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What is your favorite Turkic Muslim Empire?

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Atawolf, the Safavid court and military language was Turkic. Persian was the administrative language.

Basically, you can divide it along these three lines.

So, getting frustrated are we? :)
I already said that i saw that small part by Willem Floor and Hasan Javadi. But what about the rest? and their sources?

When i said Safavids considered themselves the descendants of the Achaemenid Persians, of Xerxes and Darius. ..I clearly wrote before quoting..."Source: Pietro Della Valle, EARLY Sixteenth-Century.".
And did the same with the other texts, One google search and you'll find the text, his books.
I could not do the same with any of the sources you used and claimed were from the Safavid era.
Browne wasn't but Sanson was, however i could not find the comments that you said he had stated.

Now if i wrote..."Valle says they are the descendants of the Achaemenid Persians, of Xerxes and Darius." That would be just stupid, and that's what you did when writing of "Browne" and "French missionary Sanson".

Do you think your being smart, dumbarse?

The rest is there, acces the book and see it for yourself. Everything, the persons and quotes are sourced by Willem Floor.

There is no such thing said in your quote, nowhere does it says "Safavids considered themselves blablabla". And your comparision is nonesense. One is a obscure comment, the other is first-hand observation.
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Anthony Jenkinson and Other Englishmen Volume 2, already read this one.

I still don't see a "Browne". I guess of all the links you provided only Nicolas Sanson is relevant to what you quoted me on.
Or is he? Because he doesn't seem to be a french missionary...
Nicolas Sanson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You sure the sources are relevant to what me and ASQ-1918 are writing about? Or did you just want to write a couple of sources to feel "smart"?

Actually, only the first part was in Willem Floor, rest wasn't. Provide a link if you could and ill be more than glad to read it.

Haha, i guess im talking to a wall here.
I've been able to refute almost all your claims so far. You still haven't even denied that you copied your text from pan-turks on forums trying to hijack Safavids. Which were the only places i could find that text of yours.

i know you are a TROLL but i'm still hopeful. browne is the browne who died in 1926. his book is here:
Literary History Persia Volume 4 :: European and world literature: general interest :: Cambridge University Press

from there pages 14-15:
"For the rest, the seven tribes who formed the back-bone of the Qizil-básh army were, as their names Rúmlú, Shámlú, Mawṣillú, etc., sufficiently indicate, almost exclusively Turkish, as were the principal officers of the Ṣafawí army, whose war-cry, as we learn from the rare history of Sháh Isma‘íl1, was not “Long live Persia!” or the like, but, in the Turkish language, “O my spiritual guide and master whose sacrifice I am!”"

and here mister troll, you'll find info on Nicolas Sanson (pages 401-404):

Cambridge History Iran Volume 6 :: Middle East history :: Cambridge University Press

and here is the original book by Sanson:
Voyage, ou, Relation de l'etat present du royaume de Perse : avec une differtation curieuse fur les murs, religion & gouvernement de cet etat : Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

i hope that it'll shut your piehole for good.

edit: my earlier links were for books that the quotes were taken from. i see that you don't have IQ to understanda that so i'm in urge to point it out to you.
As i said, Nicolas Sanson is not the Sanson in the text he referred to , Peré Sanson is the only french missionary that visited the Safavids i could find.

And i never said Browne didn't say all of that, i said that i didn't get a source and that he wasn't around during the Safavid Era. Because ASQ-1918 told me he was.
But I'll read his book, i found it, not on the link you provided but on another one when searching.
And, I'll try to find the other one too, from Nicolas Sanson and not Peré Snason which was who ASQ-1918 was talking about.

Peré in french means "father", as in church priest. he is referred to as Peré Nicolas Sanson. he was christian missionary ;)
Peré in french means "father", as in church priest. he is referred to as Peré Nicolas Sanson. he was christian missionary ;)

Thank you for trying to clear that up...but that's not what i meant...
"Pere Sanson, a French missionary sent by Louis XIV to convert the Persians in 1683, spent several years in the country, learned the language, and was one of those who left a written account of their experiences."

