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What is Pakistan's Full Spectrum Deterrence doctrine?

That was when religion didn't entered Pakistani politics.

The down fall started when Zia became your President and religion entered into your politics. There is no place for religion in economic development. No religious country can develop.

And you are not better than India on most indicators. I will be surprised if I find one.
Pakistan improving sanitation way faster than India: Study - timesofindia-economictimes

Hows this one

U have around 180 nukes at most .....
We have more than 5000 towns

How many will you target ?
You will target the important ones only

The point that I however was making is that some part of India will survive

We have 180 nukes now we will have much more in the future
Sanitation is not a great factor in economic development. As I said before, until the time religion takes central stage in lives of you people, India need not bother about Pakistan coming anywhere near India economically.

Sure sure your dirty and shit in the open but sanitation dosent matter because your a economic super pawa
Sure sure your dirty and shit in the open but sanitation dosent matter because your a economic super pawa

What is this with shit fetish you have?

Anyway on Economy...Pakistan is no where to be seen, while India is ranked 2nd by World Bank estimates.

When did Nasr missile being inducted in Pakistan Army.
There is no Indian plan to get deep inside Pakistan rather to capture 30-50 Km deep in quick high intensity war and bring Pakistan on the table. If Deep insertion has to be made than the plan would be to strike will max fire power straight from the Rajasthan and go north to cut the Pakistan into two half. Regarding TATA trucks and Cold start comment you need to study what that means and then comment. And which weapon India is purchasing for Kashmir Operation ? Can you be more precise for the sake of clarity.
i am trying to give answers in 4 points.

^ 30-50 km deep inside Pakistan means a nuclear trigger.
^ Nasr is inducted, tested and being displayed.
^ TATA trucks comments means that a cold start of such magnitude needs troops inside armor vehicles, not ordinary 4 by 4 or trucks.
^ Purchase of ultra light weight howitzers in a huge number is a clear clue.
What is this with shit fetish you have?

Anyway on Economy...Pakistan is no where to be seen, while India is ranked 2nd by World Bank estimates.


Yet we beat you in things like sanitation and providing clean water and toilets to our people

Imagine how much better we will be than you when our economy takes off

And its not an obsession with shit, its just that there are 1.2 billion indians and with so many defecating in the open, well lets just say it leaves a smell that might affect property prices
Yet we beat you in things like sanitation and providing clean water and toilets to our people

Imagine how much better we will be than you when our economy takes off

And its not an obsession with shit, its just that there are 1.2 billion indians and with so many defecating in the open, well lets just say it leaves a smell that might affect property prices

Pakistan is not hugely different in sanitation as compared to India. Around 30% of Pakistan still defecate in public, though Pakistan is meeting its sanitation goals faster than India.
Yet we beat you in things like sanitation and providing clean water and toilets to our people

Imagine how much better we will be than you when our economy takes off

And its not an obsession with shit, its just that there are 1.2 billion indians and with so many defecating in the open, well lets just say it leaves a smell that might affect property prices
40 percent people in Pakistan n 50 percent in India face sanitation problem
This is not something worth cheering
Pakistan is not hugely different in sanitation as compared to India. Around 30% of Pakistan still defecate in public, though Pakistan is meeting its sanitation goals faster than India.

We are Number 5

You are placed at 92

Your comment is a understatement

Look im not denying india hasent had economic progress, but progress and rankings and tables isnt everything

Pakistan is improving and dont just look at tables, take our word for it you csn see the development

Pakistan is a 200 million strong economically underdeveloped state which means the scope for growth is enormous

If we can survive and live on so little imagine what we can do and achieve with a little money

I also find it hilarious thst even on this table your a big number 2
For minimum deterrence, Pakistan needs 500 nuclear warheads with fairly high explosive yields including thermonuclear weapons with multiple delivery systems available. Once Pakistan acquires those, we have enough nuclear weapons to wipe india off the face of the earth. Until we achieve that we will be vulnerable. This is what Pakistan is working towards. Until we achieve that, india has the advantage.

Sanitation is not a great factor in economic development. As I said before, until the time religion takes central stage in lives of you people, India need not bother about Pakistan coming anywhere near India economically.

