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What If WWII Ended In A Different Way?


Jan 6, 2015
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Many are talking about reform of the 70 years old UNSC these days, but there seems to be no universal solution given the status quo of P5, various restraints of G4, G4+2, voices of the "Coffee Club", etc.

Who came up with the idea of UNSC in the first place? Naturally, it came from the only country that got out of WWII in one piece while rest of the world was one huge pile of debris. "The Four Policemen" was a term coined by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to refer to four major Allies of World War II and founders of the United Nations (UN): the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and Republic of China, symbolized his conception of the post-World War II world. Then France was somehow included later, forming the UNSC P5 today.


What if WWII ended differently?

Well these are all pure hypothetical of course, say if Pearl Harbour didn't happen, US stayed isolationist, Japan completely defeat Chiang Kai Shek, Germany ran over Stalin, then Churchill. The world map would have looked very different, Imperial Japanese Empire and the Third Reich would have huge sovereign soil, while the rest of the world either succumb to the two empires or desparately trying not to.


With rich resources from the Asia, Europe, Africa and Australasia, the two empires might eventually conquer North America. By then the new UNSC is formed, with have only two members, the UNSC P2.


Well of course all these are hypothetical, scary enough though! But just be reminded what UNSC was about, the very purpose was to prevent another world war.

Both contemporary Japan and Germany are great countries, while at the same time they are so powerful that probably are the only two countries capable of changing world outlook, in a positive way or otherwise. Great powers come with great responsibilities, hope Japan and Germany can continue to embrace pacifism for the betterment of the world.

Many are talking about reform of the 70 years old UNSC these days, but there seems to be no universal solution given the status quo of P5, various restraints of G4, G4+2, voices of the "Coffee Club", etc.

Who came up with the idea of UNSC in the first place? Naturally, it came from the only country that got out of WWII in one piece while rest of the world was one huge pile of debris. "The Four Policemen" was a term coined by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to refer to four major Allies of World War II and founders of the United Nations (UN): the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and Republic of China, symbolized his conception of the post-World War II world. Then France was somehow included later, forming the UNSC P5 today.


What if WWII ended differently?

Well these are all pure hypothetical of course, say if Pearl Harbour didn't happen, US stayed isolationist, Japan completely defeat Chiang Kai Shek, Germany ran over Stalin, then Churchill. The world map would have looked very different, Imperial Japanese Empire and the Third Reich would have huge sovereign soil, while the rest of the world either succumb to the two empires or desparately trying not to.

View attachment 243805

With rich resources from the Asia, Europe, Africa and Australasia, the two empires might eventually conquer North America. By then the new UNSC is formed, with have only two members, the UNSC P2.

View attachment 243806

Well of course all these are hypothetical, scary enough though! But just be reminded what UNSC was about, the very purpose was to prevent another world war.

Both contemporary Japan and Germany are great countries, while at the same time they are so powerful that probably are the only two countries capable of changing world outlook, in a positive way or otherwise. Great powers come with great responsibilities, hope Japan and Germany can continue to embrace pacifism for the betterment of the world.


Trust me. Wars always end the way they are supposed to. ;)


long wars like WW-2 end because the looser runs out of supplies (men and material).

In WW-2, odds were stacked against Hitler from day-1. There was no way Hitler could have maintained his supply lines given that he had ZERO aircraft carriers and NO local fuel and metal deposits.

Japan had a chance due to its navy, but again it suffered from lack of local deposits of fuel and metals.

This is why the winners are pretty much determined from the onset of war. The loser can only prolong the war but cannot change the outcome.

On a smaller scale, it is pretty much like fight with your wife / gf. She will always have more munition and more weapons that you will ever do.

you may delay the outcome, but she will ALWAYS be the winner. hahahahahah
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well where i am , even Hitler would have said " Jiye Altaf "

That's the spirit!

This is why the winners are pretty much determined from the onset of war. The loser can only prolong the war but cannot change the outcome.

On a smaller scale, it is pretty much like fight with your wife / gf.

you may delay the outcome, but she will ALWAYS be the winner. hahahahahah

Ain't that true bro! LOL
At least regarding my country (Romania),altough we were allies and the 2nd provider of troops in the Eastern front i know from a secret( at the time) NAZI report that we had a "rosy" future as a colony meant to be ruled for raw materials and cheap labour by its "German superiors".

Makes me more happy that we stabbed the f*uckers in the back in 1944 and kicked them out.
Many are talking about reform of the 70 years old UNSC these days, but there seems to be no universal solution given the status quo of P5, various restraints of G4, G4+2, voices of the "Coffee Club", etc.

Who came up with the idea of UNSC in the first place? Naturally, it came from the only country that got out of WWII in one piece while rest of the world was one huge pile of debris. "The Four Policemen" was a term coined by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to refer to four major Allies of World War II and founders of the United Nations (UN): the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and Republic of China, symbolized his conception of the post-World War II world. Then France was somehow included later, forming the UNSC P5 today.


What if WWII ended differently?

Well these are all pure hypothetical of course, say if Pearl Harbour didn't happen, US stayed isolationist, Japan completely defeat Chiang Kai Shek, Germany ran over Stalin, then Churchill. The world map would have looked very different, Imperial Japanese Empire and the Third Reich would have huge sovereign soil, while the rest of the world either succumb to the two empires or desparately trying not to.

View attachment 243805

With rich resources from the Asia, Europe, Africa and Australasia, the two empires might eventually conquer North America. By then the new UNSC is formed, with have only two members, the UNSC P2.

View attachment 243806

Well of course all these are hypothetical, scary enough though! But just be reminded what UNSC was about, the very purpose was to prevent another world war.

Both contemporary Japan and Germany are great countries, while at the same time they are so powerful that probably are the only two countries capable of changing world outlook, in a positive way or otherwise. Great powers come with great responsibilities, hope Japan and Germany can continue to embrace pacifism for the betterment of the world.



Then you should have to face Japanese in this manner :sarcastic:
There militaries were over stretched as it were... not to mention holding territory and gaining new would have been impossible. Insurgencies would have fractured any lands acquired resulting in much smaller and weaker states all over right primed to be swallowed by a new power ... U.S. maybe? Though both Japan and German homesteads would have remained power houses not to be messed around with...

Then you should have to face Japanese in this manner :sarcastic:

LOL that's a good one!

There militaries were over stretched as it were... not to mention holding territory and gaining new would have been impossible. Insurgencies would have fractured any lands acquired resulting in much smaller and weaker states all over right primed to be swallowed by a new power ... U.S. maybe? Though both Japan and German homesteads would have remained power houses not to be messed around with...

Well there could be all different hypothesis, and the details, the alternate ending is just scary! The key point is UNSC P5 today, despite not functioning properly as criticized by many, still far better than a P2 world in which main theme would have become Imperial Militarism & Nazism!

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makes you wonder what would of happened if Germany and Japan had gotten the bomb first. how they would of used them. surely Germany would of nuked London and Moscow. Japan would of nuked a bunch of Chinese cities, andSan Fransisco etc..
makes you wonder what would of happened if Germany and Japan had gotten the bomb first. how they would of used them. surely Germany would of nuked London and Moscow. Japan would of nuked a bunch of Chinese cities, andSan Fransisco etc..

good point, even if this alternate scenario came to pass, the US would have still developed the bomb. Research on it started before us entry into ww2, even if it wasn't under the manhattan project at the time.

So even in this scenario where US is isolationist and germany/japan conquer europe/asia/ussr, the US would not be conquered

Japan probably wouldn't nuke san francisco if the us was still isolationist and had not embargoed japan. Unless we are talking about how it really went just with the axis developing the bomb?
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