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Shariah4Pakistan to issue fatwa against Malala Yousafzai

By Reuters Published: November 20, 2012

A part of the poster for the Shariah4Pakistan Conference planned for Islamabad. The poster can be seen on their official website.
ISLAMABAD: A new British-based fundamentalist group plans to meet in Islamabad to issue a religious decree against a Pakistani schoolgirl shot by the Taliban, accusing her of supporting “occupying” US forces.
The move against Malala Yousafzai, 15, is likely to provoke outrage. In the days following her shooting in October, she became an international icon and world leaders pledged to support her campaign for girls’ education.
“There will be a fatwa issued regarding Malala Yousafzai taking into account the full story of her injury including her public statements in support of the occupying US army in the region and mocking of key symbols of Islam such as hijab and jihad,” said Abu Baraa, a senior member of Shariah4Pakistan.
The group, whose website features a blog below a photograph of Yousafzai in a hospital bed titled “Don’t Believe The Crocodile Tears for Malala Yousafzai“, is associated with some of Britain’s most hardline fundamentalists.
Anjem Choudary, a prominent radical cleric in Britain, said the fatwa could be issued on November 30 at Lal Masjid, where a 2007 army raid crushed a Taliban-style movement controlling the compound.
The mosque’s deputy head, Maulana Amir Siddique, denied the group would hold such a conference but organisers insisted they did not need permission to gather in a public place of worship.
Yousafzai is recovering in a British hospital.
Neither Baraa nor Choudary would say what punishment Yousafzai might face if the group found her guilty of violating Islam.
“Nobody is saying we are going to get out our swords and go and look for Malala… The point is a wider issue: it is about the American and Pakistani involvement in maintaining the British and American interests …,” Choudary told Reuters.
“Malala is one of the issues we are going to be addressing because she is being used as a propaganda tool by the enemies of Muslims to say: ‘Look, Muslims don’t believe in education’ which is absurd.”
Tens of thousands of Britons have called on the government to nominate Yousafzai for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work promoting girls’ education.
Her shooting was the culmination of years of campaigning that had pitted the young girl against one of Pakistan’s most ruthless Taliban commanders, Maulana Fazlullah.
Fazlullah and his men had taken over Yusafzai’s native Swat Valley and have blown up girls’ schools and publicly executed those they deem immoral. An army offensive in Swat forced many Taliban fighters to flee.
A better question is why did Britain allow these retards to immigrate? Targeted expulsions would be the key. If their home country doesn't want them....leave them on ships in the middle of the ocean for sub practice.

Best advice given so far.
No its not..... Because killing another human being is allowed only for two reason, Spreading Fitna (For which we are no one to decide the boundry of fitna neither the so called hypocrites ulema of this era) and 2nd if the person being killed have blood on his hands.

sir g i was pointing this. sory if was not able to make it understand.
you said only two reason. and then i replied what about Qital. ???
do you think Qital is not allowed?? and jehad or Qital is now over.?? because it is very much difficult to impose shariah law, or caliphate now. so how do we do Qital ??
like Americans in afghanistan ...... what should muslims do in that case??
like muslims in kashmir ..... what should they do in this case??
like in palisten ?? there is no ameer or caliph or any one who could call for Qital aur jehad??
sir g i was pointing this. sory if was not able to make it understand.
you said only two reason. and then i replied what about Qital. ???
do you think Qital is not allowed?? and jehad or Qital is now over.?? because it is very much difficult to impose shariah law, or caliphate now. so how do we do Qital ??
like Americans in afghanistan ...... what should muslims do in that case??
like muslims in kashmir ..... what should they do in this case??
like in palisten ?? there is no ameer or caliph or any one who could call for Qital aur jehad??

Being attacked... and asking to not follow any countries law in peace time and to kill is two ery different things..... read all posts together again to get what i am trying to say and what i was/am replying to.

And just to be clear...palestine was not attcked but counter attacked
Being attacked... and asking to not follow any countries law in peace time and to kill is two ery different things..... read all posts together again to get what i am trying to say and what i was/am replying to.

