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What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters

I have read too many...Gave a terrorism analysis thingy (forgot what its called) of a course a go...nearly went into depression :(
End of life is a depressing thought for any human being. As the article mentions, even the most dreaded of killers were Human in face of death.
I don't know really what pushes a man to be a suicide bomber or take up killing of others in name of perceived attack on religion or faith. Why don't people give a thought that Islam or Christianity or any other religion for that matter has been around longer than this mentality or philosophy of violence to protect the very religion.

Why the hell are you not TT yet? :angry:

Lollz never wanted to be. I am happy that I have access to this place... It was hard to get on bcz you had to be recommended by one member in this section. I think they later on changed that rule.
I don't know really what pushes a man to be a suicide bomber or take up killing of others in name of perceived attack on religion or faith. Why don't people give a thought that Islam or Christianity or any other religion for that matter has been around longer than this mentality or philosophy of violence to protect the very religion.
According to the article it wasnt Islam that made them join and kill it was hatred and a thinking that America ruined their childhood/ adolescence/ life! Religion isnt a part of the equation
I have read too many...Gave a terrorism analysis thingy (forgot what its called) of a course a go...nearly went into depression :(

ok this part was a shock on me! took time to absorb :angry:

Even in Pakistan our army asked them to lay their weapons and allowed those who are not hate filled to blindness to reason and give them some form of (help me here...My brain isnt working)..... helped them basically...

By kill them I meant kill all who share the ideology and are willing to die for it. Annihalating the ideology doesn't mean slaughtering all the prisoners.. Those that surrender must be rehabilitated under extreme check ofcourse.. If I could accept the surrender and treatment of monsters who have killed my people and my soldiers then I can accept the surrender of isis but those that are willing to fight and fight must be killed to end the ideology and those that surrender must be rehabilitated....

The best way to end isis is to show those recruits that the fighting coalitions are not monsters and will not condemn you but help you if you surrender. We are different for if we slaughter the prisoners in an execution style then it will streghthen isis and they will tell their recruits and under controlled people about how our enemies are merciless.

When I said I understand why they joined but they should be killed it meant I understand the plight of their recruits but the anti isis efforts mist not decrease bcz of it... Those that surrender are rehabilitated and those that wish to fight are to be killed... Simple.. Mass surrenders can actually disrupt isis greatly.
I understand why they joined but they all must die... Kill them all and never repeat the actions that led to their rise.

Understanding the enemy is always good, since it helps defeat them quicker. Empathy cannot be a bar to dispensing justice.
“The Americans came,” he said. “They took away Saddam, but they also took away our security. I didn’t like Saddam, we were starving then, but at least we didn’t have war. When you came here, the civil war started."

"...his number-one complaint about the security and against all American forces was the exact same complaint from every single detainee.”
Wow. And the lesson here is: The State of Iraq isn't so much a nation as a condition. Americans didn't appreciate that and tried to strengthen a practically non-existent Iraqi nationalism. If the U.S. had more boots on the ground for half a generation and concentrated on imbuing democratic values - like we did in Germany - success in Iraq would have been much more likely.
Understanding the enemy is always good, since it helps defeat them quicker. Empathy cannot be a bar to dispensing justice.

Those that fight have to be fought. Therwbis nongame around it. Isis can't be ignored on the basis that wars are the reason they began. They themselves are bringing war and death... Those that wish to fight must be killed but those that surrender must be rehabilitated and tried accordingly.
Those that fight have to be fought. Therwbis nongame around it. Isis can't be ignored on the basis that wars are the reason they began. They themselves are bringing war and death... Those that wish to fight must be killed but those that surrender must be rehabilitated and tried accordingly.

I can agree with that.
share the ideology
it is difficult even in this article...When he first disassociated with the ISIS the author types...it was expected as he didnt want to look like a fanboy :unsure:

Annihalating the ideology doesn't mean slaughtering all the prisoners..
sadly, they are as per OP very rarely are they captured without being shot/ executed....even the interviewed guy faces death penalty but I dont see the world claiming why death penalty like they do to us

Those that surrender must be rehabilitated under extreme check ofcourse.

Ahh the word I was looking for :agree:

If I could accept the surrender and treatment of monsters who have killed my people and my soldiers then I can accept the surrender of isis but those that are willing to fight and fight must be killed to end the ideology and those that surrender must be rehabilitated....
I know but that requires funding and isnt beneficial so kinda far fetched!

The best way to end isis is to show those recruits that the fighting coalitions are not monsters and will not condemn you but help you if you surrender
I agree but so far I think France just took part in bombing them to create new recruits! :tup: to civilization and intellect!

We are different for if we slaughter the prisoners in an execution style then it will streghthen isis and they will tell their recruits and under controlled people about how our enemies are merciless.
Yes....but according to OP it is already happening very few prisoners are taken!

When I said I understand why they joined but they should be killed it meant I understand the plight of their recruits but the anti isis efforts mist not decrease bcz of it... Those that surrender are rehabilitated and those that wish to fight are to be killed... Simple.. Mass surrenders can actually disrupt isis greatly.
:tup: agreed

The State of Iraq isn't so much a nation as a condition
Hmmm.....interesting POV...can we extend that to Israel? :unsure:

Just curious as you have far fetched jokerish thoughts :D

. Americans didn't appreciate that and tried to strengthen a practically non-existent Iraqi nationalism.
Strengthen? By giving weapons and training to people to kill them them? THAT is crazily insane!

