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What is MbS doing that enables KSA to work with USA, China and Russia simultaneously on

Aug 2, 2016
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
KSA reaching a deal with Russia on the S-400 has surprisingly been met with little opposition from the US.

There were rumors of Pentagon objecting to our purchase of TOS-1A as well. It has already reached KSA and has been used in Yemen.


Compared to Turkey that got hit with sanctions and will get more of them soon and who will be thrown out of the F-35 project most likely. Obviously this cannot only be because we are not a NATO member state and officially non-aligned.

Or what about our close cooperation with China (ballistic missile program, uranium extraction, possible and very likely nuclear energy cooperation - China wishes to built some of the 16 nuclear reactors that the country plans to build before 2030)?

Exclusive: US intel shows Saudi Arabia escalated its missile program with help from China


China's reply to that report

In a statement, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China and Saudi Arabia are "comprehensive strategic partners," and that both countries "maintain friendly cooperation in all areas, including in the area of arms sales. Such cooperation does not violate any international laws, nor does it involve the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."​

Speaking about the F-35, I am almost 100% sure that we and UAE will get them soon as well.

At the same time our existing Patriot system has been upgraded and THAAD is part of the "deal of the century" with the US.

Likewise news from last weak:


Under Trump arms deal, high-tech U.S. bombs to be built in Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia begins exploration of uranium, thorium



Saudi Arabia signs cooperation deals with China on nuclear energy


As a sidetone this occurred already back in the mid and early 1980's.

40 years + of trade surplus (each year at least 5-10 billion USD annually) in our trade volume with the US as well.


Talk about clout.

@The SC All that "puppet nonsense talk" from the idiots on PDF and yet the reality hits them with its ugly face (for them) time and time again. One can only laugh and sit back, lol.

Anyway I thought that it was worth a thread and low IQ/troll posts will be reported in order not to derail this thread.
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As a side note Putin is expected to visit KSA soon (for the first time in over 10 years) and everyone remembers the lavish and historic welcome that King Salman received in Russia back in 2017.

KSA and Russia are also regulating (weekly) the biggest business in the world which is the oil sector by regulating oil prices. Thus cooperation (contrary to popular belief) must be incredibly close as a consequence.

Interestingly enough Russia has great relations with every pro-KSA government. Most recently the new rulers of Sudan (military junta). Likewise Russia is only recognizing the legitimate Yemeni government and not the Houthi terrorist cult. Both regimes are anti-MB and look suspiciously at them.

Russia's dream (obviously) would be to have a base in the GCC and vicinity due to our incredibly strategic location. Access to Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea (15% of all the world's entire trade passes through the Suez), Gulf (home to the biggest hydrocarbon reserves on the planet) etc.

Russia's substantial Muslim population (naturally) also look towards KSA (Arab world) and always want to have good ties with the Arab and Muslim world. Large Caucasian minorities (some of the largest in the world) in the Arab world too, KSA included. Hence the warm welcome that KSA and other Arab states always receive in Muslim majority Russian Republics.

Basically every Caucasian (Muslim) is extremely pro-Arab. Visit any social media for confirmation. Similar with the Tatars.

Ties with the US and China need no introduction, I think that strengthening (greatly) ties with Russia is the right thing to do.

Remember, Russia (USSR) was the first country in the world to recognize KSA when the Kingdom of Najd and Hijaz joined hands under the leadership of Ibn Saud. Putin stressed this fact during the historic Saudi Arabian visit to Russia.
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KSA reaching a deal with Russia on the S-400 has surprisingly been met with little opposition from the US.

There were rumors of Pentagon objecting to our purchase of TOS-1A as well. It has already reached KSA and has been used in Yemen.


Compared to Turkey that got hit with sanctions and will get more of them soon and who will be thrown out of the F-35 project most likely. Obviously this cannot only be because we are not a NATO member state and officially non-aligned.

Or what about our close cooperation with China (ballistic missile program, uranium extraction, possible and very likely nuclear energy cooperation - China wishes to built some of the 16 nuclear reactors that the country plans to build before 2030)?

Exclusive: US intel shows Saudi Arabia escalated its missile program with help from China


China's reply to that report

In a statement, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China and Saudi Arabia are "comprehensive strategic partners," and that both countries "maintain friendly cooperation in all areas, including in the area of arms sales. Such cooperation does not violate any international laws, nor does it involve the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."​

Speaking about the F-35, I am almost 100% sure that we and UAE will get them soon as well.

