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What If WWII Ended In A Different Way?

The movie version deserves Akira Kurosawa and Satyajit Ray as directors, the legends who were great friends in real life. When Ray was getting criticized by critics from NYT it was Kurosawa who defended him.

Here is a beautiful piece on review of Ray by Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa Said Watching a Satyajit Ray Film Is Like | Thompson on Hollywood

Akira Kurosawa had to say about Satyajit Ray in 1975:

The quiet but deep observation, understanding and love of the human race, which are characteristic of all his films, have impressed me greatly. … I feel that he is a “giant” of the movie industry. Not to have seen the cinema of Ray means existing in the world without seeing the sun or the moon. I can never forget the excitement in my mind after seeing it (Pather Panchali). It is the kind of cinema that flows with the serenity and nobility of a big river. People are born, live out their lives, and then accept their deaths. Without the least effort and without any sudden jerks, Ray paints his picture, but its effect on the audience is to stir up deep passions. How does he achieve this? There is nothing irrelevant or haphazard in his cinematographic technique. In that lies the secret of its excellence.
Since we're mostly discussing about what the world would've looked like if the Axis powers had won WWII, I'll go ahead with an alternative end of the war in case of an Allied victory.

Imagine if 1st Airborne had managed to hold Arnhem, the 82nd had held Nijmegen successfully, the 101st had managed to repel German counterattacks in Eindhoven before reinforcements arrive, XXX Corps had been more successful to relief the paras and all in all, if the Allied forced had been prepared better to face the II SS Panzer Corps and the 15th Army and if the supply problems had been less severe for the Allies. Yes, I'm talking about a fruitful outcome of Operation Market Garden which would've enabled the Western Allies to end the war against Germany right before 1945.

After neutralising the V-weapons launch site in the Netherlands early October, the Allies were rushing into Germany and the Battle of Berlin commenced on 25 November. Allied supply lines were overextended and the Germans showed fierce domination to defend their capital, angered by their debacle at Arnhem. Eventually the Anglo-American force, supported by Commonwealth, Free French, Polish and Czechoslovak soldiers won the bloody battle having fought the Germans in a Stalingrad-type house-to-house combat (both the RAF and the USAAF bombed the city to rubble).

Just as the new year began, the USSR were furious over the fact that the Western Allies captured Berlin without their help or consultation. Skirmishes between both sides have broken out and soon afterwards, the major clash began in Poland, with the Red Army attacking the British, the Americans and their allies. Though the Allies still hadn't finished licking their wounds from the slaughter in Berlin yet, the Soviets had to deal with pro-Allied/anti-Communist insurgencies in their newly-conquered territories in Europe. Hell, tens of thousands of Polish and Czechoslovak troops serving in the Red Army deserted to the Allies. The staunch communists, regardless of their ethnicity, remain in the Soviet forces of course. Churchill's plan to reactivate the surrendered Wehrmacht divisions to bolster the Western Allied troops was put into action (this idea wasn't that far-fetched actually).

Yes, the Brits (SAS and commandos could do a lot of damage create confusion among the Soviet lines ;)) and Americans might be better trained and better equipped than the common Soviet soldier (knowing that there were units entirely equipped with deadly SMGs and they became battle-hardened in the course of the war) but the Red Army outnumbered the Western Allied armies and air forces and had a superior armoured force. However, you will also have to consider the nationalist insurgencies in Soviet-occupied Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic states etc. as I've already pointed it out earlier. Plus, imagine if the Allies had had more Comets, Pershings and Jacksons at their disposal and if the Centurion tank had been introduced earlier into service. The conflict could either result in a stalemate, or with the Soviets overrunning Central/Western Europe or with an Allied victory, depending on how far the Allies can push into Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Loads of factors to consider here but alternative history is fun since I started reading scenarios on AlternateHistory.com. :yahoo:
Since we're mostly discussing about what the world would've looked like if the Axis powers had won WWII, I'll go ahead with an alternative end of the war in case of an Allied victory.

