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What is MbS doing that enables KSA to work with USA, China and Russia simultaneously on

I agree but Iran also has oil, so did Saddam and look where Iraq is today or Iran. You need money and some smarts. I get a feeling he is a hard guy who is a do it type of guy. I hope he takes the bull by horns and recognizes Israel thus freeing the Muslim world from a unneccessary burden. Then after recognition he might even manage to help the Palestinians. I hope he takes over Saudia. Either way this guy is a reformer and will bring much needed fresh thinking to KSA.
Can't agree more sir, but he need to be clever for a long time otherwise we have examples, like Saddam zia Gaddafi (the list is long) but all were sweethearts of the West and uncle Sam but not for long. They were expandable after their use. The conspiracies keep popping around him too like khashqi etc,making him vulnerable
I think because KSA right now is strategic ally and more trusted by the trump admin than erdogan to counter the Iranian influence. Also erdogan want his own influence just like Iran
Can't agree more sir, but he need to be clever for a long time otherwise we have examples, like Saddam zia Gaddafi (the list is long) but all were sweethearts of the West and uncle Sam but not for long. They were expandable after their use. The conspiracies keep popping around him too like khashqi etc,making him vulnerable
Actually, Saddam and Gaddafi were more idiots then sweethearts of the west. I live in the west and I never came across any media going back to my youth in early 1980s where either of these despots were regarded as sweethearts. Both were treated as crazed mad dogs. Gaddafi was barely tolerated and got bombed by US back in 1980s narrowly escaping death. Saddam was another despot. Both were actually darlings of Soviet Russia. Saddam got bombed with western support by Israel again in the 1980s. To be sure Saddam found himself on the same page as USA with regards to Iran in 1979 with the revolution. But that was just coincidence and was far from sweethearts. It was like two guys who did not like each other but now agreed to dislike somebody they hated even more ~ Iran.

However the relationship with Saudia and USA is far deeper and enduring since at least 1940s. Both America and KSA have deep strategic understanding and this is not about to change anytime soon. I think MBS might open up KSA and bring much needed change which would then resonate with many countries who are influenced by KSA which includes Pakistan. For instance if KSA recognizerd Israel the very next day so would Pakistan. The truth is both KSA and Israel are already working on differant matters but this needs outing and I expect MBS will take the plunge at some point in his rule. UAE is already moving in that direction.
Actually, Saddam and Gaddafi were more idiots then sweethearts of the west. I live in the west and I never came across any media going back to my youth in early 1980s where either of these despots were regarded as sweethearts. Both were treated as crazed mad dogs. Gaddafi was barely tolerated and got bombed by US back in 1980s narrowly escaping death. Saddam was another despot. Both were actually darlings of Soviet Russia. Saddam got bombed with western support by Israel again in the 1980s. To be sure Saddam found himself on the same page as USA with regards to Iran in 1979 with the revolution. But that was just coincidence and was far from sweethearts. It was like two guys who did not like each other but now agreed to dislike somebody they hated even more ~ Iran.

However the relationship with Saudia and USA is far deeper and enduring since at least 1940s. Both America and KSA have deep strategic understanding and this is not about to change anytime soon. I think MBS might open up KSA and bring much needed change which would then resonate with many countries who are influenced by KSA which includes Pakistan. For instance if KSA recognizerd Israel the very next day so would Pakistan. The truth is both KSA and Israel are already working on differant matters but this needs outing and I expect MBS will take the plunge at some point in his rule. UAE is already moving in that direction.
thanks for the informative insight, lots of knowledge in a couple of paras, i agree my info was just a hear say. one more thing though, there is always a leverage involved in bilateral relations, in case of KSA and other oil rich countries definitely its oil and $$$, however the world is losing fossil fuels quickly, some predict we ill run out of the fossil fuel in 35 years. won't this be a loss of leverage in terms of relations with the west for KSA and rest
I think because KSA right now is strategic ally and more trusted by the trump admin than erdogan to counter the Iranian influence. Also erdogan want his own influence just like Iran

KSA is more influential than Turkey. Even in tiny Balkans which might be the only area of the Muslim world were Arabs have traditionally been less influence than Turkey, KSA has tremendous influence in Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo etc. Our religious and cultural clout in the Arab and Islamic world has no competitors. Our depth and ties in relations with China and Russia (combined) is also matched by very few if any Muslim countries. So-called mighty Erdogan was negotiating with Russia for the S-400 for years if not months. KSA did a deal with Russia within 1 single visit. Without any boosting or much media attention.

