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What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters


Jul 22, 2012
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They’re drawn to the movement for reasons that have little to do with belief in extremist Islam.
Lydia Wilson

OCTOBER 21, 2015


A member loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) waves an ISIS flag in Raqqa.(Reuters / Stringer)

No sooner am I settled in an interviewing room in the police station of Kirkuk, Iraq, than the first prisoner I am there to see is brought in, flanked by two policemen and in handcuffs. I awkwardly rise, unsure of the etiquette involved in interviewing an ISIS fighter who is facing the death penalty. He is small, much smaller than I, on first appearances just a boy in trouble with the police, his eyes fixed on the floor, his face a mask. We all sit on armchairs lined up against facing walls, in a room cloudy with cigarette smoke and lit by fluorescent strip lighting, a room so small that my knees almost touch the prisoner’s—but he still doesn’t look up. I have interviewed plenty of soldiers on the other side of this fight, mostly from the Kurdish forces (known as pesh merga) but also fighters in the Iraqi army (known as the Iraqi Security Forces or ISF), both Arab and Kurdish. ISIS fighters, of course, are far more elusive, unless you are traveling to the Islamic State itself, but I prefer to keep my head on my shoulders.

Rumors abound as to summary executions of ISIS prisoners without due process, but of course no one will go on the record to report such abuses of human rights. Anecdotally, we were told about a prisoner who was interrogated for 30 days but only said “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) for the entire month.“Wouldn’t you shoot him?” they asked. One peshmerga gave an eyewitness report about five prisoners captured, questioned, and shot in the head. We spoke to various military leaders who said they didn’t want to take prisoners, since injured bodies are often booby-trapped and kill approaching soldiers; for this reason the PKK has a take-no-prisoners policy. (The PKK, or Kurdistan Workers’ Party, is the Turkey-based Kurdish separatist group on the international terrorism list; in proving themselves indispensable in the fight against ISIS, they have caused a dilemma for Western governments. They are seemingly not so indispensable that those governments have felt compelled to oppose Turkey’s recent bombing campaign against them.)

Another source told us of the futility of holding prisoners for their bargaining power: “With ISIS, there’s no compromise, no negotiation…they’re not interested in prisoner exchange because they believe that they’re better off dead.” Whatever the truth of the behavior of the military and security services, the fact remains: ISIS prisoners are hard to find.

One evening we watch a documentary on BBC Arabic profiling Brig. Gen. Sarhad Qadir, the head of police in the Iraqi governorate of Kirkuk. He is shown policing the town of Kirkuk, personally patrolling the streets and houses, arresting people suspected of fighting for ISIS. Kirkuk, then, seems like a good place to start: At least there are prisoners there, shown by the BBC, no less.

And so my colleagues and I drive to Kirkuk from the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, Erbil, to meet Qadir. Despite the workload of maintaining security in this uneasy, half-Arab, half-Kurdish area, rife with ISIS sleeper cells, he is welcoming, sending armed guards to bring us in from the highway to the city. We are served tea in his office, and he sits with us for half an hour before we are taken to the interview room with two colonels. (The week after I left the country he and other officers would be caught in a huge car bomb; Qadir was wounded for the fourteenth time in the service of Kurdistan.)

Once the first prisoner is there, and with no possibility of small talk, we launch straight into the research questions I am there to ask, the same questions asked of fighters and non-fighters all over the country, questions I’ve asked in Lebanon too, and which have been replicated in other parts of the world by my colleagues at Artis International, a consortium for the scientific study in the service of conflict resolution. The research is based on cognitive and moral psychology, exploring when and why humans commit the most extreme sacrifices—including their lives and the lives of their families—for abstract causes, for so-called “sacred values.” Our research tries to determine why people will change their minds about these sacred values, and whether and how they will change their behavior in defending them. We hope to find out how to persuade people to abandon violent pathways, though I am fast losing faith in that possibility in this part of the world.

For this trip I am accompanied by senior colleagues; by Scott Atran, an academic based in France; and by Doug Stone, a retired American general who spent over two years in Iraq during the US occupation, interviewing prisoners on a daily basis. This, of course, changes the interview experience fundamentally, crowding the room and giving the event more importance, more formality, but also bringing entirely different questions, emphases, and expertise to bear and so drawing out many different angles on the interviewees. In any case, informality is never going to be achieved with prisoners on death row.