How about this one. Instead of the European war ending in May 1945...it ends 5 months before in January 1945.
That's a long time before the July atom test...
even in victory italy is not on the map
anyway i dont think japan and germany has the manpower to hold all this ground
Imagine the TV shows with Japan and Germany combined, naked women are in glass boxes and are being judged on efficiency and skull structure, and then a pixelated penis appears.

I think I would quite like living in a "nazi" run country, I would probably be Gestapo doing the dirty work.

You do realise USSR was only at war with Japan for the last 3 weeks of the war? and that the main attack which spanned across a pretty huge area happened an HOUR after they declared war, and only 2 days after Japan had been hit with an atomic bomb and a day before another one hit them, and the soviets had about 5 times as many tanks, artillery, aircraft etc and more experienced troops whilst Japanese were running on empty at that point.

Not really a fair comparison to talk about a 3 week war as an indicator of a countries fighting ability but yeah both countries abilities to completely **** up any country they go in and turn almost every person against them was their downfall, if they had focused far less on butchering large parts of the populace of countries they invaded and instead worked on winning them over they could have overcome alot of their problems.

I dont think theres a chance in hell of any of them ever coming close to the sheer ability of the USA to churn out masses of equipment for themselves, for the USSR and for the British, just millions and millions of everything for each nation that they were sided with,

Like at Midway, US loses 1 carrier, Japs lose 4, and whilst losing 1 was bad the US had something like 8 more in production whilst the Japs had 1. Its similar today, if the US wants to they can churn out the highest quality military hardware by a long shot and do it en masse, and despite not having populations like China or India albeit still being pretty huge, its the US ability to innovate that has made them such a powerful machine now and I imagine forever and I cant imagine anyway in which a combined massive force of Jap and German empires could take them down without using atomic wepaons.

Soviets fought Japan without declaration of war in 1930s.

Battles of Khalkhin Gol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Japanese signed a neutrality pact with the Soviets not because Soviets were scared of Japan but because Japan was scared of the Soviets. every battle here highlights the exceptional weakness of Japan in logistics and strategy.
What is this? Why do our German brothers have the Lion's share?


LOL ... bro that's supposed to be a fair map in the hypothesis! Note the map only shows continental America without Alaska or other US territories in the Pacific e.g. Hawaii.

Given North American terrain (i.e. land connectivity), respective strength of Japan/Germany in navy/army, size of Pacific vs Atlantic, it's fair to assume that in a concensus between the two powers, Imperial Japan will take more maritime territories, while Nazi Germany will take more continental soil.

Since we're mostly discussing about what the world would've looked like if the Axis powers had won WWII, I'll go ahead with an alternative end of the war in case of an Allied victory.

Imagine if 1st Airborne had managed to hold Arnhem, the 82nd had held Nijmegen successfully, the 101st had managed to repel German counterattacks in Eindhoven before reinforcements arrive, XXX Corps had been more successful to relief the paras and all in all, if the Allied forced had been prepared better to face the II SS Panzer Corps and the 15th Army and if the supply problems had been less severe for the Allies. Yes, I'm talking about a fruitful outcome of Operation Market Garden which would've enabled the Western Allies to end the war against Germany right before 1945.

After neutralising the V-weapons launch site in the Netherlands early October, the Allies were rushing into Germany and the Battle of Berlin commenced on 25 November. Allied supply lines were overextended and the Germans showed fierce domination to defend their capital, angered by their debacle at Arnhem. Eventually the Anglo-American force, supported by Commonwealth, Free French, Polish and Czechoslovak soldiers won the bloody battle having fought the Germans in a Stalingrad-type house-to-house combat (both the RAF and the USAAF bombed the city to rubble).

Just as the new year began, the USSR were furious over the fact that the Western Allies captured Berlin without their help or consultation. Skirmishes between both sides have broken out and soon afterwards, the major clash began in Poland, with the Red Army attacking the British, the Americans and their allies. Though the Allies still hadn't finished licking their wounds from the slaughter in Berlin yet, the Soviets had to deal with pro-Allied/anti-Communist insurgencies in their newly-conquered territories in Europe. Hell, tens of thousands of Polish and Czechoslovak troops serving in the Red Army deserted to the Allies. The staunch communists, regardless of their ethnicity, remain in the Soviet forces of course. Churchill's plan to reactivate the surrendered Wehrmacht divisions to bolster the Western Allied troops was put into action (this idea wasn't that far-fetched actually).

