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What is your caste?

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So what are you Sengupta Dasgupta or just Sen or Das Joe??

I could be Gupta (both sides of the border), Barat, Niyogi (west Bengal only), SenGupta, DasGupta, DuttaGupta (east Bengal only). Strangely, Qanungo is Vaidya.

On PDF, I am good ole Joe.

he seems lecturer/professor to me :pop:

those who are writing Indian as caste have following characteristics

1. They belong to upper castes.
2. opposed to reservations.
3. have total for support Indian against corruptions movement.
4. has Nationalistic overdose.:cheesy:
5. Don't like Congress at all .
actually, syrian christians claims namboodiri ancestory may be due to caste system hierarchy and syrians are always at par with nambudiri/nair. then, some of them learned the unpleasant truth thanks to moden DNA testing companies(23&ME,Familytree etc etc)..many families eager to establish namboodiri lineage ended up learning west asian or semitic origin.

AFAIK, that was a claim by some Latin Christians. Syrian Christians each have approximately as much humility as would fit the top of a pin. They don't want comparisons with Nambudiris, or Nairs, whom they call pattars.

May you explain the bolder part ..

What's to explain? The Kshatriya doesn't exist any more, except for claims by the Varmas.
those who are writing Indian as caste have following characteristics

1. They belong to upper castes.
2. opposed to reservations.
3. have total for support Indian against corruptions movement.
4. has Nationalistic overdose.:cheesy:
5. Don't like Congress at all .

Sorry to break up the party. You got 1 out of 5.
Bhumihars are land-owners and cultivators and the salt of the earth if you don't cross them.

In the 1920s, certain Brahmin caste conferences suggested that Bhumihars were Kanyakubja (Kanauji) Brahmins, just like our Bengali Chatterjee, Mukherjee, Bannerjee and Ganguly.

Personally, I rate that claim on par with Vaidyas claiming Brahminhood from the 14th or 15th century; as someone has pointed out, Vaidyas are Sat Shudras.

If you want to claim Brahminhood, nobody will argue the point. You ought to know that there is some kinship between Bhumihars and Mohiyal and Husseini Brahmins, those who claim they fought (and died) for the martyrs of Karbala.

This is for the pages of PDF. I am certainly not going to make the mistake of telling Pande-ji that he is no Brahmin.

I must admit, I have a soft corner for Jains.

thanks a lot sir

i always found your posts very informative

seems all jains are referred as 'jain sahab' by their friends.....

i also had a jain friend in college and we called him 'jain saab' and i thought he was the only jain sahab :D

when i was kid, I always wondered why they call me jain sahab while i m just a kid :undecided: although it felt nice :P
This is confusing the heck out of me ! :undecided:

I'm a plain ole Pakistani born to an ethnic Kashmiri Buttt father and a Punjabi Rajput Mother ! So call me...Buttt....Armstrong the Buttt ! :triniti:

Which is more stronger your arm or butt ?;)
don't know the caste name exactly but it originates from uttar pradesh (muhajir)
Which is more stronger your arm or butt ?;)

You will pay for this insolence ! :devil:

*Calls Kiyani on the cell* 'Son bring me this Jarha fellow..yeah..yeah the one with the fuzzy moustache, arms thinner than a super model's and a bald head that reflects sun-light better than the panels of a solar furnace...yup the same ! And when you have him...call me...my arm and my buttt will take care of the rest' ! :woot:
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