First are questions probing perceptions of the strength of various groups—some of which the interviewee might have sympathy with (although he might not express this). Other groups he would quite clearly consider to be the Other, the Enemy. I bring out a flashcard with pictures of half-naked men on it, ranging from the fairly puny to the biggest bodybuildereach head replaced by a flag of the Islamic State. Whatever this youngster was expecting, whatever he’s been asked before—this was neither. He looks up, startled, at my colleague Hoshang Waziri—his first human reaction—who begins to explain.

This is the Islamic State—look, this is the flag here,” Hoshang says, pointing at the bodybuilder and flexing his biceps. “This picture shows the Islamic State as the strongest it could be. Here, they are very, very weak; and here are all the things in the middle. How strong do you think they are?” The boy timidly points at the weakest—to be expected, as he doesn’t want to seem to be a fan—and we move to a similar picture, but with the Kurdish flag rather than the Islamic State flag superimposed on the bodies. “Now the peshmerga: How strong are they?”

The prisoner got the hang of the question, and points to the second-strongest picture. In other pictures, he decides that the Iraqi army is in the middle, Iran a little weaker than that, and America the strongest. (He hasn’t heard of the PKK, despite their repeated victories over ISIS.) We ask him to rank all the forces, using the cards, and then I realize that he is still handcuffed and I ask for them to be taken off. In the ensuing hiatus, with policemen fetching keys and walking to and fro, I try to chat more informally, and finally he looks at me, answering questions in one-word answers as to his age, background, education, family. Slowly, with snippets emerging from the rest of the interview, I piece together a picture that is to be repeated, with only minor differences, with other prisoners we talk to that day, stories familiar to General Stone from during the allied occupation, and to journalists and researchers I’ve spoken to since.

This man is 26, the eldest of 17 children from two mothers (that is, his father had two wives at the same time), from Kirkuk. He completed sixth grade, meaning that at least he was literate, unlike others we were to interview. He is married, with two children, a boy named “Rasuul,” meaning Prophet, and a girl named “Rusil,” the plural of Prophet—indicating the centrality of Islam to his life. He was working as a laborer to support his huge family when he hurt his back and lost his job. It was then, his story goes, that a friend, from the same tribe but only distantly related, approached him with the offer to work for ISIS. The story has been honed through repeated interrogation and the trial, and comes out pat. Life under the Islamic State was just terror, he says; he only fought because he was terrorized. Others may have done it from belief, but he did not. His family needed the money, and this was the only opportunity to provide for them.

Later in the interview we find out just how committed he is to his family, first with flashcards that we use to test the degree of fusion of the individual with various groups. We ask about Iraq, Islam, family, friends, and the Islamic State. The choices are again made pictorially: We use a set of two increasingly overlapping circles (at one end of the spectrum the circles are not even touching, at the other they are fully overlapping, with four circles of varying degrees of overlap in between), and again, they are unexpected and confusing to the prisoner—there is not an obvious “right” answer for most of them. The man is drawn out of his shell in spite of himself, losing his self-consciousness in his concentration and his questions to Hoshang. Eventually he decides that he is almost, but not entirely, fused with Iraq and with Islam, completely separate from the Islamic State (again, to be expected), barely connected to friends (“I have no friends”), and fully fused with his family. In fact, his family is the only group he was fully fused with, a decision that took no time at all. During more informal questioning about his family and tribe comes this telling statement: “We need the war to be over, we need security, we are tired of so much war…. all I want is to be with my family, my children.”

When he has been taken away we have the chance to find out just what he was found guilty of, how they found him, and what the evidence was. He was a master of the car bomb, detonating at least four of them in Kirkuk itself and also one scooter bomb, which exploded in a crowded souq selling weapons, killing many scores of people and also weakening the ability of local residents to fight ISIS. He was found through the capture of one of the financers of the sleeper cells in Kirkuk, who had on him a list of pseudonyms along with phone numbers and amounts of money. The police had this man call each person on the list, a cell of six, and set up meetings, where the police captured them—all of them swept up in one day. This man saw that they were there and “he collapsed; he gave us 5 pages of confession.” He stuck to his confession in court, where he was tried under Article 40, the Iraqi law on terrorism, which carries the death penalty.

