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What identity pakistan should have?

True, bad times go away after a period of time.

But i belive it will always be longer for us brahmins. Being gods chosen people is always tiresome.

But i have my faith in Supreme lord Indra, may he ease our problems and bless our lives.

इन्द्र मेघास्थि। heil God.

Indra has led you here. He will Not let you down
True, bad times go away after a period of time.

But i belive it will always be longer for us brahmins. Being gods chosen people is always tiresome.

But i have my faith in Supreme lord Indra, may he ease our problems and bless our lives.

इन्द्र मेघास्थि। heil God.

look at this 4 feet smelly indian pajeet with inferiority complex over 9000 trying to be relevant. there is no such thing as great brahmins. brahmins are inferior 4 feet dravadian sissies who are getting fucked by invaders from centuries, insecure weak chin 4 foot hindus who can't fight and hide behind religion to save them self are called brahmins, i have seen almost all indian bradiries on vivaah.com and i think brahmins would be called chamar in pakistan
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@Iqbal Ali This clown @Great Brahmin has multi-ids such as Vishvamitra, Harvey Pandit, Kautilya, Pashtun Bradar etc, he is completely obsessed with all things that are from region known as Ghandara (coterminous to Pak), in one of his ids he even suggested he would give his daughters to Pak Pashtuns or Kashmiris in order to preserve their colored eyes, I kid you not, this is the level of vermin we are dealing with.Kudos yaar
These good folks can confirm.
@Indus Pakistan @Sher Shah Awan @Spring Onion @war&peace @DESERT FIGHTER

His wish is this..

though his reality is..
@Iqbal Ali This clown @Great Brahmin has multi-ids such as Vishvamitra, Harvey Pandit, Kautilya, Pashtun Bradar etc, he is completely obsessed with all things that are from region known as Ghandara (coterminous to Pak), in one of his ids he even suggested he would give his daughters to Pak Pashtuns or Kashmiris in order to preserve their colored eyes, I kid you not, this is the level of vermin we are dealing with.Kudos yaar
These good folks can confirm.
@Indus Pakistan @Sher Shah Awan @Spring Onion @war&peace @DESERT FIGHTER

His wish is this..

though his reality is..

Although I agree with you that Indians are darker skinned, but mate we are not being any better than those British imperialists who came to India.

And there is no shame in being dark-skinned.

Mate come on, we Pakistanis are not white nor should we want to be.

We Pakistanis are light brown/beige in skin colour. Thats just who we are and we should feel proud about that.

Look at Hasan Nawaaz or a Pakistani man.


Does he look white Caucasian like a Norwegian blonde? lol?


Come on mate we need to be realistic.
@Indus Pakistan

To make your analogy work, put 400 million Parsis together with 600 million Hindus, under a third faith brought to both by invaders.

And then make them make a nation together.

Cheers, Doc
You mean make babies together?

How did you come up with this? “Argument”?
When a person sips on the cocktail of hatred and delusion for a good part of his or her adult life then such statements start to slip out inadvertently.

@Iqbal Ali This clown @Great Brahmin has multi-ids such as Vishvamitra, Harvey Pandit, Kautilya, Pashtun Bradar etc, he is completely obsessed with all things that are from region known as Ghandara (coterminous to Pak), in one of his ids he even suggested he would give his daughters to Pak Pashtuns or Kashmiris in order to preserve their colored eyes, I kid you not, this is the level of vermin we are dealing with.Kudos yaar
These good folks can confirm.
@Indus Pakistan @Sher Shah Awan @Spring Onion @war&peace @DESERT FIGHTER

His wish is this..

though his reality is..
oh so the legend is back. He is pretty consistent. I must give him good marks for being so consistent.
oh so the legend is back. He is pretty consistent. I must give him good marks for being so consistent.
LOL, the chap is truly unhinged with a seriously low self esteem.Kudos bhai

Although I agree with you that Indians are darker skinned, but mate we are not being any better than those British imperialists who came to India.

And there is no shame in being dark-skinned.

Mate come on, we Pakistanis are not white nor should we want to be.

We Pakistanis are light brown/beige in skin colour. Thats just who we are and we should feel proud about that.

Look at Hasan Nawaaz or a Pakistani man.


Does he look white Caucasian like a Norwegian blonde? lol?