How can KSA make a deal with Russia (S-400) and other strategic weapons (that are never sold to US-allies or pro-Western countries) without any fuss from the US, work extremely closely with China on our ballistic missile program (they already sold us a very large number of various missiles that are able to carry nuclear weapons and that was 35 years ago) while we speak, extract uranium for internal use within KSA (jointly) while we speak, US-enemies like China and Russia are openly competing to build nuclear reactors inside KSA, KSA openly defying the offers of the US on this front that would prevent us from using our own uranium as nuclear fuel = potentially building the bomb if we want to) etc.

9/11 that many in the US blames KSA (regime for), openly supporting the Iraqi resistance that killed 1000's of US soldiers across the border (just across the border).

I mean is there something I don't understand about supposedly being the "mighty puppet" that PDF trolls here are barking about 24/7?

It's not about KSA being some superpower (it is not) but it makes you think.

Saudi Crown Prince commends $76.5bn non-oil revenue in 2018

Saudi Arabia’s non-oil revenue has more than doubled between 2014 and 2018 to $76.5bn (SAR287bn), and Crown Prince HRH Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud said this growth underscores the kingdom’s economic achievements as outlined by the goals of its Vision 2030 long-term diversification programme.

The Crown Prince said Saudi Arabia’s economic and structural reforms are steadily moving to achieve the targets of Vision 2030, which is also accounted for in the 2019 budget. The document was approved by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, HRH King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, on 18 December, 2018.

Calling financial stability a fundamental pillar of economic progress, the Crown Prince said reforms introduced in Saudi Arabia over the last two years have directly contributed to the kingdom’s steady reduction in budget deficit. The kingdom announced a budgetary shortfall for the sixth year in a row as part of its 2019 budget. On 18 December, Saudi announced that its projected 2019 deficit of $36.2bn (SAR136bn) is 32% lower than the corresponding value expected for 2018, $52bn (SAR195bn).

But it is the growth of non-oil revenues that stands out in Saudi Arabia’s 2019 budget announcement. In 2014, non-oil earnings worth $33.9bn (SAR127bn) contributed 12% to Saudi Arabia’s total revenue, and this number has surged to 32% in 2018, when the corresponding figure is valued at $76.5bn. In a statement, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Finance, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, said this growth is “largely attributed to the continued implementation of economic reforms and initiatives such as value-added tax (VAT) and energy price reforms”.


@Al Watan Al Arabi
Let these lapdogs cry.. the facts speak for themselves..

That is very impressive as we all know. All within 4 years only.

But it is the growth of non-oil revenues that stands out in Saudi Arabia’s 2019 budget announcement. In 2014, non-oil earnings worth $33.9bn (SAR127bn) contributed 12% to Saudi Arabia’s total revenue, and this number has surged to 32% in 2018, when the corresponding figure is valued at $76.5bn.
Anyway, as I wrote extensively prior in this thread I find it laughable that some users reduce it to money and wealth alone. I have given plenty of examples that put that theory to bed yet it seems like I am speaking (we, dare I say) to deaf ears.

Can't agree more sir, but he need to be clever for a long time otherwise we have examples, like Saddam zia Gaddafi (the list is long) but all were sweethearts of the West and uncle Sam but not for long. They were expandable after their use. The conspiracies keep popping around him too like khashqi etc,making him vulnerable

House of Saud sweethearts of the West?:lol:

Name me a single country that is supposedly "allied" with the West that has more propaganda thrown at them?

You know what the problem is? KSA was never a Western colony. The House of Saud was not put in power by either the West nor East. The relationship has an equal footing. Not only that the rule of the House of Saud predates the foundation of many if not most of the Western nation states too, including that of the US itself. There is also the idea of KSA (being home to Makkah and Madinah) being different. You just don't invade it as you invade some other random Muslim country. There is size, geography and much more involved as well.

