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What is one thing you want to change about Pakistan ?

Pakistan is disingenuous. People, government and state are insincere. I wish there is no more Islam at State level and is given less importance in society. People should be free to practice whatever they want however don't impose your BS beliefs onto others.
I would like a President who is a visionary like Iqbal, a PM who is a leader like Jinnah, Commanders like Salahuddin and I want all of them working together in harmony.

Is it so much to ask, even a small bit of likeness? They were all ordinary human beings who aspired to do good and became extraordinary because of their deeds in life. It all depends on the persons holding the office as to who they aspire to be...the people above or the usual mediocrity we have come to experience as a norm.

I want our madrasas and schools to become centers of religion, science and technology instead of centers of hate, sectarianism or glamour shows. I want molvis holding PhDs in various fields and becoming real Aalim-e-deen, research scholars and even leaders as opposed to charity hungry hippocrates.

In a sentence, sincere leadership and educational reforms. Every thing else will fall into place in due time.
Making sure Islamic laws get implemented and those who think Islam and Politics can be separated need to wake up
And make their countries like Scandanavia :whistle:

Yes Yes keep trying even now when every survey are done more than 90 % say they want a Muslim system
In a country where 4% have done graduation?

Pakistani awaam has to be educated and sensitized on key issues
Strict morality to be observed. Respect and security for women.

Men who taunt or jeer at women should suffer heavy punishment and long jail times. Women should be allowed freedom and safety in the public place.

Extra security at women shopping centers, universities, and parks.

Men should be taught from a young age to respect and honor females. Any and all obscene remarks or taunting should be banned in schools and universities.

Open more masajid with spaces for women and children. Have more separate accommodations for women and families.

Women should be able to freely travel without fear. This is what I want from Pakistan. In sha Allah.
Divide punjab into smaller provinces

Open more masajid with spaces for women and children. Have more separate accommodations for women and families.

Saudi Arabia has those.In Ramadan, all the women go to their nearest mosques for taraweehs and qiyam. Eid namaz are filled with women. All shopping malls have special masjid for women so they can pray at prayer time. Would love to see it in Pakistan.
Introduce Pakistanis into it and remove all Punjabis, Pathans, Sindhis, Balochis , Mohajirs, sunnis, shias, deobandis , bareilvis , falana dhamkhana etc.

Pakistan without Pakistanis is pretty useless.
Naya Pakistanis can work like that others not so sure :D
I want to see a Pakistan where no one can be persecuted for whatever they believe in. Be it a different religion, be it they believe in communism, be it they believe in dictatorship, be it they believe in in secularism. In other words, complete freedom of speech .
i wish no one lie in Pakistan if i cud take this out of Pakistan i would like this.

Separation of Religion from state/politics it's one's personal matter and should stay that way.

As Quaid-e-Azam said:

Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics….Religion is merely a matter between man and God. - Address to the Central Legislative Assembly, 7 February 1935
Islam is way of life and my personal life effect my society aswell so its not like i am chosing biology over math.
Bring the looted wealth from Dubai:

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