Why did he do all these things? Many assume that these fighters are motivated by a belief in the Islamic State, a caliphate ruled by a caliph with the traditional title Emir al-Muminiin, “Commander of the faithful,” a role currently held by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; that fighters all over the world are flocking to the area for a chance to fight for this dream. But this just doesn’t hold for the prisoners we are interviewing. They are woefully ignorant about Islam and have difficulty answering questions about Sharia law, militant jihad, and the caliphate. But a detailed, or even superficial, knowledge of Islam isn’t necessarily relevant to the ideal of fighting for an Islamic State, as we have seen from the Amazon order of Islam for Dummies by one British fighter bound for ISIS.

In fact, Erin Saltman, senior counter-extremism researcher at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, says that there is now less emphasis on knowledge of Islam in the recruitment phase. “We are seeing a movement away from strict religious ideological training as a requirement for recruitment,” she told me. “If we were looking at foreign fighter recruits to Afghanistan 10 or 20 years ago, there was intensive religious and theological training attached to recruitment. Nowadays, we see that recruitment strategy has branched out to a much broader audience with many different pull factors.”

There is no question that these prisoners I am interviewing are committed to Islam; it is just their own brand of Islam, only distantly related to that of the Islamic State. Similarly, Western fighters traveling to the Islamic State are also deeply committed, but it’s to their own idea of jihad rather than one based on sound theological arguments or even evidence from the Qur’an. As Saltman said, “Recruitment [of ISIS] plays upon desires of adventure, activism, romance, power, belonging, along with spiritual fulfillment.” That is, Islam plays a part, but not necessarily in the rigid, Salafi form demanded by the leadership of the Islamic State.

More pertinent than Islamic theology is that there are other, much more convincing, explanations as to why they’ve fought for the side they did. At the end of the interview with the first prisoner we ask, “Do you have any questions for us?” For the first time since he came into the room he smiles—in surprise—and finally tells us what really motivated him, without any prompting. He knows there is an American in the room, and can perhaps guess, from his demeanor and his questions, that this American is ex-military, and directs his “question,” in the form of an enraged statement, straight at him. “The Americans came,” he said. “They took away Saddam, but they also took away our security. I didn’t like Saddam, we were starving then, but at least we didn’t have war. When you came here, the civil war started.”

This whole experience has been very familiar indeed to Doug Stone, the American general on the receiving end of this diatribe. “He fits the absolutely typical profile,” Stone said afterward. “The average age of all the prisoners in Iraq when I was here was 27; they were married; they had two children; had got to sixth to eighth grade. He has exactly the same profile as 80 percent of the prisoners then…and his number-one complaint about the security and against all American forces was the exact same complaint from every single detainee.”

These boys came of age under the disastrous American occupation after 2003, in the chaotic and violent Arab part of Iraq, ruled by the viciously sectarian Shia government of Nouri al-Maliki. Growing up Sunni Arab was no fun. A later interviewee described his life growing up under American occupation: He couldn’t go out, he didn’t have a life, and he specifically mentioned that he didn’t have girlfriends. An Islamic State fighter’s biggest resentment was the lack of an adolescence. Another of the interviewees was displaced at the critical age of 13, when his family fled to Kirkuk from Diyala province at the height of Iraq’s sectarian civil war. They are children of the occupation, many with missing fathers at crucial periods (through jail, death from execution, or fighting in the insurgency), filled with rage against America and their own government. They are not fueled by the idea of an Islamic caliphate without borders; rather, ISIS is the first group since the crushed Al Qaeda to offer these humiliated and enraged young men a way to defend their dignity, family, and tribe. This is not radicalization to the ISIS way of life, but the promise of a way out of their insecure and undignified lives; the promise of living in pride as Iraqi Sunni Arabs, which is not just a religious identity but cultural, tribal, and land-based, too.

An illustration of the
less-than-total commitment to the cause of the Islamic State by Iraqis came from the Kurdish peshmerga Gen. Aziz Waysi, commander of the elite Zerevani (“Golden”) forces. He relates an overheard conversation between an ISIS fighter on the battleground and his leader, via a walkie-talkie previously confiscated from an ISIS corpse. “My brother is with me, but he is dead, and we are surrounded, we need help at least to take away my brother’s body,” General Waysi heard, and then the reply: “What else could you want? Your brother is in heaven and you are about to be.” This answer wasn’t what the poor surrounded young man was hoping for.Please come and rescue me,” he said, “That heaven, I don’t want it.” But they didn’t, leaving him to whatever paradise awaited.