The clever thing that they have done (House of Saud regime) is that they have not been foolish enough to combat the US directly as that is a war that no country or regime can win. But if you ask the average social-liberal, atheist, left-democratic voter, KSA has done tremendous harm to the West and the US. Every nationalist in Europe does not name Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or any other Muslim country as a threat but KSA. The same country that has and funds most mosques in the West, Arabic learning and cultural centers etc. Basically being the champion of Islam. A religion and culture that is seen by that lot as "the enemy" nowadays. You doubt me? Go visit any nationalistic European forum and see for yourself.

Do you think that this lots biggest wet dream is to attack Iran or nuke Makkah and Madinah? Their enemy is KSA and the Arab world. The originators. Not Indonesia or Gambia. Don't have illusions. Hence the constant propaganda against KSA.

I think because KSA right now is strategic ally and more trusted by the trump admin than erdogan to counter the Iranian influence. Also erdogan want his own influence just like Iran

Also Salman, "right now" makes no sense. There has been some kind of cooperation since Ibn Saud and Roosevelt met at the height of WW2 and formally in 1945 when some deals where made.

MBS should rule Iraq too, we are ruled by cunts

Not needed. Each Arab country should just have nationalistic, strong, bold and visionary leaders that make the necessary economic reforms, strengthen the state apparatus (military, police, intelligence, security) while at the same time investing in education (KSA is investing almost 10% of its budget on education, the global average is almost 3 times less), science, infrastructure, projects that will benefit the people such as national parks, industrial cities, tourist cities etc.

Combat radicals, reform idiotic "Islamic laws" that have been corrupted by clergy, implement a tolerant Islam but at the same time no Western neo-liberal nonsense that will destroy Arab culture etc. Give rights to women but don't turn them into what we see in Europe. A healthy balance that Arab culture (with or without Islam) usually results in but likewise the influence of Islam.

Then political reforms, more "freedom" and such snowflake visions can be slowly implanted as already seen in KSA where the remaining remnant of old laws (guardianship) is openly talked about as being necessary to reform or remove. All this and obviously combating corruption. Even if MbS is corrupt (he probably is to a degree although he probably does not need to be so that might be an empty claim from my part) it is better that a select few are corrupt than 1000's hence his crackdown, even if largely symbolic and not hitting himself, surely gave the needed message as well the needed results in terms of the state taking that money. A bit like in China. Everyone knows that the top politicians there are corrupt but at least there is not an entire elite that is corrupt to the core like in say Russia, in particular pre-Putin.

(((cradle of civilization)))

Sumer! Southern Iraq, Kuwait and Northern KSA. Origin of Sumerians? Eastern Province of KSA. Where did the Sumerians claim to come from according to their own Epic of Gilgamesh (earliest written poem in the world)? Dilmun. Where was/is Dilmun's origin? Eastern Province/Bahrain etc. BTW most of Southern Iraq was underwater under the era of Sumerians and just before. Anyway this is not only about Sumerians. There are many pre-civilizaiton cultures in Arabia and the Arab world that are the oldest in their field and most advanced of their time. Example the Nutafian culture that gave birth to farming and domestication of animals. Modern-day Saudi Arabians cluster most with Natufian mummies of Southern Levant as confirmed by DNA. Posted it many times here.


Ubaid Period:


First humans that migrated outside of Africa (Horn of Africa) reached Arabia as well. Every non-African descends from those people who lived in Arabia for 1000's of years.



Earliest hominin migrations into the Arabian Peninsula required no novel adaptations
New study provides earliest evidence for hominins in ‘Green Arabia’ between 500,000 and 300,000 years ago alongside direct environmental data indicating productive, relatively humid grasslands

October 29, 2018


Anyone that doubts the incredible depth and history of this region is an ignorant.
KSA is more influential than Turkey. Even in tiny Balkans which might be the only area of the Muslim world were Arabs have traditionally been less influence than Turkey, KSA has tremendous influence in Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo etc. Our religious and cultural clout in the Arab and Islamic world has no competitors. Our depth and ties in relations with China and Russia (combined) is also matched by very few if any Muslim countries. So-called mighty Erdogan was negotiating with Russia for the S-400 for years if not months. KSA did a deal with Russia within 1 single visit. Without any boosting or much media attention.

