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What has obstructed Pakistan's rise .

If there was just a one word answer, then it would be nasal-parasti or racism. Punjab took this Punjab took that, blaming all problems on Punjab is a guaranteed way to win votes from people whereas the same politicians like Zardari and Altaf Hussain are the ones who are torturing their own people.
If there was just a one word answer, then it would be nasal-parasti or racism. Punjab took this Punjab took that, blaming all problems on Punjab is a guaranteed way to win votes from people whereas the same politicians like Zardari and Altaf Hussain are the ones who are torturing their own people.
Actually, it was the Punjabi elite politicians that laid the foundations for that back in the early 50s. Not to mention it was our dear premier crying "Jaag Punjabi Jaag" back in his early IJI and PMLN days. The problem is nasal parasti, because every nasal thinks they are the only ones who did anything for this country and the rest are free loaders. What happens in that case is what happens to all nations carrying that mentality.. they break apart.. and then become better nations sometimes. Pakistan will take that course with that thought process.
1. lack of focus on education in the early decades uptill no
2. nationalization of 1970s and 1971 indo aggression on east Pakistan
3. military interventions in politics and 80s soviet war
4. political instability of 1990s
5. terrorism
What has obstructed Pakistan’s rise ?

Pakistan has a magnitude of problems ,diverse and vast . Including the Taliban, religious extremism, violence against women and official religious discrimination . Bruised and blooded , Pakistan is still here . Realizing this, those who would like it to disappear into thin air tend to take solace in Pakistan’s misery. They paint a picture of a country that is hopeless, underdeveloped and without any future, a failed state or even an irrelevant state. Yet visiting Pakistan often disabuses the visitor of their odd preconceived notions.

Pakistan has some serious problems .Yes ,but we should never be defined by these problems , as usually portrayed .

The only thing that has threatened Pakistan’s national security has been this penchant for imposing a quasi-authoritarian state on a diverse people. Instead, if Pakistan’s federal structure is worked honestly and democracy is given a chance, there is no power on earth that can undo the country. It would be this attitude and antipathy towards federalism and representative rule that led to the breakup of the country in 1971. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, all evidence suggests, was ready to settle for a more honest interpretation of the Lahore Resolution. It was the state that failed to accommodate the genuine concerns of patriots driven away to separatism. The paradigm shift has to be that national security be linked directly to the idea of democracy. Nothing strengthens Pakistan more than democracy and nothing weakens it quite like dictatorship. History bears witness to this fact. After every stint of direct military rule, Pakistan has emerged weaker and bruised. Democracy on the other hand has never weakened Pakistan contrary to the popular narrative in the middle class .

Democracy , if given time , will evolve and serve the people . Much like democracy political thought also needs to , has to evolve . Those who do family politics can’t be expected to run a democratic country . If the country is to move forward those who do politics in the name of sects or religion , need to change their political thought .

The state throughout the years has had a very obtuse policy towards terrorism , which have had a very strong counter effect on the state . These policies so futile , weak and biased , that insurrection of all sorts had risen against the state . Anyone who pleased would openly support and welcome these insurgents . Our enemy had cunningly used our poor situation in their interest for many years and internally destabilized us . The state itself has been at the brink of collapse many times socially and economically .

All in all it has been our poor policies that has obstructed our rise .

We have been through it all bad , worse ,even hell .Regardless of their attempts to weaken us , we have always risen . Even after their most horrific attempt to weaken us , we rose up .Pakistan’s current situation calls for optimism , as terrorism through definite and decisive policies has fallen ever since operation Zarb-e-azb started .Now it’s time to completely exterminate this parasite that has been living among for so long. What kept us going all these testing times had been hope . We the people have lived in this land since time immemorial and we are not going to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by either those barbarians out to destroy us through bombs and guns or those who wish us ill and revel in our misery. Pakistan will rise. It is not a question of if but when. Let us do our part to make sure it happens sooner rather than later.Pakistan is a country of 180 million plus people with a large middle class . A country with diversity , pluralism , a mosaic of cultures , more than 10 languages and history dating back to 6,000 years . A country rich in mineral resources . Every element to become a great country .