What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters | The Nation

Nope Shia never forced any bad on Sunni....When you oppress one too much they are bound to bounce back and it is heinous!

People need to stop measuring them and us......just coz Saudi does something - Take it up to Saudi not to cultural, tribal and land based Pride! Their pride was damaged when America came in - Their childhood was ripped...it is a common phenomena and ASSHOLES sadly breed on this base! When a child is troubled in America they give him "help" but in Iraq the help comes in the name of ISIS where they are promised back their culture and pride!

This is what I have been talking about but I guess many of you cant think in terms of Psychology nor research! I feel sorry for them but I am fully aware they are wrong and it is DEFINITELY not the way!
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Kindly keep your personal jibe locked up inside you!

These people are not even fighting for Islam...many as per the article dont even know the basics! All they are fighting from is hatred against a stolen childhood/ Adolescence!

I am not sure if they can be helped! Coz once a time has passed, it is hard...but America needs to get out of these war mongering habits and creating such mentality!
Killing ISIS fighters is a mercy and a duty . They are the weeds of the world. ISIS terrorists have caused severe damage to the image of Islam worldwide and are the child of America. They should be beaten back and completely destroyed.
I think that also justifies breaking into communities that have absolutely nothing to do American invasion, killing men, raping girls, completely ruining their lives even if they manage to escape those monsters. I think this in turn justifies if those non-communities commit the same crimes against muslims. The only difference is that in such a scenario you wouldn't be looking for articles that explains what led those non-muslim groups to do what they did. You would instead be busy playing victim card.
:tup:Good Read. There are certain observations

1. What compels up a Man to Kill 100s/1000s of innocents (not military targets or westerners against whom much of their grievances lie)

This question was asked but the answer was paraphrased into an analysis of the troubles they face after US attack and their quest for dignity. I would have liked to hear the raw answer given by the detainee.

2. Interview clearly highlights how poorly schooled in Islam the detainees are and there are multifaceted reasons for them to join ISIS. The profiling was indeed enlightening though disheartening.

3. Interview highlights the importance attached by people to basic precepts of perceived dignity more than material comforts.

4. It is also important to note that many ISIS fighters are just confused, lost and disillusioned who can be broken out of their shells through counselling and respect - a far cry from hardened fighters of Al-Qaeda who were much more professional, rigid and clear in their objectives.

5. Now is the time to be even more vigilant as ISIS would increasingly go for soft targets for the propaganda value, in face of increased western response which would restrict their operational space.

6. The recruitment pool is immense as their are millions of potential recruits belonging to the sub-set, if ISIS is given time to consolidate then it could emerge as a quasi- nation state which would be too large to erase without Genocide.

7. Steps must be taken to create fissures in ISIS internally and reducing their "COOL FACTOR" which attracts western white recruits who are disillusioned, lonely and looking for a sense of belonging, brotherhood and adventure.

8. Justification like saying they did wrong and so they have to bear the cost attitude. We have nothing to do with ISIS - Might be true - but will not work and exacerbate the problem. This is a collective problem requiring everyone's effort for those who stay aloof and give ISIS or any other terrorist organization space - may very well find themselves becoming victims of ISIS or their local counterparts one day.
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Killing ISIS fighters is a mercy and a duty . They are the weeds of the world. ISIS terrorists have caused severe damage to the image of Islam worldwide and are the child of America. They should be beaten back and completely destroyed.

That will give excuse to make another organisation with some other name......... Then what?
not military targets or westerns
Surprisingly the world yells ISIS whenever an attack happen - Lebanon, Paris (recently), Australia where ISIS flag was shown

As for military targets APS
raw answer given by the detainee.
Did you not read or just didnt hear it:

“The Americans came,” he said. “They took away Saddam, but they also took away our security. I didn’t like Saddam, we were starving then, but at least we didn’t have war. When you came here, the civil war started.”

Interview clearly highlights how poorly schooled in Islam the detainees are and there are multifaceted reasons for them to join ISIS. The profiling was indeed enlightening though disheartening.
It was disturbing they are angry and they are told to yell Allah Hu Akhbar while exploding though they have nothing to do with ALLAH?