"Nicolas Sanson 1600–1667"
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Thank you for trying to clear that up...but that's not what i meant...
"Pere Sanson, a French missionary sent by Louis XIV to convert the Persians in 1683, spent several years in the country, learned the language, and was one of those who left a written account of their experiences."

"Nicolas Sanson 1600–1667"

that bogged me too. but sanson was in iran between 1683-1691. so i ruled out that 1600-1667 as a typo ;)
Mughal Empire was the only state before the British Raj that even came close to forcefully creating an artificial but unified "Indian identity", and they did this from scratch with no historical precedent, binding disparate tribes with nothing in common. That's an impressive achievement.

Gupta empire

Maratha empire

Asia in 323BC.. Compare India and China..

Asia in 323 BCE, the Nanda Empire and Gangaridai Empire in relation to Alexander's Empire and neighbors.
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Shah Ismail's (Khatai) divan, not in Persian, but in his native Azerbaijani Turkish.


Bu sürahi dilbəri-rəna kimidir qaməti,
Ruh tək hər kim ki, rahin içər, artar rahəti.

Vəsfinin şərhin deməkdə nitqi yoxdur kimsənin,
Haq humayun eyləmiş bəzm içrə sahib dövləti.

Ləlü cövhərdən mürəssə qılmış anı haq tamam,
Bu səadətdən müdami kimsənin yox minnəti.

Gecələr məclis içində oturub ol sərfəraz,
Eylə mehmandır anın hər yerdə vardır izzəti.

Ey Xətayi, deməgil anın şərabın sən haram,
Sinəsinə nurtək dolmuş ilahın rəhməti.

What is san haram ? :lol:
Pretty sure its not a typo :P Since Nicolas Sanson was a french cartographer active from 1627, and not a missionary. And his life, and death was well recorded.
Those are two different persons :)

you are unbelievably, brilliantly TROLL :D okay, here is what that french means in english: The present state of Persia; with a true writing of the manners, religion and government of that country. but then, you are a troll :D

and after a search i found english translation of this book:
Holdings: The present state of Persia

and there is a thing called occam's razor. heard of that?
Now you show me your true colors.

You are hereby stripped of Rank and and Honours too.

@Aamna14 since you agree with this traitor, same goes for you.

All other traitors of the GREAT MUGHAL EMPIRE watch and learn.

No....no please no ! :cray:

Alright how do I divert this topic....how do I do that ? :undecided:

I know ! :D

So @Sinan @T-123456 @xenon54 :

Pakistanisage is a pure blood Mughal & you guys claim that Mughals were a Turkic Dynasty - Do you think he could be your cousin twice removed ? :azn:

and lastly since i'm so optimistic and believe in rehabilitation of trolls thru education i'm pasting page 404 of Cambridge history of iran volume 6, which holds info on Sanson. as a said before i'm still
hopeful of you :D
When did i say that he didn't travel to Persia? I know he did, i read parts of his book.

You quoted me when i wrote to ASQ-1918 about,
"The French missionary Sanson, who lived in Iran between 1684-1695, states that Iranians regularly invoked the spiritual power of the king by using expression such as «qorban olim, din imanum padshah, bachunha dunim.» "

Thats when you provided a source to Nicolas Sanson and as i said, Peré Sanson and Nicolas Sanson aren't the same person, not if you read the quote by ASQ-1918 and also about the French king, sending Peré Sanson to convert the Persians.....Nicolas Sanson didn't go there to convert them, he was, as i said a Cartographer. Even the link you provided now, it says Nicolas Sanson was alive 1600-1667..

i hope you read my post #152 :yahoo:
Pan-Iranist try to haijack Safavid history again. People of Azerbaijan and occupied south-Azerbaijan are the only heirs of the Safavids. They can decide on this matter and nobody else.

you mean occupied north-azerbaijan ? yeah , they will return to mother persia soon .....

you racist
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