Pakistan can never be compared to india because we are so vastly different to india and to members of the indian race. For a start, india's population is 7x that of Pakistan. Pakistanis differ to indians in terms of physical looks, race, religion, beliefs, heritage, culture and bloodlines/genetics. We are so unconnected to indians it's very difficult to compare the 2. The only thing Pakistanis and indians have in common with eachother is mutual hatred. Comparing Pakistan to india is like comparing Jordan, Turkey or Lebanon to india.
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i am trying to give answers in 4 points.

^ 30-50 km deep inside Pakistan means a nuclear trigger.
^ Nasr is inducted, tested and being displayed.
^ TATA trucks comments means that a cold start of such magnitude needs troops inside armor vehicles, not ordinary 4 by 4 or trucks.
^ Purchase of ultra light weight howitzers in a huge number is a clear clue.
1. Giving Nuclear threatening every time is not a good idea even N. Korea dosen't make such things. Nuclear deterrence to avoid any Indian reponse for any pakistani misadventure made the Gen Parvez Musharaaf to plan and execute Kargil War, but when India despite all the nuclear sabre ratting done by your leaders at that time escalated Operation Vijay, IAFs Operation Safed Sagar, and IN Operation Talwar burst the bubble of that nuclear threat.

2. Nasr never enter the service and rest assure it will never be. WHY? Because Pakistan realize that that will only lower the Nuclear threshold.

3. Indian Army had denied any Cold Start Doctrine but still it required the quick and fast deployment of the troops specially the Strike Corps on the border in 24 Hours before Pakistan could even blink. ALL you reference of 4x4 or Armor vehicles is hush hush. It will required Indian Railways, Heavy Transport Planes.

4. Purchase of Ultra light weight howitzers are for the border in East i.e for the Chinese.

Pakistans nuclear arsenal is growing not just for fun but to ensure wide scale destruction of india

We have second strike but a sea based second strike is coming soon

Pakistan for most of its history has been better then india, cleaner, less over populated, better sanitation, less extreme poverty etc

Even with indian economic progress over the last 10-15 years Pakistan is still ahead on many of these indicators

Pakistan now has alot of plans in the pipelines with our under developed evonony large population base, resources, plans Pakistan indeed could become alot more successful

In which case you will once again see Pakistan performing much better than india on numerous indicators

"Pakistans nuclear arsenal is growing not just for fun but to ensure wide scale destruction of india"

Ya Ya Ya I head some news about the Pakistan nuclear arsenal is only behind USA and Russia and there was some thread running on PDF based on the article published in the US. Does it makes your cheast thump !!
Why because the report is based and calculated with all the fissile material imported including the fuel for the nuclear reactors in Pakistan.
What you are not realizing is the background being created by the USA before the operation of denuclearization of Pakistan begins with the special Operation in selective targets in your country. And yes your so called all whether friend Republic of China will join the force unwillingly.

"We have second strike but a sea based second strike is coming soon"

Now should I laugh or do what for this statement. Does the second strike capability hidden with the mujahids in their training camps or what ?

"Pakistan for most of its history has been better then india, cleaner, less over populated, better sanitation, less extreme poverty etc"

Pakistan History begins from 1947 after the partition of India under British Rule on the basis of two Nation Theory which have been proved Bluff by the secular India by having Muslims Presidents, Head of States, chief of Armed forces and various important govt. organization, whereas its unthinkable to have any Hindu on that position, where Hindu could join PA only after Musharaf Rule, where a patriotic Hindu soldier is not a Shaheed but only Late.
Pakistan does not have the inherited problems of running the country with such a diverse culture, languages, religion, big population after partition as compared to India, Just after the partitions the conditions of Pakistan in many field was way better than India. E.g the condition of Railways, the number of rail engine was much better than India. But now after 65 years compare the condition of both. Pakistan joined US alliance with SEATO but India remain non alliance, now after 65 years India can get the cutting edge technology from USA and Russia, have good relation with Iran and Israel, KSA and UAE and in comparison Pakistan have submerged itself to the Chinese basket.