How can KSA make a deal with Russia (S-400) and other strategic weapons (that are never sold to US-allies or pro-Western countries) without any fuss from the US, work extremely closely with China on our ballistic missile program (they already sold us a very large number of various missiles that are able to carry nuclear weapons and that was 35 years ago) while we speak, extract uranium for internal use within KSA (jointly) while we speak, US-enemies like China and Russia are openly competing to build nuclear reactors inside KSA, KSA openly defying the offers of the US on this front that would prevent us from using our own uranium as nuclear fuel = potentially building the bomb if we want to) etc.

9/11 that many in the US blames KSA (regime for), openly supporting the Iraqi resistance that killed 1000's of US soldiers across the border (just across the border).

I mean is there something I don't understand about supposedly being the "mighty puppet" that PDF trolls here are barking about 24/7?

It's not about KSA being some superpower (it is not) but it makes you think.

That is very impressive as we all know. All within 4 years only.

But it is the growth of non-oil revenues that stands out in Saudi Arabia’s 2019 budget announcement. In 2014, non-oil earnings worth $33.9bn (SAR127bn) contributed 12% to Saudi Arabia’s total revenue, and this number has surged to 32% in 2018, when the corresponding figure is valued at $76.5bn.
Anyway, as I wrote extensively prior in this thread I find it laughable that some users reduce it to money and wealth alone. I have given plenty of examples that put that theory to bed yet it seems like I am speaking (we, dare I say) to deaf ears.

House of Saud sweethearts of the West?:lol:

Name me a single country that is supposedly "allied" with the West that has more propaganda thrown at them?

You know what the problem is? KSA was never a Western colony. The House of Saud was not put in power by either the West nor East. The relationship has an equal footing. Not only that the rule of the House of Saud predates the foundation of many if not most of the Western nation states too, including that of the US itself. There is also the idea of KSA (being home to Makkah and Madinah) being different. You just don't invade it as you invade some other random Muslim country. There is size, geography and much more involved as well.

The clever thing that they have done (House of Saud regime) is that they have not been foolish enough to combat the US directly as that is a war that no country or regime can win. But if you ask the average social-liberal, atheist, left-democratic voter, KSA has done tremendous harm to the West and the US. Every nationalist in Europe does not name Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or any other Muslim country as a threat but KSA. The same country that has and funds most mosques in the West, Arabic learning and cultural centers etc. Basically being the champion of Islam. A religion and culture that is seen by that lot as "the enemy" nowadays. You doubt me? Go visit any nationalistic European forum and see for yourself.

Do you think that this lots biggest wet dream is to attack Iran or nuke Makkah and Madinah? Their enemy is KSA and the Arab world. The originators. Not Indonesia or Gambia. Don't have illusions. Hence the constant propaganda against KSA.

Also Salman, "right now" makes no sense. There has been some kind of cooperation since Ibn Saud and Roosevelt met at the height of WW2 and formally in 1945 when some deals where made.

Not needed. Each Arab country should just have nationalistic, strong, bold and visionary leaders that make the necessary economic reforms, strengthen the state apparatus (military, police, intelligence, security) while at the same time investing in education (KSA is investing almost 10% of its budget on education, the global average is almost 3 times less), science, infrastructure, projects that will benefit the people such as national parks, industrial cities, tourist cities etc.

Combat radicals, reform idiotic "Islamic laws" that have been corrupted by clergy, implement a tolerant Islam but at the same time no Western neo-liberal nonsense that will destroy Arab culture etc. Give rights to women but don't turn them into what we see in Europe. A healthy balance that Arab culture (with or without Islam) usually results in but likewise the influence of Islam.