If the U.S. had more boots on the ground for half a generation and concentrated on imbuing democratic values - like we did in Germany - success in Iraq would have been much more likely.
But even American politician, veterans and current Army agrees Iraq was a mistake....so you saying this can only be from hatred and war mongering habits? Coz people who make decisions have called it a mistake!
Hmmm.....interesting POV...can we extend that to Israel? :unsure:
Probably not. Jews have an identity as a people going back over three thousand years. "Iraq", on the other hand, was a twentieth-century invention of the British.

Strengthen? By giving weapons and training to people to kill them them? THAT is crazily insane!...you saying this can only be from hatred and war mongering habits?
Projecting your cultural fetishes upon Americans and Israelis makes for a poor fit. So was trying to fit existing Arab culture into a democratic box.
Jews have an identity as a people going back over three thousand years.
Yet some say they dont wanna (Orthodox Jews in UK and USA)

3000 yrs is not an identity but an obsession and lack of integrating into their host lands!

"Iraq", on the other hand, was a twentieth-century invention of the British.
Really? :blink: You mean the land mass or the people?

Mesopotamia is the site of the earliest developments of the Neolithic Revolution from around 10,000 BC.
Projecting your cultural fetishes upon Americans and Israelis makes for a poor fit.
I talked about Americans was Israeli freely thrown in as victim complex or derailing?
I believe if Muslim Brotherhood is still strong in Egypt, ISIS will not be growing like this.

There are Two kind of Islamist, first is the moderate, rational and knowledgeable ( about Islam) one

And the other is the arrogance, stupid, and violence one.

One you kill the moderate Islamist, the stupid one will be emerging.

There are three fresh example, first in Somalia in which Islamic Court is crushed by Ethiopian with the help of USA under Bush jr and after that Al Shabab emerges. Despite Islamic Court having able to make Somalia calm under its power ( 3,5 years )

Second, the attack on Taliban makes the moderate Taliban fall and the more extreme one emerge (Note: it is not Taliban who attack USA but Al-Qaeda and Taliban has already agreed to let US operation in Afghanistan to find Osama Bin Laden and crush Al-Qaeda.)

Third, the fall of Muslim Brotherhood due to Egypt military and Salafis power ( both in Egypt and Saudi)
And the other is the arrogance, stupid, and violence one.
he by definition isnt an islamist ...coz -ist means you are an expert in that field like a physicist, psychologist if he is arrogance and stupid he wont be havin -ist and the OP clearly says MOST of them dont know basic of Islam so -ist is a wrong ending . :)
he by definition isnt an islamist ...coz -ist means you are an expert in that field like a physicist, psychologist if he is arrogance and stupid he wont be havin -ist and the OP clearly says MOST of them dont know basic of Islam so -ist is a wrong ending . :)

Maybe Islamism is more precise, I heard CNN start to use this definition.

Islamist definition:

"An advocate or supporter of a political movement that favors reordering government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam. Do not use as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals, who may or may not be Islamists.Apr 5, 2013
It was interesting read , but lots of things were exaggerated ..

To counter ISIS , we need to learn the Origin of ISIS which is more connected to Syrian Civil war rather than Iraq Invasion from the US , Bhagdadi was Ex AQ , and he was detained after the US invasion , so we can assume that he does have the idea that AQ as a Organization has failed miserably in order to mobilize a huge amount of Fighters .. AQ and Taliban were only talking about bringing back the Caliphate where Baghdadi has played his master stroke with introducing the Caliphate to the Radical Muslims , who are waiting for that Caliphate since early 90's ..

US has done grave mistakes in Iraq which US itself accept multiple times , the entire Iraqi Army was treated like shit , and leave them for Organization like AQ to use them as their Military trained Fighters with battle experience ..
US continuous war's and Strikes in ME has been the major cause of the recruitment for these Organizations . and US has dragged the EU along with them in this shit .
and later US has done much more bigger mistake by leaving the Iraq in chaos with a Shia Govt in a country which is sunni majority .. and the Govt itself has done horrible things , there were no representation for Sunni in maliki govt .. there were rebels from both Shia and Sunni fighting a bloody civil war's in part of Iraq , and when the Syrian War started , it becomes the new recruitment ground for both Shia and Sunni's ..

ISIS has not just Physically implemented the Caliphate but they have run the Caliphate from the wealth looted by banks and selling Oil in black market ... and so far there is no step is taken to take down these Oil fields , which are cause of their finance ..
Recently US has declared to Trained rebel again and arm them .. but can they guarantee that those rebel will not turn against them later ? Libya and Syria is a example for that ..
massive stocks of weapons were given to Libyans rebels to fight the Ghaddafi , now who will take back those arms from them ? who will dismantle those Rebels forces which were created to fight a Existed Govts ?

ISIS and their crimes can never been justified but keeping the blind eye on their creators and supporters is itself a punishable crime .. lots of people from the west have moved to fight Assad along with Orgs like Al-Nusra , and ISIS and when they become guerrilla fighters they came back to EU and West without any issues .. and now they are been used by the ISIS to launch their attacks ..

and as expected the West will retaliate without understanding the cause of this whole war and attack, more Civilians will die and more recruits for ISIS , same old Propaganda will be sell from both sides , ISIS will recruit fighters to fight against the Evil West , and West will send its forces to bomb those evil terrorist who kill innocent people in France or any other western Country ... so with this there is no solution in sight ..

Maybe Islamism is more precise, I heard CNN start to use this definition.

Islamist definition:

"An advocate or supporter of a political movement that favors reordering government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam. Do not use as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals, who may or may not be Islamists.Apr 5, 2013

but majority of the reports and coverage actually based on words like Radical Islam , Islamic Terrorist , Islamist , Islamic Jihadist ,etc ..
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