And just to be clear...palestine was not attcked but counter attacked
Palestine was not attacked good joke first they captured their lands than they kill them for 60 years still Israel is doing counter attack :hitwall: and for past few years they have complete blocked all supplies to Gaza and you want people of Gaza to remain Silent Sir I don't know about you but people of Gaza wants to live with honor and are not ready to become slave
They should be welcomed by taser guns at islamabad airport.
They should be welcomed by taser guns at islamabad airport.

yeah shock those bastards till they start to melt. i hate them who are these ***** to insult our founder and this girl. who are they too say non muslims are not innocent. and why are they coming here we dont need these morons
I hope somebody writes to the Home Secretary and complains about this dog, who needs to be sent to the gallows. He had the audastity to preach hate in a country that provides him benefits but also mocking and insulting the founder of Pakistan. This time these idiots have gone to far.
If it's not a spoof than I presume this is an effort to recruit terrorists. Given Kiyani's position on this matter it's logical to assume these meetings will be full of - if not actually run by - the ISI. Anybody foolish enough to attend meetings as a terror supporter will then either enter the ISI's books either as an undesirable or be encouraged/compromised and sent to LeT or other terror camps, whatever the ISI wishes.

Does the ISI even have a contingency plan to retrain their terrorists into being law-abiding citizens, or are they simply planning to eliminate these undesirables by throwing them into the maw of India? The second approach isn't enough; there are simply too many of these monsters roaming Pakistan's cities.
...still Israel is doing counter attack :hitwall: and for past few years they have complete blocked all supplies to Gaza and you want people of Gaza to remain Silent Sir I don't know about you but people of Gaza wants to live with honor and are not ready to become slave
The fear of Gazans after the Hamas takeover was indeed that Israel would lay siege to them and they would starve to death. That hasn't happened. Indeed, Israel continues to supply Gaza even as Islamic Jihad boasts that they are attacking the aid crossing into Gaza: link

You didn't know just how much your mind has been messed with over the years until now, did you, Zarvan?
If it's not a spoof than I presume this is an effort to recruit terrorists. Given Kiyani's position on this matter it's logical to assume these meetings will be full of - if not actually run by - the ISI. Anybody foolish enough to attend meetings as a terror supporter will then either enter the ISI's books either as an undesirable or be encouraged/compromised and sent to LeT or other terror camps, whatever the ISI wishes.

Does the ISI even have a contingency plan to retrain their terrorists into being law-abiding citizens, or are they simply planning to eliminate these undesirables by throwing them into the maw of India? The second approach isn't enough; there are simply too many of these monsters roaming Pakistan's cities.

I see that you have alot of knowledge of Pakistan and how the ISI works!

So explain to me, how did you come to the conclusion that it is a ISI funded, ISI sponsored, ISI organized and ISI led British radical campaign, which is now moving into Islamabad?
Anjem Choudhry is a known extremist - founder of a banned militant organisation in UK
Omar Bakri - the teacher of Anjem Choudhry and a militant - now banned to enter again in Britain

They do have a support base of 5-10 people and most of them are his family members :rofl:
how did you come to the conclusion that it is a ISI funded, ISI sponsored, ISI organized and ISI led British radical campaign, which is now moving into Islamabad?
I don't; that's only a possibility. It is enough that the organization's meeting be penetrated. Why should the ISI spend additional money and effort to set things up itself when there are radicals willing to do most of the work for free? Even if it's in the budget to do so the people involved are going to embezzle the money and set the radicals to work to make up the difference, right? Or maybe you're not old enough to know how corruption in Pakistan may work?
I don't; that's only a possibility. It is enough that the organization's meeting be penetrated. Why should the ISI spend additional money and effort to set things up itself when there are radicals willing to do most of the work for free? Even if it's in the budget to do so the people involved are going to embezzle the money and set the radicals to work to make up the difference, right? Or maybe you're not old enough to know how corruption in Pakistan may work?

How do you put in ISI and military into this whole situation? What would they possibly get by having a say in this little shenanigan (if it ever comes into Isl, i doubt it).
The fear of Gazans after the Hamas takeover was indeed that Israel would lay siege to them and they would starve to death. That hasn't happened. Indeed, Israel continues to supply Gaza even as Islamic Jihad boasts that they are attacking the aid crossing into Gaza: link

You didn't know just how much your mind has been messed with over the years until now, did you, Zarvan?
Yes how much this terrorist state is providing them whole world knows about it and Israel will soon pay the price for the murder of Palestinians
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