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What I do about a terrorist who sends you death threats?

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just report him to youtube and block him don't stoop to his level and say anything hateful about his religion coz the cycle gets worse.Don't take it too seriously anyway it's the internet .
Hye! You should ask the Police for advice. Just be careful. He's probably full of crap.
1) stop creating threads, it is searchable on google, he only has to type in your user name.

2) Threat is not to be taken lightly, esp when he knows a lot about you. He may even personally know you. This can be REAL.

3) Call Toronto Police. (If you live in Toronto), because there is strong possibility of your life being in danger.

4) Its better to be safe then to be sorry.

If you require Police assistance, but are not in an emergency situation (e.g. Reporting thefts, vandalism, fraud) or for other situations where no person or property is in immediate danger, please call our non-emergency telephone number at 416-808-2222.

Seriously, If you can't call Police, PM me. I would call them for you.
I think he may have a hand in escalating verbal tensions and not everything is being told perhaps.

If his nemesis indeed tracked him to his bus stop and wrote graffiti, then I think only God can save him now.

I think he may have a hand in escalating verbal tensions and not everything is being told perhaps.

If his nemesis indeed tracked him to his bus stop and wrote graffiti, then I think only God can save him now.


You are right!
Thing is not everything was being told because:

1) I simply dont know! lol.
Kaisay? I made videos for the account dimension117 and visited every 1 month or so... I just started getting calls suddenly abt last month i think. First about the account just having disappeared even though we had only 1n video violation and the big boiz had taken over (big boiz dont swear back at anyone and f4 account to be deleted usually 3 violations get ya kicked u outta youtube.) Then some ppl said someone threatened to kill me. This was the friend of mine who brought the news first:

YouTube - pakistanikhan786's Channel

2) There were just too many people involved

The account dimension117vi had quite a few people involved causing pure confusion. The ideal or thought behind the channel was Pakistani Nationalism and our mission was to promote Pakistani nationalism and ensure the unity and prosperity of our country by instilling in every Pakistani an amount of pride and making them understand that all of us have to work to make this country better.

So the thing was the videos were mostly mine but not all mine. We had 75 videos total and different people made them. Now everyone is just making seperate accounts likin pehley kisi ko kuch nahi samajh aata tha key who is commenting and all.

Most of the time there used to be someone using the channel 24 hours and commenting on indian comments afghan comments, mullahs comments, talibani comments... (swearing back sumtimes) ;)

3) U are right some people did swear and even me but only in response.

Some people did swear back when they saw all those hate filled Indian comments. I think the key trouble maker is this guy whos background is from hyderabad in India. His sister was actually killed back there and hes managed to do well for himself after he came here in Pak in 2003. Quite famous with mohajirs and neo-mohajirs (muslims who shifted f4m India to Pakistan after 1990 thru nationalist resettlement programs or sumthin of the like...)

I mean he stood f4 mqm & won some seat or something in the elections. He made a new account and all hes done is threaten to ban youtube yet and I think hes actually the guy they want to kill cauz hes real trouble f4 those indos. lol:

YouTube - nuzixpaki117's Channel

his views include:
all muslims of sub-continent belong to Pakistan
A major genocide of minorities goes on in India (True, i second that one :rolleyes:)
Hindu fanatics are left alone even though they slaughter evryone... (Very true... lol.)
His forefathers made mistake to stay in india in 47... (Its their fault :agree:)
India is responsible for its own problems but always blames pakistan. They create terror by massacring innocents. (Rite again...)

etc etc.

He aint a bad person... just raises his voice for the muslims too much and is just pissed about what Indians did to his life back there... but islamkigandmaro has problem with all videos he has posted rite now. I made mosta them but cauz nuz does'nt have a clue of how to make videos... nyway who cares. He added a few lines here and there wen i opened moviemaker so his views cud get out... ;)

Frankly we used to get along quite well bf4 but...

Nyway thing is we have formed a grouping or large community on youtube of like minded individuals (Pakistanis mostly) who want to make our country better and believe in the theory of Pakistani Nationalism. Mr Islamkigandmaro and his other people with their various accounts decided to come at us charging like bulls at a dinner party. Their attack based on every pakistani who ran d117 and our freinz...

If u c ny account with 117 in there its a Pakistani nationalist account based on the 117 batallion that fought in 71. Some nationalists of ours died heroically back then so we honor em... Nyway:

dimension117 (usually me)

These are all our ppl.

Now if these details help please... if they dont i wasted 10 minutes typing this ****....:rolleyes:

Kharian, what wud u do had u been faced with such a situation? also do check out this video where he has made me the CEO of some dimension117 organization... (only dimension117 i knew of was a band me and my freinz had in dubai... nyway i was later told someone hosted it as a group of freinz in dubai to host parties n all and it was pakistani dominated but has indians srilankans and all as well... so he made it some anti hindu anti indian organization f4 sum reason... lol)

I dont know who hammadthegr8 or muslimnotindian are but muneeba and pakistanikhan i knw em both. They r freinz... :agree:

Information we have about the murderer:

What information we have is some people if not the person is in mountain view california where google headquarters are located and was talking f4m one of their servors meaning they provide internet to him. He has killed 27 civilians and proof of this is available on 6 places of suspended channel d117 where he has made those comments publicly. Other than this other activities include fake pakistani channels and pretension as being someone else. Making fake accounts and mock accounts. He was'nt hiding behind nyone or using or anonomizer or nything or the ip cloaker invented by one of our guys which we use to fool hackers and websites.