Interview highlights the importance attached by people to basic precepts of perceived dignity more than material comforts.
Yea...that part I highlighted....Dignity and culture!

It is also important to note that many ISIS fighters are just confused, lost and disillusioned who can be broken out of their shells through counselling and respect
Not so sure...For me anyone sane enough to kill another human being...is sane enough not to be called confused!

Now is the time to be even more vigilant as ISIS would increasingly go for soft targets for the propaganda value, in face of increased western response which would restrict their operational space.
true....but what needs to stop is wars....war torn countries and their communities become willing recruits!

The psychological trauma of watching your child die, your father being blown to pieces when a bomb drops, your sister raped....and other disgusting things impacts a full grown man let alone a child!

The recruitment pool is immense as their millions of potential recruits belonging to the sub-set, if ISIS is given time to consolidate then it could emerge as a quasi- nation state which is too large to erase without Genocide.
Genocide wont be the word! They murder anyone and everyone irrespective of who you are!

Steps must be taken to create fissures in ISIS internally and reducing their "COOL FACTOR" which attracts western white recruits who are disillusioned, lonely and looking for a sense of belonging, brotherhood and adventure.
Such researches should be encouraged and publicized! People need to know not to support war coz this is only 1 of the results you get and you pay for it forever!

Killing ISIS fighters is a mercy and a duty
Killing is nobody's duty! But making this go viral is! Let people know when you monger war what happens...It only comes back to bite and it bites hard!
That will give excuse to make another organisation with some other name......... Then what?
As long as such organizations continue to come up it will be our duty to put them down. TErrorism has no place in society. There is no logic for the Paris attack.
I am amazed how apologetic an account of the Islamic State can be. How a writer can elicit sympathy even for the soldiers who commit the worst crimes in our times in the name of God is remarkable.
:tup:Good Read. There are certain observations

1. What compels up a Man to Kill 100s/1000s of innocents (not military targets or westerns against whom much of their grievances lie)

This question was asked but the answer was paraphrased into an analysis of the troubles they face after US attack and their quest for dignity. I would have liked to hear the raw answer given by the detainee.

2. Interview clearly highlights how poorly schooled in Islam the detainees are and there are multifaceted reasons for them to join ISIS. The profiling was indeed enlightening though disheartening.

3. Interview highlights the importance attached by people to basic precepts of perceived dignity more than material comforts.

4. It is also important to note that many ISIS fighters are just confused, lost and disillusioned who can be broken out of their shells through counselling and respect - a far cry from hardened fighters of Al-Quaeda who were much more professional, rigid and clear in their objectives.

5. Now is the time to be even more vigilant as ISIS would increasingly go for soft targets for the propaganda value, in face of increased western response which would restrict their operational space.

6. The recruitment pool is immense as their millions of potential recruits belonging to the sub-set, if ISIS is given time to consolidate then it could emerge as a quasi- nation state which is too large to erase without Genocide.

7. Steps must be taken to create fissures in ISIS internally and reducing their "COOL FACTOR" which attracts western white recruits who are disillusioned, lonely and looking for a sense of belonging, brotherhood and adventure.

8. Justification like saying they did wrong and so they have to bear the cost attitude. We have nothing to do with ISIS - Might be true - but will not work and exacerbate the problem. This is a collective problem requiring everyone's effort for those who stay aloof and give ISIS or any other terrorist organization space - may very well find themselves becoming victims of ISIS or their local counterparts one day.
The answer to the question is screaming out to you. It is up to you to hear and acknowledge it.

help comes in the name of ISIS where they are promised back their culture and pride!
You are right on this one. ISIS is the promise of a good future. The promise of a Caliphate. The promise of return to the glorious days of Glorious Victorious Islam - away from the present reality. The hope of domination over other people, to impose Islam. It does bring hope.
SIS is the promise of a good future.
I didnt say dont put your perverted thoughts as my words!

You and your troll train once asked what attracts them...When given the answer your pitiless tummy still cant digest!