Then political reforms, more "freedom" and such snowflake visions can be slowly implanted as already seen in KSA where the remaining remnant of old laws (guardianship) is openly talked about as being necessary to reform or remove. All this and obviously combating corruption. Even if MbS is corrupt (he probably is to a degree although he probably does not need to be so that might be an empty claim from my part) it is better that a select few are corrupt than 1000's hence his crackdown, even if largely symbolic and not hitting himself, surely gave the needed message as well the needed results in terms of the state taking that money. A bit like in China. Everyone knows that the top politicians there are corrupt but at least there is not an entire elite that is corrupt to the core like in say Russia, in particular pre-Putin.

Sumer! Southern Iraq, Kuwait and Northern KSA. Origin of Sumerians? Eastern Province of KSA. Where did the Sumerians claim to come from according to their own Epic of Gilgamesh (earliest written poem in the world)? Dilmun. Where was/is Dilmun's origin? Eastern Province/Bahrain etc. BTW most of Southern Iraq was underwater under the era of Sumerians and just before. Anyway this is not only about Sumerians. There are many pre-civilizaiton cultures in Arabia and the Arab world that are the oldest in their field and most advanced of their time. Example the Nutafian culture that gave birth to farming and domestication of animals. Modern-day Saudi Arabians cluster most with Natufian mummies of Southern Levant as confirmed by DNA. Posted it many times here.

View attachment 564387

Ubaid Period:


First humans that migrated outside of Africa (Horn of Africa) reached Arabia as well. Every non-African descends from those people who lived in Arabia for 1000's of years.



Earliest hominin migrations into the Arabian Peninsula required no novel adaptations
New study provides earliest evidence for hominins in ‘Green Arabia’ between 500,000 and 300,000 years ago alongside direct environmental data indicating productive, relatively humid grasslands

October 29, 2018


Anyone that doubts the incredible depth and history of this region is an ignorant.
I don’t know exactly about this issue, but maybe because Turkey is a NATO member

KSA is more influential than Turkey. Even in tiny Balkans which might be the only area of the Muslim world were Arabs have traditionally been less influence than Turkey, KSA has tremendous influence in Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo etc. Our religious and cultural clout in the Arab and Islamic world has no competitors. Our depth and ties in relations with China and Russia (combined) is also matched by very few if any Muslim countries. So-called mighty Erdogan was negotiating with Russia for the S-400 for years if not months. KSA did a deal with Russia within 1 single visit. Without any boosting or much media attention.

How can KSA make a deal with Russia (S-400) and other strategic weapons (that are never sold to US-allies or pro-Western countries) without any fuss from the US, work extremely closely with China on our ballistic missile program (they already sold us a very large number of various missiles that are able to carry nuclear weapons and that was 35 years ago) while we speak, extract uranium for internal use within KSA (jointly) while we speak, US-enemies like China and Russia are openly competing to build nuclear reactors inside KSA, KSA openly defying the offers of the US on this front that would prevent us from using our own uranium as nuclear fuel = potentially building the bomb if we want to) etc.

9/11 that many in the US blames KSA (regime for), openly supporting the Iraqi resistance that killed 1000's of US soldiers across the border (just across the border).

I mean is there something I don't understand about supposedly being the "mighty puppet" that PDF trolls here are barking about 24/7?

It's not about KSA being some superpower (it is not) but it makes you think.

That is very impressive as we all know. All within 4 years only.

But it is the growth of non-oil revenues that stands out in Saudi Arabia’s 2019 budget announcement. In 2014, non-oil earnings worth $33.9bn (SAR127bn) contributed 12% to Saudi Arabia’s total revenue, and this number has surged to 32% in 2018, when the corresponding figure is valued at $76.5bn.
Anyway, as I wrote extensively prior in this thread I find it laughable that some users reduce it to money and wealth alone. I have given plenty of examples that put that theory to bed yet it seems like I am speaking (we, dare I say) to deaf ears.

House of Saud sweethearts of the West?:lol:

Name me a single country that is supposedly "allied" with the West that has more propaganda thrown at them?

You know what the problem is? KSA was never a Western colony. The House of Saud was not put in power by either the West nor East. The relationship has an equal footing. Not only that the rule of the House of Saud predates the foundation of many if not most of the Western nation states too, including that of the US itself. There is also the idea of KSA (being home to Makkah and Madinah) being different. You just don't invade it as you invade some other random Muslim country. There is size, geography and much more involved as well.

