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What If WWII Ended In A Different Way?

I support Adolf hitler and nazi germany remember one thing england was in india for last 200 years and never planned to go but with ww 2 it has no option to left us with freedom before ww2 entire world was occupied by british spanish portugese and french forces
I support Adolf hitler and nazi germany remember one thing england was in india for last 200 years and never planned to go but with ww 2 it has no option to left us with freedom before ww2 entire world was occupied by british spanish portugese and french forces

And being occupied by the Nazis would have made British colonialisim look like a childs picnic.

About 6 million Polish citizens—nearly 21.4% of Poland's population—died between 1939 and 1945 as a result of the occupation,[3][4][5]

How many Chinese were killed by the Japanese in ww2?
  1. From the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II, the Japanese military regime murdered near 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most probably almost 6,000,000 Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war.
No better if you had been occupied by the Japanese
I have another interesting and fictional post-WWII story from one of my favourite video games, Panzer Corps, a turn-based strategy game:

With the defeat of Britain, the conflict on the Western Front has ended. Without a base of operations anywhere in Europe, the Americans have focused their efforts on defeating the Empire of Japan. Now alone against a revitalized and technologically advanced Germany, Soviet Russia proved unable to overcome their adversary. In the coming months the American atomic program, followed by German and then Soviet atomic programs, will be fully operational, ending the War in the Pacific and bringing the world to an uneasy peace.
In this end of World War 2, three superpowers have emerged. The United States of America, the Soviet Union, and a Europe rebuilt through the Speer Plan and united under German rule. As these three powers enter the Atomic Age and the future, no one can guess what will become of them. Perhaps there will be peace or a three way Cold War.

It's from the Grand Campaign 1945 West DLC in which you are to play the Battle of the Bulge on the German side. It begins with the historical path and depending on the outcome of the Siege of Bastogne, you can either follow the said path and fight a series of desperate attempts to delay the Allied advance (e.g Operation Nordwind) or you go on with the what-if scenarios, such as the capture of Antwerp, one of the original objectives if Operation Wacht am Rhein had succeeded IIRC, an attempt to badly maul the Red Army at Berlin which will make the Soviets sue for peace in case of success and an eventual execution of the planned Sea Lion operation as the last scenario.

Of course this is highly hypothetical since you've got access to some of the deadliest German Wunderwaffen in scenarios you need them most, like the V-weapons, the Maus super-heavy tank and some aircraft technologically way advanced of their time.
That won't happen. USA, USSR, and British Empire had many times the industrial output of Germany, Japan and Italy.
Germany and Japan were fked from day 1 because of logistics, terrain and poor strategy. ppl always forget the big picture in favor of details. the big picture was this:

Japan couldn't have conquered Manchuria because Soviet union was unbelievably stronger than Japan. check out Japanese vs USSR battles in Mongolia, it was always a stomp against Japan. if Japan threatened to fully conquer China then USSR would've been forced to aid China fully and to move directly against Japan which would've crushed their backbone.

Japanese and Germans couldn't extract any profit from their conquests due to ferocious insurgency. the more they conquered the weaker they got.

their domestic supplies couldn't support their war effort, thus they had to conquer others to get resources. ..yet they couldn't effectively exploit those resources due to insurgents.

it's a paradox for them and inevitable defeat. they don't remilitarize because they know it will be useless. Japan has forgotten that. they were unable to defeat China that was 50 years behind, how can they defeat China thats at least somewhat equal in technology? they lose from day 1.
Imagine the TV shows with Japan and Germany combined, naked women are in glass boxes and are being judged on efficiency and skull structure, and then a pixelated penis appears.

I think I would quite like living in a "nazi" run country, I would probably be Gestapo doing the dirty work.

Germany and Japan were fked from day 1 because of logistics, terrain and poor strategy. ppl always forget the big picture in favor of details. the big picture was this:

Japan couldn't have conquered Manchuria because Soviet union was unbelievably stronger than Japan. check out Japanese vs USSR battles in Mongolia, it was always a stomp against Japan. if Japan threatened to fully conquer China then USSR would've been forced to aid China fully and to move directly against Japan which would've crushed their backbone.

Japanese and Germans couldn't extract any profit from their conquests due to ferocious insurgency. the more they conquered the weaker they got.

their domestic supplies couldn't support their war effort, thus they had to conquer others to get resources. ..yet they couldn't effectively exploit those resources due to insurgents.

it's a paradox for them and inevitable defeat. they don't remilitarize because they know it will be useless. Japan has forgotten that. they were unable to defeat China that was 50 years behind, how can they defeat China thats at least somewhat equal in technology? they lose from day 1.

You do realise USSR was only at war with Japan for the last 3 weeks of the war? and that the main attack which spanned across a pretty huge area happened an HOUR after they declared war, and only 2 days after Japan had been hit with an atomic bomb and a day before another one hit them, and the soviets had about 5 times as many tanks, artillery, aircraft etc and more experienced troops whilst Japanese were running on empty at that point.

Not really a fair comparison to talk about a 3 week war as an indicator of a countries fighting ability but yeah both countries abilities to completely **** up any country they go in and turn almost every person against them was their downfall, if they had focused far less on butchering large parts of the populace of countries they invaded and instead worked on winning them over they could have overcome alot of their problems.

I dont think theres a chance in hell of any of them ever coming close to the sheer ability of the USA to churn out masses of equipment for themselves, for the USSR and for the British, just millions and millions of everything for each nation that they were sided with,

Like at Midway, US loses 1 carrier, Japs lose 4, and whilst losing 1 was bad the US had something like 8 more in production whilst the Japs had 1. Its similar today, if the US wants to they can churn out the highest quality military hardware by a long shot and do it en masse, and despite not having populations like China or India albeit still being pretty huge, its the US ability to innovate that has made them such a powerful machine now and I imagine forever and I cant imagine anyway in which a combined massive force of Jap and German empires could take them down without using atomic wepaons.

What is this? Why do our German brothers have the Lion's share?

me and my entire village would have been bonded labourer of @Nihonjin1051

No way bro, most likely our Indian friends would have been under the control and command of the Imperial Indian National Party led by the founding father, Maha Raja Subhas Chandra Bose Ji, the first Emperor of the Great Indian Empire , which would have been a Constitutional Imperial Monarchy.


The Great Indian Empire would have been an ally , and fraternal Empire of the Great Japanese Empire. Japan would have ruled East & Southeast Asia, and the Indian Empire would have ruled what is now the Southwestern, and South Asian region.

me and my entire village would have been bonded labourer of @Nihonjin1051

The Great Japanese Empire and the Great Indian Empires would have ruled the whole of Asia...TOGETHER. :)


Banzai! Jai! :)

No way bro, most likely our Indian friends would have been under the control and command of the Imperial Indian National Party led by the founding father, Maha Raja Subhas Chandra Bose Ji, the first Emperor of the Great Indian Empire , which would have been a Constitutional Imperial Monarchy.


The Great Indian Empire would have been an ally , and fraternal Empire of the Great Japanese Empire. Japan would have ruled East & Southeast Asia, and the Indian Empire would have ruled what is now the Southwestern, and South Asian region.

The Great Japanese Empire and the Great Indian Empires would have ruled the whole of Asia...TOGETHER. :)


I can sleep happy now with sweet dreams of Indo-Japanese supremacy :)

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