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What if India,Pakistan and China become friends?



New Recruit

Aug 7, 2010
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I can imagine a rapidly changing world.
India,China worlds two fastest growing economies,along with the huge potential possessed by Pakistan.
The thought must be scary for the west.
And they are trying to create more and more instability in South Asia and with China.
Its ironic on one side,the leaders from the west are supporting India and on the other supporting Pakistan.
Clearly being divisive.

What if India,Pakistan and China unite?
The balance shifting to South and South east Asia?
india wont compromise on its integrity,this thing is not understood by other too nations.so no possibility.
india wont compromise on its integrity,this thing is not understood by other too nations.so no possibility.

Its other-way round. and thats why they cant be friends.

But lets have a hypothical scenario just like the thread starter presents.

How about all disputed areas are governed mutually and let the people prosper.

Now the scenario if all three are in one block along with Russia and include Afghanistan. What will be the situation with other powers??
jana ji,if india would have wanted mutual rule,then y india is leaning towards u.s.???
btw it will be very good if russia etc are also joined but past xperiences dont let the condition to happen.
Fat chance china gonna be friend with a shamless nation(india) that keeps on boasting how great they are, and continously boasting how they gonna over take china in so and so year.
Fat chance china gonna be friend with a shamless nation(india) that keeps on boasting how great they are, and continously boasting how they gonna over take china in so and so year.

india also prefer to be the friend of u.s rather than china:rofl::rofl::rofl:
The weapon dealers will inherit the earth.
Stirring enimity in big economies is favorite job of europe and usa. They would never let it happen partner that with our on bigotry and it becomes a steaming soup of weapons.
Fat chance china gonna be friend with a shamless nation(india) that keeps on boasting how great they are, and continously boasting how they gonna over take china in so and so year.

Never feed a troll!
india wont compromise on its integrity,this thing is not understood by other too nations.so no possibility.

This is part of the soviet mentalitythey inheritied after the fail of british colonism. The same "soverginety" obessed Russia couldnt get more sovergien any more sovergien than being broken into tens of pieces today.
Resolving our differences is exactly where our collective security, economic, and development benefits lie. What good will fighting wars do for anyone except turn us into another Africa? Asians need to realize, no matter how much they accede to Uncle Sam, at the end of the day they will still remain as one of "those Asians". It is in our greater interest as a whole to improve understandings & cooperation with one another. Realistically China has no interest in invading and overtaking all of India, nor does India have any practical interest in invading and overtaking all of China. It is just ludicrous to even think of. What remains are the relatively small pieces of land there are disputes over, which should not be allowed to get in the way of building larger regional & economic cooperation as a whole for the greater benefit of all (Asians).
I can imagine a rapidly changing world.

That's funny looks the same to me.

India,China worlds two fastest growing economies,along with the huge potential possessed by Pakistan.
The thought must be scary for the west.

Which is why they do their best to sell us arms to use against each other. You answered your own question here :

Its ironic on one side,the leaders from the west are supporting India and on the other supporting Pakistan.
Clearly being divisive.

What if India,Pakistan and China unite?
The balance shifting to South and South east Asia?

That's a big "WHAT IF" and it depends on many many factors. Realistically as well there is no such thing as "friends" on the diplomatic stage, just either a merger or clash of interests.
On more serious note, the scenario between India an China would be in the future similar to late 19th century Europe style tensions between Britan and Germany, because of the economic power struggle and dominating role in asia.

India should not forget that we do most of the trade with China, which will be on upward growth. So there is an element of economic interdependence, which in itself would be a good thing for peace.

As far as pakistan, the less I speak the better.
I doubt they ever will become friends, all three of these countries. Uncle SAM needs someone to buy his merchandise. He will try his best to make sure that there will be probs so this friendship does not occur. However if there is somthing like the EU in asia then friendship would occur.
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