The clever thing that they have done (House of Saud regime) is that they have not been foolish enough to combat the US directly as that is a war that no country or regime can win. But if you ask the average social-liberal, atheist, left-democratic voter, KSA has done tremendous harm to the West and the US. Every nationalist in Europe does not name Turkey, Iran, Pakistan or any other Muslim country as a threat but KSA. The same country that has and funds most mosques in the West, Arabic learning and cultural centers etc. Basically being the champion of Islam. A religion and culture that is seen by that lot as "the enemy" nowadays. You doubt me? Go visit any nationalistic European forum and see for yourself.

Do you think that this lots biggest wet dream is to attack Iran or nuke Makkah and Madinah? Their enemy is KSA and the Arab world. The originators. Not Indonesia or Gambia. Don't have illusions. Hence the constant propaganda against KSA.

Also Salman, "right now" makes no sense. There has been some kind of cooperation since Ibn Saud and Roosevelt met at the height of WW2 and formally in 1945 when some deals where made.

Not needed. Each Arab country should just have nationalistic, strong, bold and visionary leaders that make the necessary economic reforms, strengthen the state apparatus (military, police, intelligence, security) while at the same time investing in education (KSA is investing almost 10% of its budget on education, the global average is almost 3 times less), science, infrastructure, projects that will benefit the people such as national parks, industrial cities, tourist cities etc.

Combat radicals, reform idiotic "Islamic laws" that have been corrupted by clergy, implement a tolerant Islam but at the same time no Western neo-liberal nonsense that will destroy Arab culture etc. Give rights to women but don't turn them into what we see in Europe. A healthy balance that Arab culture (with or without Islam) usually results in but likewise the influence of Islam.

Then political reforms, more "freedom" and such snowflake visions can be slowly implanted as already seen in KSA where the remaining remnant of old laws (guardianship) is openly talked about as being necessary to reform or remove. All this and obviously combating corruption. Even if MbS is corrupt (he probably is to a degree although he probably does not need to be so that might be an empty claim from my part) it is better that a select few are corrupt than 1000's hence his crackdown, even if largely symbolic and not hitting himself, surely gave the needed message as well the needed results in terms of the state taking that money. A bit like in China. Everyone knows that the top politicians there are corrupt but at least there is not an entire elite that is corrupt to the core like in say Russia, in particular pre-Putin.

Sumer! Southern Iraq, Kuwait and Northern KSA. Origin of Sumerians? Eastern Province of KSA. Where did the Sumerians claim to come from according to their own Epic of Gilgamesh (earliest written poem in the world)? Dilmun. Where was/is Dilmun's origin? Eastern Province/Bahrain etc. BTW most of Southern Iraq was underwater under the era of Sumerians and just before. Anyway this is not only about Sumerians. There are many pre-civilizaiton cultures in Arabia and the Arab world that are the oldest in their field and most advanced of their time. Example the Nutafian culture that gave birth to farming and domestication of animals. Modern-day Saudi Arabians cluster most with Natufian mummies of Southern Levant as confirmed by DNA. Posted it many times here.

View attachment 564387

Ubaid Period:


First humans that migrated outside of Africa (Horn of Africa) reached Arabia as well. Every non-African descends from those people who lived in Arabia for 1000's of years.



Earliest hominin migrations into the Arabian Peninsula required no novel adaptations
New study provides earliest evidence for hominins in ‘Green Arabia’ between 500,000 and 300,000 years ago alongside direct environmental data indicating productive, relatively humid grasslands

October 29, 2018


Anyone that doubts the incredible depth and history of this region is an ignorant.
As for the Balkan I think the Turks have strong influence on the sufis while the saudis on the other hand have strong ties with the Salafi movement
I don’t know exactly about this issue, but maybe because Turkey is a NATO member

Turkey was the first Muslim country to recognize Israel and establish diplomatic ties with them. Israel helped the Turkish military industry greatly as well. They are closer to Israel than any other Muslim state. Ironically together with Azerbaijan. One of their main if not their main regional ally. So that Zionist nonsense argument that some "geniuses" in this thread kept mentioning can be ruled out.

