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What is "Agni-VI"(A6)

Yes, it is better to have US as friend then having them as an enemy. They can't be trusted but the present situation is not going to change for another 20 years.

i am not saying that...we should make usa ENEMY.......we would have good relation to usa.......but we should not trust usa in critical times
DRDO isn't the failure,it's people like you who are the biggest failures of India.Name one single project apart from Trishul SHORADS which DRDO did not deliver and that too in shoe string budget?????????Even the Trishul is not a complete failure as its duel pulse rocket motor and datalink has gone into Barak 8 MRSAM.People like you are good for nothing except base less criticism for hard working people.

SELF DELEATE.................
What is the problem with eight? It has a ramjet engine that has all the way thrust and has its own advantages and disadvantages but it is still an excellent system. Whether 700 kg or 700 ton what is your problem, if it is the cheast and an excellent system? It is not so easy to blame others.
You talk about PAC-3 and Akash, US and India? Do you even know how much the spent for Patriot and Akash developments? How much their technological capabilities are?
Our armed forces desires the best of the best with lowest price tag. Will you develop the systems for them? Will you develop and sell them a Rolls Royce for the price of Maruti 800?

OK so lets stick with akash for now (as the last thing I want is all indo posters targeting me )

So you are saying that there's nothing wrong with weight 700 kg or 700 tons Comon buddy you surelly don't want your cart to pulled by an elephant instead of a bull or do you ?? And yes Ramjet do have its good points as its remains in the booster mode in its entire flight but that missile is damn heavy and plus two air sucking missiles cannot fly too close (which is very important as these kind of systems are generally multi target handlelling capable hence they need to fly close to gain kill prob of 1) bcoz of disturbance made by both the missile hence it restricts the air flow and increase the heat on the surface of the missiles.This means that when ever we need to target two or more different targets the radar needs to lay down two diff trajectories for diff missiles.

And I know its a little unjust to campare DRDO with Raetheon but isn't our goal is to become a global leader I know DRDO engineers are not magicians but I still don't hope to see a decade old design from them.(and I am talking about just the missile not whole system.) Secondly can anyone tell me why in gods name these missiles are not canisterised??

Regarding our armed forces I would like to answer you in your own words ITS NOT SO EASY TO BLAME SOMEONE they are guys fighting and they have every right to have the best available equipment and when it commes between a pulic sector R&D run by babus and our armed forces I will always listen to our jawans.Don't know about you.
I am very skeptical of any claim by DRDO. After Tejas and Arjun, I dont want any of their news.

And you know what most of the times its not technical but poor management or lack of support from our armed forces . And one more thing though Arjun and Tejas are not that successfull but they are surelly not failiures.(though I know you meant that :fie:)
Generaly its the people who jump to personel insults when someone don't agree with them are known as failiures or loosers
And aren't you the one who was calling Al khalid to be better than T90 so you were a failiure then too as many posters weren't agree with you ???

Well,you are yet to provide the list of DRDO's failures bro.And who does nothing and criticizes others are biggest losers.
Regarding the 2nd part of your post,there is many differences between AK and AK 1.The AK 1 is a newer tank than T 90'S' and in many ways better than it.If any one can't even accept the simple facts,well,then he is the biggest failure.
Well,you are yet to provide the list of DRDO's failures son.And who does nothing and criticizes others are biggest losers like you.
Regarding the 2nd part of your post,you don't even know the difference between AK and AK 1.The AK 1 is a newer tank than T 90'S' and in many ways better than it.If you can't even accept the reality,well,then you are the biggest damn loser around here.
By the way,your english is pathetic,why so many typo??????????????

SELF DELEATE.....................
Son :woot: how old are you buddy??
LOL I know the diff between AK and AK1 but I just used it to as an example show you that there are some instances when people don't agree with you so does that means you will start insulting them??
And I have already said that I will not post any kind of list as morons like you will again start jumping for no reason.
Regarding my english which post are you refering to??

