,before them Akkoyunlu,Qaraqoyunlu,Elkhanid,Atebegs,Seljuks,Kharesmshahs was turkic dynastys iran rulled by turks 1000 i begins with Kharesmshah empire in 965 finished in 1925 Qajars all they are from oghuz branch of turks and from 30 oghuz tribes turkmenistan,turks of afganistan,turks who live in iran(65% of population iran are turkic) azerbaijan,north iraq,north syria ,turkey , south georgia all they are turkoman or turkiman who is mean turk +iman, other turks like kazakh.kirgiz,tatar and other turks who lived in the north are kipchak and chuvash who lived in ural are ogur (Attila was ogur turk too) Altay Saka Tuvan turks are sayan,uygurs and uzbeks are from 9 oguz or Karluk

Let us not forget that ever since the Eel Khans region now called Iran was ruled by the Central Asian Dynasties. Just before the Safavids, main ruling dynasties of the region were Taimuri Turks based in Herat and Khurasan and the Aq Qoyanlu or White Sheep Turkmens in the Iraq, Azerbaijan & Armenia.

I have a book of history of Iran in Farsi called “Tareekh -e- Iran as zaman-e- bastan ta imrooz.” Published by Morvarid publishers Tehran that I purchased during one of my visits to Iran.

Under chapter 11 about “Hukumate-e- Safavian” it states that during the middle of the 15Th century there were important Safavi Sheikhs supported by Azerbaijani & Asia minor Turk nomadic tribes (ashaair kooch nasheen toork Azerbaijani wa Asiay Sagheer).

Without doubt Safavids were always fighting with the Ottomons but that is normal among the ruling houses. Even if we ignore the sectarian differences, Taimur fought Bayazit Ylidrim; White Sheep Turkmen fought Ottomans as well Safavids. Safavids eventually forming modern Iran after defeating Alawand of White Sheep at Nakhchivan in 1501 and his brother Sultan Murad near Baghdad the same year.

I would therefore concur that even though Safavids created the first genuine Iranian state since the Sassanians (a period of almost 600 years); Safavids were essentially a Turkmen dynasty. In fact I have met so many Iranians who speak Turkic/Azeri that I think almost 25% of Iranians are in fact of Turkic/Turkmen stock.

Acknowledging the fact that nearly all the Turkic Dynasties under discussion kept hold on power thru ruthlessly killing off all opposition, my personal favourite are Ottoman Turks.

but after safavid iran rulled by turks again like Afshar and Gajars before 1925.actually turks rulled in iran from gaznavids before pahlavids..and today big part of iranian population are turkic
Chinese logic and their delusions knows no bounds


It's just a fanboy picture being circulated on the net.

How would you know, say, the border between Chola and Mauryans was where it is drawn on the map? When a map is so precise, you know it's propaganda.

Safavid was enemy of turkish,they fought turkish many times!were they hell ottaman turkish?!!
They were aezri,we have many azeri in our country.U are like afghanistan,Turkmenistan a separate piece of Iran in previous years,And it is clear Iran ever is not ruled by Afghans or turkmans because they are farsi!

Go easy on the size and color.

Safavid dynasty, i.e. the kings and their family, were of Turkic origin. Not Turkish, but Turkic.

Same with Mughals.

Fighting another Turkic-ruled empire does not make you non-Turkic.
It's just a fanboy picture being circulated on the net.

How would you know, say, the border between Chola and Mauryans was where it is drawn on the map? When a map is so precise, you know it's propaganda.

Go easy on the size and color.

Safavid dynasty, i.e. the kings and their family, were of Turkic origin. Not Turkish, but Turkic.

Same with Mughals.

Fighting another Turkic-ruled empire does not make you non-Turkic.

The border was drawn based on historic records and stone inscriptions !
Ottoman's are my favorite. Reasons

1- They were one of the only very large empires in the world ever to have lived for over 500 years. Infact the only other one coming to my mind is the Romans. I can't think of any other large and powerful empire that lasted over 500 years other than these 2.

2- Ottoman's one of the only Empires that started outside Europe and went deep inside Europe- all the way to Vienna(Austria) which is neighboring Germany, while still conquering in North Africa, Middle east etc.
many other reasons
Ottoman Empire. They took the Eastern Rome in ruins and made it the jewel on their crown.
This list of Turkic empires that we can vote about is much smaller than the actual one though as there has been a lot of other big and powerful Turkic empires through history. From those we can vote about I will of course choose the Ottoman empire as that is the empire that helped my family settle on those lands, that is the empire with the biggest mark on Europe's history.

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