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So said someone supporting Hamas terrorism in Israel..epic..just..epic..the heights of hypocrisy !

One shouldn't mix apple with oranges... Hamas was elected by people, they got the mandate of the people.. who gave the rite to these bunch of so call Mullah wannabees to implement Shariah....
How do these morons get a visa to come into Pakistan?

If they are Pakistani citizens by ancestry, their status should be revoked citing support for terrorism as a reason.
A better question is why did Britain allow these retards to immigrate? Targeted expulsions would be the key. If their home country doesn't want them....leave them on ships in the middle of the ocean for sub practice.
We should deport the Pakistani Islamic radicals to UK, Man they are safe there!

these Mullahs Are British by Birth!! LOL !! God save Britain.

Precisely the reason why Pakistan should end dual citizenship..it will save us from the responsibility towards these terrorist like Anjem Chodhry and Afia Siddiqi!
One shouldn't mix apple with oranges... Hamas was elected by people, they got the mandate of the people.. who gave the rite to these bunch of so call Mullah wannabees to implement Shariah....

They are also elected by their followers!
nah yaar...
Most south asians avoid paying taxes,so in government and stats website books they appear piss poor but they are not...

Ok . Since you live there you might be knowing more . But it has been put at 20 percent for Indians .
Ok . Since you live there you might be knowing more . But it has been put at 20 percent for Indians .
Indians are more job oriented and pay taxes through the system..
Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are more business , self employment oriented,and have to self tax,and thats where the legal and illegal loop holes are wide open for tax evasion

So they are cheats and thieves, stealing social services without paying their share? And not as poor as they pretend to be. I see.

Been guilty of the same...but at least at home...where mom has to love you.
Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are more business , self employment oriented,and have to self tax,and thats where the legal and illegal loop holes are wide open for tax evasion

self employed whilst claiming housing benefits , thats dodgy
Even if you are self employed you have to pay tax there is no way around the tax man but some to not declare their income as much as they should like if your a handyman plumber etc
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