The solutions to Pakistan’s problems are its people. There is no need to complain, cringe and blame others. Work towards ideas you believe in, support causes, start your own cause, involve your community or neighborhood, establish businesses, take action and engage others. There is a Jinnah, Edhi in each one of us. One hopes, that we, the individuals, realize our potential and importance. One hopes that we become the change that is needed in our society. And one hopes to succeed against all odds.In Pakistan we have a great country , a country blessed with uncountable gifts . We have every element to become a great country. We must focus on educating our huge young population , eagerly wanting to do something for their country , to make it a better place .Good education is present in almost all emerging democracies and we cannot be left behind . Let us all do our part to make this country a better place for our next generation .

We must follow our founder's teachings , it was our very ignorance that has led to our current situation . We must make a Pakistan , our founding fathers had long dreamed of strived and sacrificed for .

May god bless Pakistan .
You might be interested to know that I have spoken to an old BBC Urdu service member who interviewed Mujeeb. According to him he asked Mujeeb why he wanted to separate Pakistan. He denied it point blank. His so called Six point agenda was merely a starting point of negotiations. He would have been more than happy to negotiate for less. But the crux of this was negotiations. later on I heard from a very senior strategist who hails from bangladesh that Mujeeb himself asked the Pakistani army to save him as he was being held hostage by the Mukti Bahini but the request was denied by the Army. If anyone is to blame it is that Haraamzada Bhutto and the Top command of the Army that led to this debacle. All they had to do was to send Noor khan as the Governor and he would have quietened things down in no time as he was well liked. But the Army had this chip on its shoulder as to how dare those Bangalis raised their voice against the authority from the Western Pakistan. If they had enforced democratic principles Mujeeb had to be the first PM of Pakistan. If Bhutto had the sense to bide his time Mujeeb would not have lasted long as he was never good in power but always good in the opposition. So in short on this score the people dealing out the death blow to the country were the very so called safe guarding entities with a haramzada. I am sorry for my words but I really mean them.
You might be interested to know that I have spoken to an old BBC Urdu service member who interviewed Mujeeb. According to him he asked Mujeeb why he wanted to separate Pakistan. He denied it point blank. His so called Six point agenda was merely a starting point of negotiations. He would have been more than happy to negotiate for less. But the crux of this was negotiations. later on I heard from a very senior strategist who hails from bangladesh that Mujeeb himself asked the Pakistani army to save him as he was being held hostage by the Mukti Bahini but the request was denied by the Army
Wow, what a shame, all that unnecessary bloodshed could have been avoided and we could have had Bangladesh as part of Pakistan, till today. Incompetence, enough said.
I am sorry for my words but I really mean them.
Pure emotions, i feel the same way.
Why can't a decent visionary men like you or me become a PM of this country, country has so much potential, just that no one is willing to harness this potential.
Wow, what a shame, all that unnecessary bloodshed could have been avoided and we could have had Bangladesh as part of Pakistan, till today. Incompetence, enough said.

Pure emotions, i feel the same way.
Why can't a decent visionary men like you or me become a PM of this country, country has so much potential, just that no one is willing to harness this potential.
You and I will be DONE IN in no time although I owuld not mind that at all!!!. There are so many open mouths that need to be shut before we can start operating as a nation. Look at what has happened on our political landscape. People are idolizing people who are screwing them left right and centre. First it was Bhutto, then Benazir, then Noora brothers, then Altaf Bhai, then Imran khan. This is one of the main reason why people are being misled again and again. Elitism at every level. whosoever becomes an elite is above the law and everything else(Creation of Ilah). Guess what!!!!they end up screwing the very people who brought them into power. Till such time that we stop idolizing people we will end up with the same outcome. Same is the case with the Army. They are very much part of this society. the only difference is that they are a bit more organized. So when they loot there is a bit more sophistication about it, but the end result is the same. Yet insult a general and you will get beaten up black and blue inspite of the fact that you are right.
When a friend of mine who was sent back from office was asked to report back to the AFas he refused to carry out the orders which would have harmed the Force, his Senior said, Why did you not accept and take up the offer, we would all have eaten out of it. Well this is Pakistan in a nutshell.
This nation is not ready for honesty yet, it will not get an honest leader. Till such time that the people themselves take it upon themselves to look down on their conscience and stop doing the Haraam that they are doing, they will be led by one after the other from amongst the haraam khors.
We need national awakening and for that we need a direction. I know of no direction better than the direction leading to Allah SWT and his Rasool SAW. Follow it to the letter and reap the rewards. Wear away from it and see the chaos.If you look at what is going on the only way of stopping it all and separating the chaff from the grain is to install islamic system based on the true unsderstanding of Quran and Sunnah. All the pseudo Mullah and Jehadis will have to either stop or be singled out . They lose the very reason the very excuse for which they are fighting. if they continue they lose the popular support which they have for allegedly claiming to want to follow Islam. There is no other way out. "Verily for Allah the only Deen(the way/ the road/ the system) is Islam and if you follow anything else it will never be accepted from you". Look at this verse from the Quran and look at your state and the national heresy and gross neglect that we as a nation have carried out. Is it any surprise we have ended up where we have?
I cant remember the exact Ayat as I am typing out of memory and may Allah forgive me if i am wrong but the context of it was that if you give up the deen of Allah SWT, He will instill fear , disunity and bloodshed amongst you ( I really need to find the exact Ayah!!!). Subhan Allah, look at us and our state. We are afraid of stepping out of our houses inspite of not being in a state of war, there is gross disunity and bloodshed where we don't even know why people are being killed. And yet we go on seeking solutions and cure from the very people (ie committing shirk by thinking these people will cure all the ills amongst us) who are as incapable as us rather than reverting back to the One SWT who has already shown us the way.
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Wow, what a shame, all that unnecessary bloodshed could have been avoided and we could have had Bangladesh as part of Pakistan, till today. Incompetence, enough said.

