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What is the Best fighter jet for Pakistan Navy Aviation?

Aircraft carrier is too huge for the purpose to defend its coastal water against pirates and smugglers. U want to buy a 2 billion worth of ship plus million dollars in accessories an maintenance just to stop a small 40 ft phut phut boat trying to smuggle.


Using an aircraft carrier to go after pirates is like to cracking a nut with a sledge hammer.
I believe we only need about 30-40 Mirages (Rose) plus 10-14 F-16s supporting the mirages for air defense.

We do not need an aircraft carrier.
I dnt think v r getting rafael before 2030..becouse of lack of funds.. PN should go For a naval verison Of JF-17..
PN aviation does not need best fighter jet... i would be more concerned about raising up to 18 MPA fleet while let PAF replace aging mirage-iii/5 F-7 Q-5 in Masroor with JF-17, J-10B and lets get one naval Rafale squadron..

Totally agree, JF-17 and J-10b, we should be realistic guy's. :cheers:
Why do you guys say:

Ideally: Plane X
Realistically: J-10B

Do you guys think J-10B is NOT comparable to fighters like Rafale and Super Hornet? Chinese seem to think highly of J-10B.
Guys how about j-15 ..! Hot babe 4 cooL Guys , A Squadren wil b enough along with 2 squadren of jf-17N
welll there is only 12 of them and all of them are mirages their is nothing from you can choose
welll there is only 12 of them and all of them are mirages their is nothing from you can choose

Tobe realistic 30 - 40 Mirage are enough.
But for future induction there should be Pakistan Naval Airforce.

20 J-10B
40 Mirage
25 JF-17N

80 + are fine for Pakistan Naval Airforce
Should give the navy something unique and distinct from the other aircraft inventory of the other arms of the Pakistani armed forces.

I would have said F-18's but those are pretty old now, (prototype came out in the 70's)

I like the Rafale but typical like most french planes, its not worth the cost and is very expensive. I dont know if through local avianics and possibly assemble we could bring the price down but that would be a nice plane. If the price is still too high, we should try to develop an alternative naval version of the F-10 possibly as a another option. Im sure the specs would be similar in the end.
hahahhahaha unfortunatley we cat buy any for navy we are struggling to get jets for airforce and how we buy for navy impposible
In this list, Typhoon and Rafale, too expensive;Gripen,too small and short voyage;Su-35BM and Mig-35D, can't get.
so F-18 and J11B is possible choice. consider to the price and expend, J11b is more appropriate
Regarding aircraft for your Navy, if you are confident with the production of your joint venture fighter with Chinese, the JF-17, my sincere recommendation would be continue the production and simply produce additional 60-70 units for your Navy.

From what I understand in this thread, many of Pakistani members here have disapproved the possible development or acquisition of an aircraft carrier, which means that your Naval aviation will remain for coastal defense rather than power projection. Due to this intention, you don't need to re-design this fighter for carrier take-off/ landing like the Russians have a separate version of MiG-29 fighters for their future replacement of SU-33s.

The main advantage would be the less cost per unit of production and also the experience gained from churning out more units. I believe yours being a brown-water navy (coastal defense only), this is the most sensible step. New aircraft, domestic technology, relatively in-expensive and reliable in terms of your apprehension of American sanctions.

Your other better choice would be the Sea Gripen being developed in Sweden.
i think the Agave equipped Mirage VPA3 are one the healthy airframes PAF has as they were delivered btw 1979-81. They should be upgraded with refueling probes and a modern radar and airframe should be total rebuilt with canards to give them better handling qualities. JF-17s to provide aircover on antishipping missions.

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