The promise of a Caliphate.
Shows the bigot didnt read :agree:

The promise of return to the glorious days of Glorious Victorious Islam - away from the present reality.
, to impose Islam.
and more stupidity on display @waz @Icarus @Slav Defence @Manticore @WebMaster this guy has a record for ruining all my threads kindly tell him to either get an education or at least learn to read! The article clearly states the people have less to do with religion yet this imbecile of the highest order wants to troll...If you want to keep trolls in the senior cafe kindly dont pretend it is for a certain type of members when even trolls are crawling here!
They are woefully ignorant about Islam and have difficulty answering questions about Sharia law, militant jihad, and the caliphate. But a detailed, or even superficial, knowledge of Islam isn’t necessarily relevant to the ideal of fighting for an Islamic State, as we have seen from the Amazon order of Islam for Dummies by one British fighter bound for ISIS.

@Horus @Slav Defence you told me this forum wants research ....I even provide research based on military and politics now if some indians have an impossible time to grasp research kindly thread ban them! There is no use for such imbeciles who cant appreciate research!

As long as such organizations continue to come up it will be our duty to put them down. TErrorism has no place in society. There is no logic for the Paris attack.
1) This has nothing to do with Paris!
2) Such organizations have a funding how come great CIA hasnt found it?
3) Such organizations are almost always trained and supplied by America, why? to go and damage another country AND its population?
4) TERRORISM has no place in society! But it is being trained by the same bhoot (America) that is speaking so?!
your perverted thoughts
Reported for personal attack.
Shows the bigot didnt read
Reported for vulgar personal attack.
and more stupidity on display @waz @Icarus @Slav Defence @Manticore @WebMaster this guy has a record for ruining all my threads kindly tell him to either get an education or at least learn to read!
Reported for personal attack.
There is no use for such imbeciles who cant appreciate research!
Reported for personal attack.

First - this is not a research article. Don't tell me this is research.
Second - expect to be refuted when you advance one PoV. If you don't want that, kindly don't post. :)

Hope that helps.
I wasted 2 years (18-19).. In a fuked u p small town near the afghan border... I've seen weird shyt... Didn't become a blood thirty mass murderin scumbag...

Even if I needed money for my kids.. Surely I wouldn't go join Taliban?
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research article.
I didnt say its a research article I said it is a research

we launch straight into the research questions I am there to ask, the same questions asked of fighters and non-fighters all over the country, questions I’ve asked in Lebanon too, and which have been replicated in other parts of the world by my colleagues at Artis International, a consortium for the scientific study in the service of conflict resolution. The research is based on cognitive and moral psychology, exploring when and why humans commit the most extreme sacrifices—including their lives and the lives of their families—for abstract causes, for so-called “sacred values.” Our research tries to determine why people will change their minds about these sacred values, and whether and how they will change their behavior in defending them. We hope to find out how to persuade people to abandon violent pathways, though I am fast losing faith in that possibility in this part of the world.

For this trip I am accompanied by senior colleagues; by Scott Atran, an academic based in France; and by Doug Stone, a retired American general who spent over two years in Iraq during the US occupation, interviewing prisoners on a daily basis.

It is not my fault you failed to read and are only happy to troll!
expect to be refuted when you advance one PoV.
You have not refuted but trolled something that the article ALREADY answered and I quoted to show you but of course denial syndrome stops you from reading, understanding and not spewing your mental hatred!

I wasted 2 years (18-19).. In a fuked you small town near the afghan border... I've seen weird shyt... Didn't become a bloody thirty mass murderinh scumbag...

Even if I needed money for my kids.. Surely I wouldn't go join Taliban?
Well you have only seen it for 2 yrs...not lived with it.
You have seen it for awhile ...you knew you would move away these people cant move they have to live with it
You call it weird shit some call it shame on their culture others see it as something taken from them
Different people have different levels of anger and ways to deal with it

All this is from research now this is my POV:

I feel sorry for them but I am fully aware they are wrong and it is DEFINITELY not the way!
I didnt say its a research article I said it is a research

It is not my fault you failed to read and are only happy to troll!

You have not refuted but trolled something that the article ALREADY answered and I quoted to show you but of course denial syndrome stops you from reading, understanding and not spewing your mental hatred!

Well you have only seen it for 2 yrs...not lived with it.
You have seen it for awhile ...you knew you would move away these people cant move they have to live with it
You call it weird shit some call it shame on their culture others see it as something taken from them
Different people have different levels of anger and ways to deal with it

All this is from research now this is my POV:
And that's not a very good justification.

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