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Brits are very well known for providing safe heavens to the criminals and miscreants of other countries. They also are very famous for creating rifts and divisions among populace of different beliefs. Remember HizbutTahrir which is banned in Pakistan but not in the UK.

Hizbut Tahrir maybe banned but it still picks up lots of people from politicized university campuses appealing to those who want a Islamic Caliphate was featured in a Herald main story about forced disappearance in Islamabad when released because of case in court they pointed out that ISI wanted to know what these 'dars' denay wale aunty were spewing
Hizbut Tahrir maybe banned but it still picks up lots of people from politicized university campuses appealing to those who want a Islamic Caliphate was featured in a Herald main story about forced disappearance in Islamabad when released because of case in court they pointed out that ISI wanted to know what these 'dars' denay wale aunty were spewing

Ha...nice name.....I know what goes behind the scene!
Anjem Chaudhary is the biggest piece of **** I've ever had the pleasure of hearing about, Brits should stop harping on about this 'human rights' nonsense and extradict him to Gitmo.
These people are the definition of parasites. They literally add NOTHING to the world other than violence and hate.

If all the insects in the world disappear, within 50 years all life on earth would end. If these people are eliminated the world would be better off.

Shows what they're worth.
Im not happy about it as well plus we got all these polskis come over what is the beneft of being in EU it's just made things worse

Hizbut Tahrir is not even banned in Uk they got a website its fully active

Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain
You cant blame EU human right laws, investigative agencies need to get better proof of his involvement in any crime.
As of now, anjem has not been convicted in any crime, hence nothing can be done about him.

I am not really sure, but I think hizbul tahrir is not radical enough to be banned by govt.
So, it's true after all. Man, these idiots are opening branches of their 'product' all over the world. Sharia4UK, sharia4belgium, sharia4holland and now sharia4Pakistan...

Islamic hardliners announce fatwa on Malala Yousafzai

British-based Islamic radicals are preparing to announce a fatwa on Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old girl shot by the Pakistan Taliban, for her role in standing up to extremists.

he story of Malala, who is recovering at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, has touched millions of people around the world since she was attacked by a gunman on her way home from school last month.

She had dared to defy the Pakistan Taliban by promoting girls education and by documenting their abuses in a blog written in 2009.

Later this month, hardliners plan to gather at the notorious Red Mosque in Islamabad to denounce her as an apostate, accusing her of turning her back on Islam.

Anjem Choudary, who lives in East London and is one of the founders of al-Muhajiroun, which was banned in 2010, said the conference would announce the fatwa.

Although apostasy carries the death sentence according to Islamic law, he insisted he was not calling for Malala's death.

"It's not a death sentence," he said. "It's about what is the reality of what's taking place and how she is being used as a tool for propaganda by the US and Pakistan, and for the crimes they are committing."

Malala has been recovering in Birmingham for the past five weeks.

It is understood that she could spend as long as two years in the UK, undergoing surgery, rehabilitation and counselling.

Last weekend her supporters marked "Malala Day" around the world, calling for better access to education for girls.

"It's not a death sentence," he said. "It's about what is the reality of what's taking place and how she is being used as a tool for propaganda by the US and Pakistan, and for the crimes they are committing."

Malala has been recovering in Birmingham for the past five weeks.

It is understood that she could spend as long as two years in the UK, undergoing surgery, rehabilitation and counselling.

Last weekend her supporters marked "Malala Day" around the world, calling for better access to education for girls.

Islamic hardliners announce fatwa on Malala Yousafzai - Telegraph
nah yaar...
Most south asians avoid paying taxes,so in government and stats website books they appear piss poor but they are not...

It's not just South Asians. All ethnic groups do it, including whites. Paying proper taxes is considered 'stupid'.

Rich people, of course, have their own loopholes which they take advantage of.
Sad the old hora mentality and support for such extremists prevails in UK/Britain that too at will.
shame on BBC for even giving such views time/space

what about his followers, who are the people who attend such rallies and join such groups... similar views were possessed by one of key allies of pakistani establishment once.
It's not just South Asians. All ethnic groups do it, including whites. Paying proper taxes is considered 'stupid'.

Rich people, of course, have their own loopholes which they take advantage of.

There are definately bunch of goras among hizb ul tahrir and some of them reside in KSA to.
What concerns me about the converted goras is their fervor for sharia in Pakistan and their denouncing of Jinnah vision - as if Jinnah killed their father. This is seriously alarming as it means we are going to face a wave of "white Islamist" terrorist sometime in future. And utter shame that many of these were radicalized by no other than their Pakistani "Brother of Ummah". This is why I say we need Ataturk like revolt in Pakistan!
There are definately bunch of goras among hizb ul tahrir and some of them reside in KSA to.
What concerns me about the converted goras is their fervor for sharia in Pakistan and their denouncing of Jinnah vision - as if Jinnah killed their father. This is seriously alarming as it means we are going to face a wave of "white Islamist" terrorist sometime in future. And utter shame that many of these were radicalized by no other than their Pakistani "Brother of Ummah". This is why I say we need Ataturk like revolt in Pakistan!

There are two separate issues at play.

One is sympathy for Muslims being oppressed; that concern is justified and is no different than other religions showing solidarity for their co-religionists.

However, the problem comes when the solutions being proposed to deal with the oppression go off the rails into unacceptable dimensions. The preferred solution would be uplift the Muslim societies and empower them through economic and educational reforms; to educate the wider world about these injustices and present both sides of the story. Unfortunately, the hotheads in these organizations opt instead for simplistic responses involving violence to achieve their goals.

The support for sharia is a backlash against the ills of Western society. Despite all the technological gains, there are social ills that pervade Western society, as they do all societies, and some people believe that sharia will solve those problems. That view is also simplistic because the extreme forms of sharia are no better, or even worse, than the ills they profess to cleanse. The (sharia) cure is sometimes worse than the disease.
There are two separate issues at play.

One is sympathy for Muslims being oppressed; that concern is justified and is no different than other religions showing solidarity for their co-religionists.

However, the problem comes when the solutions being proposed to deal with the oppression go off the rails into unacceptable dimensions. The preferred solution would be uplift the Muslim societies and empower them through economic and educational reforms; to educate the wider world about these injustices and present both sides of the story. Unfortunately, the hotheads in these organizations opt instead for simplistic responses involving violence to achieve their goals.

Disagree with you as many of these Gora hizb trolls are well educated and solid financial background. One specific person in question, a British-Canadaian convert to Islam has a monthly income of $50,000 USD.
Disagree with you as many of these Gora hizb trolls are well educated and solid financial background. One specific person in question, a British-Canadaian convert to Islam has a monthly income of $50,000 USD.

I added the final paragraph about support for sharia to address that issue. These people truly believe that sharia will solve social ills, and it will solve some, but it is not a panacea and there are some aspects of sharia which are just too anachronistic to have any place in a modern society.
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