At the same time our existing Patriot system has been upgraded and THAAD is part of the "deal of the century" with the US.

Likewise news from last weak:


Under Trump arms deal, high-tech U.S. bombs to be built in Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia begins exploration of uranium, thorium



Saudi Arabia signs cooperation deals with China on nuclear energy


As a sidetone this occurred already back in the mid and early 1980's.

40 years + of trade surplus (each year at least 5-10 billion USD annually) in our trade volume with the US as well.


Talk about clout.

@The SC All that "puppet nonsense talk" from the idiots on PDF and yet the reality hits them with its ugly face (for them) time and time again. One can only laugh and sit back, lol.

Anyway I thought that it was worth a thread and low IQ/troll posts will be reported in order not to derail this thread.
The democrats in Congress are crying _add to them their like-minded here_. .and the Republicans are having a lot of fun..as much as we do..
"Being smart" (MbS is just one individual 100's people if not more are calling the shots) and having cash never guaranteed anything. I don't know of any other country than KSA that is able to do the manuring that they are doing.

It also speaks volume that the House of Saud (my personal opinion of them and their rule and historical role is mixed and would require an extensive post that hardly anyone here would read - I refer to Saudi Arabian intellectuals and Arab ones, contemporary and those that have perished) have been more or less the sole constant in the region alongside a few other select royal families in the GCC (surprise). Obviously this alone must give those in power and the entire power base great strategic depth and many lessons to learn from.

I mean, the House of Saud as an influential entity in what is today KSA and Arabia and nearby regions, was almost a thing of the past 200 years ago, yet the managed to recuperate and return.

As any history buff would know, no dynasty rules forever, but dear Lord, anyone embarking on thoroughly removing them has a very tough job in front of them.

Yet each single year, we have doomsday predictions from various actors and so-called "experts" and yet like another Games of Thrones, the ending is always the same. The House of Saud is somehow still standing and KSA, while doomed for failure, is somehow still standing and "miraculously" getting more powerful on all fronts.

Who did not forget when oil almost became worthless 4-5 years ago and the doomsday predictions. Remember it clearly here on PDF as well. Now people from countries that had that view are living in stagnating economies or failed states. The world is a funny place.

The democrats in Congress are crying _add to them their like-minded here_. .and the Republicans are having a lot of fun..as much as we do..

Yet when a Democratic President is reelected status quo will continue despite all the barking. From both sides dare I say because there was little love for Obama in KSA at the end of his presidency and who can forget the snub he got when he visited Riyadh the last time and was met by some deputy-governor, lol, as the most high-ranking official.
This is the true way like Bismarck era

Well, let us pray and hope that MbS like Bismarck manages to reunite the Arabian peninsula. Almost an impossible task in this day and era, even more so given the strong opposition this would be met by from the superpower that is the US (and practically everyone else, dare I say that not even China or Russia would be in favor, certainly not Russia alone due to the oil and gas monopoly) but he has my support. At least the ground work for turning the GCC (could be expanded with Iraq, should be naturally in fact, Yemen, Jordan etc.) into a federal union. After that, some decades into the future, the royal families (in a perfect world, obviously depending on the performance of the voters) could elect some kind of civilian government. Each royal family could then rule for a limited period 2-3 months each year. So power would change hands. The "ruling king" would just be a symbolic/father figure.

Please don't insult him.

Bismarck did not do anything special. He united tiny Germany and the 300's of princely states while already being (Prussia) the foremost power (centuries before that). Without any outside interference or challenge. KSA could easily do the same with the neighborhood but a certain country name USA would get angry to put it mildly.
Later for him (Bismarck) to embark on a campaign against a weak and demolished France. German colonial possessions were tiny compared even to the freaking newly created (united) Italian state. I would have mentioned quite a few historical personalities before him but I understand the comparison if @Wilhelm II (Prussia again?) was referring to GCC eventually uniting into a single state.
Well, let us pray and hope that MbS like Bismarck manages to reunite the Arabian peninsula. Almost an impossible task in this day and era, even more so given the strong opposition this would be met by from the superpower that is the US (and practically everyone else, dare I say that not even China or Russia would be in favor, certainly not Russia alone due to the oil and gas monopoly) but he has my support. At least the ground work for turning the GCC (could be expanded with Iraq, should be naturally in fact, Yemen, Jordan etc.) into a federal union. After that, some decades into the future, the royal families (in a perfect world, obviously depending on the performance of the voters) could elect some kind of civilian government. Each royal family could then rule for a limited period 2-3 months each year. So power would change hands. The "ruling king" would just be a symbolic/father figure.

