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India thinks it can win a war against Pakistan

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Allow me to remind all Indians about the Pakistan they never heard of.

Pakistan army is one of the best in the world, here are 10 reasons why they are the best and why they can beat India in war:
1) The first war between Pakistan and India (1947) Pakistan had no weapons except guns and India had everything and lot of tanks and still Pakistan and India draw ed because both sides killed 1500 troops and Pakistan wounded 115 more than India.
2) The second war was lost by India but they almost won. Pakistan had 260000 number of troops and India had 700000. India also had nuclear power in that war and Pakistan didn't.
3) Pakistan lost the 3rd war in 1971 because it was east Pakistan and India vs west Pakistan it was 2 against one and they also had a lot to worry about because east Pakistan was getting there independence from west Pakistan.
4) Pakistan won the Kargil war in 1999 even though Pakistan didn't get use the navy or air force and India used air force and infantry. Also Pakistan had 5000 troops in that war and India had 30,000.
5) In 2010 and 2012 Pakistan army came came 1st place in a world wide competition.
6) since 2008 Pakistan nuclear power has grown by 40 percent and is stronger than Indias.
7) India will have a lot more to lose than Pakistan in war because India is bigger they also have a good film industry and a bigger population.
8(Pakistan army commandos are claimed to be one of the toughest forces on the planet and have cam 3rd place with the us green berets 1st place and British sas 2nd place
9) Pakistans army is the worlds 6th biggest.
10) pakistans commandos size is so special and the size and list of operations is classified by joint chiefs of staff and Pakistan has won a bravery medal for doing everything and in warputting themselves at risk.

P.S your media tricks you into feeling patriotic but in reality you are just little worms

1.) In 1947 Pakistan invaded Kashmir, which was an independent state with its own military! The invasion was only halted by the Indian intervention! The war ended with an UN negotiated ceasefire!

2.) In 1965 India was at its lowest point! The political vacuum after Nehru`s death, the debacle of the 1962 war with the PRC and the economic downturn....
Pakistan tried to take Kashmir, but failed completely! In fact the war ended with the Indian Army fighting at the outskirts of Lahore!

3.) 1971..... textbook operation by India

4.) 1984: Indian regulars rout elite PA SSG commandos from the highest battlefield in the world.

5.) How the heck did Pakistan win Kargil ??? Take a look at the map... or reality and see whether Pakistan achieved to retake Kashmir? Who did not even accept the bodies of their own dead soldiers during the war? Was it India?

6.) Pakistani commandos are not among the top 3 SF units..... Or can you prove it? Do you know that they were defeated by a bunch of village cops and farmers during the raid on the IAF airbases of Adampur, Pathankot and Halwara ?

6.) "India has more to lose because of its film industry"???!!! WTH o_O o_O o_O

Get back to reality kiddo.
1.) In 1947 Pakistan invaded Kashmir, which was an independent state with its own military! The invasion was only halted by the Indian intervention! The war ended with an UN negotiated ceasefire!

2.) In 1965 India was at its lowest point! The political vacuum after Nehru`s death, the debacle of the 1962 war with the PRC and the economic downturn....
Pakistan tried to take Kashmir, but failed completely! In fact the war ended with the Indian Army fighting at the outskirts of Lahore!

3.) 1971..... textbook operation by India

4.) 1984: Indian regulars rout elite PA SSG commandos from the highest battlefield in the world.

5.) How the heck did Pakistan win Kargil ??? Take a look at the map... or reality and see whether Pakistan achieved to retake Kashmir? Who did not even accept the bodies of their own dead soldiers during the war? Was it India?

6.) Pakistani commandos are not among the top 3 SF units..... Or can you prove it? Do you know that they were defeated by a bunch of village cops and farmers during the raid on the IAF airbases of Adampur, Pathankot and Halwara ?

6.) "India has more to lose because of its film industry"???!!! WTH o_O o_O o_O

Get back to reality kiddo.
Trying to bring sanity to the thread? please don't! This is suppose to be a Saturday satire...& should be treated in that spirit!:smokin:
Pakistan will have support of Iran because both countries are muslim[[other than pak`s f"" govermet]] .Iran is not anti India at all but will not let a muslim country fail.