Man,how old are you?From your posts(read bs),it seems that you are a kindergarten student.lol.
And yeah,you will not post any list.Not because reason you mentioned above,because simply you don't have one.
First learn to post with facts rather than your baseless bs.And lastly,calling me a moron won't help you either.lol.
Man,how old are you?From your posts(read bs),it seems that you are a kindergarten student.lol.
And yeah,you will not post any list.Not because reason you mentioned above,because simply you don't have one.
First learn to post with facts rather than your baseless bs.And lastly,calling me a moron won't help you either.lol.

SELF DELEATE...............
Our enemies are within 5,000 KM distance and A-5, K-4/5 fulfils all our need. We are not yet ready for A-6/Surya with 12,000-16,000 KM range. May be we can develop, test and produce secretly but no need to disclose due to political reason. ;)

Yes, 5000 Kms is the distance between Kochi and Beijing .. so 5000-6000 kms missile range is sufficient deterrent.

We do need the flexibility to launch the land based missile from Madhya Pradesh, Andhra, Mahrashtra or Tamil Nadu ..... and have our road mobile carriers being able to target China from anywhere (not just from the North East).

Hence A-5 and A-6 are important.

Similar range missiles launch Arihant are critical. Arihant should be able to target North eastern China both from Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea.

(Off course, Indian Ocean based Arihants could still target South East China .... but to target NE China from Indian Ocean needs larger range).

12000-15000 kms range is lesser priority from Arihant launched missiles. Even China's ICBM are largely dummies - their CEP measurable in kms rather than meters !!

Focus of our strategic defences should submarine launched MIRV missiles with very good accuracy and lightest possible weight. (our CEP is something like 30 meters but we maintain it for 5000 - 6000 km range missiles too).

In order of priority, missile development should focus on :

1. Submarine launched, range 5000-6000 kms
2. Canisterised and able to be stored with nil maintenance.
3. Cost
4. Low weight - easier mobility, more missiles per submarine
5. Accuracy (low CEP)
6. MIRV - perhaps 6 or 12 warheads per missile

Good that India is keeping SLBMs (K-4 etc) much more secret than Land based Agni.

The SLBMs are the critical missiles of deterrence.
Exactly I mean what is the use of shouting even before testing system look at the Chineese you'll hardly get any news of any failures . And if you are a members of someother forums too you would have known that Indian defence PSUs are allready a laughing stock.

LISTEN CHINEESE FANBOY..........did't chineese told u about there own failures
CHINA is different kind of nation.....they don't much share information with rest world......

why u r frustrated with our few failures....which leads us toward success....
LISTEN CHINEESE FANBOY..........did't chineese told u about there own failures
CHINA is different kind of nation.....they don't much share information with rest world......

why u r frustrated with our few failures....which leads us toward success....

Ohh god now I have bcome a chineese fanboy Look I said chineese for the sake of giving an example thats it What I really don't want is that DRDO should not leak any kind of news about their systems B4 testing them is that so much to ask for??
And I am not frustated about our failures it is something from you can't run away what I really don't want it to share them with the world.
Ohh god now I have bcome a chineese fanboy Look I said chineese for the sake of giving an example thats it What I really don't want is that DRDO should not leak any kind of news about their systems B4 testing them is that so much to ask for??
And I am not frustated about our failures it is something from you can't run away what I really don't want it to share them with the world.

if that was MATTER then u should contact to DRDO and advice them ,not to leak our failure reports in MEDIA....
Ohh god now I have bcome a chineese fanboy Look I said chineese for the sake of giving an example thats it What I really don't want is that DRDO should not leak any kind of news about their systems B4 testing them is that so much to ask for??
And I am not frustated about our failures it is something from you can't run away what I really don't want it to share them with the world.
Failures are the stepping stones to success..... why should DRDO hide it???? They are using tax payers money to carry out research and they realize that it is the right of the tax payer to know how the organization funded by them works..... besides such research is not strategically imp. besides we don't know about A6 ..... unless some senior member (Spark/sancho) confirm it or DRDo reveals it! I'm not believing it.
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