KSA's dealings with Israel has amounted (only recently as well) to the Palestine issue. The Arab Peace Proposal largely constructed by KSA back in 2000 is still left standing and used as a starting point for both sides to a large degree. That and having a common goal in removing and reducing cancerous Iranian Mullah regime interference in the region. As any sane state would do. That does not mean that KSA is allied with Israel. If we truly were and have been allies with Israel since Israel's birth we would likely be twice as powerful due to the powerful Israeli lobby, likely have nuclear weapons (100%) by now and most of Northern KSA would have been turned into a food basket for the entire region with Israeli technological help. Say what you want but they are leading on that front in terms of turning arid lands into fertile farmlands. Sure, Israel is tiny but the same soil and climate is present in Northern KSA (the driest area of KSA along with the Rub' al-Khali where hardly anyone lives).

S-400 is what it is. Not some "dream weapon". From what I know not yet battle-tested unlike Patriots and THAAD. Turkey as a country is more economically tied with the West than KSA is. Much more. Not even talking about Western tourists or Western investments. The US allowing Turkey to buy the S-400 could help the US study that system up close. No, there must be other reasons for that.

ANyway that is not comparable with China helping develop a very sophisticated and nuclear-carrying (if needed) ballistic missile program for KSA or KSA important tones of various nuclear-carrying (potentially) ballistic missiles with a reach of 3000 km+ (Europe a potential target) in the freaking 1980's already.

I don’t know exactly about this issue, but maybe because Turkey is a NATO member

As for the Balkan I think the Turks have strong influence on the sufis while the saudis on the other hand have strong ties with the Salafi movement

Sufism is an "Arab invention". The oldest Sufi orders originate in Arabia. "Ottoman culture" was 100 times more Arabic in nature than it is Turkic. Ottoman language was more Arabic than Turkic. Almost an Arabic dialect. The script. The culture by large. Did you know that Muslim Bosniaks had their own Arabic script? Bosniak Muslim names are they Arabic in origin or Turkic? Did Islam originate in Turkey or Arabia? Even the Turkish coffee is Arabic coffee that is being drunk in Sarajevo. Every educated Balkan Muslim knows this. That is why the modern generation when rediscovering their Islamic heritage is turning to KSA. Bosniaks, Albanians are attending Saudi/Arab funded mosques in Spain, France and Denmark.

Did you know that when Selim I conquered Egypt and Hijaz in 1517 it gave birth to the Turkish cuisine that we know today? Before that they had barely any spices or many exotic ingredients. Watched a Turkish program from Bursa on Turkish cuisine where the Turkish guide told this. Makes sense as well.

There is this nonsense idea of Ottomans having nothing to do with Arabs yet without Arabs the Ottomans would be nobodies. Territorially as well. Most Ottomans were Arabs too for God's sake.
Turkey was the first Muslim country to recognize Israel and establish diplomatic ties with them. Israel helped the Turkish military industry greatly as well. They are closer to Israel than any other Muslim state. Ironically together with Azerbaijan. One of their main if not their main regional ally. So that Zionist nonsense argument that some "geniuses" in this thread kept mentioning can be ruled out.

KSA's dealings with Israel has amounted (only recently as well) to the Palestine issue. The Arab Peace Proposal largely constructed by KSA back in 2000 is still left standing and used as a starting point for both sides to a large degree. That and having a common goal in removing and reducing cancerous Iranian Mullah regime interference in the region. As any sane state would do. That does not mean that KSA is allied with Israel. If we truly were and have been allies with Israel since Israel's birth we would likely be twice as powerful due to the powerful Israeli lobby, likely have nuclear weapons (100%) by now and most of Northern KSA would have been turned into a food basket for the entire region with Israeli technological help. Say what you want but they are leading on that front in terms of turning arid lands into fertile farmlands. Sure, Israel is tiny but the same soil and climate is present in Northern KSA (the driest area of KSA along with the Rub' al-Khali where hardly anyone lives).

