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What Iranians and Saudis refuse to realize!


Apr 20, 2011
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Iranian and Saudi brothers,

I doubt that you two realize the enormous impact your two countries have on the rest of the Muslims in the world.

Do you?

No it is not about Al-hassani or Hasbra.

you are just ordinary joes from your two countries.

I am taking about the place a typical Muslim automatically gives your counries based on his fiqh or maslik.

You the guys from Saudi, Do you realize what it really means to have Harmain Sharifain in your country?

You the guys from Iran, Do you realize what it really means to have a living embodiment of God aka Grand Ayatullah in your country?

It is like you both countries possess super duper powers to hold the Muslims of the world by their hearts and their jugulars.

The most precious thing any society can just dream of getting

To have billions of hearts in your hands.

Then please learn to handle these hearts carefully and gingerly.

Because this is a gift all dream but few ever get.

Figure out a way to co-exit,

For your country's sakes and for the sake of billions of Muslims.

Learn from history

and try not to repeat the same old mistakes.

Don't you know what the fork happened when two great and revered personalities like Umer and Ali became $tupid and fought each other?

or Usman and Ali $tupid tussle

or Aysha and Ali childish and $tupidest war

or the

pathetic and bloody political fight between Yazeed and Hussain?

100s if not 1000s were killed and maimed for what?

to prove one's $htick was bigger than the others.

OK so back then, information aka correct information was hard to come by

There were no internet and mobile phones.


Omer could have blogged about Ali's greatness

Perhaps Ali could have facebook friended Omer

And all that $hit would have gone away

But it did not

And it utterly and purely messed up the societies back then

But now we have a chance to cleanse the animosity

and move on

and develop your two societies


the societies of those countries who hold either one or both of you in reverence.

So think about the enormous responsibiltiy on your shoulders

and become humble

and responsible

So use these gifts from heaven for the good of humanity, your neighbors,

Spread peace, and prosperity

Make sure your spirit and your money doesn't get used by the liikes of Qaida or Hiabullah

Do your best to stop the bloodshed everywhere you have tiny bit of influence.

Use your great countries for teaching people how to live peacefully with your neighbors

Respect and care for your neighbor regardless of his faith or his race or his geo-location.

you guys can do it if you put your heart to it.

For the sake of humanity please.

Thank you.

Let's wish peace on Earth

in these months of celebration and mourning

the months that must teach us good lessons

and keep us from going astray.
Do you think this thread is going to help or something.
Let me help you with the responses so our friends can save the effort

Saudis & the other crew :
No thanks, not untill the mullah regime falls.


Some wahabi bullshit here and there
Do you think this thread is going to help or something.
Let me help you with the responses so our friends can save the effort

Saudis & the other crew :
No thanks, not untill the mullah regime falls.


Some wahabi bullshit here and there

Don't have much hope

But then

making a humble request is something we can do,

then we must do so

if you can do more

then please do it

We must remove the cancer from our bodies

Cancer of sectarian and religious hate

We must ask ourselves if

Great men like Jesus or Mohammad or Moses

Great men like Ali and Umer

or Hussain

really wanted all of us in 2013

to kill and bomb the fork out of each other

suicide attack each other

Kill others just because they were Shia or Sunni or Hindu or Jew or christian

Just think
You the guys from Iran, Do you realize what it really means to have a living embodiment of God aka Grand Ayatullah in your country?


Surely you must be joking bro? You made me spill Arabic coffee on my computer. Thank you.

It is like hearing the majoos reciting the Noble Qur'an.


Surely you must be joking bro? You made me spill Arabic coffee on my computer. Thank you.

It is like hearing the majoos reciting the Noble Qur'an.

[media youtube]Js--qFlxye8[media]

Please understand the influence of Ayatullah on Shias.
I try to keep a LONG distance from their false believes but I know that it is some kind of cult worship among many of them. Their problem after all.

keeping distance doesn't and shouldn't automatically be translated to "ignorance".

It is awesome!

the way Arabic coffee is typically made, it will beat starbucks hands down.

Of course. After all it were the Arabs who used coffee first and the first attested use of coffee is from Sufi monasteries in the mountains of Yemen. Still to this day coffee is made in the mountains of Yemen and KSA. Hand-picked and really excellent. Same with the tea which is a great Chinese gift.;)

Anyway why not try to make peace between Indians and Pakistanis first, Chinese and Japanese, Americans and Chinese, Russians and the West etc. Countless of other examples.:big_boss:

We are fine.:rap:

Personally I hope that the Arabian Peninsula turns into an island one day and that we will float to somewhere around the Arabian Sea to stay there permanently.
Of course. After all it were the Arabs who used coffee first and the first attested use of coffee is from Sufi monasteries in the mountains of Yemen. Still to this day coffee is made in the mountains of Yemen and KSA. Hand-picked and really excellent. Same with the tea which is a great Chinese gift.;)

yeap. that's true

Anyway why not try to make peace between Indians and Pakistanis first, ....

Good suggestion.

If you see my posts you would know already how I feel about the $tupid and childish rivaleries between the two.

However your suggestion ignores the land aka border disputes among the countries.

Does Saudi have border dispute?


The dispute between Saudi and Iran is complete idiocy.


the two countries are hell bent on wasting away God given gift of petro-dollars and spiritual influence to kill 1000s of other Muslims.

Hope you understand.
Of course. After all it were the Arabs who used coffee first and the first attested use of coffee is from Sufi monasteries in the mountains of Yemen. Still to this day coffee is made in the mountains of Yemen and KSA. Hand-picked and really excellent. Same with the tea which is a great Chinese gift.;)

I love coffee, so I will try to get some of the authentic original Arabic coffee, well at least the ones I can order over the internet. :P

Anyway why not try to make peace between Indians and Pakistanis first, Chinese and Japanese, Americans and Chinese, Russians and the West etc. Countless of other examples.:big_boss:

We are fine.:rap:

People always say, why don't Chinese and Japanese get along, after all we are so similar?

Well, the truth is that people who are culturally similar are often the worst enemies. Like British and Germans during the World Wars (both are Germanic peoples), Chinese and Japanese and Koreans, etc.

I don't hate Japanese though. The modern generation can't be blamed for the crimes committed by their ancestors over 70 years ago, especially since all the war criminals were executed back then as well.
Now let the racial war begin. Unfortunately THATs what the core of the problem is. Its not SUNNI vs SHIA ... Its Persian vs Arab.

Islam bans racism, read the last sermon of the Prophet SAW

Just look at yourselves and think what you both are practicing......then compared to what you were taught.
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