Yes, the Brits (SAS and commandos could do a lot of damage create confusion among the Soviet lines ;)) and Americans might be better trained and better equipped than the common Soviet soldier (knowing that there were units entirely equipped with deadly SMGs and they became battle-hardened in the course of the war) but the Red Army outnumbered the Western Allied armies and air forces and had a superior armoured force. However, you will also have to consider the nationalist insurgencies in Soviet-occupied Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic states etc. as I've already pointed it out earlier. Plus, imagine if the Allies had had more Comets, Pershings and Jacksons at their disposal and if the Centurion tank had been introduced earlier into service. The conflict could either result in a stalemate, or with the Soviets overrunning Central/Western Europe or with an Allied victory, depending on how far the Allies can push into Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Loads of factors to consider here but alternative history is fun since I started reading scenarios on AlternateHistory.com. :yahoo:

You can also imagine the Allied-USSR conflict in the Pacific, particulary over Japan. The Red Army didn't have as much experience in amphibious warfare as the US Army/USMC but given their strategic position in the Far East and the Kuril Islands they could threaten Hokkaido which would alarm the Western Allied powers.

Truman would've asked Stalin for assistance if she had found herself bogged down during Operation Downfall whhich in turn would possibly have allowed the Soviet forces to invade Hokkaido and northern part of Honshu. Then, upon the end of the campaign resulting in an Allied victory we would've been confronted with two Japans, akin to the West/East Germany situation in real life.
No way bro, most likely our Indian friends would have been under the control and command of the Imperial Indian National Party led by the founding father, Maha Raja Subhas Chandra Bose Ji, the first Emperor of the Great Indian Empire , which would have been a Constitutional Imperial Monarchy.


The Great Indian Empire would have been an ally , and fraternal Empire of the Great Japanese Empire. Japan would have ruled East & Southeast Asia, and the Indian Empire would have ruled what is now the Southwestern, and South Asian region.

The Great Japanese Empire and the Great Indian Empires would have ruled the whole of Asia...TOGETHER. :)


Banzai! Jai! :)

more like mass starvation, prostitution, scientific experiment on caged Indians ... :(

I support Adolf hitler and nazi germany remember one thing england was in india for last 200 years and never planned to go but with ww 2 it has no option to left us with freedom before ww2 entire world was occupied by british spanish portugese and french forces
hitler would have gassed half the muslims and flattened mecca, to build a massive BMW factory.
even in victory italy is not on the map

Italy could not even defeat Somalia, and had difficulty pacifying Greece. They required Germany's assistance , so that should tell you something.

LOL ... bro that's supposed to be a fair map in the hypothesis! Note the map only shows continental America without Alaska or other US territories in the Pacific e.g. Hawaii.

Given North American terrain (i.e. land connectivity), respective strength of Japan/Germany in navy/army, size of Pacific vs Atlantic, it's fair to assume that in a concensus between the two powers, Imperial Japan will take more maritime territories, while Nazi Germany will take more continental soil.

View attachment 245426

Very interesting, bro. But the only reason I am seeing the flaw in this map is because the Germans have the Breadbasket of the Continental USA, LOL. Seems like our side was given just the desert, LOL. Hopefully Las Vegas still has the casinos...LMFAO!

But yes you're right, i suppose the maritime territories in the pacific would have gone to the Japanese Empire.
more like mass starvation, prostitution, scientific experiment on caged Indians ... :(

hitler would have gassed half the muslims and flattened mecca, to build a massive BMW factory.
No its ur theory you never read quotes of hitler on muslims

Above all MASJID E NABWE IMAM was big supporter of him many metting they had to get rid of human cancer jew
At lest I can say good bye to Ford, Chrysler and GM cars
Atleast world have been better than what it is today i support hittler

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