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What is the Best fighter jet for Pakistan Navy Aviation?

Man again and again you guys back on this dreamy topic.. PAF has taken the task to support the PN with its sq that might rise to maybe 1 or 2 more but thats it perhaps with be a mixture of mirages and thunders... i don't see nor have heard about it when talking to a few people from the PN.
I always say 70-80 Mirages and almost 40 - 50 JF-17.

IAF only have a 2 dozens of harriers and 2 dozens of Mig 29.
In future they are going to purchase 30+ more makes 40-50 Mig 29K.

I think 70-80 Mirages and almost 40 - 50 JF-17 are enough to counter ~45 Mig 29K and ~20 harriers.
JH 7 will be best and it is latest tooo man i hope we get it

PN does require its own Aviation wing and airbase to run PN and coast guard operations an other search and rescue operations as well. We certainly do not require an aircraft carrier, but a long range naval version fighters would be great such as JH7 . if PN or airforce can afford a twin engine fighter only for the naval role.
If twin engine is not possible then PN or PAF must induct around 5 squadron of 14 each mirages into aviation wing for starters, in the future it should only be replaced by the J10b as it would be better suited for the naval role comparing to JF17.:pakistan:
Ideally: F/A-18 Super Hornet
Realistically: J-10B or Mirage 2000-9 or, if we go crazy, J-11B.

But, the best and most cost-effective way is to find a training methodology that enables close integration between the Army/Navy and the present Air Force, rather than create a competing air force with limited capability. What we lack in equipment, we can make up in training.

WHY F-18 PAFace
whats so special about the aircraft whats so good aboput if you could pls elabrorate ?

and congrats to be Mod :yahoo:
just look at our resources and other stuff we have in our beloved country....if we just use them properly and wisely then we can spend much more than that and can buy more and the best weapons, air crafts and ships/submarines etc. Army is very strong. Air Force is also very strong but the Navy needs great developments.:pakistan:
This is how the Navy should try to align it self

Minimum Requirement for Pakistan Navy

20 Frigates (With Cannon + Surface to Air Missiles)
12 Harriers for Launch capabilities from platforms on the ships
20 Hind Helicopters for Usage
3 Destroyers
20 Submarines to protects Pakistani Ports
1 Aircraft Carrier (Or Mini craft carrier)
20 JF17 Thunders with Naval Warfare in mind launch from airports -
20% of airforce - Chengdu F-7 should be given over to Navy instead
of being treated as scrapes-
1 AWAC chinese made
1 AWAC Saab Made for usage by Navy
40 UAV ... For areal reconosence equiped with air to air missiles

can you please tell me what are Harriers, Hind Helicopters(are they just normal helicopters?), AWAC?
So time to cross Rafale off the list of hopefuls? By 2020 IN will have 150-200 advanced 4.5gen fighters (Mig-29K, N-LCA N-MMRCA) all capable to be used off IN's ACCs. Not to mention after 2022 we are likely to see 5th gen fighters enter IN fleet in large numbers (that is of N-MMRCA doesn't turn out to be F-35 (which is pretty likely tbh). Not to mention being supported by at least 2 SQDs of IAF dedicated SUPER 30 MKIs for maritime strike. All of these platforms will be supported by IN's own AWACs (either V-22 AEW or E-2D)How will PN counter this?
So time to cross Rafale off the list of hopefuls? By 2020 IN will have 150-200 advanced 4.5gen fighters (Mig-29K, N-LCA N-MMRCA) all capable to be used off IN's ACCs. Not to mention after 2022 we are likely to see 5th gen fighters enter IN fleet in large numbers (that is of N-MMRCA doesn't turn out to be F-35 (which is pretty likely tbh). Not to mention being supported by at least 2 SQDs of IAF dedicated SUPER 30 MKIs for maritime strike. All of these platforms will be supported by IN's own AWACs (either V-22 AEW or E-2D)How will PN counter this?

Who gives a flying F, this thread is about what PN will get, not what indian navy will purchase.
Who gives a flying F, this thread is about what PN will get, not what indian navy will purchase.

hahahaha some one got pissed dude he clearly asked what will be PN reaction what will they get to counter the IN

Yeah i can do that too, Ha HA Ha Ha Ha, so what's your point?

some one got pissed dude he clearly asked what will be PN reaction what will they get to counter the IN

Don't worry about what PN will get, that is none of your concerns, just stop boasting about your false sense of superiority on PAF/PN related threads, its gets really annoying.

Not at all, i'm not the one going around trying to prove a false sense of superiority on indian threads.
I would say the Chinese naval jets sound pretty good.
Navalized version of J-10 would be the most realistic option.
So time to cross Rafale off the list of hopefuls? By 2020 IN will have 150-200 advanced 4.5gen fighters (Mig-29K, N-LCA N-MMRCA) all capable to be used off IN's ACCs. Not to mention after 2022 we are likely to see 5th gen fighters enter IN fleet in large numbers (that is of N-MMRCA doesn't turn out to be F-35 (which is pretty likely tbh). Not to mention being supported by at least 2 SQDs of IAF dedicated SUPER 30 MKIs for maritime strike. All of these platforms will be supported by IN's own AWACs (either V-22 AEW or E-2D)How will PN counter this?

PN doesn't need to counter all of this as by far not all of this will be directed at Pakistan (obviously, India's build up is at least in part directed against China rather than Pakistan).
The number of gen4.5 jets IN will have carrier-borne at any given time by 2020 will not likely exceed 50 as Vikramaditya will take 16 Mig 29k and the pair of ACC planned to go in service 2015-2017 will each have about the same number.
Long range landbased aviation will in part be stationed on Andaman and Nicobar island (oriented north and east at the Bay of Bengal and Malakka strait and countries there), in the south oriented at Sri Lanka and the farther away Diego Garcia, and a portion will be at Lakshadweep isles, oriented at the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden. India has a lot of potentially valubable off-shore assets to watch and will therefor have to spread around its mil hardware.
Pakistan's situation is much simpler in that respect: patrol/protect the coast and SLOCs by denying others full control. Advantageous situation can occur locally.
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