Harassment report was filed by me on youtube on the basis of the video and the death threat. I was shocked when absolutely no action was taken. They are anti pakistani anyway. They deleted quite a few pakistani accounts. tmny2008, omairca1, geopakistani, zeeair2, vrpakistani all have suffered and these guys did'nt even reply to the indians. Cud u bliev that?

To track him down to exactly where he is sitting we need a real bad *** blackhat hacker or the Intelligence Agencies who have this right to go to the ISP and get them to give the information about whoever is using the IP. I want to track him down and want more information before i go to poice. Thing is I am a muslim and I dont have enuf contacts here in canada and there is suspicion of muslims. I dont know if it really makes sense to go after someone without as much as having a name.

The ip adresses used by the freaks are:

An IP trace has found them all to be in Mountainview though this may be wrong as it is the guessed location of the tracer. It may be possible that the persons may be an employee/employees of google as well which may be the reason for pakistani accounts disappearing into thin air but propaganda indian accounts being allowed to operate with impunity. tmny2008 geopakistani and vrpakistan have never used one swear word on net. I doubt even a word like idiot can come out of their poor innocent mouths let alone other stuff...

Theories about how he got personal information:
1) He cud be employee of google and the information about each account is available to them

2) Well another theory is the personal info about me they got it from an Indian guy who is most likely a freind of mine. Frankly i dont give a **** anymore if it is. My close Indian freinds will not do this but i think i shud be suspicious of those senecans... dun knw em properly.

3) However it may be true that someone from their side is actually a hacker and all my internet activity is being monitered.

Finally some people here in canada have offered to call the police for me. No u dont need to do that until we are ready but i think a large amount of pakistanis needs to go to the police station with me to express solidarity. Also i will grab my indian and hindu freinds. This will have an effect about what we feel about this fella.

Also I will show u guys the stuff i have f4m our lawyer. I will post it out right here on this thread.
Charges we can press include:
genocide 27 muslim civilians killed (needs proof-no proof=no such charge)
Harassment of Pakistanis
Fraud-pretending to be someone who hes not (actually hes a jackass)

Now if there is anyone who has the will or the energy to read all that f4m top to bottom and offer advice or help in anyway I would dearly appreciate it thank you.
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Mate I think you will be OK what I suggest is that you close down all your youtube profiles and videos that you currently have up, wait a few months, then restart your channel/profiles under new names. Suggest this to your friends as well. I think you just have some **** flies attracted to you, youtube is filled with it. Keep complaining to youtube and threaten legal action against them for not safeguarding your privacy.

Police would be my very last option to be honest. Try to pry out any information that he has regarding you and see what he really knows. If I read correctly, you said somewhere up there that you have been getting phone calls. This in fact is harassment and justifies you going to the police, Muslim or not.
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Mate I think you will be OK what I suggest is that you close down all your youtube profiles and videos that you currently have up, wait a few months, then restart your channel/profiles under new names. Suggest this to your friends as well. I think you just have some **** flies attracted to you, youtube is filled with it. Keep complaining to youtube and threaten legal action against them for not safeguarding your privacy.

Police would be my very last option to be honest. Try to pry out any information that he has regarding you and see what he really knows. If I read correctly, you said somewhere up there that you have been getting phone calls. This in fact is harassment and justifies you going to the police, Muslim or not.

Nothing bout phone calls was said.... :disagree:

I just dont like my personal information up there on youtube and that also by this son of a terrorist... :angry:

So what all u guys r sayin i should'nt be worried about the death threat at all??

And what would closing my profile possibly gain?

Complaining to youtube has been done several times. If they were listening there wud never be a problem. Every second guy whose name is in that video comes and flags it... lol.
Nothing bout phone calls was said.... :disagree:

I just dont like my personal information up there on youtube and that also by this son of a terrorist... :angry:

So what all u guys r sayin i should'nt be worried about the death threat at all??

And what would closing my profile possibly gain?

Complaining to youtube has been done several times. If they were listening there wud never be a problem. Every second guy whose name is in that video comes and flags it... lol.

Earlier you said you had a lawyer...have him contact youtube with this problem. Threat of a legal battle is the best way to make anything happen. I suggested shutting down your profile and videos because this would allow whoever is after you to lose interest and for you to lose some of the paranoia. Make sure you are not being monitored online and you will be fine. Scare youtube into doing something. Boasting about killing 27 people online won't get you into that much trouble because the police knows what they will find at the end of the rope...a fat greasy teenager with too much time living in his parents basement somewhere in the Bible belt of America crying hysterically once he sees uniformed men at the front door...don't worry :enjoy:
Look mate we have offered you solutions..either implement them or stop going on the web. If you are scared go to the police. if you are not then what is the point of this thread?

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