In many pakistani discussion I have watched that the intellects accused the lesser development as compared to India due to the fact that Pakistan have to witness Military Rule 3 times and blame the political parties self interest and their quest for power and money. But the fact is India and Pakistan shares the same kind of political problems, greed, madness and why India never faces Military Rule excluding 2 year rule by Mrs Indira Gandhi was due to the reason that the democracy was deeply embedded deep inside the mind of people in case of India and in case of Pakistan the fear of India against her existence and independence. India was guided by Gandhi and in case of Pakistan by Qiud-e-Azam.

There are so much corruption in India, so many problems, some times Riots, sometimes I wonder how did the democracy where the working, taking decisions, working unbiased and without bribes is so difficult have survived for so many years. Even the Britishers might be thinking of doing research in that I came into the conclusion of three reasons.

1. Indian Penal Code (Court)
2. Indian Army
2. Election commission

Pakistan facing the economical problems, no local industry, debts, loan and see China as the solution for the problems through CAR Link between China and Karachi but have pakistan realize that the physical location of the Pakistan even if they allow the transient pass between the countries through itself could earn Billion of dollar each year.

Making Fun of Indians on food and toilets will not take you anywhere actually its all about economics. India is growing at the steady rate and its market and economy is standing on strong grounds which had proved itself during various economical crisis. Don't compare it with the China because there economy booms due to their Leaders visions, fast effective decisions and their economical policies which I don't want discuss in details but not possible in India but it will be one of the biggest Economy in the word rest assure and cannot be denied.

Indian Mantra is Slow and Steady Wins the Race

To cut short when the economic per capita income per person of a country is raised to certain level (which I am not disclossing to avoid baseless discussion) all problems related to food, sanitation, health, environment ceases.

Hope you like what I have written on the basis of my knowledge and experience
1. Giving Nuclear threatening every time is not a good idea even N. Korea dosen't make such things. Nuclear deterrence to avoid any Indian reponse for any pakistani misadventure made the Gen Parvez Musharaaf to plan and execute Kargil War, but when India despite all the nuclear sabre ratting done by your leaders at that time escalated Operation Vijay, IAFs Operation Safed Sagar, and IN Operation Talwar burst the bubble of that nuclear threat.

2. Nasr never enter the service and rest assure it will never be. WHY? Because Pakistan realize that that will only lower the Nuclear threshold.

3. Indian Army had denied any Cold Start Doctrine but still it required the quick and fast deployment of the troops specially the Strike Corps on the border in 24 Hours before Pakistan could even blink. ALL you reference of 4x4 or Armor vehicles is hush hush. It will required Indian Railways, Heavy Transport Planes.

4. Purchase of Ultra light weight howitzers are for the border in East i.e for the Chinese.
This is your perspective and you have right to have your own point of view. My opinion is different. Entering 50 kms inside Pakistan is surely a nuclear trigger because our main cities are less than 50 km from border. Railways and Roadways are used before H-Hour. Only armor will be used for an "armor breakout". Railways and roadways have nothing to do with after war situation because Indian Army have to collect all the equipment on borders secretly and then start a multiple front deep assault without giving enough chance to retaliate. Its a trillion dollars doctrine and inapplicable.
This is your perspective and you have right to have your own point of view. My opinion is different. Entering 50 kms inside Pakistan is surely a nuclear trigger because our main cities are less than 50 km from border. Railways and Roadways are used before H-Hour. Only armor will be used for an "armor breakout". Railways and roadways have nothing to do with after war situation because Indian Army have to collect all the equipment on borders secretly and then start a multiple front deep assault without giving enough chance to retaliate. Its a trillion dollars doctrine and inapplicable.
Brother I don't want any war between the two countries nor I am speculating any war scenario rather I was answering to the points laid by you. I only answer point wise and it is not necessary that they are related to each other. So if you are making any idea what my mind is thinking, just read the last response and compare it with the post which i was answering. Its only valid for that only and out of that its value have no value. Thats why lot of your pakistani members is finding me irritating and thinking I am trolling. Best of Luck, thanx and regards
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