Israel will have full support of India because both countries are victims of islamoaggression, India is not anti iran at all but will not let a sister country fail.
Trying to bring sanity to the thread? please don't! This is suppose to be a Saturday satire...& should be treated in that spirit!:smokin:

Yeah, at least this thread is non-serious and stupid enough to be refreshing, compared to say: the thread about renting houses in Singapore started by Jammed Winder and the usual suspects like Acid Fats and Aboo spewing around. Even the thread on the 'alleged sale' of Mi-26s went ballistic and got locked down.
Now imagine those ungainly behemoth Mi-26s even became worth fighting over?
Hell, the IAF (at least at one time) might have given them away for free to anybody, they were so pissed off.
Allow me to remind all Indians about the Pakistan they never heard of.

Pakistan army is one of the best in the world, here are 10 reasons why they are the best and why they can beat India in war:
1) The first war between Pakistan and India (1947) Pakistan had no weapons except guns and India had everything and lot of tanks and still Pakistan and India draw ed because both sides killed 1500 troops and Pakistan wounded 115 more than India.
2) The second war was lost by India but they almost won. Pakistan had 260000 number of troops and India had 700000. India also had nuclear power in that war and Pakistan didn't.
3) Pakistan lost the 3rd war in 1971 because it was east Pakistan and India vs west Pakistan it was 2 against one and they also had a lot to worry about because east Pakistan was getting there independence from west Pakistan.
4) Pakistan won the Kargil war in 1999 even though Pakistan didn't get use the navy or air force and India used air force and infantry. Also Pakistan had 5000 troops in that war and India had 30,000.
5) In 2010 and 2012 Pakistan army came came 1st place in a world wide competition.
6) since 2008 Pakistan nuclear power has grown by 40 percent and is stronger than Indias.
7) India will have a lot more to lose than Pakistan in war because India is bigger they also have a good film industry and a bigger population.
8(Pakistan army commandos are claimed to be one of the toughest forces on the planet and have cam 3rd place with the us green berets 1st place and British sas 2nd place
9) Pakistans army is the worlds 6th biggest.
10) pakistans commandos size is so special and the size and list of operations is classified by joint chiefs of staff and Pakistan has won a bravery medal for doing everything and in warputting themselves at risk.

P.S your media tricks you into feeling patriotic but in reality you are just little worms

Take a deep breath, have some water, sit somewhere quietly and try to calm down. :partay:
we would love to make sweet love to russia --- so how is it, guys? russians?

for Russian chicks :smitten::enjoy::kiss3:

I cant believe this thread is reach to 10 pages ................special thanks to indian trolls ... in sweet reply to Pakistani troll :enjoy:
Allow me to remind all Indians about the Pakistan they never heard of.

Pakistan army is one of the best in the world, here are 10 reasons why they are the best and why they can beat India in war:
1) The first war between Pakistan and India (1947) Pakistan had no weapons except guns and India had everything and lot of tanks and still Pakistan and India draw ed because both sides killed 1500 troops and Pakistan wounded 115 more than India.
2) The second war was lost by India but they almost won. Pakistan had 260000 number of troops and India had 700000. India also had nuclear power in that war and Pakistan didn't.
3) Pakistan lost the 3rd war in 1971 because it was east Pakistan and India vs west Pakistan it was 2 against one and they also had a lot to worry about because east Pakistan was getting there independence from west Pakistan.
4) Pakistan won the Kargil war in 1999 even though Pakistan didn't get use the navy or air force and India used air force and infantry. Also Pakistan had 5000 troops in that war and India had 30,000.
5) In 2010 and 2012 Pakistan army came came 1st place in a world wide competition.
6) since 2008 Pakistan nuclear power has grown by 40 percent and is stronger than Indias.
7) India will have a lot more to lose than Pakistan in war because India is bigger they also have a good film industry and a bigger population.
8(Pakistan army commandos are claimed to be one of the toughest forces on the planet and have cam 3rd place with the us green berets 1st place and British sas 2nd place
9) Pakistans army is the worlds 6th biggest.
10) pakistans commandos size is so special and the size and list of operations is classified by joint chiefs of staff and Pakistan has won a bravery medal for doing everything and in warputting themselves at risk.

P.S your media tricks you into feeling patriotic but in reality you are just little worms

bacha apni perhaye pe tawaja do
So it's true the Sun sets in the west.No wonder there is darkness to the west of the barbed wire :lol:
If that became a norm, then 99.999999% of Indian members would have to be thrown out.
Ah! Think tanks for your Contribution :rofl::rofl:
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