Pure emotions, i feel the same way.
Why can't a decent visionary men like you or me become a PM of this country, country has so much potential, just that no one is willing to harness this potential.


There was no treason to keep Bangladesh as part of Pakistan-----. The purpose of joining at birth was Partition---once that purpose was achieved----both could have separated amicably anytime.

It is just like 2 adult brothers---they both got their own house to look after---. So why let one rule the other---.

The distance of 1000 miles between the two was too much to be kept as one.
Actually, it was the Punjabi elite politicians that laid the foundations for that back in the early 50s. Not to mention it was our dear premier crying "Jaag Punjabi Jaag" back in his early IJI and PMLN days. The problem is nasal parasti, because every nasal thinks they are the only ones who did anything for this country and the rest are free loaders. What happens in that case is what happens to all nations carrying that mentality.. they break apart.. and then become better nations sometimes. Pakistan will take that course with that thought process.

That is not the root cause Oscar.

"Every nation thinking that they are the only ones who did any thing for Pakistan " is a symptom event.

They think like this because .... ( the root cause ).

It could be because the local politicians distort facts whilst telling them ( recently we have seen PML, Mqm, PPP do it ).
It could be because of the feudal system, which carried on from before partition to now.

There was no treason to keep Bangladesh as part of Pakistan-----. The purpose of joining at birth was Partition---once that purpose was achieved----both could have separated amicably anytime.

It is just like 2 adult brothers---they both got their own house to look after---. So why let one rule the other---.

The distance of 1000 miles between the two was too much to be kept as one.
Poor excuse, considering if both parts remained as one and had separate govt. You can guess the advantages, economic and other fields too.

There was no treason to keep Bangladesh as part of Pakistan-----. The purpose of joining at birth was Partition---once that purpose was achieved----both could have separated amicably anytime.

It is just like 2 adult brothers---they both got their own house to look after---. So why let one rule the other---.

The distance of 1000 miles between the two was too much to be kept as one.
Absolutely true. We needed a loose confederacy with independance in rule for both the regions. We could have had joint foreign policy and defence. But the problem as always is petty politics. If you read Shahab Nama you will find people bickering about supplying toilets to the Bengal side. How much more petty can you get. The fear expressed of Mujeeb waz that he will take the Army HQ and NHQ to Dhacca. Even if he would have done so what calamity would that have brought forth. We intentionally kept the height of induction in the Army well above the average height of people of Bengal to keep them out of Army. The list goes on and on. The inference is malignant disregard for the people of Bengal.
Poor excuse, considering if both parts remained as one and had separate govt. You can guess the advantages, economic and other fields too.


There were advantages----distance, language, phisycal stature, issues over distribution of funds-----.

Would be more powerful and more forceful if had separated earlier without a fight.

It is unity in diversity---they have their identity---they have their resource---we have our identity---we have our resource---.

There is an old saying---If you love someone---set them free----.
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There was no treason to keep Bangladesh as part of Pakistan-----. The purpose of joining at birth was Partition---once that purpose was achieved----both could have separated amicably anytime.

It is just like 2 adult brothers---they both got their own house to look after---. So why let one rule the other---.

The distance of 1000 miles between the two was too much to be kept as one.