S-400 is what it is. Not some "dream weapon". From what I know not yet battle-tested unlike Patriots and THAAD. Turkey as a country is more economically tied with the West than KSA is. Much more. Not even talking about Western tourists or Western investments. The US allowing Turkey to buy the S-400 could help the US study that system up close. No, there must be other reasons for that.

ANyway that is not comparable with China helping develop a very sophisticated and nuclear-carrying (if needed) ballistic missile program for KSA or KSA important tones of various nuclear-carrying (potentially) ballistic missiles with a reach of 3000 km+ (Europe a potential target) in the freaking 1980's already.

Sufism is an "Arab invention". The oldest Sufi orders originate in Arabia. "Ottoman culture" was 100 times more Arabic in nature than it is Turkic. Ottoman language was more Arabic than Turkic. Almost an Arabic dialect. The script. The culture by large. Did you know that Muslim Bosniaks had their own Arabic script? Bosniak Muslim names are they Arabic in origin or Turkic? Did Islam originate in Turkey or Arabia? Even the Turkish coffee is Arabic coffee that is being drunk in Sarajevo. Every educated Balkan Muslim knows this. That is why the modern generation when rediscovering their Islamic heritage is turning to KSA. Bosniaks, Albanians are attending Saudi/Arab funded mosques in Spain, France and Denmark.
Indeed I agree with you but for Sufism I think it came from my religion and from the Greek philosophy
Indeed I agree with you but for Sufism I think it came from my religion and from the Greek philosophy

What is your religion? Christianity? Well, last time I checked Christianity (first followers) were Christian Arabs aside from the small number of Jews that adopted it. Last time I checked the oldest churches in the world are found in the Arab world. Even in a country like KSA where no Christian (indigenous) population has lived since the 10th century, one of the oldest churches in the world (Jubail Church) is located.


Arabia is one of the regions most frequently mentioned by name in the Bible as well.


The reality is that Sufism originated in Arabia and later spread to other parts of the Arab world. There are more Sufi followers in Arab lands than anywhere else. I am not a Sufi but just stating facts here. So someone making "Sufism" Turkish in relation to Arabs here, makes no sense. Modern-day Anatolia is glittered with "Arab Sufi saint" graves for a reason.

As for Greeks, Greek was once a second lingua France in Arabia and the Levant so ties are old.



About the close ties between ancient Greece and ancient Arabia.

What is your religion? Christianity? Well, last time I checked Christianity (first followers) were Christian Arabs aside from the small number of Jews that adopted it. Last time I checked the oldest churches in the world are found in the Arab world. Even in a country like KSA where no Christian (indigenous) population has lived since the 10th century, one of the oldest churches in the world (Jubail Church) is located.


Arabia is one of the regions most frequently mentioned by name in the Bible as well.

The reality is that Sufism originated in Arabia and later spread to other parts of the Arab world. There are more Sufi followers in Arab lands than anywhere else. I am not a Sufi but just stating facts here. So someone making "Sufism" Turkish in relation to Arabs here, makes no sense. Modern-day Anatolia is glittered with "Arab Sufi saint" graves for a reason.

As for Greeks, Greek was once a second lingua France in Arabia and the Levant so ties are old.



About the close ties between ancient Greece and ancient Arabia.

won't this be a loss of leverage in terms of relations with the west for KSA and rest
Yes, of course. He who thinks oil has no leverage is a fool. Indeed oil is one of the most potent leverages in the modern world. If there was no oil KSA would be slightly better then Somalia and would be living off the hajj industry and exporting labour like we do.

As regards future KSA will I think still remain significant of course depending on how well MBS plays his cards. The oil is not about to run out anytime soon, there is also gas to that will remain relevant. In addition KSA will use the Israel card. By recognizing Israel and working with that country it assures importance to Washington as key player in the region because it has influence on the region. We know much weight KSA has on Pakistan. With all this and Israel's importance to USA, KSA is not about to become irrelevant. Indeed the reverse is possible if KSA tilts to Israel and builds up Red Sea resorts and industrial hubs to connect with Israel and the Mediteranean.
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