Bismarck did not do anything special. He united tiny Germany and the 300's of princely states while already being (Prussia) the foremost power (centuries before that). Without any outside interference or challenge. KSA could easily do the same with the neighborhood but a certain country name USA would get angry to put it mildly.
Later for him (Bismarck) to embark on a campaign against a weak and demolished France. German colonial possessions were tiny compared even to the freaking newly created (united) Italian state. I would have mentioned quite a few historical personalities before him but I understand the comparison if @Wilhelm II (Prussia again?) was referring to GCC eventually uniting into a single state.
Till now MBS has accomplished nothing,other then spending huge sum of cash and purging those who dissuade including own kin.
They day he would be even able to annex, even tiny state from Gulf and generate a wave of unity among Arabs, he would be something to talk about.

Bismarck did not do anything special.
Still Lessons about statecraft and diplomacy are incomplete without him.
Oil and nothing whatsoever else.

Can you please write more unfunded and clearly completely and utterly wrong statements that is a manifestation of your IQ? Obviously you did not bother to read this thread and the countless of facts that destroys your simplistic and utterly wrong "viewpoint".

@Dubious can you as a moderator ensure some sort of "level" to the discussions in an otherwise relevant and serious thread? Thanks in advance.

Till now MBS has accomplished nothing,other then spending huge sum of cash and purging those who dissuade including own kin.
They day he would be even able to annex, even tiny state from Gulf and generate a wave of unity among Arabs, he would be something to talk about.

Still Lessons about statecraft and diplomacy are incomplete without him.

You are writing complete and utter nonsense with all due respect. Accomplished nothing?
MbS has arguably accomplished more within 3 years than most Muslim leaders did in their entire lifetime's in contemporary history. I don't bother posting 100's of links to highlight this (common knowledge for the informed people) but brother @The SC could help here. In any case one just need to look at KSA's economic, scientific, educational, military etc. output and political clout and deals made in the past 3 years as well as internal reforms. Incredible change has occurred within the span of 3 years. Speaking about territory "conquered", MbS has already done that better than Bismarck but unlike the era of Bismarck we cannot incorporate 85% of Yemen (combined size of Syria and Iraq almost) and 30 million people.

Bismarck had decades to prove his worth. MbS has had 3 years in a 100 times more complicated world with powers that are 100 times stronger than anything that Bismarck faced.

Depends on what you choose to focus on. Bismarck did not invent anything new or any political theory. What did he do that is uniquely attributed to him? Not that I want to hijack this thread but please tell. Never mind, it is off-topic.
Can you please write more unfunded and clearly completely and utterly wrong statements that is a manifestation of your IQ? Obviously you did not bother to read this thread and the countless of facts that destroys your simplistic and utterly wrong "viewpoint".

@Dubious can you as a moderator ensure some sort of "level" to the discussions in an otherwise relevant and serious thread? Thanks in advance.

You are writing complete and utter nonsense with all due respect. Accomplished nothing?
MbS has arguably accomplished more within 3 years than most Muslim leaders did in their entire lifetime's in contemporary history. I don't bother posting 100's of links to highlight this (common knowledge for the informed people) but brother @The SC could help here. In any case one just need to look at KSA's economic, scientific, educational, military etc. output and political clout and deals made in the past 3 years as well as internal reforms. Incredible change has occurred within the span of 3 years. Speaking about territory "conquered", MbS has already done that better than Bismarck but unlike the era of Bismarck we cannot incorporate 85% of Yemen (combined size of Syria and Iraq almost) and 30 million people.

Bismarck had decades to prove his worth. MbS has had 3 years in a 100 times more complicated world with powers that are 100 times stronger than anything that Bismarck faced.

Depends on what you choose to focus on. Bismarck did not invent anything new or any political theory. What did he do that is uniquely attributed to him? Not that I want to hijack this thread but please tell. Never mind, it is off-topic.
Are you on his social media department? Your post says a lot about Unfunded.

I love your profile picture, department issued?

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