The biggest disaster of our history that even now haunts us even now could have been spared in 1948 by saying "Allah Hafiz" and walking away after a good hug .....

What did the person who came up with the idea of Pakistan the great Sir Allama Iqbal say in 1930?

“ India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages, and professing different religions [...] Personally, I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India. ”

He said that in 1930. Reality check 2015. What is our present destiny? Punjab,NWFP,Sindh and Balochistan?

Allahabad Address - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 28 January 1933, Ali voiced the idea in a pamphlet titled "Now or Never; Are We to Live or Perish Forever?".[7] The word 'Pakstan' referred to "the five Northern units of India, viz. : Punjab, North-West Frontier Province (Afghan Province), Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan""

Choudhry Rahmat Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"That geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions which should be constituted, with such territorial readjustments as may be necessary that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in a majority as in the North Western (1) and Eastern Zones (2) of (British) India should be grouped to constitute 'independant states' in which the constituent units should be autonomous and sovereign".

Lahore Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note it says North Western (1) that is Pakistan and North Eastern (2) Bangladesh today furthermore it says "states" which is plural and not singular contradicting the 1947 events.
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It is economics. Many countries with theocracy, military dictatorships, a single predominant faith etc. have prospered - but in no country has this created a cocktail of havoc as it has in Pakistan.

When India - Pak became independent, both countries had almost 0 industries barring a few cloths mills in Bombay and jute mills in Calcutta. But instead of building industries which would aid self-sufficiency and promoting education at every level Pakistan just continued to rely on cold war American carrots which made their upper echelon rich but did not cut across all sections of society.
It is economics. Many countries with theocracy, military dictatorships, a single predominant faith etc. have prospered - but in no country has this created a cocktail of havoc as it has in Pakistan.

When India - Pak became independent, both countries had almost 0 industries barring a few cloths mills in Bombay and jute mills in Calcutta. But instead of building industries which would aid self-sufficiency and promoting education at every level Pakistan just continued to rely on cold war American carrots which made their upper echelon rich but did not cut across all sections of society.

Why oh why do we get Indian's coming here and talking from a pedestal as if India is some utopia in Scandanavia? The truth is India got the lionshare of industrial assets ( such as existed ) for example TATA steel and iron industry in Jamshedpur, most of banking/service industry ( Bombay) most of the administrative machine ( New Delhi) and we did not even have office chairs in 1947. We are also placec in a more challenging geopolitical arena like being next to Central Asia which over history was source of thunder and lightening.

However where so we stand today? There is not lot to separate Pakistan from India other then some examples that can be described as "fruits of being large" That is aggregate of 1,300 million. On the ground the Indian economy has been very successful in bringing fruits to the ordinary people unlike in Pakistan where our ordinary people are lagging ( hint, hint ) because elite took all the money.

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph

So please concentrate on India and don't worry about us. Spare your thoughts on the starving of India.
Why oh why do we get Indian's coming here and talking from a pedestal as if India is some utopia in Scandanavia? The truth is India got the lionshare of industrial assets ( such as existed ) for example TATA steel and iron industry in Jamshedpur, most of banking/service industry ( Bombay) most of the administrative machine ( New Delhi) and we did not even have office chairs in 1947. We are also placec in a more challenging geopolitical arena like being next to Central Asia which over history was source of thunder and lightening.

However where so we stand today? There is not lot to separate Pakistan from India other then some examples that can be described as "fruits of being large" That is aggregate of 1,300 million. On the ground the Indian economy has been very successful in bringing fruits to the ordinary people unlike in Pakistan where our ordinary people are lagging ( hint, hint ) because elite took all the money.

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph

So please concentrate on India and don't worry about us. Spare your thoughts on the starving of India.

Actually, my point was in good faith. Unlike other Indians here - I am not shy of highlighting India's ills. I am usually abused by Indians here more than I am by Pakistanis. India has failed on many counts. To me a measure of a nation's success has never been nuclear arsenals or tanks. It has been the quality of life - and I have no qualms in admitting that India has failed spectacularly in that regard. As has Pakistan. And pretty much all of South Asia. Why deny it?

Good leadership is key to growth. China has been lucky since the 1980s - they have had some extremely intelligent and astute leaders. But their system is a double edged sword - what if they appoint another guy with a "Great Leap Forward" idea?

India has had better leadership than Pakistan - that is the only reason why it is ahead. But in the 1960s, under Ayub, Pakistan was doing better.

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