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What if Turkey Didn't Go with Indigenous Devlopment?

Was indigenous development the right way to go?

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Feb 9, 2014
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How would the Turkish Military look today if the ambitious indigenous military development projects were not pursued? What equipment and platforms would Turkey have purchased? Imagine no Altay, Anka, T-129, Otokar Cobra etc.
How would the Turkish Military look today if the ambitious indigenous military development projects were not pursued? What equipment and platforms would Turkey have purchased? Imagine no Altay, Anka, T-129, Otokar Cobra etc.

President Rajab Ardogan is a true muslim and a far sighted statesman .He has realised the way to live with freedom,respect and pride is to have not only strong manufacturing based economy but develop and manufacture its own weapons and ammunition.Turkey can not trust American friendship or "Nato"when it is surrounded by historically hostile powers,like Russia,Balkan states,France and England .
One example from me :

In the 1980's we needed 2 weeks to deploy forces from our western bases to East Turkey.
Most tanks and carriers had benzin (gas) Motors ......
Well i can imagine a scenario regarding the aformentioned products/

- Altay: I am actually certain we would opt for the Ukrainian tank considering we needed tanks fast and needed them mass-produced. No country that was part of the tender really produced 1000 tanks so it would make sense to select a tank that can be easely build in large numbers.

- Anka: Well this one is pretty obvious. We would probably opt for more Heron's or US predators.

- T-129: This one is just as obvious. We would probably buy Vipers off-the-shelf no doubt.

- Otokar Cobra: Well this is one is kinda hard as there are litteraly hundreds of options for an Cobra alternative. I would go with... Israeli or US options.\

First steps :

"Ayrıca (“Kuruluş Ana Sözleşmesi”nde elektrik sarf malzemeleri üretmek amaçlanmışken) telsiz ve haberleşme cihazları (ve televizyon, elektronik hesap makineleri, telefon santralleri...) üretmek konusunda daha Mayıs 1974’te
26karar alınmıştır. Ancak bu tarihlerde, TSK’da dışa bağımlılıktan kurtulmak için arayışlar olduğu da bir gerçektir. TSK, yerli şirketlere çeşitli ihtiyaçlarını duyuruyor, bunların geliştirilmesini istiyor ve
alıcısı olacağını bildiriyordu.27 Şirketin böyle bir dönemde kuruluşu TSK ve Ankara’da çalışmalara sempati ile bakılmasını sağlamıştır"

Halk Sektoru Bir Emek | cengiz akseki - Academia.edu

In the 1980's REMO plan started.
But it depends always on Money, nobody gives Turkey payless. Like they do for Greece. The first "modern" Dogan class Missile Boat called "Gurbet" was bought with donations from Turks living abroad. Even when we tried to buy, they embargoed us , Germany blocked Leopards or other material, the US Long time denied Harpoons and other. We had to purchase "Penguins" from Norway. These are only some examples. On the other side, when we wanted to buy they offered outdated material no AH-64 but upgraded AH-1 s or F-5 Tiger Upgrades.

With our limited financial ressources we tried to upgrade existing material and keep it running ( e.g Dizel engines for tanks and carriers ) and I believe that we gained much experience.
Aselsan works beginning in 1985 on Laser Technology , this means 30 years.

And we can be sure, all what we discuss is only the TOP of an iceberg. There is blessedly much more hidden developments, we can't imagine.

It is unrealistic that Ukrain can adhoc produce 1000 modern tanks, they have knowledge but the industrial capabilities are limited. They could offer TOT.
How would the Turkish Military look today if the ambitious indigenous military development projects were not pursued

old and outdated..but in big numbers so we can think what a great army we have..

What equipment and platforms would Turkey have purchased?

something old from usa or europe.. something they would not want to use anymore (like their old ships..)

Imagine no Altay, Anka, T-129, Otokar Cobra etc.
without this we would not have anything close to that.. if we would get a good tank then something would be missing.. like crappier software then the original one or we would get less armor.. or a outdated version etc etc

this projects make us strong without it we are nothing than puppets in wich someone put its hand in from behind..

sorry this had to be said.. I know you wanted to hear alternative weapon systems but I could not withstand :)
I think we learned from 1974 Cyprus. They put an embargo on us for exercising our right as a guarantying power of the Island and protecting Turkish Cypriots. Today, an embargo would affect us on a lesser degree. We are manufacturing most of our own things and we are writing our own software. Still this doesn't mean we are completely independent. For example the f-35 that we will get won't have our own software. If the US wants they can press the button and the f-35 will self-destruct. We can only use f-35 if the US wants it (i.e against Russia, Iran).
Basically we would be using the 2nd hand products , especially on ships and jets.
If we didnt go through a indigenous option ,i also give a possibility for russian systems to take place in our army just after embargo by west and US.

So the outlook ; there would be no milgem, B-class still in use or updated with another batch of foreigner ships . Forget about TF-200 someone will just transfer their ships to use which is out handed. No fascinating boats ,we only get what sold by them.

Undersecretariat for defence industry wouldnt be this special in the government , they would be only a procedure office which stamps the papers . By this way most of the purchases would be done with a corruption, beneath the papers. Eventhough there is a tender,we would get which is " offering" more.
Well, you guys have already said what was needed. Recep Tayip Erdogan just reaped the reward of previous governments investments. Also thanks for AKP indebting our country we could further R&D.

Poor old Ecevit, may he rest in peace. He took the decision to move into Cyprus, and he's also one who struggle for a sustainable growth in Turkey, and not by selling or privatising everything like the capitalists wanted it. He liked the Danish model of democracy and the wellfare system.
I think we learned from 1974 Cyprus. They put an embargo on us for exercising our right as a guarantying power of the Island and protecting Turkish Cypriots. Today, an embargo would affect us on a lesser degree. We are manufacturing most of our own things and we are writing our own software. Still this doesn't mean we are completely independent. For example the f-35 that we will get won't have our own software. If the US wants they can press the button and the f-35 will self-destruct. We can only use f-35 if the US wants it (i.e against Russia, Iran).

That is a conspiracy theory....
Türkiye is hostile Country for German speaking countries. Germany and Austria. That will never Change.

It is a scandal.

Türkiye should Change his whole policy and think about. Against or together with the USA.

I know, it sounds strange ! But we must ally with a dominant global (universal) Power.

No other way . We had to do it before .....,
  • I think Turkey would pursue the eurofighter instead of developing the TFX.
  • Turkey would have ordered Abrams.
  • MRAPS would be from the U.S.
  • New ships from germany and used american Oliver Hazard Perry's.
  • Patrol boats and UAVs from Israel.
  • Missile Systems from Israel (Same equipment Azerbaijan has)
  • The military's uniform would be like the American ones.
Having your own army technology, also push your friendly countries to rely on you and basicly puch your politic capabilities and the economy comes with it.. Those countries will also try to be nice with your private companies.. i said it in a simple way, but it has huge influence in real life..
Imagine if Turkey didnt develop its own UAV, now it will not be able to see PKK or IS. It should of report everything(probably they would see it as before the report)..
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