Come on mate we need to be realistic.
My dear chap when did I state we are like Norwegians? We are what we are, Sons of the historical Indus region who have ALWAYS been ethnically different than the forest aboriginals of the Ganga, we are BRONZE skinned they are BLACK skinned.Kudos mate
That is very true. I have said many times over the years here on PDF and other places that the biggest problem Pakistan has is it failed to consolidate a solid identity in it's formative history. The problem was Nehru was there in India for over 17 years after independence to oversee a solid construction of the foundation of the state. As he caried the halo of having led India to independence he could push through the basic contours of your state. In Pakistan Jinnah died within months and as result Pakistan suffered from premature birth. The Muslim league left was full of contradictions spilling over from the politics of pre-partition Raj and these played out and we never saw a solid definition of the state - instead convenient on the moment ideas to perpetuate power became part of the Pakistan DNA. That is why we have that problem persist to this day.
Quaid E Azaam was no doubt indispensable and a great leader but it was Allama Iqbal who was the visionary, the clairvoyant, the architect and he died in 1937 even before Pakistan. The least we can do is read his works and take from them...

the so called "Hindu" religion and its civilsation isnt homogenous, hence you äre making a baseless assertion , similar to the propaganda peddled by Hindutva brigade. Furthermore many non brahmanical Tamil religious scholars and authorities have never identified Tamil religion as Hindu.

Hindus dont even have a common new year, Tamil and Malayali new year (Vishu) falls in April , Telugu , Kannadiga (Ugadi) in March
Thanks. Did not know this. But one thing is for sure "Hinduism" is a word made up by the British cos they could not make head or tails of what the saw in British India.
It means different things to different people.

You mean whatever was there in British India, their heritage is carried by India Pakistan and Bangladesh
Yes. But to me British India is not the same as Mughal India or Marathi India or indeed the Subcontinent of India or even the inaccurately named Republic of India.
LOL, the chap is truly unhinged with a seriously low self esteem.Kudos bhai
He is one of the most consistent and insistent members. I don't know what is inside his little heart and brain. It is better for him to spend his energies on something positive.
My dear chap when did I state we are like Norwegians? We are what we are, Sons of the historical Indus region who have ALWAYS been ethnically different than the forest aboriginals of the Ganga, we are BRONZE skinned they are BLACK skinned.Kudos mate
@iqbal bro, you misunderstood @django, I know him a little bit more than you and we discussed about this race and skin color issues and he does not believe we are looking like Arabs or Swedes etc rather he is very proud of his origin and native culture at the same time being a proud Muslim.

Quaid E Azaam was no doubt indispensable and a great leader but it was Allama Iqbal who was the visionary, the clairvoyant, the architect and he died in 1937 even before Pakistan. The least we can do is read his works and take from them...
Like with everything, people tend to twist his teachings and philosophy to suit their own views. We all are prisoners of our perspectives.
He is one of the most consistent and insistent members. I don't know what is inside his little heart and brain. It is better for him to spend his energies on something positive.
ENVY.... Deep envy of folk from KPK, Northern areas and North west Punjab(Hazara division, Azad Kashmir )etc, he wishes he could have been born in one of these land especially highlands of KPK or Dardic areas such as Chitral, I swear in one of his ids he bragged about brahmins being brethren of Nuristanis:lol::lol::lol: see pic below and one can clearly deduce he is totally UNHINGED, makes Kanye look SANE:rofl:

@iqbal bro, you misunderstood @django, I know him a little bit more than you and we discussed about this race and skin color issues and he does not believe we are looking like Arabs or Swedes etc rather he is very proud of his origin and native culture at the same time being a proud Muslim.
:cheers:.................. Iqbal Ali is a good man but I think he completely misunderstood my point.Kudos bro

The only way to stop this is to ban him PERMANENTLY.Kudos
Quaid E Azaam was no doubt indispensable and a great leader but it was Allama Iqbal who was the visionary, the clairvoyant, the architect and he died in 1937 even before Pakistan. The least we can do is read his works and take from them...

Thanks. Did not know this. But one thing is for sure "Hinduism" is a word made up by the British cos they could not make head or tails of what the saw in British India.
It means different things to different people.

Yes. But to me British India is not the same as Mughal India or Marathi India or indeed the Subcontinent of India or even the inaccurately named Republic of India.
@Indus Pakistan
LOL, the chap is truly unhinged with a seriously low self esteem.Kudos bhai

My dear chap when did I state we are like Norwegians? We are what we are, Sons of the historical Indus region who have ALWAYS been ethnically different than the forest aboriginals of the Ganga, we are BRONZE skinned they are BLACK skinned.Kudos mate
Agreed with you bro. You are spot on. I apologize. I did not want to say I that I assumed you meant anything.

I think I misunderstood @django . My apologies.

We are children of Indus River Valley Civilization. Long live Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad! Pakistan Paindabad!

Agreed with you bro. You are spot on. I apologize. I did not want to say I that I assumed you meant anything.

I think I misunderstood @django . My apologies.

We are children of Indus River Valley Civilization. Long live Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad! Pakistan Paindabad!

Bhai, we are proud Muslims...rest is secondary... ethnicities were created for diversity so that we could recognise each other and develop different characters ...otherwise the world would been boring and confusing we if all were the ditto copies of the each other
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